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Joshua Grayling
01-21-09, 07:19 AM
Name: Joshua “Gray” Grayling
Age: 23
Race: Half Golem
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Green and Blue
Height: 6’ 2”
Weight: 320 pounds
Occupation: Artificer

Personality: Gray is effectively a human trapped in a metallic body. He feels every emotion that humans can, though he is perhaps more prone to bitterness and anger than others. He has learned to control his anger through thick sarcasm and other, more acceptable (and violent) outlets than murdering his associates.

Appearance: Tall, slightly thick set, and imposing. A deep scar lines the left side of his face, and he has decided so far not to remove it. Only his brain lives on inside an iron shell.

History: Joshua Grayling was once a gifted battle mage. Over time he took numerous injuries and slowly replaced his body with iron. During his last battle his human body was utterly destroyed. His apprentices built him a body of iron, and put his brain inside it, with suitable enchantments to preserve it, and allow him control of the shell that housed him. Upon awakening, he discovered that he no longer had any command of magic beyond the creation of magical devices, due to the destruction of his body. He forged himself several arms with which to do battle, and trained heavily in their use, attempting to bring himself back to the peak of deadliness he had once attained.


Arms: Gray has five interchangeable arms, one is currently a work in progress. He cannot change them in the middle of combat, so he often equips Number two and number three unless he knows he will need to fight a ranged battle.

#1 Arm: A basic arm, lacking any augmentations. Not very useful for fighting. He is a poor fighter with this arm.
#2 Arm: Basic fighting arm. Bigger, heavier, with a spiked fist and ridged forearm plates. He is above average when fighting with this arm.
#3 Arm: The same size as the number two arm, but with a clawed hand, rather than spikes. He is above average when fighting with this arm.
#4 Arm: Bolt thrower arm, effectively a crossbow built into his arm. This arm has no fist, and terminates in a crossbow rail. It has a 5 round ready magazine. He is an average shot.
#5 Arm: Mana Cannon, fires variably charged bolts of magic force. It is missing several pieces necessary to fire. He would be an average shot with this arm, if it were completed.

Strong: Gray is 1.5x stronger than a regular human, owing to his iron body.

Endurance: Not needing to eat or breathe, Gray may exert himself to the maximum extent of his strength for as long as he remains awake. His brain still requires down time, and he cannot remain active for more than 16 hours in a day without suffering from fatigue and disorientation.

Null: The metal of his body has been imbued with a slight null magic field from the interactions of the enchantments that make up his control. Spells of an equal level are halved, while those of progressively lower levels are reduced accordingly, until they are negated for any spell two levels below his own. This ability functions once daily.

Rust Proof: The iron of his body does not rust.


Body: A large portion of Gray’s body is forged from Iron, this is effectively like wearing most of a suit of plate mail. It is still vulnerable in the same manner as plate mail, barring its immunity from rust.

Travel pack: Contains necessary supplies for camp and survival in the wilderness.

15 Steel broadhead bolts
15 Steel Pile head bolts

01-23-09, 01:56 PM
The only thing I see in this is that you have arms to attack, can't rust, and are completely covered in iron. Now, in order to maintain the way the character works I'm going to have to ask for a couple drawbacks... You can keep the iron suit, if there is some way to get through it, or affect it. Or maybe something like a really difficult time handling straight mental attacks since you're just a brain in a suit? Not sure how you want to work that, lol.

Null: can you cut it down to 50% for your level and 75% for the lower level, and complete after that?

And the 30 bolts, cut that down to 10 for now.

That should be it, :p. I'll catch you on AIM to discuss things if you want too.

01-23-09, 03:18 PM
Since it still has the same deficiencies as a normal suit of armor, and probably will not be too good against lightning or intense fire, I'm going to approve the changes.
