View Full Version : Too Close

T. Morgan
02-02-09, 01:30 PM
Hey. I recently created a new character here and I've been trying to draft a introductory quest for him with little success. The material involves Morgan's attempted suicide and how he digs himself out of it. The quest doesn't have much to it other than he'll talk with other people he knows and eventually come to realize that he needs a better life for himself and his sister. The entire point of it is to give him the desire to move beyond the callous cold-blooded killer that he is and will give him a motivation as a character that I can use to do more quests with him and other people and give him a reason to become an anti-hero.

Simple, right?

Well, I think I might have jinxed it. Perhaps it's because I'm putting too much pressure on myself to get it right or I just can't nail the kind of atmosphere or personality that type of person would have, but I can't seem to come up with anything more than a string of rambling sentences. I've read a great deal and have been looking for other stuff to put me into that kind of mindset so I might have a greater understanding of how to write this, but none of it seems to really go anywhere. Could I be just too close to this stuff without actually seeing it?

This is all kind of weird for me, because I have experienced it before and thought I had gotten over it with the different approach I've chosen to write posts/stuff now (i.e. compiling information together with notes and anything that I can think of to get the juices flowing), but now I can't really come up with a way to get me over this hump. Has anybody ever felt like this? If you have, do you have any tips or solutions to breaking the wall and making good use out of a great idea you've had?

Any tips or help to get this back on track would be greatly appreciated.

02-02-09, 02:48 PM
Well sometimes when this happens to me, i just listen to music, different kinds of music gets you in different moods, u just have to find the type of music or band, that get's your juices really flowing, mine was Avenged sevenfold and Soil, don't know about you though

Corvus MacCallum
02-02-09, 04:56 PM
Best thing for some is to just take a load off, grab an orange. Spend some time peeling to a nice tune or solid flick, really get your mind off it for a bit and let yourself wander back onto the story on your own pace. Nothing worse than forcing Inspiration.