View Full Version : Zombies Do Exist

01-03-09, 03:25 AM
Yes everyone I am a zombie... Fear me!

First of All: Sorry to the group of people I was supposed to be role playing with. I've disappeared for almost... 4 months... I've been busy getting my ass whipped by the art college I'm in. It's hard to get your work into a good high quality level that you will get good marks. Yes, teachers are that picky.

I don't think I'll be active for a good while after this break, mostly because I have 2 months to pull my portfolio together, submit it for an assessment and PRAY I get into the Bachelors of Applied Arts in Animation at my college. Then it's the rest 2 month stretch go get my final and hopefully graduate with honours this April.

I will try to be alive every now and then, buuut my summer seems more-likely to see me active.

Once again sorry to the people I was supposed to be role playing with, though I don't think any of you are alive anymore.

Also to people with requests on my art thread, I do have some of the older ones written down. I'll probably have a sketch done or something; no guarantees though. Like I said before I really want to get in to Animation at my college, so I'm working hard to do so.

01-03-09, 03:30 AM
Wow, those are high goals so it's completely understandable. Always good to see people back, in whatever form they're here. Good luck with college! And welcome back!

01-03-09, 10:57 PM
Thank ya kindly. =]

01-03-09, 11:11 PM
Yes, welcome back and everything!

Here's hoping to your future success in college!

01-04-09, 12:20 AM
Welcome back, oren! Glad to see you're okay and in one piece (at least, as far as I know).

I'm also making a banner to support you through this final lap toward graduation, but I suck so much with crafts I'll only be done in July. Unless you help me, though that'd probably defeat the very purpose of the banner.

But still! With or without it, you've got my support and about a few dozen stamps of approval.

01-05-09, 08:01 AM
Thanks, BlackAndBlueEyes!

Aww! Thanks Atar. =] Yeah I'm still in one piece. Getting through my last bit of break with lots of sleep.Still gotta finish, and get 2 of my drawing teachers who know the program to crit the portfolio. Once that's done I just edit what I need to edit then buy the book to make it look professional, get my lables, and title pages printed out put the entire thing together, and pray that whoever evaluates my work likes it. DX as much as I'd like to think March 2nd is just two months away it'll be here before I know it and then it's a waiting game to see if I get in or not. Luckily I have school work to go psycho over after that's done. Hee... have to keep up my average. Graduation in April here I come! *Does superhero pose!*

01-05-09, 02:38 PM
Hey there, welcome back.
Sorry ol' Megan's not here to welcome you back, but she's taking a...erm...hiatus of her own, so to say.
She got struck by a bad case of apathy. Sad, really.

01-06-09, 03:22 PM
Thanks Rebellion. =]

Aww... D= that's no fun...

Sorry I'm just lurking at the moment. The storyboarding character I chose is owning me.

01-08-09, 01:17 PM
Don't worry, I'm a lurker too. Seriously. Got the fins and everything.
Trying to get a new character up...but so far he's not wanting to live. Bastard.
Hope we both return from our "lurker" status. Otherwise, dolphins beware.

04-26-10, 07:57 PM
Okay, wow I lied. I haven't been on here since... last year... -shot-

Lack of motivation and final year for a visual arts diploma killed me. When I thought I would be done it came back and kicked repeatedly. So I'm graduating from that program! Finally. -face plants into desk-

Never did get into that animation program until this year, and a little sad with who I have to possibly put up with this coming September. However! I got what I wanted and am happy to start studying animation so I suppose being a hermit and not caring about what other people do will continue for the next 4 years.

... Uh yeah... Will be hunting for rp's, but no promises.... yes... =D

11-19-10, 01:06 AM
Yep. I lied. Again...

So sorry about that. The lying part I mean. As much as I would have liked to get back into Althanas at the end of the school year back in April, I ended up with a full-time job for 4 months saving for my tuition. September, I entered a fun bachelors program. I have amazing classmates this year, a lot of them are old friends from other programs at the college. Classes are intense, the workload is insane, and people have broken down before my eyes. Yes, art programs can make a person breakdown and cry.

Anyways, I make no promises about being active this time. If I do find something I'm interested in we'll see. Though, I will update my art thread with recent work, if I can find it.

Lord Anglekos
11-19-10, 01:08 AM
Welcome back, oren. Good to see you back in our clutches. I'll give you poisoned cookies, since Witchblade no longer traverses these halls. So, here. Take one.

11-19-10, 01:18 AM
Thank ya kindly. /takes cookie.

That's unfortunte, Witch was awesome.

Lord Anglekos
11-19-10, 09:16 PM
Yeah. Things are kind of slow these days, too, but activity is starting to pick up.
Althanas 2.0 is starting in January, if you don't already know. Big changes.

11-19-10, 10:11 PM
Nope, had no clue about that, but awesome anyways. New year = new version of Althanas.

Lord Anglekos
11-19-10, 11:28 PM
Changes include:
Revision of the judging rubric(s);
ROG changes;
Bazaar and wealth system;
and more.
Hopefully you stick around until then.

11-19-10, 11:34 PM
OMG OREN!!!!!!

Long time no talk! Still wacoming away?

11-20-10, 12:35 AM
@ Angelkos - For sure, I'm really curious to see how the rubric is going to be changed.

Hey Melancor! Yeah it's been a long time. Yeah, not as much as before though, I'm only using it for one class, the rest are just pencil and paper, and one class with conte and news print.