View Full Version : Round One, Bracket B: Dark Bullet vs. Karakuri

01-13-09, 09:57 PM
Congratulations for making it into the Tournament of Champions. Both teams receive two Fate Points for making it this far! Posting can begin at 12 AM EST on the 14th and the battle closes at 11:59 PM EST on February 4th. Good luck to both teams!

Arenas were arranged at random, and your prompt is as follows:

The battle takes place on a massive steel bridge stretching over a river. It’s a maze of beams and ladders, and with morning just arriving, the traffic becomes quite a hazard.

01-14-09, 05:34 PM
Looking around on the Southbound end of the bridge, Evan grasped his rifle and took the scope off, making him active for any attack. Looking by, he saw a massive onslaught of vehicles coming, starting by a four-door Sedan, then a large eighteen-wheeler with a trailer labelled 'Bauman's Baked Goods'. Evan saw it, seeing that he had a weak-spot for sweets, but cleared his mind and looked abroad for anyone trying to walk by. He saw nothing for long time, focusing on his weapon becoming one with the bullet, yet he had problems. He had the WORST markmanship of his class, placing 5th in the class. The scope he used at times was defective, making him even worse at shooting. His pistol had perfectence all over it, but he only used it if he had a close encounter with anything, like a wolf. He looked outward, seeing nothing but barage after barage of cars come by, all several types of cars, trucks, vans, you name it. He felt very confused and abrupt over how each of these cars did not even stop seeing him with a rifle.

"I guess they've seen this before. Hmmm.... how peculiar." Evan said, loading a 20-round magazine. He then walked by the edge of the side of the bridge, watching small rifts of water cascade by. He was very glorified by its beauty, watching the everlasting view.

"Man, haven't seen anything this good since boot camp." He said accidentally dropping a bullet. "Aww Sh*t. Should have been paying attention."

Yet with his focus onsight, he never missed a beat and heard every single car passing against the pavement, the wind blowing against his dirty blonde hair. He then stood straight, placing his rifle on his back by his custom strap, and walked steadily towards the first ladder he saw. He looked at the ladder, testing its sturdiness. He kicked it, checking that it was bolted to a steel floor, which was connected to a series of other ladders and small beams unseen and somehow seen to the human eye. Nonetheless, he grabbed the first peg on the ladder and started to climb until he heard a voice from behind.

"What? Aren't you forgeting about me?" The voice said behind him. It was his 'so-called' friend, Alecia.

(Enter Alecia, take over for yourself)

Getsuaka Kato
01-16-09, 08:39 AM
"Well, these cars sure don't like slowing down, do they?" the young man complained to himself. "Damn... This seems so much easier in Frogger..." he once again whined, leaping from an empty spot to another, the traffic never ending from the golden horizon. The rays of light sprang across the landscape, hitting his grey optic, bringing the dull color into life. Though, the coldness of his tone was still there. "You know what, screw this!" he said, running forward, bringing one foot into the air, and pounding in the roof of a car. He jumped forward again, landing on cars, or the occasional empty spot. He reached the other end of the bridge, staring back at the traffic accident he had just developed "Serves them right for not settlin' down..."

"So, where's the target...?" he said to himself, scanning the area with the brilliant grey iris, and now dilated pupil. His eyelid fell over half of his eye, his left eye being closed eternally. Not to mention the three scars moving down this eye. Or the cross scar on his opposite cheek. If it wasn't for his current attitude...He'd almost seem scary.

He brought his right hand, in almost a dance, and unsheathed his katana from his left shoulder. The blue lace flew in his hand, the blade now in front of his face, just below his nose, blade outwards. He struck the air, while a gust blew intensely, he jumped up to the closest beam he saw. He continued his landings, all the while seeming to be doing some mystical dance.

He now, only after a bit of effort, was at the top of the bridge. "Well, this outta bring them out..." he said, while a white energy spilled from his pores. It was indescribable; Words truly couldn't piece this together. The only thing could be said, that it was what they described ghosts looking as... Only this, was his own. This was not some cheesy spirit trick. This was real. This was his Twilight. Hakumei. And it was under solely his grasp.

His right hand held the blade from the very bottom of the hilt, the katana, namely Maboroshi, was held straight out, as if an extension of his arm to the side. His index finger traveled towards the neck of the hilt, giving it more support, at the price of just a bit of traction. His left hand came to his heart, and took the gesture of praying, with curled fingertips.

This Twilight surrounded the man in an aura, traveling back into him, replenishing himself, while building up a mass in Maboroshi. Before he knew it, an instinctual thing, actually, an orb of this energy erupted into his hand. He brought his hand forward, shooting it down towards the traffic, leaving a large crater, and a worse jam.

Maboroshi came down to his side. His open hand traveled to his pocket.

With blade in one hand, and other in a casual state, the mid-point of lives, the, 'twilight', if you will, was before them all.

Getsuaka Kato, the Prince of the Hakumei, had arrived.

"Now just to kick back and wait..." he said, form not being moved by the massive winds.

01-16-09, 02:48 PM
Evan turned around, watching as a truck lost traction and slid into four lanes of traffic, stopping few cars and creating a small obstruction. One car tried to get out of the way and make a U-turn, but the car was hit by a 4x4 and started to drift towards him.


Evan became very frantic, reaching for the ladder and climbing as fast he could, stopping mid-way up the ladder. He watched as the car slammed into the bottom part of the ladder and ramming apart. Once he saw the car stop in the wall, Evan jumped down, gripping his helmet and checking his body armor. Fortunately, nothing was wrong, he grabbed his rifle and cocked the hammer, loading a 20-round magazine. He then grabbed the scope from his bag, even when it is defective, and placed onto the top of his Springfield M1A, making the magnification ONLY 2X. Looking at the mess created, he saw that cars were still coming.

"What the hell was that?" Evan asked himself, acting as conspicuous as he could be. Feeling bad, he was going to feel even worse. He could not see Alecia anywhere. "Alecia? ALECIA?!! ALECIA!!!" He bent downward, looking at more destruction made in the path, feeling panicky and remorseful to find out what happened to her. As a last move, like a play in chess, Evan held his rifle tight and ran towards the truck making a jam and destruction. Jumping off the car, he grabbed his rifle by the handle and grip, swinging his arms left and right to keep his weapon balanced. He jumped over a small sedan, leaping over it with his rifle in his left hand. He then charged down the open section of ground, making a straight shot to the truck. Finding more ground, he sees a van's tires screeching over towards him, inch by inch. Once in front of it, he saw that a man was trying to get out of the jam. The van went into gear and went forward towards Evan. He hesitated, taking a large breath, then standing in place. The van went forward more, making more speed. Afterwards, once the van had reached him about 10 feet, Evan grabbed a grenade, tossing it to the floor, then running. 10...9...8...7... Seconds went by as the grenade kept rolling down the slick metal. The van too kept moving, getting closer to the grenade. 6...5...4...3...........2............1............ An immense explosion was created, making the man driving the man become engulfed in smoke, then putting his foot to the gas. Evan ran even faster, accidentally dropping his rifle.

"F*CK THIIISSSS!!!!!" He yelled, running directly past the truck. He saw the van coming at full speed. Evan looked behind him once, seeing that the driver could not see. He ran faster, yet losing breath after a few feet of running. The van came closer and closer, making him stop in place and jump out of the way of the van. Unfortunately, he was too late for his jump. he was slightly clipped by the bumper, making him spin and fall face first. His left leg had been sprained, making him slightly immobile to run fast. He watched as the van kept moving, running off of the bridge.

"Damn, does that hurt." He said while grasping his leg. He felt blodd running down his leg, feeling it made him scream in pain. "AHHHH!!!" His leg was sprained by a calf, ankle and knee. His kneecap was busted and broken, popping out of place. He tried the best he could to stand, but his leg was too far in pain to move. He just sat there, making a great effort to move.

"Okay, time to move." Evan said, grasping his leg. In no instant, grabbed his knee and put pressure on his kneecap, trying to put it back in place. He put out a gut-wrenching scream, pressing harder and harder on his knee. He then grabbed his knee with one hand, grabbed his pistol in another. He held his SR9 by the barrel, with the handle towards the ground, like a hatchet. Within a second, he hit his knee with the pistol, hearing a popping noise. His kneecap and his knee were back in place. Yet, tears were running down his face because of all of the pain and agony he felt. He stood, making small step by small step towards the truck. He looked at it, seeing no driver at all. He looked around, seeing nothing. He became more frantic, looking around greatly and searching for Alecia.

"ALECIA!! ALECIA!!! HELP ME!!!" Evan said, falling against the truck, feeling the pain come back.

Getsuaka Kato
01-19-09, 03:15 PM
"Wow, these people don't know how to drive" he muttered yet again to himself. He was used to this by now. But he thought further on; He was by himself. Where was that... Gyz... Gyz something... Gyzzy? He had no clue. But, partners were partners. And for as far as he was concerned, he was the only one with permission to arrive late. He did like to make an entry.

His eye scanned the area below him, Kato beginning to actually levitate from the pressure his Twilight had against the bar. "Was that a grenade?" he asked himself, as an explosion flew by near a van. "Looks like one of our friends are here..." He scoffed, then leaped down from the bars "Target found..."

His sandals hit the ground. Hard. Kato rubbed his knees from the impact "I'm getting careless..." he commented, Maboroshi in hand, as he ran forward. It was beyond running, though. The Twilight mixed within his body while he rested, and now, his legs pumped. In a zig-zag motion he moved, seeming just a blur to the people now in a crash. He suddenly heard gunfire. He stopped immediately, once again scanning the area.

To the victims of the terrible accident, he appeared from "thin air". Kato wore strange attire, so he understood, with slight satisfaction, as he heard a man comment on the "Angel of Death." But that was not his job now. Well, for them at least. His opponents in this so-called Tournament were the only ones who needed to die.

Before he knew it, he turned the corner, and looked down at the man leaning on the truck. "Yo. You Evan? Answer wisely, kid." Kato brought Maboroshi, holding on from the bottom of the hilt, up, pointing it in front of the boy's neck. The Twilight around him would suffocate those with normal "aura" senses.

Kato's scars would at least inflict some fear on others, three down his eye, and a cross on his other cheek... Maybe he was scary, after all. Not like he was doing anything rash, trying to kill others.
He looked to the side for a quick second, then called out "Yo, Gyzzy, hurry up and get over here..." he then looked back to the boy, bringing the blade in another few millimeters, without touching. "Are you Evan or not?"

01-19-09, 06:40 PM
Evan looked at him while feeling the blade of his Maboroshi against his neck, not getting any texture or anything to kill him instantly. He shook, staring at his face with an ominous glow. Without thinking, he spat at the man, making him feel his face and wipe the spit off his face. He did not care as to what he was thinking, he heard his question feeling no pain or shame yet. Without thinking, Evan pulled out his sidearm, pointing it at his chest.

Evan swallowed a gulp, trying to hide his audacious fear. "Yea... I'm him. I guess your partner is MIA, too?" He strengthened up, trying to move his body to comfortable. "So... mind if we just talk? That way we can get questions out of the way." The blade went closer. "Or... not. Hey man, I'm just trying to be civil."

Alecia Crawford
01-19-09, 08:23 PM
Alecia woke up with such a start that the Darkness she focused into a platform above the water nearly went away. Evan's voice of despair, his emotions of being cornered, echoed through her body as though the emotions were her own. It was a result of the bond she made with him when they agreed to be partners. She was already starting to regret it. How was she ever going to succesfully complete training in the Mind Realm - a zone put together by the dreams and nightmares of people, and the powers of those able to manipulate that type of power - if Evan wouldn't give her enough time to herself to practice?

"Damn Evan!" She thought aloud. "I'm right below the bridge."

Another surge of emotions shot through her body. Great. Evan seemed to be in even more danger than he was a few minutes ago. She had no choice but to put her training aside and help out.

Alecia tied her red hair into a loose pony tail, and changed her staff of Darkness into a pen small enough to fit behind her ear. Though she knew it would be reckless at the very least, she called out a Monster Hand from the underground to lift her on to the platform. In a matter of seconds, she was right above both Evan and the man putting him in the danger, sitting in the palm of the hand of hell.

"What's this? The fighting has begun so soon. Shame. I don't like fighting."

01-19-09, 09:09 PM
"Yea, well mind getting this guy off of me? Damn, this sword hurts like hell." The sword was, yet again pressured against his neck another millimeter. He felt the blade get tighter, getting sharper against his skin. "Yea... as much as I love the taste of steel, I dont want to taste it today!" Evan felt some sweat go down his face, feeling more and more fear coarse through his veins, yet he did not show it. The sweat made him feel more powerful, but still he did not dare to move at all.

"Well..." He said, holding his pistol at the waist, aimed at the man's chest. "Two to One. How unpleasant... for YOU!" Evan said, trying to signal Alecia to strike the man. "Madam, the floor is yours." He finished putting his sidearm down, closing his eyes.

Alecia Crawford
01-19-09, 10:34 PM
Alecia sighed. "Evan, shouldn't we at least give the guy sometime to retaliate? Or let his partner come?"

Evan stared at her impatiently. That was, indeed, a no. Though it may have been a stupid choice, Alecia decided she wouldn't kill him. For the most part, her only goal was to seperate him from Evan. Her Dark energy was still high from gathering some in the Mind Realm, so summoning another Monster Hand was only a matter of closing her eyes and concentrating.

Than Evan alerted her to a problem she always seemed to have with that power. "You'll rip the whole road apart!"

She stopped calling just in time. Than, cursing under breath, she jumped off of the hands she was on, sent it back underground, and brought the staff on her ear back to normal size. Than she held it to his back.

"I won't shoot if you don't slice."

Getsuaka Kato
01-19-09, 11:01 PM
Thank you very much for fixing that.

01-25-09, 05:50 PM
Out of Character: Okay... I apologize for shadowing. I have removed all of what I have wrote involving your words, actions, etc. and now regret it to continue the story. Carry on...

In Character:

Evan gripped his pistol again and aimed at the man's chest, cocking the hammer a second time to make sure he had himself protected.

"Honestly, I would love to give him a chance, but if doesn't move this sword, I will have to put a bullet inbetween his eyes and end it cold and fast." Evan then aimed it from his elbow on the ground. "Now... what's it going to be? A bullet from my pistol, or a magical burst of energy or whatever my partner calls it."

"Dammit, Evan." Alecia said.

"Dammit, what?! Get this guy off of me!"

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
01-27-09, 08:36 PM
Wind rushed against the young boy's face as he was suspended about fifty, or sixty feet in the air. Gyzmo continued on floating in the air, he rubbed his left cheek first. Then rubbed his other cheek, then groaned. "Why... Why in the hell... Did it have to be so early..?" He mused to himself, as he continued on traveling in the air. His backpack, which contained his four tentacles; Which two had extended out to a good twelve meters long. As their three sharp hook-like claws were extended and spinning in a clockwise direction in a extremely rapid speed. And since they were really well built, and made by the strongest items: Titanium, and diamond shards. They each possessed strength durable to lift about 1.8 tons, but with the combination of strengths they could lift more than the peak level.

The morning sun that peaked out from the horizon, gave out a good glimpse at him where the massive serpent creatures hovering behind him which kept him airborne shined, and became lustrous. "I don't like morning fights.. But oh well, my partner.. Eh.. Katie? Kat.. Something wanted me to show up.." He shrugged then continued, he then scanned around the steel bridge. "What the..." He suddenly said.

Destruction stood among the bridge, where: Trucks, SUV's, and etc. They were either on their side, or damaged. He gazed around some more, then he commanded his two tentacles to lower him down slowly. But he froze then turned his new attention towards his partner, and two figures beside him. "Ah, that can't be good.." He groaned lightly.

He landed silently by a large sixteen wheeler, it apparently had no driver so he didn't worried about it moving or honking. He snapped his fingers silently, which triggered two other tentacles to slither out from his damaged backpack from behind him. The new massive serpents slithered out then spun their claws on top of their heads then glanced at their owner. "Alright Tri , and Tetra. Zap Scope." The twin snakes nodded, on the heads where a dull red glow appeared; Which was a large ruby embedded inside the head, but with the help of nano chips it gave each separate tentacle master computers intelligences and as well as human instincts. They each had a roman number embedded against the ruby jewel: I, II, III, and IV.

Slowly they slithered against each other, slowly silent slots against the bodies of the tentacles slid open. They assembled against each other, after finishing the fusion of one large body; At the end, a long barrel suddenly appeared. But three claws were closing the barrel end, while three spikes which were the claws stuck out from on top of the body which glowed with electrical energy. The three claws on the end of the barrel slowly opened up, making it look like a cool barrel now. Well, Gyzmo thought. A scope opened up, he squinted his emerald eye into it. Slowly aiming towards his targets, he aimed at a man who was seemingly laying down on the ground, holding a gun to his partner. As well, as a woman who was holding a staff against his partner. "Two of 'em." He whispered, the weight from the long weapon weighed him down a bit. So he shook his back gently, where one more serpent escaped then gripped onto the massive truck now holding him. He grinned in satisfaction, then once again took aim. "Lock on..."

Pulled a trigger where one of the slots had opened up, which released a electrical build up energy out. He was aiming at the laying mans' hand which held a handgun of some sort, the energy bursted out in a rushing speed. Almost like a sniper rifle shot, he then quickly locked onto the woman, then pulled the trigger immediately. The same energy fired out, the destination of the strike was at her arms which held the staff. "Sorry if I was late.." He said sorrowfully to his partner.

01-27-09, 09:47 PM
A shot hit his hand, making Evan drop his weapon. Noticing that there was no structural damage to the barrel or the gun itself, Evan grabbed it again and aimed it, yet keeping it at his side.

"Is THAT your partner?" Evan asked, still pointing the handgun at him. "Pretty much a stand-off here, eh?" He then tried to see if the man's partner was coming by, which he was. Evan tried to move away, but was not able to on the count of the sword moving from his neck to his chest. Now... he had a small choice to either move again and die by the hands of a sword, or not move and shoot him while he wasn't looking. Only by rare despairity would he get out alive, with his head on his shoulders or his dignity in check.

02-06-09, 07:53 AM
Thank you for participating! Mathias will judge this battle shortly. Please do not contact your judge regarding the judgment until after it has been posted.

03-05-09, 09:54 PM
I am the thief of threads, and this thread is my next target. If you have any questions or concerns just PM me.

Scriptwriter667 | Alecia Crawford | [/out of possible]

Storytelling 1.5 | 1.5 | [/5]
Setting 3 | 2 | [/10]
Script, your setting was… missing a lot. You explained a little bit about where you were, but it was in a way that was almost completely lacking anything interesting. It was almost as if you were just telling the reader instead of showing the reader what was going on.
Pacing 3 | 3 | [/15]

Dialogue 4 | 3.5 | [/10]
Action 5 | 3.5 | [/15]
Persona 4 | 4.5 | [/10]

Mechanics 6 | 6 | [/10]
Technique 4 | 3 | [/10]
Script… you at least tried.
Clarity 5 | 5.5 | [/10]
Wild Card 1 | 1 | [/5]
According to the rules you are not allowed to edit a post after it has been written. However, since your opponent asked you to fix it I won’t hold it against you, but the reason for having to edit it makes me question the validity of it as well as the reason behind it.

Total 40 | 33.5 | [/100]
Average [36.75]

Getsuako Kato | Gyzmo Gadjiltron | [/out of possible]

Storytelling 2 | 1 | [/5]
Setting 4 | 3 | [/10]
Pacing 5.5 | 4.5 | [/15]

Dialogue 4 | 4 | [/10]
Action 6.5 | 4.5 | [/15]
Persona 5 | 3 | [/10]

Mechanics 6 | 6 | [/10]
Getsuako: far too many short, choppy sentences. You also have ‘he’ an awful lot of times, where you could try using a few more synonyms in place of it.
Technique 5.5 | 3.5 | [/10]
Clarity 5 | 5 | [/10]
Wild Card 2 | 1 | [/5]
Don’t write JUST ooc posts.

Total 45.5 | 35.5 | [/100]
Average [40.5]


Script is the only one to have enough posts to qualify for exp/gp, he gets 500 exp and 75 gold

The winning team gets 2 fate points.

03-08-09, 04:12 AM
exp and gp added