View Full Version : The Whole Glory vs. The Decimation Duo

01-08-09, 07:15 PM
So, while I normally detest OOC threads, this time it's vital.

The beginning of the round landed squarely over the time that Logopolis is in the process of moving. He was hoping to have a post up tonight, but informed me that due to a sudden logistical nightmare, he will be unable to. As he will be without computer access for anywhere from two to five days, go ahead and finish this set without him.

I already had his express permission to bunny his character, and as such, I'll be bunnying him for my next post or two, to keep things going until he gets set up and able to get a post up. I'm able to keep in contact with him via phone, so his actions will be through my posts, but still generally his own actions.

I'll keep you guys updated until he gets back, as best as I am able.

01-19-09, 08:35 PM
All right, there is really no way that this fight can continue without Lord Synical. We're at just about a week left in the round, he has one post and has only logged in twice in the past week - neither of those times did he put up a post - so now what? Logopolis could possibly do another run-around post in the meantime, but nothing substantial can happen without Synical.

Aralak, could you either bunny Synical into doing something? Anything to keep this fight moving? I don't really care about posting order, but we should be able to keep this going. If you'd like, do a post next, and bunny Synical's character getting trapped in the cage my character made. We'll just leave him there, out of sight and out of mind, until he can get a post up, continuing the fight as a 2v1. There's really not much else to do unless Synical posts.

Aralak Mogra'thir
01-31-09, 03:35 AM
I'd like to take the opportunity to apologise for all the inconvenience caused by the technical difficulties my team has suffered. I think it's a foregone conclusion that the judges will reach a decision in your favour, considering that The Decimation Duo has been inactive for such a considerable portion of the time allotted to this battle. It's always somewhat disappointing to be eliminated from a competitive event knowing that for reasons entirely beyond your own control you have been unable to compete at the highest standard of your ability, however I wish you both the very best of luck in the following rounds and I'm sure that Lord Synical does the same.

Oh, and the reason I didn't bunny Synical's character was that I really didn't think it would have any effect on the outcome. The way I saw it, if he didn't restore connection and make a considerable contribution before the deadline then we would have been disqualified anyway. So again I wish you good luck for the rest of the tournament, and hope that we'll have the chance to continue this if another Tournament of Champions is held at a later date.

01-31-09, 03:26 PM
Understandable. It is indeed a shame it happened this way; I was really looking forward to the fight. But that aside, for the next round, do I have permission to use your characters a bit to orchestrate a way for my team to leave the battlefield? I promise that they won't die or any some such, I just mainly need them to vanish.

Aralak Mogra'thir
02-02-09, 05:51 AM
Permission granted.