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07-10-06, 05:22 PM

The Cerulean Tomorrow: Prologue

Eleazar grudgingly walked out of the crowded Gemslight Manor, stepping into the heavy downpour of the night’s cold rain. The Scara Brae police had decided to do their job and close off the area with their usual yellow band, engraved with the words Please Do Not Cross. Their investigation concerning the death of Miss Paris Gemslight was not going too well. Some nobles refused to leave, wanting an exposing part in the tragic incident. Many other nobles were rushing out the great oak wood doors of the Manor, panicked that a homicidal murderer was on the loose. Reporters and journalists from various publications had begun to arrive, asking random people about the murderous incident, working extremely hard to get the best and most outrageous rumours. Also, the police had no leads at all, which made their investigation just a little bit more difficult. With his shoulder brushing against an obnoxiously loud policewoman dressed in her black and blue uniform, Eleazar walked away, with his head hanging dreadfully low and carrying his simple black mask in hand.

The biting rain seeped into Eleazar’s white skin and cut right into his bones. His black hair was plastered upon his striking face and his clothes were no better, sticking to his lithe body like multi-coloured leeches. His black leather shoes were filled with water, with his feet squishing and squashing away at every step. His sheathed steel sword Silver Beach hung along his side, hidden by his blue and white imperial coat. A screaming gust of wind blew right into Eleazar’s direction, making him shiver from the cold of the lively night. The regretting young noble trudged away in silence, despite the noise the police cars and the nobles made. His striking ice blue eyes searched for an inn to stay at, desperate for some comfort and warmth. It did not matter the condition of the tavern or who it housed; Eleazar was desperate for a fireplace and a bed, the perfect spot to do what he did best – brood.

Plodding through the heavy rainwater on the gray granite road, the young noble spotted a sign hanging off by the side of a small, withered building. He could not make out the words on the sign because of the weighty rain, but Eleazar assumed that the sign advertised something about a comfortable bed and good food. Without having anything to lose, except probably what little honour he had left, he turned the silver knob of the building and opened that door to a warm atmosphere.

“Good evening to you, sir.” A female voice chimed the moment he stepped into the door, sopping the dainty little mat sewn with a picture of a bug-eyed cow and the pink popping Welcome. The building was, luckily, an inn called Jacob’s Well. Well-kept and clean, the place was better than expected, with cheerful lights brightening up the place despite the dark midnight rainfall outside. The rich smell of mocha coffee wafted in the air and the quiet sounds of snuggling and snoring could only be heard. Looking around, Eleazar walked up to the counter slowly and dripping wet, still shocked at the horrendous act that he had committed that night. “What can I do for you?” she said, ignoring that dejected face of the young noble.

Can you turn back Time? Can you bring Paris Gemslight back to life? Can you give me back my honour? Can you reintroduce me to my morals? Can you tell what I did was wrong?

“I would…,” he paused, wiping his face to conceal the tears running down his pitiful face. “I would like a room, please.”

The innkeeper angled her head slightly in concern, looking into Eleazar’s bloodshot eyes. “What’s wrong, sir?” She pulled out a clean white handkerchief, designed with pink blossoms and a small waxen dove. “Do you need this?”

Eleazar took the handkerchief gratefully and forced a smile back at her. “Thank you. I would just like my room,” he said in his most polite tone. “Please.”

She smiled back at him, genuinely, like an angel. “You know what, sir? You look like you need some grace in your life. I’ll let you stay as long as you need, without payment.” Maybe she was an angel.

Grace… I’ve always gotten grace in my life. I had my parents. I had a girlfriend who loved me and who was loyal to me. I had a best friend. I had a rich life back in Moonglitter. I was even famous. I was graced with all these things I didn’t even deserve. I’ve always gotten grace in my life. I just never had the time to appreciate it.

“Thank you. Thank you very much.”

“It’s the first room on your left, sir. Have a good night,” she waved back optimistically and added. “I hope you feel better in the morning.”

Eleazar winced at the seemingly impossible notion of him ever feeling any better. Every single day since the loss of his parents, Eleazar lived a life of lament and sorrow, looking forward only to the death of Joseph Fluxengard, the murderer of his parents, the destroyer of his life. Every single step he took towards his vengeful goal only cost somebody else pain. First it was the family in Brokenthorn Forest, facing off against an army of giant spiders, all because of a jewel piece. Now, he had just murdered the young defenceless Paris Gemslight, all for a stupid jewel that he did not even want to possess. And what would the Cerulean Destiny show him when he finds all its pieces? More power? It seemed very possible, for whenever he would find a new piece, it seemed that some strong awakening occurred inside of him. Would it show him where Joseph is? Most likely, too… but did he really want that? The young noble smiled weakly at the optimistic innkeeper, masking away his pain and regret.

07-11-06, 02:36 PM
The Cerulean Tomorrow: Chapter 1

Eleazar Lachrist saw the moment the sun arose from the east, casting its shimmering gaze upon the peacefully sleeping city of Scara Brae. The morning was as unsullied as any new day, with buyers, sellers and adventurers already prowling the streets for the cheapest buy or the latest mission to be claimed. The warming morning breeze snapped the distressed young noble out of his thoughtless reverie, telling him that it was morning and that he had forgotten to fall asleep. Or maybe he just did not want to.

Unwrapping the bed sheets off his buck naked body, Eleazar picked up his clothes; he let them dry overnight messily on the floor and on the sidetable. He faintly remembered tossing them aside without direction, as he dove straight into the bed, hoping for some refreshing sleep. He shook his head abruptly, trying to forget anything and everything that occurred last night. Slipping on his now-dry clothes, Eleazar sat near the window and watched the brilliant sun rise from its slumber. It’s likely around five o’clock in the early morning, Eleazar thought, putting his hand to his throbbing head. I think I have a migraine.

He gazed upon the majesty of the sun, revelling in its natural beauty and wondering if the sun ever felt guilty for killing millions of things, such as your usual vampires, undead, sun-hating demons, sun-allergic people and the like. Avoiding the idea of laughing at his own thought-process, Eleazar pondered the concept seriously. Although common belief contradicts it, who really knows if the sun has a life, a concept of living and having fellowship with its fellow heavenly bodies, such as the stars and the moon. The sun most likely kills millions of creatures every single day, just by rising from its sleep and shining, while the other heavenly bodies just wait their turn to wake up. It was an odd theory, but if it was true… would the sun feel bad waking up, killing creatures in the process? Eleazar delved into even deeper thoughts, comparing himself to the grand ball of fire slowly rising.

He had to do what he had to do; he had to kill Paris Gemslight to attain the Cerulean Yesterday.


He had to get that jewel to get his revenge on the damned Joseph Fluxengard.




Eleazar ran his right hand through his thick black hair, now tinted purple due to the sun’s rays. He tried to forget, but for some reason, forgetting was one the hardest things to do for him. He tried to forget about the death of his parents, and live a normal, noble life. He tried to forget about his separation with his beloved Hilary, and find somebody else new. He tried to forget about the Cerulean Destiny and the ties it has with his so-called destiny. He tried to forget about his horrific discoveries of the past. He tried to forget the terrors of the giant spider colony. He tried to forget about his murder of Paris Gemslight. Staring blankly out the window, he tried to forget about himself.

That’s no good.

Slightly unsurprised, Eleazar lifted an eyebrow at the female voice in his head in a questioning aggravation. He knew his pink-haired spirit guide would come sooner or later; she always did, after he attained his Crest Piece. She always coaxed him to continue on with his quest of collecting the cerulean jewels. She was always there to inform him where he was supposed to go next, but always disappeared when she was needed most. She was always there to give Eleazar a new direction in his life.

You’ve already caused me enough trouble, Eleazar replied heatedly. Go away.

Giving up already? Well, that’s not possible. You’ve already started your journey. You can’t give up now.

Well, unless you’re unaware…, he paused for more than just dramatic expression. I killed Paris Gemslight! That’s by far the worst thing I’ve ever done in my entire life! The distressed young noble emotionally exploded, causing even the spirit to wince in surprise.

Mmmmm… I see, she said in a tone that indicated that she had her hand on her chin. Don’t worry, then. I thought you wanted to find Joseph Fluxengard?

I… I don’t know anymore.

Don’t you want your parents put to justice?


Don’t you want Hilary back?

Of course… but…

Don’t you want to find out what else Joseph Fluxengard is up to? What if he’s a kingpin of some underground gang, or an illegal drug dealer, or a pimp or something even worse? Don’t you want to save whoever else is in danger of him?

Y-yes… but…, Eleazar stammered, trying to find the words to say. Yes, of course, he wanted to do all those things, but it will cost so many lives. So many people will be affected by his actions, just like Paris Gemslight’s last night.

Then there you go. You do want to find Joseph Fluxengard. So get off your lazy ass and let’s go. I have a mission for you.

But what about the people, he protested, trying to get a reasonable answer from the spirit guide. So many people will die if I go on, just like Paris!

A long pause deafened Eleazar, as if the spirit girl had not even been there. And then she answered right back. Many other people will die, that’s the way it goes, but it isn’t always your fault. Actually, most of the time, it won’t be. And how do you know a lot of people will die? What if nobody else dies in your hands?

With a defeated sigh, Eleazar threw his hands up in the air. Turning away from the window he was staring out from, the young noble sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for the pink-haired spirit girl to tell him where to go. He was absently scratching his chin, now slowly growing with unshaven stubble, when the spirit’s voice exploded back into his mind.

Seems your little innkeeper here has a little problem.

The innkeeper? Here?

Yep. Convenient, eh? Yeah, she… hmmm…, the spirit paused, as if she was trying to search for information. She has a daughter in a small fishing village here in the Scara Brae continent. She wants to have her daughter with her, so she’s put up a sign on her Adventurer’s Board to pick up her daughter in the village and bring her back to her mom.

Sounds… easy enough. How far is the village from here? Nodding in approval, Eleazar was starting to see the bright side of things.

Not far… a few miles north. Just a little ways away from Hooligan’s Grotto. You can probably get there in half a day if you move fast. So now, all you have to do is wait for her to wake up, which will be… an hour from now.

“Alright.” He stood up and stretched his body, shaking away the drowsiness he felt. Even though he was sleepy and tired, another last mission and he would finally be able to complete the Cerulean Destiny. He absent-mindedly stared down at his right hand, where the two pieces of his crest were embedded. For some reason, the jewels stopped glowing, but Eleazar was not very concerned about that. The lush ocean blue jewel looked like a finless seahorse, so the young noble just assumed that the next piece would the fins. For a moment, Eleazar wondered how many people would be killed in the process of acquiring that jewel. He hoped and prayed that no deaths would have to come his way. Pushing the thought away, he had to face reality. In this world of Althanas, death was common, and he had a feeling that the final piece of the Cerulean Destiny, the Cerulean Tomorrow, would be the cause of so many deaths.

Death is common in Althanas. The pink-haired spirit guide whispered. And it won’t be your fault.

07-14-06, 11:05 AM
The Cerulean Tomorrow: Chapter 2

“So you, a widowed innkeeper of Jacob’s Well who makes a less-than-decent living here in Scara Brae, have a brown-haired bright-eyed ten-year old daughter that’s in a little fishing village called Deurmont north of here because she couldn’t enter the damned city because you wouldn’t be able to pay for her child taxes and now you want me and some unknown and possibly murderous female mercenary to brave the dangerous obstacles and the voracious fiends around the area and fetch her for a pitiful gold reward?”

Eleazar smiled widely, and gave a hearty laugh. Hilda, Jacob’s Well’s simple innkeeper, smiled awkwardly and nervously shifted in her seat. “Count me in.” Eleazar grinned, stretching his white gloved palm towards her to seal the risky deal with a firm handshake.

“Great. Thank you, thank you very much.” Hilda’s eyes widened at the young noble’s agreement. It was out of pure luck, or was it because of fate, that she found a man willing enough to do her little quest for such a small amount of gold. She shook his firm hand with her own small and smooth ones and pulled out a small leather pouch, containing the past twelve months’ earnings. She jingled the coins tentatively, catching the attention of Eleazar. “I’m truly sorry… all I have is 150 gold.”

“That’s more than fine.”

The woman pushed the small pouch of gold across the circular wooden table, intending for him to take the gold just as soon as he left to find her daughter. He gave her a puzzled look, as if he did not understand what she meant. Motioning her hand towards the pouch, she said, “Take the money now, you might need some supplies before you leave.”

Eleazar waved his hands in front of him, telling her that he did not want the gold. “Not yet, not yet. You’re supposed to give me the gold after I pick up your daughter.” He smiled mischievously and added, “How do you know I won’t take it and run off?”

Understanding, she gingerly tucked the pouch away into her tan apron’s pocket. “The other female mercenary told me she would be in the alleyways outside. She prefers the darkness, she told me.”

Prefers the darkness, eh?

“Alright. I’ll meet her there right now and we’ll be back likely before the end of this week, maybe even earlier than that. Keep your eyes open for eyes!” Eleazar turned and made his way towards the doors, into the hustle-bustle of the city. He turned around one last time, smiling and waving at Hilda, reassuring her that her daughter will be safe and sound with her mother in no time.

“I’ll be waiting! Come back safe and God bless!” she called out as the young noble opened the doors and walked into the blinding light of the beautiful sunny morning.

As usual, Scara Brae was a flurry of business, with people walking around in searching of goods and wares to take home, may it be from purchasing them or “borrowing” them. A cool breeze blew lightly and the various odours of food, sweat and dirt overwhelmed Eleazar. He made his way towards the narrow side lane just beside the Jacob’s Well structure, expecting to see an imposing warrior woman leaning on the walls of the dirty alleyway. He turned his head and peeked in, and saw… nothing, except for a few rummaged garbage cans and a meowing family of stray cats.

“Eh…,” he said aloud, wondering where his mercenary partner could be. Hilda told me she’d be here…

Unexpectedly, from the tops of the alleyway came a dark airborne form, rushing towards the young noble in fierce abandon. In the split second that he saw the figure, he made out lush black hair, flying in the air and concealing the mysterious face beneath it. Eleazar did had no time to react when he realized that he had a gun pointed to his head, cold and steely on his terrified skin. None of the passers-by noticed him as he was pulled away by the female form, as if readying herself for a delicious noble kill. He stumbled over a trash can and spilled its rotting contents when a tough Western-accented voice whispered in his ear.

“Stop struggling or I’ll punch his bullet into your head.” Eleazar complied frightfully, not daring to make a move as the woman pulled her to the very back of the alleyway. She had her leather-gloved hand cupped over his mouth, but he would not have made a sound anyway, fearing for his life. When they reached the very back of the alley, she uncapped his mouth and demanded straight answers from him. She demanded the truth, and pushed the lethal gun harder onto his quivering head. “Who are you? What are you doing in my alley?”

“Stop!... stop!” he huffed out. “Eleazar! Eleazar Lachrist! Hilda, from the Jacobs’ Well Inn, sent me to find someone!”

“What’s your business with Hilda?”

“I’m to look for her daughter with somebody else! Please, lower your gun, I mean no harm!”

Abruptly, the woman let go of her grip on Eleazar, forcing him to catch his breath and to rub his strained neck. She lowered her gun, pointing it safely to the floor, but not bothering to put on the safety. Or maybe it did not have one. Eleazar looked up to his captor to see a striking woman, looking exactly like a warrior. She flipped her gleaming black hair, falling down to the middle of her back, revealing her round face, decorated with dark gothic make-up, extenuating her sharp, dangerous-looking facial features. Her skin was of a golden bronze colour, contrasting the unsavoury environment about her. Her body frame was tightly fitted into black and silver armour; a steel cuirass protected her chest area and steel greaves covered her upper legs. She had papery bandages wrapped along her arms, some still damp with fresh red blood. She was wearing worn durable boots, looking like they have been through many fiery trials. Aside from the gun she was now pointing to the ground, she had a simple sheathed tucked to her side, containing an imposing-looking sword. She looked impressive, indeed.

“I am Nafeesa,” she said emotionlessly. “Hilda sent me to retrieve her daughter.”

Eleazar rubbed her throbbing neck, and nodded. “I guess you’re…” he thought better of offending her and said, “I’m your partner.”

“Good.” She placed her gun in its leather case at her side and walked out of the alleyway. At first, Eleazar just waited for some signal for him to leave, until she turned back and looked at him, eyes flaring. “Let’s go.”

Without missing a beat, Eleazar fell in step beside her, looking at her strong features as they brushed past the crowd of people. He noticed that she had remarkable hazel eyes, revealing both a softness and a sorrow about her. Like they say, the eyes are the window to the soul. The woman noticed him looking and gave him a hardened look. The young noble looked away hurriedly, not wanting to invoke upon him the impending wrath of Nafeesa.

09-12-06, 03:01 PM
((due to an unexpected hiatus, my train of thought for this story is now gone and I do not expect to continue it, please CLOSE THIS THREAD, thanks!))

06-13-09, 02:02 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.