View Full Version : Hello!

01-25-09, 10:27 AM
Leme see... I don't like writing these things, I'm new to the site, but not to role-playing - and magic makes mechanized infantry so easy to build.

01-25-09, 11:23 AM
Hey hey, welcome to the site! If you need help feel free to contact a mod and we'll be glad to help you out anyway possible. ^^

Other than that, always good to have fresh blood on the forums... though Althanas can be a little bit daunting at times, it's not that bad. Just be careful of the crazies that we have lurking about (who will undoubtedly be joining in the welcoming, haha)

Raven, Setontalf
01-25-09, 12:21 PM
Welcome to Althanas. ^^ I promise only a small minority of us bite, and you won't feel it for long anyways.

I'm glad that some of our invite's decided to stick around, it's great to have fresh new writers here.