View Full Version : Kjniv Fremont

01-25-09, 01:56 PM
Name: Kjniv Fremont

Age: 34

Race: Cruz-Yu-Lu-Drebznu
- As a note, the Cruz-Yu-Lu-Drebznu have no souls. This leads to an incredibly level of paranoia, and fear, about possibly dying and death itself.

Hair Color: brown, stained with orange splotches
Eye Color: green
Height: 6 feet, 3 inches
Weight: 357 pounds
Occupation: Engineer/Mage

Personality: Kjniv Fremont, among all things, is a coward. He believes that the world is out to get him, and that demons are after him. He’s a firm believer in the superiority of his race, but is honestly too scared to start arguments over it. But… in times of great street, Kjniv is capable of going berserk. He is by no means meek; the brand of cowardess possessed by the Cruz-Yu-Lu-Drebznu only extends to life-threatening situations.

Appearance: The appearance of Kjniv Fremont would be the most startling thing about him. Being a Cruz-Yu-Lu-Drebznu, Kjniv is far from human. The best analogy for Kjniv’s appearance would be some hybrid of fungus, starfish, and cat. Kjniv’s body has no appreciable head, and is instead topped by four orange, furry tendrils, like those of a starfish, that end in eyes. These eyes are surrounded by two sides by smaller blunt manipulator tendrils. The tendrils are covered in bright orange fuzz, and locks of brown hair, stained with orange, hang down from the ‘scalp’ of Kjniv’s head. A beak-like mouth is hidden under these tendrils, rather like an octopus’. Kjniv’s brain is situated in the center of this mass, beneath a hard plate of bone. Below Kjniv’s head is an equally strange body. It resembles the torso of a squat cat, with two human-like arms ending in clawed hands, and orange fur. Spore tendrils, resembling fungi laden rope, hang from Kjniv’s shoulders. Below the cat-like torso is a humanoid set of legs, bent at a cat-like angle and heavier than a normal human’s. (The Cruz-Yu-Lu-Drebznu have a strange method of reproduction, but… I’m not touching that.)

This strange amalgamation of design leads to strange gestures from Kjniv. He looks to be constantly prowling, and his gait causes to move in an up-down, up-down motion as he walks. Instead of shaking his head, Kjniv makes complex motions with his tendrils. Crossed frontal tendrils mean no, raised frontal tendrils mean yes, and the positions manipulator tendrils can signify a variety of things. When Kjniv clusters his tendrils inwards, he’s preparing for combat; and if his manipulator tendrils cover his closed eyes, that means something has just scared the s**t out of him.


Aim: Kjniv is versed in handling a bolt-action rifle, and an okay shot with iron sights. He is also a decent shot with the crossbow, but unable to use skillfully in combat.

Geomancy: Unlike the arts of transmutation and enchantment, the art of Geomancy is the power to control matter like someone would control fire. This extends to temporarily enchanting matter and moving it telekinetic-style. The upper limit of this power is modeled by a simple ratio of volume to density, which is one cubic meter of volume containing one-hundred kilograms of mass, with lower and higher densities allow higher and lower levels of control over matter. Thus, air is easy to move en mass, while uranium can only be controlled in small amounts.

For example -

- The motions of air over a 100 meter radius can be easily controlled.
- But the motion, structure, and attributes of water can only be controlled over a 50 meter area.
- Aluminum and Plastics are easily controlled by a Geomancer, since they have low densities compared to steel.
- And when you reach uranium, osmium, and iridium, only minute amounts of these metals can be controlled.

Engineering: Kjniv is a fearsome engineer, designer, and experimenter. His understanding of mechanics and physics is unparalleled among Magineers, and his creative approach to weapons and enchantment are regarded, at least by him, as a break away from the same ideologies that have caused the rampant technological stagnation within Althanas.

Magical Enchantment: The most basic of enchanting skills, with a material upper limit of three cubic meters per half-hour. Enchanting is an umbrella term for the power to apply various effects to matter

Magical Transmutation: Kjniv’s line of work led him to study the many facets of magic, the foremost after enchantment being transmutation. Currently, Kjniv is able to only transmute on the level of compounds.
That is, he can only rearrange the molecular structure of a pre-existing substance, and cannot create new matter or edit matter on the atomic level. This power also extends to the crystallization patterns of matter. Kjniv’s hourly limit for transmutation is five square meters. The main power of transmutation is to rearrange the molecular patterns of a substance.


Good ‘Ole Heinlein Armor: A suit of carbon-steel and silk armor fitted exactly to Kjniv’s frame. The section covering his head is articulated like a gauntlet, to allow a full range of motion with his head tendrils.

Crossbow: A crossbow with oak handle and steel ‘bow’.

Twenty Arrows: Twenty arrows, enchanted to monomolecular sharpness.

Steel Axe: A simple woodcutting axe, made from a single piece of steel, and sharpened to monomolecular sharpness by Kjniv.

Steel Daggers: Two basic steel daggers.

Pack ‘O Goods: A white canvas rucksack containing several useful items.

25 ft. of steel mono-filament wire

50 ft. of rope

1x pair of wire-cutters

1x skinning knife

1x compact entrenching tool

1x waterskin

8x blocks of seaweed-bread aggregate rations

Tasp: An unassuming device that looks like a small red crystal. The tasp sends a jolt of energy to the pleasure center of the target’s brain; this can be disconcerting in combat, and useful in delicate situations. Repeated use of a tasp may cause addiction in a target. (Ringworld, yep.)

Waldoes: Two brass tendrils, articulated into four sections and fitted with grappling claws, that are bolted onto the backplate of Kjniv’s armor. These tendrils operate under mental commands from their owner; but they can operate autonomously if Kjniv is unconscious.

History: Unlike most of the races in Althanas, the Cruz-Yu-Lu-Drebznu are docile and not very adventurous. Kjniv spent the first twenty-one years of his life at home, working with his dad in the family repair shop – while the Cruz-Yu-Lu-Drebznu may be docile, they were heavily advanced and masters of the theoretical applications of magic.

Soon, Kjniv was growing discontented with his life at home, and, oddly enough for a Cruz-Yu-Lu-Drebznu, he wanted to leave his homeland and actually see the world. One day, after goodbyes from his family, Kjniv left home and set out into the wider world. He moved from workshop to workshop, learning the arts of geomancy, enchantment, and transmutation… and now, with little experience in the tremulous world of Althanas, Kjniv has decided to become a wondering repairman and adventurer.

01-25-09, 06:35 PM
HEY! Sorry for the wait, I was studying for skool. Lol. However, I will be helping you out with this profile and getting it underway. I must say, that the way you describe the character as well as his race is... very very strange. Haha. Anyway.

Geomancy: What exactly can he currently manipulate? I got air, but not what else he could potentially manipulate. I would assume with the way it is set up that things that are solid and more dense would be rather difficult, though what isn't dense is almost more vague. Water, air, certain chemicals and stuff, so a small list of examples that are 'easily' mainpulated, and maybe one that is 'difficult' to manipulate should straighten that out.

Transmutation: What does it DO, exactly? You can rearrange things, but does that mean that you can make them change shapes only? Just a little confused is all.

Please remove either the axe or the sword for now, as well as the acid vials. And what exactly is ice-nine?

Also, I'd like to request that you don't use Tasp on other players without their permission for now, since you have other skills to use against them and would have to either remove it or lock it or something to keep it otherwise.

Finally, what are the waldoes for? Are they like two more hands?

01-25-09, 07:22 PM

Fixed and Fixed.

Point taken.

The waldoes are exactly that.

01-25-09, 07:36 PM
Alright, cool. I only ask that you don't overpower the gusts of winds and such for now, like make them 100mph or anything, haha. And that you be careful with the extra arms.
