View Full Version : Round One, Bracket B: Kirakage vs. Bang, whoosh, slice, death

01-14-09, 05:29 AM
Anyone want to take the firs post? I myself have an idea of second...

Lets see if we can fix up the posting order earlier.

01-14-09, 07:53 AM
I honestly don't care who goes when.

01-20-09, 04:56 AM
xD Kinda late yesh, I didn't see this. .__.'' I fail with noticing things, as always.

01-20-09, 08:59 AM
S'all good. Just make sure to edit your post in and your OOC tag out, but I'm pretty sure you're already two steps ahead of me.

Racing towards the heavily armored one Kasei was in hopes of hitting him...

It is assumed from that above quote that Kasei won't be suddenly coming to a stop once he reaches the fifty yard mark, unless I misread your post. I wrote my post as if it were happening in the two or three seconds it would take for Kasei to close that distance, since that's how much time it would take for Madison to set up her trap. By then, Kasei would be in range of the wire.

Also, Gordie's a big boy, he can move himself out of the way in his own post.

01-20-09, 06:08 PM
I'm actually also delaying my post until after Xero acts, if that would be okay, even just for this post, I can return to the normal posting order after that.

That is, unless everybody is clamouring.

Also Kasei, we need to get together to discuss how some of your abilities would affect my suit, as well as how some of my abilities would affect you... that is, because of this line

Nothing but twilight can destroy twilight does happen to render you quite invulnerable

01-24-09, 11:50 PM
Hey, Kasei...

We need to talk.

If we're going to make this battle work, we all need to be on the same level here. It was Gordie's turn to post; he has no recollection of passing up his turn completely. In fact... Just read the post above this one. He asked Xero to trade posting order with him for this round, not to be disregarded and.

So again, in case you didn't get my pm for some reason, please erase your post or have a mod delete it entirely so we can get back into the game here.