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Andhaka Adiir
01-26-09, 04:52 PM
Well, I saw some people at Roleplaygateway.com talking about this site. Really they mentioned it and I pounced. New food new food muwahaha.

I am very passionate about learning in any form about anything, although most times technology escapes me. It is my weakness and I fear it will always remain so. I started roleplaying with my sister and with friends. It was exactly like forum role playing, only it was on paper using pencils and pens. (Or crayons, I was young). After my sister became too old and too cool for me, causing all of her friends to ditch me to make up and boy gossip, I went into a long bout of people watching. It lasted my entire teenage years. Psychology and the understanding of people became my only surviving passion, and anything associated with it. Communication is the key to understanding people which brought me back to my old passions: Music and writing, which had never really left me, I was just not taking them seriously, and also brought me to study many different languages. Sign Language is my best, I suppose I am at home waving my arms around wildly, the extrovert that I am.

As far as personality goes, I am rather annoying. It is a talent I wish I didn't have. I am not saying this to dog on myself, seriously, people that know and like me say 'yep, she's awesome but annoying as shite.'

I am obsessed with various textures of the world and the taste of peaches.

I hate hypocrisy in any form, though I understand that we all take part in it once in a while. It should just be killed immediately upon notice, either by editing your stated belief, or your behavior.

It is nice to meet you all, I suspect I will like it here. (Though, to be fair, it's rare that I don't like it someplace. I am just amicable like that).

You can either call me by my character's name Andhaka, or Andy. You can call me by y RPGateway name The Rogue Doll (Or Rogue, but not Dollie). Also, by my old handle of Sono Koe or it's bastardized form Snow Cone. My real name is Amanda. I am also known as Cannibalistic Orange. Or 'HEY YOU'. All of these work.

~Thanks for reading.

01-26-09, 07:21 PM
Sounds like you'll blend in perfectly with althanas, haha. Welcome and always glad to have more new people to the site. If you need any help with anything feel free to ask and any mod, much less a strew of members, will gladly help with whatever we can!

Welcome to the site and I look forward to stuff from you!

01-26-09, 07:50 PM
Your icon is Death and you quote Ray in your signature. You are, therefore, already certifiable awesome in my book! Welcome!

01-26-09, 07:58 PM
Hey You will probably suffice for now, until you are absorbed into the greater Althanas population via Citadel battles and OOC squabbles that serve as a game to see who can be the one to make Arsene "come down here", if you catch my drift.

Grittings and welcome nonetheless!

Andhaka Adiir
01-27-09, 04:41 AM
Wow, I've never been Certifiable awesome. Sure, I've dabbled a bit here or there, but a certification could really come in handy on my resume. Too bad you are mostly alone in that opinion. ;]

Don't think there are schools that teach awesome anyhow.

Thank you everyone for the warm greetings.

01-27-09, 04:43 AM
Well, I just checked out your public profile. I managed to see one thing that put me off...

...you hate California...

...and I live there...

...we can't be friends, I'm sorry...
