View Full Version : Getsuaka Kato, Character Registration

Getsuaka Kato
12-21-08, 03:24 PM
Name: Getsuaka Kato

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Height: 74 Inches

Weight: 135 Pounds

Hair Colour: Pitch Black

Eye Colour: Dusty Grey

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Personality: Kato can be considered very childish. He will often overreact in the situation where he is challenged, or insulted, and is prone to temper tantrums if he doesn't get his way. Despite this, it is known to the few people he holds close to him, that he can be a very compassionate person, and will do basically anything for his friends. In spite of this, Kato can be called a "Wild Animal", as the entire Getsuaka clan had been named at one point before their extinction, as he goes insane during a battle, continuing to fight until there is no chance of his enemy standing back up. In his fighting nature, he will also turn on his team mates, simply if it means he gets a better fight.

Appearance: Kato's pitch black hair spikes around his head, as if he never combs it, and is in need of a haircut. His bangs often fall into his face, over his eyes, which would have *originally* been dusty grey. He only keeps his right eye open, revealing his grey optic, though his left is always closed. He keeps it like this for two reasons; One, three claw scars move down this eye to his cheek, showing as if it was slashed out. He'd rather keep his eye closed from that. Number two, that may cause a series of events (See: Hitokurai's Eye) that will make him lose control. As for clothing, on his first layer, he wears simply a white undershirt, and black shorts that go just to past his knees. He wears white, long socks, as well as tan wooden sandals. On the second layer, he wears a white kimono, full length in the back, but curving up at the sides, so that it is above his waist far enough for a belt to be shown. This belt is leather, with a large buckle that has a "G" on it, able to spin, for his own amusement. The sleeves and collar are both over sized, the sleeves being black to near the elbow, and the collar being black. The inside of this kimono is black, so it can be seen on the part where it overlaps on his shirt. On the back of this kimono, tied with a black obi, or sash, is a black symbol (The Getsuaka Clan Crest), of a waning to the left crescent moon, with three stars in an upside down triangle formation, where the rest of the moon normally would have been. He also has this patched onto his right shoulder of the kimono, and on the black beast hide gloves that he wears, though on these gloves it is white.

Weapons: Blades
• Maboroshi -- A katana forged by Saihossoku the Great, original creator of the clan, with blue decorative lace, as opposed to the regular crimson or golden lace that is usually on the hilt. This blade has the same properties that the Hakumei Beings, and Creatures, have, in order to absorb that specific type of energy, as well as create it, without taking fatal damage. This allows him to create bursts of the Hakumei Energy, for defensive or offensive moves. This blade, having been with Kato for so long, now reacts to his energy; The dullness or sharpness of his blade solely depends on his excitement for the fight, as well as his will to fight affects the hardness of the blade; While it is regularly about as strong as Steel, if he were to go insane or in a fury, the blade could potentially be as strong as titanium. While this is true, the blade is also not prone to destruction; His blade will continue to be strengthened enough to resist shattering, as long as he is still willed to fight. If not, the blade simply turns into white sand, which will fly back into the small vile around Kato's neck, to prevent anyone from using it. It simply turns back to twilight after transferring into the vile, allowing for a bit of back up energy any time during the fight where he is still of a strong enough position to absorb it.

• Mungzensai -- A scimitar, not originally belonging to Kato. This scimitar has the same properties of Maboroshi, but with a twist; This only reacts on "Dark" Hakumei Energy, the opposite of Maboroshi's "Light" Hakumei Energy. This takes much more energy for Kato to use without losing control of himself, and going, quite frankly, insane with the darkness. When he uses both Dark and Light energy when he dual wields the two blades, it can be called "Pure Twilight", or Perfect Hakumei Energy. The blade itself has no power, though it can upgrade to a Level 2, which Kato personally devised after receiving the blade. On the word "Wither", the scimitar will grow as black as Midnight, and become much larger, into an over sized broad sword, with spikes coming out of the hilt if anyone but Kato would touch it, giving him an excellent grip, made for his left hand.

Armour: Kato prefers to not wear any armour, though his gloves CAN be considered armor. They are made out of a (dyed black) beast hide, allowing him to block small items like jagged rocks or daggers without taking any damage, though this is not to say a sharp enough stab with a knife couldn't penetrate it.

• Hakumei -- This is the type of energy that flows through Kato's body, as well as all of those in the Getsuaka, it was dubbed 'Twilight' by the Overlord Ranmyaku. This energy is very original, and therefore, can not be controlled by anyone but the Getsuaka, without complete destruction of the person's body. This energy is not like aura, as if used correctly, as Kato does, can exist in more than one form. Energy, Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma. Mostly used as Energy, it can be used to create Twilight Orbs for quick attacks, and also platforms, in the event that Kato would have to stop midair. This can be used to power up items, such as the blades that Kato wields. ((I noticed that this was a lot like Kasei's... Strange, as the two of us have never even spoken. I hope you can still accept my character regardless))

• Twilight Platforms -- A basic solid Twilight structure, used for leverage, or other reasons. It should also take a limited time to make, as it serves basically no other purpose, and can be recycled back into Kato's body.

• Twilight Walls -- A more advanced Twilight structure, used for protection against basic attacks. It can not withstand much more than a few strong punches or kicks, but is good for a quick turn to recharge or recycle.

• Duration -- Kato is a bit stronger than the average human being, allowing him to have more strength, at least enough to chuck a large rock with ease, and able to take a few hits without any serious damage. But, if hit hard enough, or if too strainful for him, his power in the category will weaken.

• Swordsmanship -- Kato, as you can see, is a swordsman, he concentrates on both single and dual wielding, and has no preference between the two. He has excellent knowledge, and knows how to use a few Styles, such as the Yagyu Shinkage Ryu, or if he decides that he wants a more challenging fight, will just wing his moves.

• Knowledge -- Kato, despite his childish behavior, has a very high intelligence quotient, and therefore, can think quickly in battle without a problem.

• Power Up -- The ability he uses to charge a regular item with Hakumei/Twilight, to make it easier for him to control, or to make the offense or defense of the nature rise, even if not a lot.

• Hakumei , I believe it falls under more than one category.

• Twilight Orbs -- A ball of concentrated energy, used mainly as a projectile. On contact with a person, the ball will detonate, to send a small explosion of Hakumei Energy around somewhere. If it comes in direct contact with an open wound, or other passage to the bloodstream, it can be lethal, otherwise just a distraction, or a way to destroy a small structure. Because of Kato's natural energy, these take almost no time to make.

• Soukutsu -- The 'signature move' that he has, he uses this, a large blast of Hakumei energy, to send a shock wave barreling at his opponents, growing larger with every second and meter it travels. This can cause extreme damage if hit head on, and therefore, usually requires him to charge this up; This is only capable of him doing so, if it erupts from Maboroshi.

• Makiba -- Another one of his dominant moves, he uses this with Mungzensai; A counter clockwise burst of Flower Petals made from Dark Hakumei, each being sturdy enough to cut bark, which can then be recycled as black sand into the vile around his neck. This also takes a turn or two to charge up, and can't be overused without him losing a lot of his power.

• Hitokurai's Eye -- An infamous ability, resulting in the Eye Incident he had as a child. After a lot of charging/prepping, he can open his left eye, revealing a black sclera, golden iris, and cat like pupil. In this state, he can 'see' all types of energy, and detect things he normally wouldn't, as well as have a better perception of the world around him, and 'zoom' in and out on the things around him. But, as all good things, he can not use it more than three turns, and then shall not be able to use it again without a long period of time where he would collect himself back to full health.

History: Kato grew up with a troubled childhood, his mother first being killed by none other than himself in a freak accident, something that scarred him for the rest of his life, and only years later, his clan being exterminated. From there, he enrolled at an Academy for the "Not So Ordinary", the place he originally received his katana, and lost his eye, where he befriended a creation of the man who had wronged his clan in the past. After being expelled from the Academy for "Malicious Behavior", really being framed out of jealousy, he took to the roads, preparing for the day when the two of them would destroy that man, Ranmyaku. Three years went by, until they finally accomplished their goal, and continued on through their adventures. Setzai and Kato, two friends who would be unbreakable... Until the day of Setzai's death. During an all out war, losing many of their comrades, Kato's carelessness resulted in the death of Setzai. Right before this Artificial Intelligence he had became such good friends with died, he blessed him with further control over the Hakumei Energy he already used, as well as passed the Scimitar he held onto him. Kato, struck by grief, then isolated himself from everyone else, traveling a road, slaughtering others from then on in his new job as a Bounty Hunter. ((Sorry, if I put his whole History, I think you guys would get pretty bored trying to read it all.))

12-22-08, 01:50 AM
Hey there, not sure if this is meant for regular site play or not? If it is I'll be glad to work with you to make it equivalent to a level 0.