View Full Version : "A False Dawn" Mission Board!

01-26-09, 12:20 PM
Notes: The missions were written by Bloodrose and I. Post here to claim a mission. All have a minimum player requirement of two.

The Rat War

With many of the Royalist-held cities in Salvar under siege, the forces loyal to the crown fight bitterly to hold their wavering lines. The lords of these cities are seeking warriors to join in the guerilla war, fighting against the forces of the Sway in the sewers, streets, alleys, and rooftops. With both sides fighting bitterly and unwilling to give in, every warm body holding a sharp object will be welcome.

False Idols

For too long has the king held absolute power in Salvar! His hubris knows no bounds; he has built statues in his likeness as though he were a god himself. His vaults and treasuries tower over the common man as a symbol of his worship of gold over that of the true gods. The day has come to strike down the symbols of his power! Burn his mansions, loot his treasuries, and topple his blasphemous statues for the glory of the Sway!

The Hunt

As the civil war rages, a mysterious, wealthy employer has sent out a subtle call for wily bounty hunters. There is a list containing the names of several high-ranking members of the clergy. Priests, witch hunters, bishops, and cardinals – all are to be hunted down and eliminated by any means necessary. Do the job quietly and efficiently, and don’t ask too many questions, and you will be rewarded.

Behind the Curtain

Most citizens of Salvar have accepted that the civil war is merely a power struggle between the Church and the Monarchy. They would chalk it up to greed and hubris. Others, however, know better. Things just don’t add up. Something is going on behind the scenes and they will pay anything to uncover the truth.

Supply Lines

With the Ethereal Sway controlling vast areas of countryside outside the major population centers of Salvar, the Royalist forces controlling the cities have been finding it ever increasingly difficult to bring in supplies for either their troops or the populace. City markets are bare, the cost of even the most basic staples is through the roof, and famine and disease have begun to run rampant in the streets. If the Royalists are to maintain civil order and continue to hold the cities from the Ethereal Sway, then it is vital that the King and his allies secure adequate supply lines to provide food and medicine enough to support the city populations and the Royalist troops.

As a Player Character you have the option to either support or oppose the Royalist forces as they attempt to secure their trade lines in to the city. Work with the King to bring food and medicine into the city, or work with the Church to ensure these supplies never make it over the city walls!

Fealty Through Force

While the Church does enjoy a fairly secure stranglehold on the Salvic countryside, there are still bastions of Royalist support outside of just the cities. Smaller settlements further displaced from the Church's spheres of influence were just as likely to side with the Royalists as they were with the Sway when the fighting first broke out across the country, and now the Sway is working to sweep up pockets of resistance. The smaller settlements that have sided with the Royalists must be brought into the Ethereal Sway's embrace by any means necessary...

Witch Hunt

A prolonged war breeds paranoia and fear amongst all the parties involved, and can sometimes even turn like minded factions against one another. With the quick and simple victory their Bishops promised they would enjoy over their foes dissolving into a prolonged war, certain members of the Ethereal clergy are starting to whisper doubts in the darkness. These rumblings of dissention amongst the ranks are starting to reach the ears of the war's grand architects, and the Bishops have decided that this treasonous behavior must be put to rest immediately. Several clerics dissatisfied with the direction of the war have been branded heretics by the Ethereal Sway, and are to be hunted down and destroyed.

01-27-09, 02:29 AM
Claiming The Hunt.

01-27-09, 06:08 AM
Fealty through force yo.

01-27-09, 06:52 AM
Can more than one group claim The Hunt? It seems like one that would be open to multiple groups...

01-27-09, 12:53 PM
All of the mission are open to multiple groups, so yes.

01-27-09, 06:24 PM
Also, I am looking for a few motivated roleplayers to do an important Moderated Quest. PM me if you're interested.

Tenmatsu Tenimi
01-31-09, 12:50 PM
Hey Im up for "The hunt" So if its ok I'll join the other two.

01-31-09, 10:44 PM
I'm calling another The Hunt for my selfish lonesome.

Lord Anglekos
02-21-09, 12:08 PM
As my character has already uncovered one such plot in another land, I'm interested in Behind the Curtain. Anyone's welcome to join me if they like.

If I can't get anyone interested by Friday the 27th, then I release claim on this thread and will be therefore open to anyone else.

02-21-09, 03:10 PM
They're all open to any number of players, anyway.