View Full Version : Ksarh

01-01-09, 06:34 PM
Name: Ksarh
Race: Dragon
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Length: 2.28 m (about 7.5 ft)
Height: 0.65 m (about 2.1 ft)
Height on two legs: 1.3 m (about 4.3 ft)
Wingspan: 2.6 m (about 8.5 ft)
Weight: 56 kg (about 123 lbs)
Colour scales: Crimson red
Colour eyes: Emerald green
Occupation: Hunter


Ksarh is still far from his full size and power, yet he has already a considerable strength for his age. He might have come to a decent age for a human, but for him it means he has only just arrived on his journey towards adulthood. He has a lot of growing to do before he will reach his full potential.

His body is covered with scales like a lizard. He looks a lot like a giant lizard as well, but then one with large leathery wings sprouting from his back. Another difference is that his legs are more straight under him (like it is with mammals) lifting his body a bit higher than a similar sized lizard would. Normally he walks on all fours and when not flying his wings are folded around his back so they would not get in the way too much. He is capable of rising on his hind legs by balancing out his weight with his tail and his wings. This mostly happens when he feels the need to use his claws, for example to defend himself. Standing upright and with his wings spread he can appear much larger than he really is, possibly avoiding a fight by scaring off his opponent. He does not rise to his full length though, as his tail takes up about a third of his total length. When he stands, he does not stand up straight. Instead he leans forward a bit with his tail balancing him out so he does not fall flat on his face.

On his head there are no ears to be seen, but are located inside his head. His eyes are faced forwards in the front of its skull giving him the depth perception needed to help them hunt his prey. His eyes are behind a black slit instead of a circle and he has a transparent third eyelid. It allows him to blink without closing his eyes, although he will have blurrier view on the world. This will mainly become useful once he can fly properly, preventing his eyes from drying out quickly and having to blink constantly throughout the flight. His jaw is filled with razor sharp teeth and a forked tongue. Just like snakes, he has a regular nose and can smell the way all other animals do, but he also has a second highly developed smell sense. He uses his forked tongue to pick up scent traces and brings them into pits on the roof of his mouth. It there that he smells and tastes, as his tongue does not have any taste or smell buds.

His front paws have opposable thumbs, just like humans, allowing him to pick up items and use them. His claws make it difficult for very accurate work though.

Ksarh does not have any clothing on him. His scales keep him protected from wind, rain, cold and heat (although he will have some difficulties with the weather in cold climates). The only piece of clothing he possesses is a belt with some pouches attached to it. He uses this to transport his few belongings, like money and rations.


Ksarh is very competitive and will always strive to prove himself and improve his skills. This reflects in his main goal in life as well, as he is determined to become a powerful and feared dragon like his father was. This means he will be brave and confident when needed, but it will sometimes cause him to underestimate situations or opponents as well.

Although he wishes to become powerful – and feared – this does not mean that he can be considered an evil creature. He might not be a knight-in-shining-armour, but normally he abides to the laws of the lands he passes and tries not to harm to the people around him. Sentient people do not taste exceptionally good, so he sees no need to get himself in unneeded trouble. Those that can gain his friendship will find out that he is a loyal and trustful companion.

He does not like to be remembered that he is still just a small dragon and he can get really angry when people treat him like some kind of pet.

Ksarh is also very curious and eager to learn about the things that he is interested in.

He is very fond of gems and precious metals, not because he likes the way they look or because they can be used to buy stuff, but because he likes how they taste. Any coins or valuables he finds normally end up as snacks.


Ksarh’s mother was the one that raised him. His father he only knew through the things his mother told him as he had left shortly after his mother had laid the egg from which he had hatched. This did not mean he did not care about the little critter he had spawned, but it was common among their kind to live solitary lives and only get together for mating.

After three months of continuing to develop inside his shell, he had finally been strong enough to break out of it. In the next year, he continued to grow, safely hidden in his mothers cave. She brought him food and water and he grew up quickly under her good care. After his first year, he was finally allowed to set his first steps outside the cave. The next couple of years he would spend playing in the immediate area of the cave, still fed by what his mother brought him. Gradually he grew bigger and stronger, and around his eight year, his mother started teaching him about the world around him and how to survive in it. It was from her he learned the basics of hunting, so he would be able to take care of his own food.

After that, his games changed gradually and they started evolving around what his mother had taught him about hunting and edible plants. He tried tracking animals using his scent and when he found one, he always attempted to catch it. It took him a while before he managed to get his first kill without his mother’s help though.

At first, his mother kept bringing him food, since he did not manage to catch his prey consistently enough to survive on. Gradually he got better at it and eventually, his mother no longer gave him any food. After a while (somewhere around his 35th year) his mother decided that he was capable enough to try and take on the world and she bumped him out of her territory, telling him that it was time to live on his own.

Ever since, Ksarh has been wandering around and exploring the exciting world around him.


His only weapons are his sharp claws and teeth. These are as sturdy as steel.


His dragonscales provide him with a natural armour roughly equivalent to bronze plate armour. Because of the hardiness of his scales they are most effective against slashing weapons, but there overlapping makes them vulnerable against piercing weapons since those are capable of getting in between his scales.

Being a creature capable of breathing fire his scales provide him with an excellent defence against fire-based attacks. His body is well adjusted to dealing with great heats as well.


A belt with pouches containing rations and money.


Hunting: He knows the basic about hunting and, mostly relying on his scent and short distance speed. He can survive on what he catches in areas with plenty of wildlife.

Running: Running is his current form of transport. He can run long distances without tiring if he does not run too fast. When he is sprinting he will go nearly as fast as a horse, but he can only do so for very short distances.

Flight: Because the muscles needed for flying are not fully developed yet, he is not yet capable of an independent flight. He can do glides though and when using hot air he can stay in the air for a longer time. The problem is of course getting high enough. When running and jumping he can glide for several meters, but he needs a height to jump off for longer flights. Even then, his total flight time is still limited as his wing muscles still tire while being in the air.

Claws and Teeth: His claws and teeth are sharp and he can put some force behind them, making them lethal weapons that can rend bare flesh with ease. His fighting is based on purely instinct only however, with very little skill behind it.

Fire Breath: Ksarh has a sac in the back of his throat containing a highly flammable liquid that spontaneously combusts when coming into contact with air. He can shoot this liquid out of his mouth, producing a large, hot flame. The flame is extremely warm and will scorch anything it land and set flammable things on fire. He can also choose to spit out smaller amounts, creating a much smaller flame. This way he can keep up the flame for a longer duration.
-Fire breath, maximum distance: about 1 m (about 3.3 ft)
-Fire breath, usage: he can breathe a continuous stream of fire at full force for about three seconds or shoot three short, separate bursts before running out of juice. It takes him about 15 minutes to regenerate all the flammable liquid.

Special notes

Diet: Although he can survive a while on fruit, vegetables and things plants provide, he will eventually need meat in order to stay healthy. His stomach is capable of digesting the almost any material when given enough time, but only normal food can actually sustain him. He mostly snacks on gems and precious metals because he likes how they taste.

01-02-09, 06:26 AM
Hmm... Looking at a few other profiles I was wondering if I could get away with loosing the 'cooldown' on my Fire Breath. I think it was approved with x times a day many years ago (don't have the approved version of this char any more). I wanted to make it more organic, but given the difference between battles and quests time wise this way of limiting it nerfs it in the first and possibly is no limitation at all in the second.


Perhaps I should expand a bit on how long he can breathe fire instead...

Edit: "Fire Breath, usage" section slightly edited.

01-02-09, 08:24 AM
Awesome, a dragon! Oh me oh my, welcome to Althanas!

Just a few things and you'll be more than welcome to go crazy on the site. The scales need to be worked on though... since in teh Bazaar FAQ it says that a 'Young Dragon' would be equivalent to a level 8 character, I'm assuming that his scales would be equivalent to something akin to that. Seeing as how the scales cover your body, and also can't be taken off, I'm going to need them to be much weaker for now. Though we got rid of the 'tier' system a while ago, I tend to think in it still for means of approving new profiles.

If you could make it so that the scale is equivalent to... say... copper or bronze? I know that's asking for something a lot lower than normal for a level 0 character approval, but you also have the scaled armor covering your entire body.

01-02-09, 05:48 PM
Funny. That's one of the few thing I changed actually. And it was because the tier system was slightly different from before (IIRC I got approved as a bronze armour equivalent) ^^ I did ponder for a moment whether or not to go for some kind of tough leather or weak iron equivalent, but since the entry also said:

They provide average resistance against slashes.
And nothing else, so I figured I might just do if I added something about being weak against pointy weaponry. Maybe call it equivalent to cheap young dragon scales (though I'd settle for bronze plate armour if you wish, it just sounds better)? In any case, the general idea was it to give an average defence against slashing weapons, minimal defence against pointy weapons and somewhere in between for blunt.

I do know that it's covering the full body gives a great advantage, but then again, someone in full armour with a shield has a very similar defence.

01-04-09, 06:12 AM
New armour section:

His dragonscales provide him with a natural armour roughly equivalent to bronze plate armour. Because of the hardiness of his scales they are most effective against slashing weapons, but there overlapping makes them vulnerable against piercing weapons since those are capable of getting in between his scales.

Otherwise no edits.

01-04-09, 09:15 AM
Yes, piercing weapons can get through the scales, BUT only from one direction, against the layers. Which is why scale mail was used as much as it was. I direct piercing attack would most likely glance off as much as a slash. However, a straight, heavy blade used as a hack instead of a slash (since they're very different) would cause blunt force trauma as if hit by a hammer, and possibly sheer through scales.

As for the full suit of armor, we don't allow people to have them at level 0, lol. However, it's different in the fact that a dragon is on all fours most of the time, as most assume, and carrying the weight of the scales naturally. A warrior in a full suit of armor is weighed down because it's unnaturally worn, not something that he'd have developed coming off his skin.

Approved! Welcome back!