View Full Version : Gul'thug

01-14-09, 11:56 PM
Full Name: Gul'thug Bone-Crusher
Race: Ogre
Age: 56 (Seems about 23-27 in human years)
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Bald with a 5 inch long horn sticking from the top of his head
Eye Color: Red
Skin Color: white/tanish
Height/Weight: 8'2, 680 lbs approx.
Language: Mild Tradespeak (He's no too bright...)
Occupation: Adventurer/bodyguard
Weapon: A giant two handed hammer, made out of magically enhanced ivory so that it is the regular strength o
Armor: None, just thick skin and a red loin cloth
Skills/Items: Whirlwind: Spins like a tornado hitting enemies in the area. Ogre Strength: Above average strength

I edited a few simple things, If there IS anything I should fix to get accepted, just say so, and I'll gladly oblige!

01-15-09, 05:25 PM
Whenever you have a full profile please feel free to edit into the first post so that we can review it, and makes sure to post telling us that you've made the edits or we're apt to miss it.

01-24-09, 03:53 AM
Not sure if you submitted it because you were done or not. Please post if you are completely done.. and you don't need to submit these types of threads. Just post after me.

01-24-09, 01:44 PM
yes, I'm completely done.

01-24-09, 02:01 PM
Awesome, after reading it over it's brief but nothing seems out of place. Though you don't have a history added in it so I was wondering if you were going to flesh out a history in a quest and add it at the next level, or if you had just not added one... If you just didn't add one I'd suggest throwing in a little bit so that people know about your character when they view this. ^^