View Full Version : Alex the Vengeful

02-01-09, 01:26 AM
Name: Alex
Age: 25
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Inverted (black with white instead of white with black)
Height: 5’11
Weight: 150 lbs

Personality: He Has multiple personality disorder, 4 different people in his head, that rarely communicate with him, and can take over his body and actions, making for 4 to 5 very different personalities.

Appearance: He would look like pretty much an average Guy. He has short ragged brown hair, His eyes are reversed instead of the ring of color around the eye, it is white, and where the rest of the eye is supposed to be white it is black. But the iris is still Black allowing him to see like any normal human, just his eyes look different to other people. He is an average 5’11 and looks rather slim.


MPD (multiple personality disorder) : When each person in his head takes over he gains different traits and attributes
Max: Increases strength at the cost of speed(1.5x strength .5x speed))
Paul: Very logical thinker loses speed and strength(.5x strength and .5x speed)
Josh: Crazy Maniacal fighter enjoys fighting and won’t stop tell his body won’t go no further.
Craig: Increases speed at the cost of strength(2x speed and .5x strength)
Alex: Generally a little bit faster than normal about 1.5x average human speed.

White Tiger mastery: Has some abilities to communicate and command White tigers, as well as summon one White tiger the size of a Fully grown Golden Sheppard.

White Tiger Mode: Allows alex to go on all fours and run faster then normal, he gets more dexterity and agility, and his eyes switch to that of the white tiger (takes a huge toll on him and after it runs out, he is extremely tired for awhile), he also gets hightened senses, to sense things before they happen to HIM only at this point.(2x speed Maximum Possible)

Earth Manipulation: can barely use earth manipulation, can make a rock fly from any direction as long as it’s in eyesight, and can make one brick come out of a wall with great focus.

Water Manipulation: Can barely make water from inside a container with humidity.

Note: All Multiple Personality Disorder Forms Are not of Will and Alex is Lucky if they Happen once a thread as a Limit cause it takes a major toll on him once he gets control back.

Equipment: One Steel Long sword (averagely proficient with it). All cloth clothes (Brown pants, brown Belt, Black Muscle shirt, Black t-shirt) and a leather sheath hooked onto Alex’s Cloth belt.

History: Alex was born and raised in a fairly large village, and he was very well looked after, seeing as his grandfather was the village’s leader. He was taught how to sword fight beginning at the age of 14 and then soon after started his training in the elements that his body and ‘mana’ were accustomed to, after about a year and a half he was finally able to do the basics of earth and water manipulation. At the Age of 18 he was put on watch, to watch over their village's animals, and was told if a white 'stalker' Approached to run, and not worry about the animals. When the white stalker arrived Alex was about to run, but he got an idea, and if his idea didnt work atleast he fed the stalker for awhile, as teh stalker approached a helpess sheep and was about to bounce, Alex was there and jumped inbetween, he grabbed teh stalker's jaw and rolled it o nto the ground, holding the jaw shut, and using his body to weigh it down so it couldn't move.

after a few minutes of the stalker struggling Alex started to speak to it.

"I am not your Enemy, i am just protecting these animals" The creature seemed to understand and responded telepathically

"Why do you protect the weak and not the strong? why do you stop me from feeding me and my family?"

"I Protect the weak because the strong do not need to hurt the weak, if they do they are weaker then who they attack. and i am not stopping you from feeding your family, i am stopping you from stopping these animals from feeding their families. Imagine how you would feel if i came and killed you and your family to feed my family? and then skin you to make clothing for my family!"

The white stalker tried for a bit more after that to get free, including clawing at Alex's side with his claws that were under his body.

"Stay Still, and if you leave now and never come back here i will let you and your family live, instead of killing you right here, right now with your family still hungry"

"Don't be a fool! My family would come and kill you and all your animals if i dont return soon."

"Then i will kill them all!" Alex said as he started getting enraged he stared into the white stalkers glowing yellow eyes.

After a few minutes the stalker finally spoke again

"So be it, i will leave now and never return and give you control over my species, for holding me down and enduring your pain your in for so long. you have my respect."

As Alex let go of the stalker, it stared him in the eyes and his eyes let out a bright yellow pulse, knocking him out, he came to in his room bandaged up.

he shot up and looked around, he grabbed his side, he had gotten up too fast, as his friend Max walked in the room.

"Well your awake i see"

"So what happened? last thing i remember was my holding down the white stalker"

"Well he left, you were pretty torn up, and no animals were harmed that we could see. we may have lost one sheep but that is all. You have performed above everyone else and deserve to be the new night watch, if you choose to be."

Alex thought about it then decided to take the position and go out that night.

The stalker came back but this time came from behind Alex and casually spoke to him.

"So how are your wounds?"

"Doing better but, i may have control of your species, but i have no idea how to actually use them at all."

The stalker laughed and said come with me and started off walking from where he came.

Alex followed and after awhile entered a tunnel and came out in a huge forested area, with tons of white stalkers around. after several years of training at night and having 2 white stalkers protecting the animals, and sleeping through out the day, he finally got some control, and one morning as he went back to his village when he was 20, he saw flames coming from one corner of it, and people crying out in pain, he took off into a full sprint and entered white stalker mode.

after the attack he swore he would find and kill the leader of the force that attacked, his father gave him their only sword, and his mother gave him an emblem to sew onto his shirt one day.

On the Trail of the bandit’s he came to a port town and offered his services to a trader ship, after two to three years of working with the trading company and defending them against many pirate attacks, he was offered the position of captain, and he captained a ship for a year before dropping anchor and going ashore in a port town close to Radasanth and said Goodbye to all his men and left to try and pick up the path of the bandit’s once again.

02-01-09, 12:52 PM
Welcome to Althanas, the only thing I have to ask about this before I can approve it is how much is the 'increase' in the strength/speed and how decreased is it with the different personalities?

02-01-09, 03:16 PM
the decrease is about 50% and the increase is 50% also.

02-01-09, 03:44 PM
Alright, since the increase, as I assume, is on the base character Alex (1.5x speed already) I'd like that when you transform to the one that increases the speed and decreases the strength that it will put you at no more than 2x faster, and .5x strength. That is instead of 150% of the already 150%.

02-01-09, 03:50 PM
Edited, also i made that while in white tiger mode, he cant go no faster then 2x instead of possibly going 2.5x cause i believe that is a bit overkill for a level 0

02-01-09, 03:56 PM
Alright, yeah. Just be careful with the White Tiger thing in a fight and you should be fine. Everything looks fine. Have fun and welcome to the site!
