View Full Version : Temporary disappearance

01-18-09, 07:18 PM
Hey there everyone! Just dropping a line to let ya'll know that as of the 25th of this month, I will be gone for a total of 40 days. I will be back sometime the weekend of March 6th. I will not be on the forums or IM. I won't be gone forever though. It is only for the 40 days. Perhaps while I'm gone, I'll get a huge streak of inspiration for various things. ^_^

01-18-09, 09:52 PM
Haha, have fun and keep safe. And post in our battle. Lol.

See you when you get back!

01-18-09, 10:06 PM
Have a good time doing... whatever it is your doing

01-19-09, 05:53 AM
I didn't know you where back.

01-20-09, 01:43 AM
umm this is the first time I've been gone from Althy for an extended period of time in over a year or two...i've never been gone...

thanks for the well wishing. i'll miss everyone

03-06-09, 05:06 AM
not that i expect i was sorely missed but... I'm BACK!

03-06-09, 07:26 AM
Welcome back! And I will be working on a post as soon as I can!

Lady Blackwell
03-06-09, 08:38 AM
welcome back ^.^ and now get out there and kick some Althy ass!

Lord Anglekos
03-06-09, 09:08 AM
Welcome back.
I swear, some people are ninjas here.

03-06-09, 09:25 AM
Well, I'm a Ninja, if that helps. I'm an invisible Ninja. I'm online right this very second, but you can't see me. I'm magic like that.

On topic: Welcome back!

*Holds out plate of cookies, but one is a Doom Cookie, can you guess which one and avoid it?*

03-06-09, 09:26 AM
O hai

welcum bck