View Full Version : Team Strategy and Execution Vs Miehm and Ranger

Edward Judorne
01-26-09, 09:40 AM
(Closed to me, Laureolus, Miehm, and Ranger.)

Just a quick note. While Miehm, Laureolus, and myself will be using our ToC profiles, Ranger will be using his REAL level 5 profile

It was quite disapointing, to be sure, when Edward found out his team wasn't cut out to be in the ToC. He was thinking that it was a lapse in judgement, but he couldn't be sure. Still, he wasn't about to pack it up yet. He and his teammate, Laureolus, had yet to be in any kind of real battle against another team, and he refused to leave until they did.

Walking into the The Garden of Secrets, he had to smile. There was plenty of room for a battle. Looking around, there appeared to be quite a few people sitting walking around the area as well. Edward looked around at the scenery, trying to decide what would make the best place for battle. There were a lot of choices, but it didn't take Edward long to pick one. He just hoped his partner didn't mind the choice. As he walked into his battlefield of choice, A great forest in the middle of the Garden of Secrets, he called back to his Partner.

"Come, Laureolus. I asked the people who are running this tournament to set us up with a couple of good opponents, I'm sure they will pull through." Edward said smiling. If he knew anything about tournament opponents, it was that most of them wouldn't go down easily.

01-28-09, 01:45 AM
I walked slowly through the woods, loaded rifle in hand, scanning for movement. Beside me walked my ersatz partner. We hadn't made the tournament, but we had received a challenge in any case. A pair calling themselves "Strategy and Execution", whatever the hell that was supposed to mean, were looking for opponents and they found us.

The thick oak and pine forest was still bright green, though the season was tending towards autumn. It was too early still for a heavy fall of leaves, but the occasional broken twig snapped underfoot, possibly giving away our location every time it happened.

Every time a twig snapped, I stopped, and listened. I had learned over the years that deer move the way they do for a reason. Move like they do and you'll be less noticeable. Stop and listen, sound carries strangely in the woods, and you might hear something long before you see it. Keep your eyes open, you never know what you might see. My hands clenched on my gun, and I swung it rapidly onto target, dropping the cross hairs right onto the enemy...squirrel. I sighed and relaxed, letting the furry rate scamper away, while I kept scanning the woods for our enemies. They were here someplace after all...