View Full Version : Satuul demons vs. Patent Pending

01-14-09, 04:34 PM
I'd like to request the first post as I already have most of it typed up. I'll be posting tomrrow morning for me, which is 10 am CET, ummm, I think that's 4 am EST

If anyone has any problems with that, just post here before then and we can talk. I'd be willing to change some things if absolutely necessary. :)

01-16-09, 06:36 PM
DAMMIT MAX!!!! Alright so until today I didn't even know (about the thread) I was going to be in the competition, and I don't think I have a partner because I haven't heard from him since December so.....I'll try to get in touch with him and see if he still is participating, because I sure as hell do.

01-16-09, 11:13 PM
You can also look at this thread in case you're unable to get in touch with him: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18200

01-17-09, 01:37 PM
Aw, that alright and that stinks about losing your partner. I hope things turn out fine, but if they don't, and it's not against the rules, both Nemai and I wouldn't mind finishing up the thread with you.

I've got my fingers crossed you find a partner :D

01-21-09, 04:36 PM
AHHHHHHHH!! I'm so sorry, when life takes over, it grabs the reigns and fucks that thing for real! I'll be better on timing I swear. I did post.

01-22-09, 03:42 AM
Duly noted! Yay! We'll get posts up for you guys soon. But just a question. Is there any particular way you think this battle should go? Or any ideas you've got with where we could take it?

01-22-09, 03:29 PM
That's alright, Max, you've posted now.

As for story-ness, I'm thinking that Snatch and Grunt will probably be killed since they are just so out of their element and they know nothing of humans who stand up and fight back. Plus they are more than a little shaken up by their capture. That being said, frightened animals are really dangerous, so they'd put up a good showing if not a particularly good fight. :D

01-22-09, 10:18 PM
I'm thinking with my character being more magically inclined, facing a melee character he's probably going to be seriously injured unless he can keep them close at bay with what little power he has.

01-31-09, 03:52 PM
hmm, you bring up a good point. Magic however, would frighten them silly, depending on its use ;)

Now, I'm afraid to say that both Nemai and I won't be able to get online for the next four days. So don't despair if there's no replying, we haven't forgotten :D

01-31-09, 05:21 PM
That's fine...I'm hope my partner hasn't forgotten.