View Full Version : This forum's youth

07-08-06, 09:29 PM

I found this forum through a search in google. Imagine my surprise when I found some of the discussions taking place here in a forum meant for children! I see people simulating violence, acts of sex, and all varieties of perversion. I, for one, would sincerely hope that my child would never find such a place like this.

But perhaps the most disturbing of what I found is how you folks talk about homosexuality. Romans I, Leviticus 18: 22, and 20: 13, and 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10 make it very clear our Lord's position on sodomites. You are gleefully embrace what God has condemned, and are peddling it to children, no less. Such shameful acts do not escape Christ's eyes.

I encourage and implore the youth here to turn away from Satan's message that comes loud and clear from this forum. Join a forum like that at Anointed Youth http://forum.anointedyouth.org/, Evangelyouth http://www.evangelyouth.org/, or Christian Youth Forum http://www.christianyouthforum.com/ and help learn and spread our Father's love. Here is a huge list of wholesome communities to join and growing spiritually at the same time: http://www.google.com/Top/Kids_and_Teens/Computers/Chats_and_Forums/Christian/. I want to leave you with some inspirational post a youth made on one of these forums:

"I used to be gay. I know that comes as a shock to many of you, but it is true. But one day I decided to stop betraying Jesus and to pray for the strength to return to His light. I am proud now to say that God helped me to see that I had made the wrong choice in life. You, too, can be strong enough to overcome homosexuality if you ask for God's help. I can now lead a normal life away from the drugs, sex, and AIDS that plagues the homosexual lifestyle and all it took was a little faith."

07-08-06, 09:36 PM
Petergoers if you don't mind me asking you're not the same guy as Reverand Jeff? Because a similiar moron started preaching anti gay, hail christianity type bullshit as well though I'll admit you post was not as obnoxious. Just a word of warning we've got one gay mod and I think a gay admin so this thread will not go over well. Also we have several non-christians on this board (including myself) many of which are quite prominant around these parts, so this type of thread isn't going to go well.

Links to reverand Jeff and his bullshit thread will be posted soon assuming the mods haven't moved that crap to the pitt.

07-08-06, 09:40 PM
I predict a swift kick in the proverbial butt that will send this thread into The Pit soon.

07-08-06, 09:40 PM
I like your avatar.

07-08-06, 09:56 PM
Hey, you guys do realize that this guy, along with Reverend Jeff, is not really serious, right?

07-08-06, 09:58 PM
Actually Santh I think he's for real. Godhand said it best in ReverendJeff's thread, as hard as it is to come to terms with the fact that we share a gene with guys like this and old Jeffyboy, it's unfortunately true. Also I've met people like this in real life so it wouldn't surprise me if this guy is for real.

07-08-06, 10:00 PM
Actually Santh I think he's for real. Godhand said it best in ReverendJeff's thread, as hard as it is to come to terms with the fact that we share a gene with guys like this and old Jeffyboy, it's unfortunately true. Also I've met people like this in real life so it wouldn't surprise me if this guy is for real.

Really? Then care to speculate which term in "Google" he used to find us? ;)

Horizon's End
07-08-06, 10:00 PM
But why? Don't you all want to be led into God's light? Remember kids, he quoted the Bible which can't be wrong therefore please go read Deutronomy 13 and kill any member of your family if they ask you to change religions or destroy an entire city if a man within it preaches another faith. *nod, nod*

Also, for humanity's sake please don't think he's serious.

Cyrus the virus
07-08-06, 10:00 PM
Golly peter! Where is all this violence you speak of!? I've just been here so long and have yet to see such graphic displays of horror which you describe!

Hey, also, it's good to know that drugs and sex do not effect me because I'm a heterosexual. Thank you for this insight!!

07-08-06, 10:05 PM
Really? Then care to speculate which term in "Google" he used to find us? ;)

Good point, since all the old thread discussing religion heavily that might have been linked in a google search of the words "god" or "bible" or some other such things were lost in the last crash. You win this round but I shall return batma...Santhalas.

07-08-06, 10:09 PM
Um, we do mention homosexuallity....Alot...Maybe that attracted him. Like a shark to blood.

Cyrus the virus
07-08-06, 10:10 PM
Or a man to a well-lubed anus. I know I can't resist one!

07-08-06, 10:10 PM
I agree. All fags should be burnt at the steak.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
07-08-06, 10:11 PM
Or all Faqs. Wait... don't burn our FAQs!

07-08-06, 10:11 PM
I do not appreciate such juvenile tactics, especially from an administrator of this board, no less. It is clear why such sin is welcome here.

grim137: I am very used to facing criticism for what I preach. Jesus, too, was persecuted in his time for teaching the truth to His children. I am by no means comparing myself to Christ, but am merely stating from where I get my resolve. Jesus would not have given up helping His lambs, and so neither will I give up. The criticism or mockery does not deter me but only represents another hurdle God has made for me.

Horizon's End: A lot of what you refer to relies on antequated passages from the Old Testiment. Only Jews and Arabs still believe in these archiac forms of violence. When Christ came, he gave us new law to live by. However, New Testiment books as well as sermons conducted by Jesus deciples themselves all reaffirm that which was said about homosexuality: it is a sin for a man to lie with another man.

Cyrus the Virus: Of course drugs and diseases affect heterosexuals too, but not in the same numbers that they do homosexuals. Homosexuals are doomed to a life of depression and hopelessness and turn to drugs and sex to rid themselves of the pain of lacking God's light. Because of this promiscuous lifestyle, most homosexuals end up dying from AIDS, drug overdoses, or other diseases. In fact, did you know that some of these God-hating creatures actively attempt to catch the AIDS virus? And then they infect others. AIDS used to affect homosexuals only, but they spread it to the heterosexuals in hopes that we would work harder to try to find a cure for their disease. And yet, it is still killing them off in mass numbers because we refuse to succumb to their agenda. Protect yourself, Cyrus the Virus, and make good choices and you won't have anything to fear.

Serilliant: I know you think it's funny to change my picture, but please do not do it. My message is not adulterated by your antics and what you do only serves to make you seem more foolish.

07-08-06, 10:11 PM
But then who will give you a blowjob, my honored Prince? It's not like women find you attractive.

Edit: And saying AIDs started with homosexuals means that there is homosexuality in apes. Look it up, because trusting gos in science prevented people from seeing the World revolved around the sun.

07-08-06, 10:11 PM
Good point, since all the old thread discussing religion heavily that might have been linked in a google search of the words "god" or "bible" or some other such things were lost in the last crash. You win this round but I shall return batma...Santhalas.

Yeah, there's only a handful of searches that I know of that do NOT include the word "Althanas" in them but would lead you here. Because none of those even remotely involve the subject matter in this thread, you'd have to have heard of this forum before in some other context before you came here.

So I'm guessing, and am pretty certain, that this is either a former member of this site that hasn't re-registered since we moved to the new server, or it's someone from AllRPG having a little bit of fun.

07-08-06, 10:15 PM
If I have sex with a donkey, is that against God too?

Xanith Trailweaver
07-08-06, 10:16 PM
Hey peter, I'm a Christian too, buddy. What area are you from and what denomination?

Cyrus the virus
07-08-06, 10:16 PM
You're making the sad assumption that we want your help :( You're a bad Evangelist. An experienced one would know that preaching negativity isn't how you reach out to people.

Thus I conclude the following...

You like balls.

07-08-06, 10:16 PM
If I have sex with a donkey, is that against God too?

Hey, Don't insult me like that!. Our sex was magical and animalistic, jerk.

07-08-06, 10:19 PM
Cyrus the Virus to rid themselves of the pain of lacking God's light.

I have to give this guy cridit, he hasn't gone into the fire and brimstone speach quite yet which seems to be a favorite thing to do among religious zealots. That being said...

So its because of God's light that they do that stuff. Wow and here I thought it was because of an intense amount of prejudice against them and the fact that many people abuse them both verbally and physically merely because they're gay, particularly in more religious oriented communities. Wow that was a real eye opener. :rolleyes: I guess all people who can't see God's light are doomed right. So does that mean I will turn to this kind of stuff since I'm a realitivily hardcore athiest and therfore can't see gods light? I'm sorry I've heard some stupid stuff from Christians before (like that fact that I'm going to hell because I used to play Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh) but that ranks right up there.

Cyrus the virus
07-08-06, 10:22 PM
To be fair, you've shown a lot of prejudice towards people who believe in things you find ridiculous, Grimmy :p Not like this guy does, of course, but whatever.

Also, Petes... Being gay is a sin. So is lying. So is jerkin' your meat. Know what the solution to all of these things is? I do! You do too. So stop pretending to be sinless. Preach to everyone, not a particular group of people you don't find attractive, or whatever you're doing.

07-08-06, 10:26 PM
To be fair, you've shown a lot of prejudice towards people who believe in things you find ridiculous, Grimmy :p Not like this guy does, of course, but whatever.

I know, and despite all contrary beliefs I do respect peoples christian beliefs and all, its just stuff like what I just mentioned makes it really hard sometimes so I use the internet (read: the OOC forums on this site) to vent off what ever random, rediciulous, maniacal crap that comes to my mind. Think of me as a modern day Serilliant.

07-08-06, 10:28 PM
I have spoken! Cease this nonsense and get some lesbian sex done!

07-08-06, 10:29 PM
Okay, guys, let's be fair. Joke or not, ignorant or not, bigot or not, anyone still has equal rights to post on this forum as you do. If you are going to respond, please do so intelligently and within the confines of our forum's rules. Many people believe in the same way that peterogers does, so there may be others on the forum that you are unknowingly insulting with your comments.

Please, let's remain civil and discuss intelligently if you wish to discuss anything at all. Otherwise, let this thread die from inactivity.

Cyrus the virus
07-08-06, 10:29 PM
You didn't speak before you said you'd spoken!



EDIT: Er... Embarassing. Heh. Peter, you've got the wrong approach. Take it from a non-idiot Christian.

07-08-06, 10:36 PM
Cyrus the Virus: Of course drugs and diseases affect heterosexuals too, but not in the same numbers that they do homosexuals. Homosexuals are doomed to a life of depression and hopelessness and turn to drugs and sex to rid themselves of the pain of lacking God's light. Because of this promiscuous lifestyle, most homosexuals end up dying from AIDS, drug overdoses, or other diseases. In fact, did you know that some of these God-hating creatures actively attempt to catch the AIDS virus? And then they infect others. AIDS used to affect homosexuals only, but they spread it to the heterosexuals in hopes that we would work harder to try to find a cure for their disease. And yet, it is still killing them off in mass numbers because we refuse to succumb to their agenda. Protect yourself, Cyrus the Virus, and make good choices and you won't have anything to fear.

Yeah AIDS used to be called GRID, Gay Related Illness Disease, until they realized not just gays had it. Also you mean to tell me all those people in africa with AIDS are gay Peter? I seriously doubt you asked each and everyone over there.

Furthermore the practice of Homosexuality that was condemned in the new testament is benefited by a more accurate title of pedophilia. Roman soldiers used to take young boys as lovers, a commonly accepted practice at the time. Since there was no term for pedophilia he preached against Homosexuality. He was in truth referencing this sick and demented act.

SO please, if you are going to preach research things fully before you attempt to state facts, half the truth is worse than a lie.

07-08-06, 10:36 PM
Okay, guys, let's be fair. Joke or not, ignorant or not, bigot or not, anyone still has equal rights to post on this forum as you do. If you are going to respond, please do so intelligently and within the confines of our forum's rules. Many people believe in the same way that peterogers does, so there may be others on the forum that you are unknowingly insulting with your comments.

Please, let's remain civil and discuss intelligently if you wish to discuss anything at all. Otherwise, let this thread die from inactivity.

Why don't we just toss it away right now? Anyone care to see this thread die?

07-08-06, 10:53 PM
Aye! Make it walk the plank!

...yeah, I just got back from Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Don't mind me. >.>

07-08-06, 10:55 PM
Wow. It's like a regular pulpit poundin' in here!

07-08-06, 10:57 PM
He's not serious. I know who this is.

Mr. Boys-kissing-boys... ;)

Come on people, just read the title of the thread: "guess which former member is playing a trick on us"

Max Dirks
07-08-06, 11:06 PM
This is ridiculous. Serilliant, please change that guys avatar back.


07-08-06, 11:09 PM
I've not heard of that. It's terribly difficult for me to debate homosexuality on biblical grounds as I don't have a lot of ammunition to counter most contentions. Could you provide some documentation on that for me?

Lavinian Pride
07-08-06, 11:54 PM
Just my luck.

Religious tolerance.org comes to the rescue, Boy sex slaves near the bottom.


Twas a common practice of Roman Soldiers.

07-09-06, 12:14 AM
Y'know, Diss, theres an old history joke to go with Alexander the Great's army and how they dealt with relationship mid-conquest:

How do you seperate the boys from the men in Alexander's Army?

The Answer?

With a crowbar.


07-09-06, 12:26 AM
Personally I don't think that this peterogers has any right to suddenly come here and start preaching to us.

I think you have to realize that this is a roleplaying board, and is not to be taken as reality. If you choose to go around and make the same comments to all the authors of romance books and stories that have parts of violence and sex, then that is your choice. I however, don't see a point to it.

Because if you chose to speak negatively about those books, then you might as well add the Bible to your list as well. Murder, rape, adultery, incest, homosexuality and war are all in the Bible as well. I don't mean to make this sound as if I'm bashing the bible. I'm not, as a christian I do believe most of what the bible talks about.

I just think that you are wasting your time peterogers. While you're intentions are good and suit your beliefs. This is a roleplaying site, and it is really just a game in the end.

Let the writers here write about their character's experiences the way they want to. Just as any artists would paint and any singer would sing they way they would want to as well.

Horizon's End
07-09-06, 12:37 AM
Hey, Zerith, man, relax. He's messing with us, this kind of attention is what he's out to get. He's obviously being disruptive but he overdid it with his response, they're too stock bible-thumper. I would expect some divergence from the stock answers, some heat if he believed it but it's obviously fake. Now let's put the thread to sleep by letting it slip to the hells of oblivion. Also, I don't think it's that easy to decipher whether the Bible does or does not condem homosexuality; too many translations and interpretations stand in the way of its unadulterable truths and what nots. Personally I'd say it does but I can't argue for my reason too thoroughly since it's not first hand, it boils down to me trusting my instincts in deciphering public opinion and arguements for and against. The way I see it homosexuality has been historically persecuted and is contested in many religions so it makes sense to be included in the book's don'ts, it seems to me the reinterpreting is wishful thinking, then again, so is a lot of modern theological thought. I'll leave at the fact that you can get whatever you want out of the bible since by believing in it you can't believe in it's entirety (see, Internal Contradictions) meaning you can interpret it as you wish, really, and at heart. Hm... this isn't helping this attempt at faux-conversion die.

07-09-06, 02:26 AM
Everyone that saw my posts in the last big homosexuality "debate" knows my stance on the issue, so I won't get into that, but you, Mr. Peterogers, are being really pointless.

Imagine my surprise when I found some of the discussions taking place here in a forum meant for children! I see people simulating violence, acts of sex, and all varieties of perversion. I, for one, would sincerely hope that my child would never find such a place like this.

Actually, to my knowledge, this forum is intended as basically a writer’s workshop. Children under 13 must get parental permission to become a member and to be able to post. This, along with having been here for a couple years now, (wow...didn’t realize that till just now, I been here a little over 2 years...) tells me that most, if not all of our regular members, are teenagers, not children.

The stuff that you are referring to here as being so disgusting and sinful can be found ten-fold by Google. I know from having tested it myself and watched others playing videogames that are far and above more violent than anything you may have read on this forum.

I know we’re supposed to be just letting this die, but I just wanted to throw my $0.02 in as well. Oh and since we’re not supposed to advertise other sites shouldn’t that first post with links in it be editted?

Damion Shargath
07-09-06, 06:53 PM

I found this forum through a search in google. Imagine my surprise when I found some of the discussions taking place here in a forum meant for children! I see people simulating violence, acts of sex, and all varieties of perversion. I, for one, would sincerely hope that my child would never find such a place like this.

But perhaps the most dist....yadda yadda bla and so on back and forth

Cry...me...a...river. Todays (other) media is not the slightest bit different, the best example posing to be television.

Mh...I could go on and on, write at least two pages...but I can't be bothered to discuss about this with such a narrow-minded object as you seem to be one.

Sheesh, go blame all the crap that plagues this very planet on everything "not normal", homosexuals, degenerates, disabled people. Way to go there man...

You know, how "god moves in mysterious ways" - I suppose you believe in fate, and god giving you a predestined path? - at least it seems like it. God controls all the action around here? Well...it's his fault then, don't come here complaining about us.

Oh...oh...wait. Nearly forgot something. So we're bad sinners around here, technically everyone is a sinner from birth onwards (Emil Brunner, Theologian) ergo you too...and whoever else you can think of. Anyhow, I'll skip the story - you can read all that by yourself (Ger: Religiöse Moral als Alternative zum ethischen Nihilismus) - bottom line: christianity is quite the hostile (concerning life) religion, the way you're putting things...fucking extremist...

Might also want to check into Sokrates' dialogue with Eutyphron after going through the text above, and possibly a text of Thiry d'Holbach, (Ger: Religion als Ursache moralischer Perversion - Religion as the cause of moral perversion). That's a whole other story though, then again, this does somewhat concern who determines what is morally arguable/passable.

Then we've got the other things going on around here, as even this site is affected by it as far as I know, the glorious right of "Freedom of Speech" to a certain extent.

I can't resist...my bottom line: Piss off, fuckface. People like you ridicule the things that some others may believe in. You're a disgrace.

07-09-06, 07:30 PM
Ah... Bible dumpers... :)

I <3 cock.

07-09-06, 07:33 PM
Don't we all Nwara, don't we all...

07-09-06, 07:58 PM
"I used to be gay. I know that comes as a shock to many of you, but it is true. But one day I decided to stop betraying Jesus and to pray for the strength to return to His light. I am proud now to say that God helped me to see that I had made the wrong choice in life. You, too, can be strong enough to overcome homosexuality if you ask for God's help. I can now lead a normal life away from the drugs, sex, and AIDS that plagues the homosexual lifestyle and all it took was a little faith."

This is about the rest of your thread...Even though some of us have the same beliefs...in my country we have freedom of speech so let me just say this.

#1: Has it ever occured to you that not every one here has the same beliefs as you? And if so, those are your beliefs and maybe not mine or maybe half of this website. But you have your rights so you can talk about them.

#2(this is part of my own opinion): I dont care whether this site expresses homosexuality and all that stuff because I dont give a damn. If they want to express homosexuality and harsh violence, then let them its not my problem, and I don't have a problem with it even if it was.

#3: That part about the youth to leave this site? Yeah. I'm 13, and if god forgives all, then he would forgive me. I'm not that religious so that adds to it. And just because I'm young does not mean I cannot be mature. It also does not mean I'll start acting all goofy and crap.

#4: Exactly what did you type in google to find us? Do you do this to every site you see that has something to do with it?

#5: If you havent noticed were a role playing site or whatever others say it is. you sure you didn't look at those threads?

#6(opinion): If you just came here to say that...then leave. If not, fine by me.

#7(Again from my opinion): Must you really make this site seem so....bad?


And now for that quote.....(This is from my childlike self because if I dont let him speak I'll become to serious in life.)

If you USED to be homosexual then whhats with the Avatar?Hmm?

07-09-06, 08:07 PM
If you USED to be homosexual then whhats with the Avatar?Hmm?

Serilliant changed it to make fun of this guy. Also if this guy used to be gay then I used to be the lord high ruler of Canada.

07-09-06, 08:14 PM
be careful what you say. It might just happen

Torin Reahkari
07-09-06, 09:31 PM
Haha, homophobes make me laugh.

I'm only going to say one thing because as this thread has to do with religion, eventually it'll turn into a flame war, and get closed.


There are too many depictions of the Bible to actually know which is the right one anymore, as well as the fact that (yes, I have read it) the Bible was written (obviously) with literal, metaphorical, and comparable meanings. Not everything in there was supposed to be acted upon the same way it's written. Also, it has been found throughout history, there have been many little quirks added to the supposed Book of Truth by man, to further the stranglehold Christianity used to have on the world.

I'm zig-zagging here and I know it, so I'm just going to end with, part of being a Christian is not slamming your religion down everyone elses throat and condemning people without giving them a chance.

Maybe you should try it sometime.

07-09-06, 10:10 PM
*claps for Torin*

Couldn't have said it any better!

07-10-06, 12:38 AM
Of course drugs and diseases affect heterosexuals too, but not in the same numbers that they do homosexuals. Homosexuals are doomed to a life of depression and hopelessness and turn to drugs and sex to rid themselves of the pain of lacking God's light. Because of this promiscuous lifestyle, most homosexuals end up dying from AIDS, drug overdoses, or other diseases. In fact, did you know that some of these God-hating creatures actively attempt to catch the AIDS virus? And then they infect others. AIDS used to affect homosexuals only, but they spread it to the heterosexuals in hopes that we would work harder to try to find a cure for their disease. And yet, it is still killing them off in mass numbers because we refuse to succumb to their agenda. Protect yourself, Cyrus the Virus, and make good choices and you won't have anything to fear.

Oh wow.

OH wow. "Make good choices..."

OH wow.

Try getting cancer, mate. Sometimes shit just happens, and happens entirely unrelated to the crusade you're on. If your aim is as true as you say, I can tell you one thing: the distance to your target is a hell of a lot farther away than you think. With ignorance like that on your side, suggesting for a moment that disease is more rife within the homosexual community than it is with everyone else on a planet... where, yes, where there are things called communicable diseases that ... hm... everyone can get, not at all to take into account issues of heredity or even radiation from living in areas historically downwind of nuclear testing sites (look it up, baby), you are doing your cause absolutely no justice. If I wasn't a Christian already, I sure as hell wouldn't want to be with your two-bit, band-aid and make it all better sermon.

I have had an uncountable number of diseases in my life. Serious ones, including physical ailments not attributed to "germs." That's why my immune system is as solid as it is right now. What the hell does that have to do with my sexuality? Nothing. Why? Because I was concieved while my mother was on the pill. Believe it or not, that can mess a kid up inside the womb.

Looks like your typical "sex" ain't all grand either, unless you're about to go on a crusade against birth control too (why not overpopulate the planet. We don't need to fret. Those glaciers ain't going nowhere). As a straight man to someone... I'd imagine is straight too, get some better rhetoric.

07-10-06, 01:06 AM

07-10-06, 02:04 AM
Ya'know, I'm going to be frank.

Very frank, and honest.

Why? Cause I'm an honest person. And this is where my honesty and frank, opinion, lays.

I've always wanted to take a bible and burn it. Just to see what kind of reaction I would get from the public.

On a lesser, but probably just as serious note, I'd like to say this:

I don't like gays. I don't like lesbians. I don't like anti-gays. I don't like pro-gays.

Why? Well, let me see...

Gays: It's against a biological order that I uphold with more respect and belief than religion. That, and I'm a guy and I hate when other guy's (gays) flirt with me. Hate it! With a strange black passion.

Lesbians: One, their stuck up. At least, all of the four or five that I've met.* And at least one of them always tries to look like a guy, and rarely ever pulls it off! Discusting and very agrivating when they try to speak in a masculan voice.

Anti-Gays: You guys take it too far. Way too far. And it all starts with the fucking bible, His fucking word, and His fucking path to self-rightousness and bullshit like that. (I appologize to any and all religious groups of this forum, that's just the way I feel.)

Pro-Gays: You guys are just as bad as the Gays, in my opinion. As well as the Anit-Gays. In fact, I'd have to say your the worst of the four. You know why? Because if you're Pro-Gay, chances are - and I'm throwing a big guess out here (do not quote me on this) 50 to 75 percent of you people, AREN'T EVEN GAY! So you all just need to shut the hell up, get with the "Gay" program, or just leave it the hell alone!


That's my bit.

Carry on.


* NOTE:: All of the said blurbs about the four groups of people, are based of no statistics, no facts and only personal experience. Which I might add, isn't a whole lot. Only enough really to write what I just wrote, and possibly just that. Thank you.

Vampiric Angel
07-10-06, 02:22 AM
You know Komosatuo, that entire post was one big contradiction. So Congrats! You get to be a retard for the next week. ::hands helmet:: Enjoy.

Teutonic Knight
07-10-06, 02:26 AM
well im sorry but Komosatuo I know you said you appologize to any and all religious groups of this forum but saying stuff like wanting to burn the bible and such is not really apperciated by me. His fucking path to self-rightousness, his fucking word is what I'am on this fucking earth for although you may think otherwise. I'am not here to convert and I'am no evangelist but you have taken your bit to far.

Lavinian Pride
07-10-06, 03:30 AM
Ya'know, I'm going to be frank.

Very frank, and honest.

Why? Cause I'm an honest person. And this is where my honesty and frank, opinion, lays.

Honesty is in the eye of the beholder, and honesty implies your words hold truth.

I've always wanted to take a bible and burn it. Just to see what kind of reaction I would get from the public.

Its called freedom of expression, just don't expect a good reaction.

On a lesser, but probably just as serious note, I'd like to say this:

I don't like gays. I don't like lesbians. I don't like anti-gays. I don't like pro-gays.

Why? Well, let me see...

Gays: It's against a biological order that I uphold with more respect and belief than religion. That, and I'm a guy and I hate when other guy's (gays) flirt with me. Hate it! With a strange black passion.

At least you admit you're prejudiced. Just because it goes against "natural order" doesn't mean that we have to hate them for it. Did you know inventing technology "goes against natural order" that our very civilization "goes against natural order"? "Natural order" as you so kindly are talking about is that we eat, we breed, we die. We do nothing but that, and genetics help the smarter ones survive. So, if you hate Gays, you must really hate the world we live in.

Lesbians: One, their stuck up. At least, all of the four or five that I've met.* And at least one of them always tries to look like a guy, and rarely ever pulls it off! Discusting and very agrivating when they try to speak in a masculan voice.

Please, don't ever say a sample group of five lesbians constitutes the whole. Its people like you that make me get a headache everytime someone walks by my store and goes "oh look, its a nerd store" or even worse, the idiots that call and are surprised to find "we don't carry video games".

Anti-Gays: You guys take it too far. Way too far. And it all starts with the fucking bible, His fucking word, and His fucking path to self-rightousness and bullshit like that. (I appologize to any and all religious groups of this forum, that's just the way I feel.)

Yeah, denying people their humane rights is taking it too far, at least you are saying some truth. Keep going man, might make a few friends there.

Pro-Gays: You guys are just as bad as the Gays, in my opinion. As well as the Anit-Gays. In fact, I'd have to say your the worst of the four. You know why? Because if you're Pro-Gay, chances are - and I'm throwing a big guess out here (do not quote me on this) 50 to 75 percent of you people, AREN'T EVEN GAY! So you all just need to shut the hell up, get with the "Gay" program, or just leave it the hell alone!

Get with the "gay" program? So now its a huge gay conspiracy? Wow, you're more paranoid than I thought. I didn't know fighting for the civil rights granted to us under the constitution of the United States of America being denied to fellow americans is "getting with the gay program".

There is an old quote that goes:

"When they came for the gypsies I wasn't a gypsy so I didn't speak out.

When they came for the homosexuals, I wasn't a homosexual so I didn't speak out.

When they came for the political activists, I wasn't a political activist, so I didn't speak out.

When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out."

So, maybe you should "get with the program" and be careful about what you say. Alot of that was just plain ignorance.

Damion Shargath
07-10-06, 04:15 AM
Well...I see that this thread is beginning to raise bad blood amongst some members, thus I reckon we just drop this subject now - what had to be said has been said, good enough. Possibly that's the strange man's aim ;).

07-10-06, 05:43 AM
I've always wanted to take a bible and burn it. Just to see what kind of reaction I would get from the public.
I've done it a few times. It's not that exciting. The thing just burned tame and yellow with a few orange spurts at the silver lining.

I don't like gays. I don't like lesbians. I don't like anti-gays. I don't like pro-gays.
That leaves completely impartial heterosexuals, I suppose. Good luck with the intense minority of the planet.

Gays: It's against a biological order that I uphold with more respect and belief than religion. That, and I'm a guy and I hate when other guy's (gays) flirt with me. Hate it! With a strange black passion.
I have to say, honestly, I don't think you're in danger of being flirted with by any guy. The prospect may scare you, but I'd put it aside.

Lesbians: One, their stuck up. At least, all of the four or five that I've met.* And at least one of them always tries to look like a guy, and rarely ever pulls it off! Discusting and very agrivating when they try to speak in a masculan voice.
Who decided what is right and wrong according to gender? You?

Forgive me if I don't follow along to whatever rules you've set up in your totalitarian mind as to what a man and woman should be. I suppose you also dislike social subgroups with unusual dresscodes like goths and the like.

Also, if you're going to call someone disgusting, at least get the spelling right so you don't appear wholly devoid of intelligent thought.

Anti-Gays: You guys take it too far. Way too far. And it all starts with the fucking bible, His fucking word, and His fucking path to self-rightousness and bullshit like that. (I appologize to any and all religious groups of this forum, that's just the way I feel.)
Yeah... you go on about making enemies everywhere...

Pro-Gays: You guys are just as bad as the Gays, in my opinion. As well as the Anit-Gays. In fact, I'd have to say your the worst of the four. You know why? Because if you're Pro-Gay, chances are - and I'm throwing a big guess out here (do not quote me on this) 50 to 75 percent of you people, AREN'T EVEN GAY! So you all just need to shut the hell up, get with the "Gay" program, or just leave it the hell alone!
You have to be in a demographic to defend it? Your ideals could singlehandedly have held back black and female suffrage until they managed to become actual majorities in the population by some stroke of chance.

Christians may hold themselves to their code despite others' opinions, but you don't seem to have any code. You just blurt out whatever comes to mind, don't you?

Alright, that's all regarding Komosatuo, not the thread at large. Here's my opinion on the issue:

- Christianity was founded on the image of a great man. I love his ideals, for the most part. Unfortunately, Christians in general have become a group unto themselves with new rules that go against society's evolution. I'd be okay with a thought-out position on issues, but many just follow the beaten path without question.

- Sexual preference is as much an issue in the US now as black-white sexual preference was a hundred years ago. Christians found dozens of reasons for that to be against nature too. Now, no one cares. The laws were changed and since Christians' opinions weren't their own to begin with, they forgot about it.

- If I have sex with a woman who has AIDS, I'll get it. If a woman has sex with a woman who has AIDS, she gets it. Fuck if I see any preferential treatment there.

- A lot of anti-gay sentiment is fearful ignorance. Personally, I'm surrounded by homosexuals at the Rocky Horror Picture Show and they're just like straight people of that subgroup, except they like cock and vagina inversely.

- This thread was started as a joke. It unfolded very well. Kudos.

Storm Veritas
07-10-06, 06:00 AM
- This thread was started as a joke. It unfolded very well. Kudos.

You can thank Serilliant for that one. Forcing everyone to take a horrendously written piece of obviously fake hate-speech and treat it "seriously" in the screw-around forum is like...

...well, it's not all that dissimilar from passing off a talking elephant as a fake newb and forcing everyone to buy into it as legit.

07-10-06, 08:36 AM
Ya'know, I'm going to be frank.

Very frank, and honest.

Why? Cause I'm an honest person. And this is where my honesty and frank, opinion, lays.

I've always wanted to take a bible and burn it. Just to see what kind of reaction I would get from the public.

On a lesser, but probably just as serious note, I'd like to say this:

I don't like gays. I don't like lesbians. I don't like anti-gays. I don't like pro-gays.

Why? Well, let me see...

Gays: It's against a biological order that I uphold with more respect and belief than religion. That, and I'm a guy and I hate when other guy's (gays) flirt with me. Hate it! With a strange black passion.

Lesbians: One, their stuck up. At least, all of the four or five that I've met.* And at least one of them always tries to look like a guy, and rarely ever pulls it off! Discusting and very agrivating when they try to speak in a masculan voice.

Anti-Gays: You guys take it too far. Way too far. And it all starts with the fucking bible, His fucking word, and His fucking path to self-rightousness and bullshit like that. (I appologize to any and all religious groups of this forum, that's just the way I feel.)

Pro-Gays: You guys are just as bad as the Gays, in my opinion. As well as the Anit-Gays. In fact, I'd have to say your the worst of the four. You know why? Because if you're Pro-Gay, chances are - and I'm throwing a big guess out here (do not quote me on this) 50 to 75 percent of you people, AREN'T EVEN GAY! So you all just need to shut the hell up, get with the "Gay" program, or just leave it the hell alone!


That's my bit.

Carry on.


* NOTE:: All of the said blurbs about the four groups of people, are based of no statistics, no facts and only personal experience. Which I might add, isn't a whole lot. Only enough really to write what I just wrote, and possibly just that. Thank you.


Good luck with all that.

07-10-06, 08:41 AM
The more and more I think about it, petergoers is absolutely right.

We should all be ashamed of ourselves.

07-10-06, 08:43 AM
I've always been ashamed of you. It only follows that you should start being ashamed of yourself. Also, ashamed of Serilliant.

07-10-06, 08:45 AM
Also, ashamed of Serilliant.

Sex was that bad, pussycat?

Anyways, this guy obviously won't show up again, joke or not. So lets either spam until it closes or ignore it.

07-10-06, 10:40 AM
Oh, it can close right now if there is a pretty good consensus that this is leading nowhere and just repeating arguments previously found here on the site.

07-10-06, 11:02 AM
Obviously Santh, this thread shouldn't really be used to argue or debate. If we want to do that, we should just open up a new thread, lay down a few rules and topics to focus on, and of course get Madison here, because no debate is good without him. ((And by good, I mean painful))

So, I think most people would agree his remarks will on inflame anger and make people hate each other on the board.

07-10-06, 11:18 AM
Good enough for me. If Serilliant really cares enough about this thread to return it he can, but it looks like a good number of you feel this is damaging this forum.

07-10-06, 10:31 PM
I'll make a public statement about this as telling people individually obviously isn't working:

Mods and admins: don't touch this thread. I'm perfectly capable of being the OOC mod, thank you.

Everyone else: if your plan is to spam this thread until it's closed, you will be dealt with on an administrative level. This is your only warning. If your plan is to contribute to this thread in any capacity, feel free to do so. If you have no interest in this thread, feel free to ignore it until it falls to inactivity. You have these main choices. Now stop making such a big deal about it.

Sighter Tnailog
07-10-06, 11:04 PM
I would just like to say that if anyone would like, I will take you out to the curb on the issue of the biblical record on homosexuality. But in order to do it, you have to post your arguments here again. I'm not digging around to find them. And I'd rather not simply quote the initial post and write a rebuttal.

So, peterogers. This is the challenge. If you're the real deal, or even if you're not, the gauntlet is down.

07-10-06, 11:19 PM
I have a comment towards what this person has said on here:

Reply to This Forums Youth (http://avianlee.livejournal.com/1353.html)

Normally, I wouldn't post a link, but I feel that I was slighlty harsh, and I am slightly annoyed by this person. Please again no one kill me for what I said.

07-10-06, 11:27 PM
Aesculus...May I point out, that you said the word bugger. I find this highly amusing, given the subject matter.

Cyrus the virus
07-10-06, 11:30 PM
Hey man, don't ever feel like you can't express yourself here. Noone's going to take any kind of administrative action against you for having any opinion, as long as you're not cussing someone out or being really disruptive to the site.

As for this thread in general, why is it that though most of us find it to be disruptive to Althanas as a whole, your will alone dictates whether it should or should not remain open, Ser? Sorry if I seem combative, but I was rather happy when we closed the book on this thread.

The Bard
07-10-06, 11:38 PM
I agree althanas is like school you come hear to learn and have fun and not talk about religion unless there is a special program like a bible club
which althanas does not. So if I were a admin I would have closed this as soon as I sensed a flame war.

07-11-06, 12:30 AM

Burned! Woot.

Funny, how my replies seem to denote the most rage...Must mean something. Oh wait, I know. You all want me to just shut up, right? :D xP

I still stand by what I say though, even if it's all one great big contradiction, apparently. That of course, might end up being my ultimate down fall as a member of this site (I seem to have quite a bit of unfriendly "fans" ((Meaning none of any kind, at all)) around here) or perhaps I'm just blowing things way out of proportion, all in the name of a little fun, perhaps a few laughs on my part, and in the end, chaos. Cause I'm finding all of this, very entertaining.


Religion is another form of human control, and gays are just the rebels out to upsurp that control. Most of us might not like the way it's carried out, but most of the time, in the end, we end up liking its conclusion.

So, what was this thread about again?

Mature content on a web-site that was designed for children?

By the way, was this site designed for children? Children being between the ages of 9 and 13 years of age. Or was it designed for a more general and somewhat mature adiunce, of mainly 16 through 25 year olds? Honestly.

If it was designed for children, I never knew about it. I've thought it was a collective web-site for all ages...which might be another premptive strike against myself...


Am I good at bringing myself, my name, and my rep (should I have any left, at all) down or what?


Go me.

The Bard
07-11-06, 12:40 AM
I hold no grudge aganist you Komo but this thread was desinged for people to love god not to hate him and to have a rep it needs to say something like 12,385 not Awaiting Approval.....jk I dont mean it just please keep what you think other people would hate to yourself

Vampiric Angel
07-11-06, 12:45 AM
Religion is another form of human control, and gays are just the rebels out to upsurp that control. Most of us might not like the way it's carried out, but most of the time, in the end, we end up liking its conclusion.

You know, that's exactly how the KKK and racists thought when MLK campaigned for Civil Rights. You think the gays are trying to usurp control? How would they go about doing that? Do you think one day they'll just all band together and march on Washington?

They are HUMAN BEINGS. Meaning they just want a place in the world. Just like MLK and everyone else that's being mistreated.

Sighter Tnailog
07-11-06, 08:34 AM
Religion is another form of human control, and gays are just the rebels out to upsurp that control. Most of us might not like the way it's carried out, but most of the time, in the end, we end up liking its conclusion.

When you can show me the following things:

1) An advanced degree in philosophy
2) An advanced degree in psychology
3) An advanced degree in religion
4) An advanced degree in Queer Studies
5) An advanced degree in spelling the word "usurp"

Then I'll gladly listen to you speak of systems of control, religion's framework as a societal structure, gay desires to overthrow that framework, and so forth.

Until then, leave the sweeping generalizations to the professionals.

07-11-06, 06:34 PM
Aesculus...May I point out, that you said the word bugger. I find this highly amusing, given the subject matter.

Sorry, slight english habbit.

^^; It was 12 in the morning I was really pissed off at how much this person tried to limit freedom of speech (eventhough I never mentioned that in my journal).

07-11-06, 06:49 PM
If it was designed for children, I never knew about it. I've thought it was a collective web-site for all ages...which might be another premptive strike against myself...

Did you remember the box that you checked when you registered that said you were under the age of 13, and needed your parents' permission to register?;)

07-11-06, 06:57 PM
When you can show me the following things:

1) An advanced degree in philosophy
2) An advanced degree in psychology
3) An advanced degree in religion
4) An advanced degree in Queer Studies
5) An advanced degree in spelling the word "usurp"

Then I'll gladly listen to you speak of systems of control, religion's framework as a societal structure, gay desires to overthrow that framework, and so forth.

Until then, leave the sweeping generalizations to the professionals.
1) Don't have one, don't want one. Might need one.
2) Don't have one, don't want one. Might need one.
3) Dito.
4) Dito.
5) So I made a spelling and grammical error. So what? People make mistakes, big deal.

I find it as a system of control, mainly by reading through bias American and World History books and by simply watching the news.

Are you a pro? If so, how would you know and then prove it to everyone else?

You don't need degrees to formulate opinions. But apparently you need a degree to have someone listen to you, even if they're going to disagree with you.


No offense taken. I just wanted to get my opinion out there, seeing as everyone else was too. Just seems mine isn't as appreciated as everyone else's opinions. Which happen to be ones they agree with.

No one agrees with opinions they don't like. It's to be human. Odd isn't it? :p

Did you remember the box that you checked when you registered that said you were under the age of 13, and needed your parents' permission to register?;)

Yeah, I do. But that still doesn't make the web-site designed for children. It just brings up an alert saying that the content probably isn't suited for children under the age of 13. Doesn't say anything about what age group it was designed for.

07-11-06, 06:59 PM
No one agrees with opinions they don't like. It's to be human. Odd isn't it? :p

It's one thing to not like someone. Quite another to disregard forceful opinions that aren't well supported.

07-11-06, 07:04 PM
It's one thing to not like someone. Quite another to disregard forceful opinions that aren't well supported.

Aren't most opinions not supported well?

You might not do this, but I've known quite a few people who could take one look at you and formulate an opinion on you, whether it be good or bad. They don't have any support, they just look at it, have an opinion and really don't care.

I probably just slapped myself in the face on that one...lol

Go me.

07-11-06, 07:09 PM
Aren't most opinions not supported well?

You might not do this, but I've known quite a few people who could take one look at you and formulate an opinion on you, whether it be good or bad. They don't have any support, they just look at it, have an opinion and really don't care.

I probably just slapped myself in the face on that one...lol

Go me.

Hey, at least you're being consistent in shooting yourself in the foot. I am not "quite a few people." Opinions are formed from observation. Guess what? Observation depends on perspective. First impressions aren't fully supported by fact.

Ask yourself how many times have you've misjudged someone before really getting to know them? By your previous post, it seems clear that it's quite often. What part of that isn't ignorant as hell?

07-11-06, 08:15 PM
Hey, at least you're being consistent in shooting yourself in the foot. I am not "quite a few people." Opinions are formed from observation. Guess what? Observation depends on perspective. First impressions aren't fully supported by fact.

Ask yourself how many times have you've misjudged someone before really getting to know them? By your previous post, it seems clear that it's quite often. What part of that isn't ignorant as hell?
Possibly all of it...I'm not sure. An ignorant person normally doesn't realize their ignorant, until it's shot back into their face a few dozen times.

And I will say that I've misjudged quite a few people. A few times I was wrong about them, a few times I was right. The rest, well the rest I really didn't have time to get to know.