View Full Version : Allow me to introduce myself...

01-05-09, 12:00 PM
My name is Arien (I couldn't think of any other name at the time, lol). I've never been to Althanas before, this is my first visit to this realm. I received an email from Eric Martindale at Roleplay Gateway that said I was invited here for the Grand Tournament or something (I'm not sure, I rarely check my emails, lol). Any way, since this is my first visit here to Althanas then it seems only right that I should introduce myself properly.

I am a veteran roleplayer, as they call it nowadays. I have been actively involved in textbased on-line roleplaying and textual combat for over a decade in real-time. Over the past ten years, I have experienced a great deal of wisdom in the RPG universe. I have made many friends over the years, and many enemies (actually, today I have neither, lol). I feel like an old man compared to some of the younger, newer roleplayers of this generation. I am twenty-four-years-old, and still have the spirit of a noob (lol).

Seriously though, with every passing year it becomes harder and harder to think of a proper introduction. I'm not sure I know the right words to say for such an occassion as this. Althanas is all very new to me, but hopefully with time I will learn to fit in as I've had to do in the past at Roleplay Gateway, and so on. I look forward to meeting all of you, and perhaps learning new things with all of you togather as we share and exchange paths. I can't really think of anything else to say at this time, so I'll just end it here. Good luck and have a nice day... Arien ^_^

P.S. - Feel free to ask me any questions.

01-05-09, 12:03 PM
That was quite some introduction.

Grittings and welcome to Althanas nonetheless!

Here's hoping that you find something you like here and stick around for a while.

01-05-09, 12:47 PM
Glad to have you around with us, Arien!

Like BaBE up there, I also hope something here will tickle your fancy and make your stay a long and pleasantly eventful one.

As for questions, well, what genres of writing did you mostly do over those years?

01-05-09, 12:50 PM
Welcome! Always good to see extremely fresh blood on the site, no knowledge about Althy kinda new people. Though a 10 year background in roleplaying is very long, haha. I'm getting close to it, but not quite there yet!

Hope you have fun and if you need help with anything, since Althanas can be daunting at the beginning, feel free to PM or IM a mod and we'll help out.

01-05-09, 02:43 PM
Your nipples are showing.
Welcome, hope you have a good time, blah blah blah...I'll give you a month.
If you're still alive by the time I can do the moonwalk half as good as old Jackson, lets talk.
Now take a cookie. They're free only today.
*holds out a plate of cookies, which is good. But some have poisonous razor blades instead of chocolate chips. Hey, poison got old*

01-06-09, 03:26 AM
Welcome, Arien, to the World of Althanas! Here, we're not overly concerned with just battling, so you should find some very interesting things to do asides from clashing swords or throwing fireballs at a random monster.

As for the Tournament of Champions... Eh, how should I say it. Registration for the Tournament had been closed, so I'm afraid you missed it by a few weeks. However, you're still very welcomed to stick around and check out its progress while the others (such as us) watch from the conforts of a small, musky tavern at the edge of town. Everyone's welcomed. :)

Oh, and don't mind some of the more eccentric faces around here. Not everyone is as sane (or insane) as me, Nyan. :p

*Proceeds to take your measurements for a custom-tailored straightjacket*

01-06-09, 08:10 AM
Thank you everyone, I'm sure I will enjoy my visit to your realm. Who knows? I might just stick around for a while. To answer your question Ataraxis, I never really stuck to one specific genre of writing over the years, I pretty much just engaged in freeform multiverse roleplaying where anything is possible. Although most of my years were spent as a diehard on-line fighter, lately I've been more interested in socializing and learning new things (it gets hard after ten years). Thank you also Taskmienster, if I have any questions I will be sure to ask.

**Arien takes a single cookie from Rebellion's plate; prefering the chocolate chips, which he's pretty sure tastes better than the poisonous razor blades** Thanks... ^_^

In regards to what you said Advent, someone else at Roleplay Gateway also told me it was too late to join (I guess I should check my emails more often, lol). But yeah, Lord Saladin informed me that the Grand Tournament sign-ups already passed. He didn't mention anything about a tavern, though. It's at the edge of the town you say? I'll have to stop by and check it out some time. Alright, well, thanks everyone for the warm greetings. I should be around here today for a while, and I'm still new so I'll probably be asking a lot of questions for the next two days. (For instance, does Althanas have a live chatroom? lol) Anyways, thank you BaBE, Rebellion, AdventWings, everyone. I guess I shall see you all around, huh? Heheh... Bye ^_^

01-06-09, 08:49 AM

It's kinda a ToC/General Althanas chat room that is supposed to be open at all times... hope that helps.