View Full Version : Seth Galeon

02-03-09, 11:38 PM
(Apologies. After writing the profile and posting it, I had a change of heart with her name and want to instead have it as Rose Lanceon)

Name: Rose Lanceon (originally Bellina Feffero) also known as 'Blue Rose'
Age: 24
Race: Human
Hair Color: A deep, rich black
Eye Color: Dark blue with a hint of a grey ring around her pupils
Height: 5’11’’
Weight: 125 lbs
Occupation: Bounty Hunter, Tracker, hand for hire

Personality: Rose is a very strong, independent young woman who makes a point of getting by on her own steam. Through determination and dedication she’s made a name for herself in the world, never once accepting a hand out or free ride no matter how uphill her struggles might have been. The idea of freedom is an intoxicating one to her, thus it is only natural that she makes her bed in no one place and calls the four corners of the map her home. Blunt, forward and honest to boot, she has no qualms with speaking her mind, regardless of who is on the receiving end of her never-sugar coated words. She’s confident in her skills, and cool and collected no matter the situation.

Appearance: Though Rose is tough enough to rumble with the boys, she wasn’t sold short on beauty. Her naturally fair skin is now a sun-kissed tan and smooth as silk, though her coarse, work molded hands lack such luster. Her eyes are like the colour of the sea under the night’s sky and are framed with a deep set of lashes, whilst her silky hair is naturally as deep as the darkest of ebony stone (her hair is styled with wispy bangs that sweep from the side across to the edge of her eye and downward passed her cheek bone. In front of her ears, her hair falls gently down to just below her jawline, while the rest falls layered to just below her collarbone in the front and below her shoulder blades in the back). Her body is slim, but strong, though it would be a far cry to say that the muscle tone that she does have makes her appear less lady like.

Her clothing encompasses three major elements- comfort, protection and mobility. Her outfit begins with a round-the-neck strapped shirt that leaves her shoulders and upper down to mid back revealed. Though the neckline of her shirt dips into a low V, it doesn’t reveal any risqué skin, for beneath it, and the decorative deep brown leather lacing that runs through the plunging neck line, is a pale yellow ribbed under shirt. The over shirt itself reverse fades from white nearest the top to a pale sapphire as it descends to a dark blue at the bottom most hem. A pale blue skirt descends from her lower waist line and trails down to her mid thighs, where form fitting black shorts extend from, and trail down to two inches above her knee caps. Two thick leather ropes cross in an X pattern from hip to hip—each decorated with an assortment of deep blue and cloudy grey beads, as well as dark crimson feathers. Her legs from the knees down sport silver metal plating covered over tall dark tan leather boots—both her feet almost entirely plated (enough to make the feet section of the leather boots look as though they are made entirely of armour). Her arms from the mid upper arm down, too, are thoroughly protected by thin, but sturdy silver armour plating, as well as strong silver gauntlets. Decorative crimson ribbon hangs from the mouths of decorative lion faces encrusted into the upper most part of her arm guards. Rose is not much of one for jewelry, but she does wear a silver metal band around the bottom of her neck, as well as two silver studs—one in each ear.

History: Rose fit into the mold of her family like a giant’s foot into a dainty glass slipper. For countless generations, the women of the Feffero (Rose’s given last name) family had been in the sewing business. Feffero after Feffero passed down the tradition to every daughter born in the family until it changed from a family trade to what Rose would describe as an inescapable fate. And for a woman who thirsts for boundless freedom, it was only natural that, at age fourteen when tradition called for her to resign her life, her freedom, to the loom and eventually to some arranged marriage to the son of some farmer who would blindly follow his family’s trade and expect her to shovel out children who were pre-destined to identical fates—that she left town. She made her way through towns and villages, offering to work for food and shelter and the occasional tag-along ride with caravans here and seaships there, learning from them the tricks of their trades as she went. At first it was a hard life, but she gladly accepted her self-imposed struggle in lieu of a life behind the loom. By twenty, she had spent six solid years living a nomad’s life, learning from all different sorts of ruffians and men. She knew the seas and the skies and the traveling roads of the world like the backs of her hands. It was then that she decided to finally discard the name Bellina Feffero and adopt the designation of Rose Lanceon. From then on, she traveled alone, hiring out her skilled services to those in need of a guide or a tracker, or in some cases a bounty hunter. When she couldn’t find work, she took what she needed to survive from whoever could spare it—namely the rich and wealthy. The rest, as they say, is history. To this day, Rose lives a life free of the chains of fate, going wherever the wind—and the highest bidder—takes her.

Sword Combat- Rose is above average in her use of swords, having learned, though not mastered, numerous forms of the weapon’s use throughout her travels.

Hand to Hand combat- If need be, she can fend for herself barehanded with above average, though not masterful, proficiency. Her combat style uses swift dodges and close quarters blows and grapples as opposed to the more, at a distance acrobatic martial/combat arts

Short, one handed iron broad sword
Rough Leather Satchel
-Land Map
-Sea Map
-Hunting knife
-Mortar and Pestle
-Coin pouch

02-04-09, 07:20 PM
Hey hey, and welcome to the site. Just a few things to work on and you'll be on your way.

First, please tell me something equivalent to above/below/or at average.

I need to know what type of metal the sword is, and will have to ask you to remove the pistol for now.

02-04-09, 11:23 PM
Thanks for the welcome! And np about the pistol. I wasn't sure what the starting limit on those kinds of things were so I just took a shot (bad pun <<) in the dark with it. Anywho, edits made ^_^

02-05-09, 01:27 AM
Haha, not a worry! Pistols can't be approved at level 0, though an exceptional score relating to how you got one or an exceptional amount of money can get you one in the future. All in all, I liked the profile, so good job!