View Full Version : Rain Burns

01-07-09, 05:57 PM
Rain was something Reivianna was not prepared for. She had no rain jacket of any sorts when it started to pour so, she shielded herself best she could with her cloaks hood. Rei liked her cloak, with it on she thought it made her seem more mature and appear older. Her height, however, still drew some attention when she entered a nearby tavern. It had stopped raining by this point but the sky was still threatening more so she thought it best to sit indoors for a while.

Reivianna brushed past a peculiar looking man and walked to an empty table, removing her hood as she did so and trying to squeeze some of the water out of her dripping hair but without touching it. Due to the fact every time her fingers touched a drop of water a slight burn seemed to appear.

A barmaid quickly dashed to the table she was sitting at and gave her a sweet smile.
"I'm sorry hun, but we don't allow children in here." Her voice was almost mockingly soft and sweet. Rei growled inwardly but her shy demeanor made her sink into the chair further as if to hide from occasional confused glance in her direction.
"I'm seventeen.." She murmured softly, an embarrassed tone to her voice. Rei knew she looked like a child with her long red hair, big round glasses and freckles placed occasionally on her small pale face. Of course her height didn't help either. She still didn't appreciate being treated like this, though she never really had the nerve to speak up about it.

The barmaid gave her a confused look.

01-07-09, 07:07 PM
As Tristam was watching the retreating Magnus leave, he could not help but notice the child's entrance. At least she seemed like a child. Her petite frame certainly suggested one and the barmaid apparently agreed with that assessment. Tristam was about to pay her no mind when a drop of water dripped from her hood onto her skin and sizzled.

Tristam snapped upright in his chair and leaned forward. That could not have been what he saw. No doubt the fireplace had crackled at the same moment as the water fell and the black mark on her neck was a smudge of mud from the road. Yes, that was the most likely...


Tristam was forced to concede that the repeated event rather undermined his total coincidence theory. What manner of creature burned at the touch of water? Aefrit? Demon? In the form of a bespectacled child? Locked in the analysis of this anomalous data, Tristam was completely oblivious to the fact that he was staring at Reivianna quite openly.

01-07-09, 08:40 PM
The barmaid finally sighed and turned back towards the long wooden bar area away from the tables.
“Fine but you are getting nothing more that water from me, and if you have a problem you are to take it up with the manager.” Her tone had changed now, from sweet to a harsher one and Reivianna flinched.
“N-no problem…” She managed to stutter quietly before shifting her position in her chair.

Rei gazed absentmindedly around the tavern while rubbing the small burn on her neck,and wishing she'd never ventured out on such a stormy day.

Something caught her eye. It was a pale, brown haired man and he was staring at her quite openly from a table in the corner of the room. So she looked at him for a second, an innocent expression on her freckled face and she blinked a few times. Reivianna didn’t know why he was starring at her but it made her nervous and a little frightened. She stood up, deciding to maybe move to a table further away when her foot caught the chair’s leg. Rei toppled over with a loud ‘oomf’ and a small spark appeared when she came in contact with the ground but quickly disappeared and was hardly noticeable.

01-08-09, 04:42 PM
"Well, if she is some evil being, it is damn good at hiding its true nature," Tristam thought as she spun to the floor. Once again his eyes caught the spark between her the wet floor, but this time he felt only pity for the young woman. She might be an oddity but not a threat.

Tristam rose to his feet and crossed the floor to Reivianna's side. "That was a nasty fall, miss. Let me help you up?" Tristam offered his hand to her. "I think you might be more comfortable at a table by the fire in any case." Tristam gestured towards his original table still claimed by his pouches and packs. "Would you care to join me there?"

01-08-09, 06:21 PM
Rei made eye contact before accepting his hand with her own slightly charred one. She decided he was trust worthy enough and the fire was almost calling to her from the other side of the room.

“Thank you,” Her voice was barely a whisper as she brushed herself off. “Though if I sit with you, you should be prepared for people thinking I am..er..” Rei blushed lightly. “You’re child or something…But I am seventeen even if I don't look it!" She blurted the last part out in a rushed whisper, trying to avoid any awkwardness about her age if their conversation continued. She looked him in the eyes again, a habit she’d developed even though she was quite shy. Reivianna often decided what she thought of a person based on the look in their eyes. His was soft and kind but she could tell there was an edge of something in him. And it made her curious. Her feeling of need to meet new people overpowered her sense of shyness and she offered her hand to him this time.
“I’m Reivianna.” She smiled an almost weak smile which gave her even more of a child-like appearance.

01-22-09, 08:17 AM
Apologies for disappearing. Life has been hectic of late.

Tristam shivered a little as he felt the gritty char on her hand grind into his skin. He tried not to let it show on his face but his gaze showed her the undercurrent of fear beneath his concern and curiosity. Her next words dispelled much of his anxiety however. The evidence for this young confused girl being exactly as she seemed was growing. Of course, that is what a trickster demon would do isn't it? Lull me into trusting it before striking?

Ignoring his own advice, Tristam again took her hand. "A pleasure to meet you Reivianna." His grip was firmer this time. "As for the others, I care not what they think. Let them be misinformed while we two share the truth. That is one of the tenet of my order as it happens." Still holding her hand, Tristam turned to lead her towards the blazing hearth. "This confuses many people as those who know Aurelius but do not worship him assume that a god of knowledge must also be a god of teaching. But this is not so. We feel that all knowledge must be collected and archived but like any treasure is must be guarded and used widely."

Tristam turned after his impromptu lecture to face Reivianna once more and blinked for a moment as he replayed the last few moments in his mind. "I never introduced myself did I?" Tristam grinned sheepishly. "I am called Tristam and as I am sure you have gathered I am a scholar and priest of Aurelius. Now, what are you?" Tristam inquired.