View Full Version : The Ninja Girl.

Tsuji Momoko
12-23-08, 03:19 AM
I abandoned my first attempt, so let's see how far I get this time. Everyone can join ^^

"Stop! or I'll shoot!"

Momoko was studying her notes while having a cup of warm water at the inn, when a burglar tried to steal her backpack. He looked like a regular visitor, wearing clothes similar to the rest of the people at the inn. Momoko noticed him looking at her constantly since she arrived, but she never suspected anything. Momoko's backpack contained books about Robotic Engineering, some gold coins, two small twin scythes, and the key for her room.

"There's nothing of value in my backpack, please, give it back to me!"

She struggled to sound mean as she pointed her self-made electric paralyzer towards the burglar. She really was not in the mood for a scene like that, and hated the idea of being the center of attention. Obviously, everyone at the inn was looking at her and the burglar. The burglar decided to run as fast as he could, only to be outspeeded by the ninja girl, receiving a swift kick to the back of his head, rendering him unconscious.


Momoko took her backpack and calmly went back to her seat while a guard took care of the man. She could still see the pople looking at her, but she decided to ignore them, and continued studying. She was really into her current lesson, mostly because she'd take an important exam later that month. The inn was really crowded, but her table remained empty due to people having watched Momoko's incident with the burglar. She was enjoying being alone, but it was a matter of time for some stranger to join her, since her table was the only one available. The girl continued studying while she covered her face with the old, deteriorated book in embarrasment.

01-27-09, 11:39 PM
As Gal took the would be burglar and tossed him into the street outside he chuckled as he wes nearly run over by a passing messenger riding furiously to deliver some love letter no doubt from one noble to another. As he returns to this post inside the warmth of the tavern he appraises this young girl you single handedly took care of her assailant.
I wonder who she is, and studying robotic engineering, that's something you don't see everyday, hell I don't even know what that is

He pushes himself off the wall and strides toward her table determined to find out more about this intriguing young girl. With her head buried in her book Gal sinks into the seat opposite her and props his head upon his hands.

"Do alot of entertaining do you?" he asks with a wry smile.