View Full Version : Hihi

01-10-09, 03:12 AM
I’m sitting here, and I am thinking very hard what the hell to say beyond “Hi”. :)

My name is Domonique, I tend to go by Dommi or Domo in chat. I’ve been rping for a number of years, I’ve been in games, mod in games, made games, my spelling and grammar still suck, but I’m working on that. I actually wound up here because my fella friend kept losing his soul to Althanas when I thought he was writing posts for the game we are currently in. So after a few weeks of ‘WTF’ I figured what the hell let’s see what the hell is so face sucking and here I am :))

This place looks intense, there’s so much to read its down right frightening, I love it, I’m still going through the pages of reading and I am looking forward to getting into the game.

Slayer of the Rot
01-10-09, 03:29 AM
I actually wound up here because my fella friend kept losing his soul to Althanas when I thought he was writing posts for the game we are currently in.

Well, here, or looking at Aida Yespica's titties on Google, but you kind of made that happen.

No, she doesn't liek mudkips, you fucking freaks.

01-10-09, 10:52 AM
Hahaha, nice Slayer.

Welcome! Good to see new people on the boards, and if he's the one that brought you here, you're in very good hands for help to understand things on the site, lol. Hopefully you like it, though I must warn that it is indeed a fact that this place is a "face sucking, soul consuming" kinda warm, cozy world...

You have to go cold turkey to get out, the patch is still being developed, but isn't looking promising.

Good luck and welcome, I'm sure the crazy people will be on here to throw in their own word, you can take it at face value because it's not much deeper than that. xD. Be especially careful of Caden Law and Rebellion, for what they say is undoubtely going to be confusing, utterly random, and probably make your head hurt trying to understand it. I know it does for me at least... lol