View Full Version : Feeding Time

01-29-09, 07:44 PM
Christianna walked through the woods on her way to the center of the forest, where she knew Irogus and Jessalynn would be waiting. The broken twigs and dead leaves crunched beneath her feet. She remained under the trees, avoiding the burning sunlight. Her tongue ran across her fangs. She was thirsty.

The vampiress scanned the forest floor, looking for any small animals.

"Damn!" She threw her fist at a tree trunk when no vermin could be found.

She reached the river. Looking down into the reflection, Christianna saw her eyes glowing red. She needed food soon.

Finally reaching the small circle of logs surrounding the firepit, what she called home. She saw her two companions standing over a dark mass in the center of the firepit.

"Get your ass over here!" Jessalynn yelled.

Coming closer, Christianna realized it was a dead body. "God dayumn!"

"Screw Arianne," snarled Irogus, "let's eat."

With that, the vampires began to feed. Christianna and Irogus each took a wrist, while Jessalynn went straight for the throat. There was not much blood to be had with three feeding off of one body. But, it still satisfied each for the time being.

Arianne arrived not long after, carrying firewood. "You bitches!" She screamed when she saw the carcas completely drained, "I was hungry!"

The rest of the night was filled with talk, laying on the ground around the firepit which contained the burning body. They had no shelter, no luxuries. After all, they were immortal, what did they need human comforts for?

Sometime during the early hours of the morning, Christianna (being only half vampire and stilll needing some sleep) drifted off into her dreams.

She awoke minutes later to a rustling noise.

01-29-09, 10:30 PM
((Sorry, but you can't post until you have an approved profile. As soon as we finish the profile you started and get it approved I'll reopen this so you can continue. Till then, however, you aren't allowed to post in character... thanks!))