View Full Version : Christianna

01-28-09, 06:57 PM
Name: Christianna Scaentiga
Race: half dark elf, half vampire
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: varies between dark blue and red
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 95 lbs.

Personality: Christianna is a tough, fearless young lady. She is good at heart, but has had a very rough childhood. This causes people to often view her as cruel and disagreeable. She is very stand-offish and can be uncaring most of the time. There are a few select creatures whom she spends time with. And, there is nobody whom she opens her heart to. She is a loner.

Appearance: Christianna is short and very skinny. Her skin is white as snow, but usually splattered with dirt and grime from living in the forest. Her shiny black hair is unkempt and its uneven, frayed ends just reach her shoulders, the tips of her pointed ears just visible beneath the dark mass. Her black shirt and skirt are tattered, torn, and filthy, exposing most of her arms and legs. Her round face is filled with spunk. The petite, upturned nose and cheeks that puff up when she smiles are off set by the perfectly white set of teeth with prominent fangs beneath her thin lips and slanted dark blue eyes. Those eyes become more sinister when she is thirsty for blood, or she feels threatened, because they turn to a bright, glowing red. Her long skinny fingers with the nails practically worthy of being claws also pose a fearsome look. Some would describe her as a demonic, barbaric pixie.

History: Christianna was raised by a human mother and a dark elf father in the southeast mountains of Salvar. They lived modestly, but were by no means poor. As a small child, Christianna was never close to her parents. Her mother always acted as if Christianna was not wanted, and, her father seemed indifferent to all things. Her father, Arsaimen, worked for Iorlan, the king of Salvar. All she was ever told of the matter was that he had "a very important position". Arsaimen was also under a great deal of stress. At least, that was the excuse given when he came home and beat Christianna and her mother, Elisiara.

One day, when Christianna was around 8 years old, Arsaimen arrived home from work early. He was in a panic, and frantically began shoving clothing and food into several breif cases. When Elisiara entered the room, he began spouting something off in a language Christianna had never heard. Her mother ran to her, picked her up, and, the next thing she knew, they were on a ship headed for Scara Brae.

Scara Brae was the best thing that ever happened to Christianna. The family moved to a small cottage in the central flatlands, near Valeena Lake. Her father even stopped being abusive.

Unfortunately, this only lasted for about a year. That is when Christianna began noticing unusual changes about herself. She began loosing weight, and could not gain it back no matter how much she ate. Her already pale skin became whiter each day. Two of her upper teeth became sharper and larger until they were no less than fangs. When she became scared or angered, her eyes changed from the normal deep blue, to a sinister, bright fiery red. The daylight began giving her terrible sun burn and making her sick. Most disturbing of all, Christianna had a thirst and a hunger that she could not quench. When she asked her mother about these changes, her mother sat her down and told her in the most crude, emotionless way possible:

"Christianna, you are not my daughter. Your father had an affair with a vampiress. When your mother did not want you, she found us and left you on our doorstep. Therefore, you are part vampire. You will kill and drink blood and live your life hiding in the shadows. I cannot help you. If you want to leave now, then leave."

She was nine years old at the time. In her horror and confusion, Christianna chose to stay with her parents. They moved, not long after, to Fallien. Once again, a reason for leaving abruptly leaving home was not given. The move tore Christianna apart. She loved Scara Brae more than life itself.

There are no words to describle Fallien other than hell. The climate and terrain was horrid. Christianna began to only be able to go out in the night, killing small animals for food. As she became more vampiric each day, more people cruely looked at her as if she were a freak. Her father began beating her and Elisiara once again. It was much worse this time. One night, he wouldn't stop punching Christianna in the head, until she was near death. She was around 12 years old at the time.

Finally, one day, Christianna her parents were taking a usual trip to the market, when they took a short cut through the forest. Her mother pushed her from the wagon in which they rode. Christianna fell on her face. She quickly turned and looked up to her parents in the wagon.

"Go," her Elisiara said, waving her hands. "Shoo. Go away. You need to be on your own now." With that, her parents were off, racing out of the forest at the speed of light, trying as hard as they could to get away before their daughter could catch up with them.

From that point on, Christianna stayed in the small forest just outside the eastern mountains. She lived in solitude, surving on the blood of whatever animals she could catch. She never ventured out of the forest, afraid of who she might come across.

When she turned 16, Christianna discovered a small group of vampires around her age. They explained that they had met eachother under various circumstances, most of them having been abandoned, some of them running away, and they were now nomads. They told her that they planned on traveling to Raiaera. There they could live in the vast, dense forest. On being asked if she would like to join, Christianna accepted.

Because of being half dark elven, Christianna was much smaller than the others, and her features different. The vampires were much broader and stronger looking. Nonetheless, the took her in as one of their own. They taught her how to fly and use her weak telepathy powers.

The group made their way to Raiaera, and along the journey, great bonds were formed. Jeremiah soon became Christianna's lover. His big black eyes, short black hair, and tall stance could make Christianna melt. The way he called her Chrissy brought tears to her eyes.

The vampires lived in the forests for months, living mostly on animals, but feeding off humans when they were lucky enough to find one. Christianna learned to take human life.

After a year of becoming extremely close with her dearest friends, Christianna finally felt a sense of belonging and happiness.

When she knew she truly loved Jeremiah and could not be without him, she let him take her virginity. This, was the biggest mistake Christianna had ever made. The next morning, she awoke to find Jeremiah getting dressed. He turned to her. "Did you really think I ever loved you?"

She was speechless.

He chuckled. "I'm leaving. We're going to get out of here...this place is fucking boring."

Christianna opened her mouth, but no words could come out.

"...stupid bitch," he mumbled, taking off and flying away.

All but three vampires left. Irogus, Arianne, and Jessalynn stayed with Christianna. They too, were betrayed by the others.

Although they continue living together in the forest, the four have grown apart. They all venture across the country, only returning to the woods when they please. Christianna has never trusted another being since Jeremiah.

Skills: 1.5 times enhanced sense of sight, sound, and smell. Ability to run long distances (about 30 miles) at high speeds (2 minutes per mile). Ability to fly (one hour at a time, 20 miles per hour). Immortality, can be killed but will rise from the dead within a 24 hour period. Telekinesis (only small objects such as small branches or stones. this is a developing ability). Ability to cast spells which create small storms within 50 yards from herself.

Equipment: Christianna has nothing but the clothes on her back.

01-28-09, 07:12 PM
Alright, just a few things and this'll be completed! I'll help you with those and get this approved as quickly as we can so you can get into the site and have some fun... haha

For the skills: the enhanced can be up to 1.5 times for level 0.

Please define 'high speed' and 'long distances'.

Your flight needs limits for now, such as no fater than 20mph and for a certain time (also, if you are in a thread with someone please get permission before fighting them with flight, normally it's cool but some people don't find it fair).

Inability to die, please make it so that she may be immortal and can come back from the dead for whatever reason... but can still be killed in a thread by another player.

Telekinesis (mind movement): please tell me how heavy the object can be, and how far away it is from her. Currently it should be something about 25-35 lbs and within ten feet.

For the weather control, please make it so that she can create small, localized storms within 50 yards of her. These storms can not be overly violent, such as intense lightning or hail, and shouldn't be used more than once in a battle. Also, stopping a current storm, or forcing on into existence on a day that would otherwise not be welcome to one should be harder.

Edit that in and post when you're done so I can come back and check it out. :) Thanks!

02-21-09, 02:19 PM
You're supposed to respond when you edited thing in, otherwise we don't know that you've done it. That's why it's sat here for so long.

2 minutes per mile is too fast, long distance of 30 miles at that speed would make you running far too fast. Cut that down to like... 20 mph for now please, since it's currently at 30 mph and that's really fast.