View Full Version : Greetings

01-01-09, 04:34 PM
Once upon a time the Althanas boards crashed. Shift forward to a few years to yesterday when I came past a draft of the character I once started, just before the earlier mentioned crash. It got me pondering again and here I am!

I doubt anyone remembers me though. I was one of the two dragons at the time. The most handsome one of the two I might add, but that was mostly because the other one was so ugly.

Edit: Crap, just noticed I posted under the wrong forum *facepalms* If a mod could be so kind to move this to the proper subforum I'd be grateful :)
Edit 2: Maybe edit that thread title while you're at it? Talking about a missed start.

01-02-09, 08:45 AM
hahaha, I remember a couple dragons... though not exactly what the names were. It depends on which crash you were talking about depending on what character I was using the most at the time. I'm going to assume Ranger was here, since he always was but hasn't always been my main. Maybe Modrue and The Banishment too? Not sure how long ago you were on though, lol.

Good to have you back!

01-02-09, 08:56 AM
Welcome, welcome. I haven't been around that long. Not as long as the fart who posted before me.


Hope you stick around!

01-02-09, 01:03 PM
Edit: Crap, just noticed I posted under the wrong forum *facepalms* If a mod could be so kind to move this to the proper subforum I'd be grateful :)
Edit 2: Maybe edit that thread title while you're at it? Talking about a missed start.

Done and done.

I didn't recognize the name at first, but the avatar rang a bell. Welcome back! Hopefully you will find that we are now (mostly...) free from crashes.

01-02-09, 01:14 PM
Wasn't there back then, but well met nonetheless!

Hope you'll find your second stay 'round these parts a long and enjoyable one!

01-02-09, 06:18 PM
The crash I was talking about was a little before May 2005. Serilliant looks familiar and I've seen a few other names that I heard before. Can't say any of the ones you mentioned ring a bell though Taskmienster. Then again, I was only around for a few months so it could just be my memory that's failing me ^^

01-05-09, 02:39 PM
I hate you already.
Welcome back! Erm.....yeah!

01-05-09, 02:43 PM
That was fast. Didn't even get to call you names and such.

01-05-09, 02:49 PM
Time is money, devil child.
Hey hey, Susan Day. How many kids have you killed today? 8D

01-05-09, 05:39 PM
I remember you. Wrote a solo where you hunted and ate a rabbit. I think. I remember reading it because you were a dragon and thinking it was weird. I think that was you.

Welcome back.

01-05-09, 06:01 PM
Man, totally forgot I did that. Looking back it was weird. It probably was some random idea I thought funny at the time.

01-05-09, 06:03 PM
That really was you? I remember reading that... I wish I remember WHY I read it... lol