View Full Version : Time to dust off the ol' bloody quill

The Writing Writer
12-22-08, 02:51 PM
Been some time since I've written anything with this maniac. Anyone interested in a quest or battle?

12-22-08, 10:43 PM
As long as you don't mind sporadic posting, dramatic mood changes and bloody tampons, I'm your girl/man/thing. I've been wanting to write with you for a while now. And besides, I need to get back into the swing of things. I've been haunting this place for too long. They'll be calling the Ghostbusters pretty soon.

The Writing Writer
12-28-08, 07:43 PM
Lord knows I love me a bloody tampon.

Quest or battle?

01-01-09, 12:57 AM
Its up to you. I'd prefer a quest myself, but if you're itchin' for a fight, I'd be more than happy to take you on.
If it really comes down to it, we'll flip a coin.
Shit, where's my quarters...

The Writing Writer
01-01-09, 03:13 AM
I too prefer a questaroo.

Where and in what context?

know what? just pm me.

The Writing Writer
01-02-09, 02:01 AM
Double post. the world ends.

Still open to anyone else who would enjoy writing with a maniac

01-02-09, 05:55 AM
Once I'm approved I'll need something to get the engine running. Unless you're scared of dragons that is :)

The Writing Writer
01-02-09, 09:21 AM
Hmm. Perhaps we could do something. After reading over your profile tho, your character seems a little...sunshine and flowery compared to The Writer...might make for a fumbly writing process.

01-02-09, 05:53 PM
Sunshine and flowery? Perhaps to a certain extend. The aim was a rather neutral character. As long as you're not burning down orphanages and roughly stay within the boundaries of law and order I should do fine though. I can handle a little craziness.

01-02-09, 06:45 PM
I'm pretty sure he strips people of their skin then writes on it, so it really depends on which country's laws you want him to abide by.

01-02-09, 11:45 PM

Zyx is totally into that.

I suppose I could RP with you, I'd prefer a quest. I don't want to steal the RP from Ksarh so if all three of us could quest, then that would be cool.

The Writing Writer
01-03-09, 02:01 PM
That might could work, depending on what we wanna do. Any ideas?

And yeah as Ataraxis pointed out (athankyou) I'm an insane serial killing, poetry writing madman. I skin people alive. Or dead. Either way.

You also may have overlooked the " Voted Craziest Character of 2008 " note in my sig. A little craziness is a colossal understatement. =P

01-03-09, 02:54 PM
Ksarh would probably find it a weird though he'd be less bothered by it then a normal person would. Mostly he'd wonder why you don't just use regular parchment and ink. Much less chance on getting pitchfork and torch wielding mobs after you. Aforementioned mobs would be the primary reason why he is 'sunshine and flowery'. The second reason is that he finds killing only necessary when you want food (or tools in case of other sentient beings) and the third one is that it's plain weird to be able to have conversations with your food ^^

And no specific quest ideas in mind. Shouldn't be too hard to get him to join a quest for shinies or to go slay some beast worth boasting about though.

Nevar Flat Notes
01-03-09, 02:58 PM
You owe me a quest.

01-03-09, 03:05 PM
You both owe me a complete one. Lol

01-03-09, 06:40 PM
Perhaps some people want some huge monster thing dead. Zyx is a mercenary so he'd do it, Ksarh would do it because it makes him look cool, and I guess our wacky writing buddy could be in the mood for writing a huge poem on the monsters skin.

I dunno, is Mr. Writer interested in things like monster slayin'?

The Writing Writer
01-04-09, 12:41 AM
ya know i hadnt actually considered it. but now that you mention it, how about we go after a giant? what better to entice the writer than a big ass dude with more skin than he could ever need

@ NFN and Kyle: Why dont we three write one together? =o

any characters of mine will do

Nevar Flat Notes
01-04-09, 01:25 AM
Works for me.

01-04-09, 02:01 AM
Sounds good to me. Ksarh still needs to get accepted and hen I suppose we're good to go?

The Writing Writer
01-04-09, 02:22 AM
sure thing. who wants to make the first post?

01-04-09, 03:22 AM
Well, you probably know a lot more about Althanas than me, so you could probably make a better setting.

Apparently Mr. Writer hides out in Radasanth? So perhaps our quest could take place there? Also I guess there's mountains right next to Radasanth, so perhaps we fight some Giant Mountain Monster? Maybe it's eating up all sorts of delicious ores and people are super angry with it.

01-04-09, 04:15 AM
I'm just a minor edit away from approval, but I'm waiting for a reply to see how to edit exactly :)

01-05-09, 06:09 PM
Well, now that Ksarh is approved, and I've got an idea for how to start this, I suppose I'll go make the first post.

The Writing Writer
01-06-09, 12:40 PM
Well done. I'm a rather infrequent poster, but just give me my time and I'll get the job done, rest assured. ill have a post up later tonight. I'm still bubbling ideas around on where I want the Writer to come into the story, but ill pm you guys with any ideas that I think need discussing

The Writing Writer
01-10-09, 09:13 AM
Forgive my tardiness. I'll have a post up later on tonight.