View Full Version : About Eolas Braoin

01-27-09, 08:04 PM
The school of Eolas Braoin was founded over 1,500 years ago by the Fae whom it is named after. It started out in Eolas’s backyard with a small group of Fae and Draconians. His purpose was to help those Fae who has issues learning magic from their parents and family, and Draconians seeking knowledge in the archaic. The school received much criticism in its younger years. Some Fae mocked its existence while the Draconians considered it something of a threat. The Ceann Cath at the time even threatened Eolas, accusing him of leading his people away from their roots and their battle training, thinking that magic would make them physically weaker, like the Fae naturally were. Though some of his class sizes decreased by this, and his students seemed wary, Eolas continued to teach through these hard times. He believed that everyone should have the option to learn if they so wished it.

As the years went on though, criticism over the school soon began to vanish, and Eolas found his classes growing in size. More and more Draconians were beginning to see the offensive use of magic and fewer people were criticizing the idea. And even though the Ceann Cath never approved of the school, he never voiced his opposition to it again. Later leaders of the Draconians even visited the school themselves, learning what magic they could.

When Eolas passed away, his friends and former students took it upon themselves to create an actual university in his honour, one where anyone could safely come to learn and have already existing skills expanded upon. Having no family, his friends easily acquired Eolas’s estate, which at the time lay upon the outskirts of Donnalaich, and quickly began transforming it into a true university. The kind of university that Eolas always dreamed of having.

Inside Eolas Braoin are a number of facilities each designed to help students learn the particular class of magic they have chosen. There’s an infirmary added a few years after the opening of the school out of necessity, mainly from the injuries coming out of the arena, an area designed for students to test their magic on captured monsters or each other. On the second floor is a dormitory for those students travelling long distances to the school, as well as a small pub where students can get inexpensive food and drink. The third floor has the library, rooms for the teachers and storage. There’s also a small courtyard filled with colourful flowers, unique plants and a large stone sculpture of Eolas himself.

Available Classes of Magic:

Elemental Magic: This is the control, manipulation or production of the various kinds of elements found throughout the world of Althanas. Students in this class of magic can learn to summons forth elements or control already existing ones. This class is the most basic and yet still one of the most powerful forms of magic that has been around since as long as people have been practicing. Available elements to learn include: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning, Dark and Light.

Crystal Manipulation: Though classified as magic, this is a mix of skill and magic. Crystal Manipulation is as the name suggests and is the art and manipulating the energy inside of crystal and changing its shape into something else. Mass and weight cannot be changed and therefore to make a larger item, one must need a larger crystal. Experienced Fae can use this to create wondrously beautiful and powerful armour that may be rivalled only by the skills of the elves. Students in this class may learn how to turn crystals into weapons, armour, sculptures or almost any item they may think of. The stronger the crystal though, the harder it is to manipulate it.

Blood Magic: This takes the blood of the user or that of another individual and manipulates it to do a variety of different things. Weapons and armour can be made of hardened blood, their strength and quality depending on how healthy the blood is as well as the concentration and the strength of the person using it. Users can also heal themselves with blood magic, though there is a risk of taking on blood borne diseases or the blood being completely rejected by the body due to rare blood types. Acid blood is also of no use for healing purposes. Blood magic is almost more limitless than elemental magic, in that the natural energy within can be excited to turn the blood into various elements as well, including poison and acid. Blood that is collected during a sacrifice and stored for use is far more potent than blood collected on the go. The same goes for the blood of the user; it is stronger and more easily used than the blood of one’s opponent. All things formed from blood magic are only temporary and most weapons and armour will dissipate within a short period of time.

Students of this class will learn the basics of collecting, sacrificing and using blood in appropriate ways. They also learn the risks and gains of using their own rather than the blood of an unknown individual.

Tattoo Magic: Is a form of magic that requires no chanting and almost no concentration. Instead it requires the user to have the spell tattooed upon their body in some form of symbol or even a few choice words. With a simple thought, the user can activate this spell, which directly draws energy out of the body and casts the magic. The downside to this class is that it requires more energy than a simple chant would, though it does leave the user free to concentrate on something else as the tattoo does most of the work for them. Most of the spells used in tattoo magic is defensive and enhancing. Tattoo magic cannot heal, though is can strengthen the body. Experienced users in this can cast powerful spells, though going beyond the energy levels in their own body can lead to death.

Runic Magic: There are a variety of runic magic known throughout Dheathain, three of the main ones are Runic Enchanting, Runic Divination and Runic Casting. Runic Enchanting is probably more difficult of the three, though Divination requires a more open mind. Enchanting with runes requires an intense amount of concentration and energy control as the person carves the necessary runes into the item they wish to enchant. Chanting is sometimes an easier way to keep concentration; though more experienced users do not need to do this. Most students start off with basic enchantments that may still take them hours to place upon an item.

Runic Divination is the art of interpreting runes. Most users of this kind of magic have some sort of psychic ability or enhanced sense, though it is not necessary. Users of this class are taught how to roughly interpret the runes, rune combinations and also about the future, past and present. Students need to understand that the future is not set in stone and the future shown by the stone is only one of many possibilities, which can be brought about by their action or inaction. Divining is not only about the future or the past; it can also be used to find a person, item or even to help decide what direction upon the road is the better choice.

Runic Casting seems to most new users as a game of chance. It involves tossing a series of runes onto the ground—similar to divining—only the runes that face up use the energy of the user to cast a spell matching that combination. More experienced users of this class know that they can influence their runes, or the runes themselves, by whatever powers they possess, naturally pick the best spell for the situation. Magic cast by runes can be offensive, defensive, elemental or non-elemental, depending on the versatility of the user.

Telepathy and Telekinesis: Though these two abilities are far from magical, the school does offer classes in them due to the high amount of Fae born with innate psychic skills. Telepathy is an ability allowing the user to communicate with others using their mind instead of their voice. Stronger telepaths may also be able to read the thoughts of others and delve deep into their mind, seeking out information. Telepaths can create mental blocks that prevent others from doing this to them. Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with one’s mind. The stronger the ability, the more weight, the easier and the less concentration the skill takes to use. Most new to these abilities have to use immense amount of concentration, making other tasks difficult—if not impossible—to do at the same time.

Glyphs, Wards and Sigils: This is a form of drawn magic with varying and different effects that all tie together. A Glyph is a drawn symbol, either in the air or in the ground that can either be exceedingly simple or very difficult. They function exclusively by writing ancient languages within the circle or ‘grams’ of power. The more complicated the design, the more powerful the spell, allowing the user to summon forth tornados of wind or monsters so old that no race can even remember their name. However, the smallest of mistakes in the design can render the spell useless or greatly diminish its strength. Users must also keep their concentration while drawing glyphs upon the ground, a single distraction is just enough to break the concentration of all but the most experienced glyph users.

Wards are a more powerful form of a Glyph that has a permanent function on an item, person or place. For a Ward to work though, they must be drawn with a solid writing implement and with great detail and accuracy. These spells often protect against fire, theft, loss, or even seal away great evils in places where no humanoid can hold them. Rapidly forming a ward without preparation diminishes its strength and causes it to last no longer than a day, regardless of experience. However, Wards that are formed carefully and precisely can last throughout the millennia. Wards on living beings should be burnt or tattooed, though even they will begin to fade and change over the decades.

Sigils are a more complex form of a Glyph and they are worn or kept upon a person to provide protection. Sigils are formed by writing many Glyphs upon a single object, imbuing it with power. A careful Sigil maker may even enchant a weapon using this method. The more powerful a user may want their Sigil to be, the more complicated the Glyphs need to be drawn upon it. Any misguided energy, incorrectly drawn Glyphs or shabby workmanship can easily result in the destruction of the item in use. Experienced user of this class can combine both protective and combative effects of different sigils together, making their own custom symbol to guard, protect and watch over a place, item or person.

Fees: There are two ways that students may pay for the classes they take at Eolas Braoin. Students may pay individually for each class that they take, which is 150 GP. Or, they may pay a membership fee of 250 GP and every class they take after their first is 15 GP.