View Full Version : Apodidae

01-16-09, 03:53 PM
Name: Apodidae (Uh-paw-deh-die)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 25

Height: 6 feet
Weight: 125 lbs
Physique: Frail-looking, rather thin but toned, appearing older than he is
Eyes: Green, luminescent but sometimes darker, even bluish
Hair: Light, brownish-blonde, almost graying; cut short
Face: Short narrow nose, gaunt cheeks and protruding chin; short unkempt facial hair

Livelihood: “My greatest skill has been to want but little.” (Thoreau)

Appearance: Apodidae has the look of an old man about him, but his eyes and his movements contain a certain youth. Although he is slender and bony and appears as a frail man, a curious fortitude exudes from his frame. Layers of clothes generally drape from his physique, and their hue and warmth depend of course upon his environment. Usually, though, he prefers loose and comfortable clothing with a light traveling poncho wrapped about him. His face is serenely attentive and his lucid green eyes often seem lost in thought. If they do focus on something, they do so with a revealing intensity.

Personality: Like most, Apodidae is a layered individual. To the majority of people that encounter him, he is quiet and polite, not necessarily shy, but certainly not an extrovert. Despite this, he is responsive when addressed, and does not treat aimless small talk as below him. The man appears genuinely interested in things around him, paying attention to even minute details, but is reclusive when probed by others. He does not allow many to get beneath this outer aspect of him, and some interpret his appearance and mannerisms as those of a holy man or ascetic, or perhaps a madman, depending on the observer. For any that manage to befriend him, they discover a profound and spiritual individual that can be difficult to relate to, but is nonetheless friendly.


Apodidae has so far traversed through life as a vessel on smooth waters, with a strong wind at his back. A caring family has provided him more than he should ever want, and he has had many opportunities wrestled from others and handed to him. He was certainly no rich elite, but may have appeared so to the more distraught members of society. Some might find it strange, then, that he was sick of it all and felt only slightly above a slave in shackles, though he did not advertise this.

The young man’s father and mother are relatively good people, living in a comfortable home in a well-off settlement, not far from Serenti. Apodidae and his siblings were raised with the best intentions, which, as the wise know, may have the worst outcomes. Each was given ample education and opportunity, and while the others went off into lucrative affairs, Apodidae seemed to stagnate. At least, that is, in the eyes of others. While some saw only idleness in his behavior—nay, all did—he alone felt content when he did nothing but contemplate and consider, for to him these ventures alone seemed worthwhile.

Though he loved his family and home, and they him, he had to leave. His specialty in school had been philosophy and manipulation of the ethereal Eternal Tap, and though his parents had quietly dreamed of him conjuring seas of gold coins, they also understood early on that he was more inclined to the transcendental treasures of knowledge. Apodidae went north into the forests of Concordia, remaining relatively solitary there for over a year, but he has since felt another calling, though he is unsure of the direction from which it comes.


Lightweight poncho, dark blue fabric, coated with waterproof substance
Quality Aleraran binoculars
A small pack, with utilitarian items like extra clothes, dried foods, water canteens; also, a journal, a few books, and writing utensils


The young Coronian has been taught the basics of several foreign languages—Salvic, Dwarven, Drow, Elven, and Fallien. He is fluent in Common. Apodidae can communicate basic thoughts and questions to native speakers, though may have trouble understanding their response, depending on the dialect, speed of speech, and vocabulary; also, he can read most books from these realms, but commonly finds himself confused by various passages and phrases.

The Tap
The fruits born from the branches of the Tap are really limited only by the aspirations of the individual magician. Though the ethereal tapestry was damaged long ago, Apodidae has cultivated a durable, automatic connection to the latent energies found throughout the material world; that is, unless a stronger mage knows how to bar him from them. The applications of this skill are mostly determined by the strength, awareness, and creativity of the caster’s mind; however, they also depend greatly on the nature of the mage-Tap connection. Though Apodidae’s is consistent, it is relatively superficial; he can use the energy to alter the physical world around him as well as his own body, but his ability to project his will in other sentient creatures or to a distance greater than about twenty feet is severely limited.

Strength of Mind
The young mage has spent long hours in meditation and study honing his inner self, as have many of his kind. Younger or less learned magicians will have a very hard time manipulating Apodidae’s psyche, and those with equal experience will still find it rather taxing. When he is of a clear and fresh mind, however, the young man has a moderate reserve of willpower for manipulating the Tap; the nature and effects of the spell, and the amount of times it will be cast, are of course variables in determining just how fatigued Apodidae will become.

As an example, one could look at perhaps his favorite, invisibility. The Coronian can maintain half-visibility for several minutes straight before requiring rest; however, if he becomes entirely invisible, he can only maintain that state for about thirty seconds before being completely drained. Even then, just entering the state, partly or wholly, is fatiguing; i.e., he could not become completely invisible for just one second, over and over. Another example is healing and health; Apodidae can sustain his body on the energies of the Tap and not require food or drink, but within the span of a week his mind will be exhausted. Likewise, turning those restorative energies upon his body (or another’s, though that is more difficult) can deplete him in a minute, or even knock him unconscious, depending on the severity of the injury he is attempting to heal. This is not to list the only casting abilities of Apodidae, but rather to illustrate how the variables of a spell interact with his willpower.

The way I intended this template to work is that his connection to the Tap is a passive skill, determining the ease with which he casts as well as the intensity of the spells available. His current connection is only superficial; it ranges from superficial to becoming virtually one with the Tap, with several categories in between. Then his “strength of mind” is essentially his resistance to certain magics and it determines how much energy he has to cast spells. So the first determines the ease and scope of casting, while the second determines his resistances and energy reserve. I just wanted to clarify in case my writing was too vague.

01-16-09, 05:18 PM
Very, very interesting profile... don't see a whole lot of people using the Tap. Just a small note before i approve this.

You said that those were just 'examples' of things he could do. I'd like you to make it so that you have a list of spells he can and can't use. Otherwise the power is far too open ended and far too vague. Also, things like invisibility, if you could make it so that he can only maintain halfway for no longer than minute, and full for no longer than fifteen seconds. And any outward action against another person, or engaging anything materially not touching him before he goes into invisibility, will make him appear again. I only say this because it's a bit unfair to allow someone to be invisible and attack for a period of time without being able to locate him after he does so... for level 0 at least.

After you've made a list of spells he can do, and made that edit, please respond and I'll look it over.