View Full Version : oHai!

01-07-09, 09:21 PM
Yeah, third character here and this is the first time I've bothered putting up a greeting thread.



This is Rat. She wants to spy on you and learn interesting things so she can tattle on you to the Althanas equivalent of her Nordic god patrons. She'll probably also throw things at you if you annoy her. Such a rude little creature.

And since I never did one for the other two, hi! I like writing (been here since June, think that much is obvious!), I work at a daycare and am in the process of becoming a school librarian.

I am also supposed to be working on other things right now, not half-a-year-late intros. I'mma go do that now.

Slayer of the Rot
01-07-09, 09:30 PM

Does she taste like a normal squirrel, or better, since she's cosmic?

01-07-09, 09:39 PM
School Librarian? Whoa! Dream big! haha, I kid I kid. Welcome to the site, cosmic squirrel of the gods.

As I said in the registration thread, you remind me of a squirrel version of my imp character... hahaha.

01-07-09, 09:53 PM

Does she taste like a normal squirrel, or better, since she's cosmic?

She would probably taste like cold coffee grounds, pistachio shells and fur. Just to spite people trying to eat her. D:

School Librarian? Whoa! Dream big! haha, I kid I kid. Welcome to the site, cosmic squirrel of the gods.

As I said in the registration thread, you remind me of a squirrel version of my imp character... hahaha.

I coulda rambled about my goals to get my doctorate, teach college, become a reading therapist and a published novelist and about how I am going to invade Prince Edward Island and rename it after myself, but hey, I figured one step at a time. ;)

And I like Garwocket. Read the profile awhile ago - things based loosely on M:tA = alright by me! His accent is awesome.

01-07-09, 10:14 PM
M:tA? I've no clue what that is... lol.

And doctorate and teach college? My oh my, that's my goal in life too. Along with writing books... though the island can stay on it's own side of the ocean as far as I'm concerned. That's a long flight... and I don't have the attention span.

01-07-09, 10:22 PM
M:tA? I've no clue what that is... lol.

And doctorate and teach college? My oh my, that's my goal in life too. Along with writing books... though the island can stay on it's own side of the ocean as far as I'm concerned. That's a long flight... and I don't have the attention span.

Mage: The Awakening. I am a closet WoD fangirl, in secret merely because I have no desire to play online, and no RL friends who are into RPGs. Ah well, more free time, eh?

01-07-09, 10:36 PM
I coulda rambled about my goals to get my doctorate, teach college, become a reading therapist and a published novelist and about how I am going to invade Prince Edward Island and rename it after myself, but hey, I figured one step at a time. ;)

Not on my watch, squirrely! Those potatoes are mine.

But other than that, welcome to Althanas!

01-08-09, 02:04 AM
Welcome to Althanas.

WoD is pretty sexy. I've got more of a thing for Hunter, though. I don't get to play it much. My friends are too into D&D to look at anything else. Not having enough of the books hurts also. =(

Edit: Because WoD is sexy, I declare yourself and this thread sexy. Discuss.

Terminus Mortis
01-08-09, 03:22 AM
She would probably taste like cold coffee grounds, pistachio shells and fur. Just to spite people trying to eat her. D:

I will tell you the same thing I told the cat-girl: Everything tastes good with tabasco.

01-08-09, 01:23 PM
Edit: Because WoD is sexy, I declare yourself and this thread sexy. Discuss.
Oh baby. Mathias knows just how to take my panties off. Just being in this thread...mmmm....
Since thou art a squirrel, thou art consumable, yes?
Because coffee grounds really get me going.
Just add a sprinkle of seasoning, some week old baby flesh and the last drops of someone's soul...
...and welcome back, lady. ;)

01-08-09, 02:00 PM
I'm a professional panty peeler.

Terminus Mortis
01-08-09, 03:45 PM
Well when you do it alone every night I figure you'd get pretty good at it.

01-08-09, 04:11 PM
Oh baby. Mathias knows just how to take my panties off. Just being in this thread...mmmm....
Since thou art a squirrel, thou art consumable, yes?
Because coffee grounds really get me going.
Just add a sprinkle of seasoning, some week old baby flesh and the last drops of someone's soul...
...and welcome back, lady. ;)

Welcome back? I never really left. ;) I just have yet to say who else I am because it amuses me not to.

Edit, ten seconds later: though that would kinda let the cat (squirrel?) out of the bag pretty quick, wouldn't it? XP

01-08-09, 04:18 PM
Well when you do it alone every night I figure you'd get pretty good at it.

Your mom gave me some pretty good pointers, too.


Caden Law
01-09-09, 01:15 PM
Your mom gave me some pretty good pointers, too.

ZING!This was not sufficiently OHHHHHHHHHH NO HE DI-EH! enough.

ZING! denied. You do not pass go, you do not collect $200. You go directly to Fail.

01-09-09, 01:38 PM

01-09-09, 01:41 PM
You do not pass go, you do not collect $200. You go directly to Fail.

I nominate this for Quote of the Week.

Terminus Mortis
01-09-09, 02:09 PM
I'll second that.

01-10-09, 11:50 AM
This was not sufficiently OHHHHHHHHHH NO HE DI-EH! enough.

ZING! denied. You do not pass go, you do not collect $200. You go directly to Fail.

In a failboat?

Caden Law
01-10-09, 07:16 PM
In a failboat?
With fails for sails and a crew of professional failors specialized in failing the seven seas. Not even a Rickroll can unfail this one.

Terminus Mortis
01-11-09, 08:20 PM
You're gonna end up as failbait ass.