View Full Version : Wheeeeee!

12-27-08, 09:24 AM
*bounces in*
'Lo all! *waves* I just remembered that I could introduce myself, and then I realised that I haven't done so yet, and then I thought, well, no time like the present situation when you have nothing else to do. Sooooo...

I found this place through your invitation to the tournament thinger m-bob and decided it seemed like a fun place to add to my rp experiences. Yay! I usually go by the name of Nemaisare on these sites, but, due to the length of it, tend to shorten it to Nemai within the hour. lol I'm Canadian, whoo! And am currently really missing the snow, which is apparently piling up while I'm not in Canada. Huh, figures... Anywho, don't really know what else you folks would be wanting to learn about me, but I'll admit right now to liking muffins. And sometimes being hyper and pouncing on people, usually only in text, but I have been known to freak people out just by standing behind them, even though they knew I was there, or should have, because I had to go around them in order to get behind them... *scratches head*

Is a puzzle I can never figure out. I'm not overly knowledgeable about anything in particular and so, just to warn everyone now, I will probably be asking a lot of questions, because I like to learn more things and thus become knowledgeable. Or so one would assume that is how it would work... Teehee, so I'll apologize in advance in case they become annoying. yepyepyepyepyep And that's all, for now. TTFN

12-27-08, 09:44 AM
Welcome, Lucchi. It's a pleasure to have you here.

12-27-08, 10:13 AM
hihi and welcome, I hope you have lots of fun and the like.

12-27-08, 04:39 PM
Welcome! You sound very... interesting. Lol. For some reason the way you type reminds of me of someone I know (such as *lesigh* you posted in a different thread). Annyywaayys, welcome and have fun. If you need anything feel free to PM myself or any of the mod staff, we're always here to help... and Althanas is a big place that can seem intimidating at first (though in reality it's all rather simple).

Till then, peace!

12-28-08, 08:20 AM
Eeeeheeheeheeheh! *pounces on all and sundry* Well, I did warn you...

Thanks for the welcomes, and the hopes of having fun and the, ummm, mention of interesting-ness... lol Yay! I made someone think I'm interesting. I remind you of someone? Really? Well, I suppose I'm probably not the only one who uses *lesigh* in the internet world... Mmmmmm, tea... *is curently drinking some*

And, as far as I'm concerned, if something is simple in reality, my brain will make it completely, utterly unsimple just for the sake of it all. lol At least, that's what it does with math, and I'll bug my friends going, huh? huh? huh? What? Until they've explained a concept to me like, umm, five times and then I'll be like, oh, right, like this and it'll be amazingly simple and I'll sudden;y understadn it better than my friends. Sometimes, rarely... I wish... lol

12-31-08, 07:52 PM
Damn it, who let this one in?
We should have an autoguillotine for people like you. Hi, my name is- SNAP!
Mmmmm, rolling heads sound so delicious right now.
Anyways, you're here now. Might as well make yourself at home, stay awhile.
Just don't touch the shotgun.
Thats mine.