View Full Version : Ragnarok: By Demons be Driven

02-04-09, 03:02 AM
((Closed to Dissinger. For the purposes of this thread, Regal and Seth have advanced in power beyond the constraints of their normal profiles. As his opponent in this deadly dance, I am fine with this, and so is he.))

Two weeks after Ragnarok: Livin In Sin (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18394).

The fog rolled in during the midnight hours making the visibility of the path before the gray swordsman near impossible to discern. His ears were bright red as the wind chilled him to the bone, but aside from flushed rosy red cheeks and an icy demeanor he showed no signs of the weather bothering him. He simply walked forward, his gray coat keeping the worst effects of the fast coming winter aside.

The wanderer cursed his luck as he walked forward wondering why he was always just a few moments too late. He could feel the energy of the Saint of Swords fading from the monastery. Whatever happened there, it seemed like a blood bath that Regal wanted so badly to witness, to participate in.

Yet to elevate that much residue of energy for the Sword Demon to pick up on must have been quite a battle, and the power of the person that Karel had fought with must have been amazing. Regal cursed his luck because this was now the second person Karel had fought with that drew him to a draw. With nobody at the site Regal could only assume he got away.

"God this fog is such a downer!" Regal whined as he placed his hands on the back of his white hair, closing his eyes as he walked forward. Tenacity bounced against his leg as he walked, the Katana thirsting for a battle that would test Regal. The Sword Demon doubted there would be anyone left in this cesspool, and it made him depressed to think he would have to wait to find someone worthy. He toyed with the idea of just fighting several losers all at once for a warm up.

"Port is closing in two hours, make your way this way for the last ship leaving Salvar." Regal opened his eyes straining to see the owner of the voice. A loud docking port was before Regal, but it was mostly covered in shadows and fog, the torch lights unable to cast away the darkness completely. Regal sighed wondering what to do for two hours, and contemplated on chopping the port sailors apart or starting a few bar fights just to see if there was anybody worth fighting.

But as always Regal knew that unless it was Karel Raven, he would just be unfulfilled.

02-04-09, 03:14 AM
The docks were busy as sailors came and went, running in the hopes of getting their body heat up enough to combat the cold weather. The breath of many people on the docks were a foggy cloud that hung perpetually about their heads, while they talked, trying desperately to get their conversations over with in the bitter Salvarian cold. The sky was a dark blue and despite the few burning fires on shore’s best efforts, the chill still permeated the area, just another day in the land of the arctic.

Two figures walked through the crowds, slowly so as to disturb no one else. The taller of the two seemed to clear the way for the smaller of the two, and occasionally a cloud of fog could be seen issuing from his lips. A rough beard had formed on his face, so as to keep a bit more of the heat in. The problem was that ice clung to it stubbornly. Occasionally a gauntlet encased hand would rise to his mouth and try to scrap the icicles that had formed on his face.

The smaller of the two had a shyer nature. She seemed to moved slowly and only when reassured by her compatriot. A soft smile was on her face as occasionally she would respond to her companion. Her eyes never seemed to leave him, even as the warm clothing and cloak about her body sought to keep in the heat. Finally they stopped as the man flagged down a sailor;

“Where do I go to book passage to Otaria?”

“That’s thirty crowns a piece, and you’d want to talk with the Captain of the Sea Wolf. Down the docks there,” The sailor asked as he gestured quickly across the area. The man looked back and gave her a brave smile before he nodded and thanked the sailor. The sailor only grunted as he continued on.

They moved towards the area slowly, before the woman spoke up softly, “So, why were you fighting that man?”

They paused in the middle of the port, moving off to a side as the taller of the two raised an eyebrow, “I thought he was a tomb robber.”

“Is that really the reason? I know when you’re lying to me Seth,” The woman said as she moved closer. Seth leaned against the wall as he looked down upon her as a wistful sigh left his lips.

“You know why I fight,” He said once more looking deeply into the woman’s brown eyes.

“Yes, I do. Please Seth, show more restraint than that. You may be the weapon of the gods now, but you cannot let your eagerness to fight overcome you. That is how you became the Lavinian Demon in the first place. I may call you Demon as a pet name, but I don’t want to deal with Demon at all, for me, can you promise?”

A gauntlet clad hand gently reached and cupped her cheek before he whispered softly, “I am your weapon, and you are my wielder. When you tell me to, I will fight.”

She gave him a light kiss before she whispered, “Thank you Seth, that means a lot to me.”

02-04-09, 03:41 AM
Regal was walking through the port, the crowds all letting him pass by as sailors ran about, hoisting large freight as they did so, wanting nothing more to do than be done and on the boat, inside their cabins getting warm. Regal laughed at their frail weakness as he looked around the port for a place to eat. Being dead twenty years had stirred his appetite, and he couldn't believe he had been gone so long.

He turned a corner as he watched a man lead a woman down a path to the end near the dock that held the last boat. He stood behind them as he tapped his foot impatiently waiting for them to speed it up. The woman looked to Regal with a look of contempt, but said nothing to the sword demon who merely stuck his tongue out at her pulling down his left eyelid. Heh, bitch

"Destination is to Otaria only, 45 crowns for the voyage." Regal looked at the man as he placed a hand on Tenacity thinking for a bit.

"Didn't you say thirty for the pair in front of me?" Regal asked softly drawing up Tenacity a quarter from the scabbard. The man looked down at the sword and then motioned to a large brute of a man behind him sitting at a table.

"I said fifty, sir." He spoke loudly getting his protector's attention. Regal looked at the massive sized human and laughed as he watched him get up, preparing to fight.

"Thirty crowns says I won't kill you before he reaches me." Regal looked at the man, his eyes wide with excitement at the prospect of a fight. The man looked to Regal oddly before back to his companion, who shrugged swatting at Regal sitting down.

"Ugh, thirty crowns, pay now please." Regal sighed as he took out the coins throwing them savagely into his face. The man recoiled in anger and shock, cussing at Regal.

"That's for not showing me your spine worms! Don't you dare ever tease me again or I'll cut you where you stand!" Regal spat at the man's face and turned to leave walking away. As his steps echoed in the port he saw the couple from before talking in the quiet shades of a shadow. Regal strained his ear to hear the conversation, seeing if it was anything worth taking note of yawning deeply.

"...I may call you Demon as a pet name, but I don’t want to deal with Demon at all, for me, can you promise?" Regal's blood began to tingle again at the word Demon, and he heard him respond as her weapon. With all due haste Regal was upon the two.

"I couldn't help but over hear you two talking about weapons, mind if I join you?" Regal asked flashing a grin folding his arms across his chest.

"I'd prefer you left us alone, sir." The woman said. Regal looked at her with a death glare. He sucked on his tongue a bit making the side his mouth grimace before he spat on the ground by her feet, causing the so called demon to growl in anger.

"If I wanted to listen to you rant bitch I would have done it from the start, so shut your trap and let us men talk." The woman placed a hand on the arm of her lover, glaring at Regal.

"I've heard worse from people like you and you don't intimidate me, come Seth, We are leaving." Seth looked at the eyes of Regal, seeing the twisted golden orbs flash with a hint of red in them. He took a moment to look Regal up and down, and Regal could feel a primal power literally begging the man known as Seth to act. Regal unleashed Tenacity from his scabbard, and let his blade cry out for Seth to swing at him.

"Hit me you punk!" Regal spat lowly. The woman was dragging Seth, who never dropped his gaze from the sword demon. "You cowardly bastard! Do you let your woman do all the talking! Is NOBODY WILLING TO FIGHT ME?!?" Regal shouted to the surrounding area. A few sailors looked to Regal in challenge, but all walked off to tend to their own problems. "I swear to god hit me!" Regal begged.

Seth looked at him, forcing his woman to drag him forward for each step he took, before long he just let off a wry grin, chuckling to himself as he turned his back on Regal and walked forward. "Let's go, I don't have time to waste on trash like that."

Regal watched as the so called demon turned the corner, his mind racing with thoughts of rage and frustration. He felt the call of battle and his head couldn't dismiss this one guy for some reason. Whoever he was he felt important, and Regal wanted to fight him. He looked down at his Tenacity, and called him to charge.

Regal sprang forth like a steel trap, moving with cat like grace at incredible speeds. As he was rushing forward he cried out a war cry of challenge, his grin never faltering. Seth turned around with enough time to push his lover aside and turn, drawing up two daggers which he held in reverse grip. He placed them forward uselessly knowing that Regal had to much momentum on him. Tenacity cried out for the demon inside Seth to play and blood soared through the air as the tip of the sword grazed the chest of Seth.

With fast movements ignoring the pain Seth pushed Regal with both blades before leaping forward pouncing on top of Regal sending both sprawling to the ground. Seth rolled to the top and began to hit Regal over and over in the face with the hilt of his daggers. Regal let him punch him over and over before the monster inside Seth began to come out, his hits getting harder and harder. Regal used his legs to grab Seth by the head, and snapped downwards causing Seth to fall back.

The Sword Demon nipped back up to a vertical base Blade ready, unable to stop himself from laughing. "Oh you are bound to be fun! Come out, come out, come out, little demon! Show me who you are Seth, I can't hold back my tenacity to kill you!"

02-04-09, 03:55 AM
Seth hit the ground hard as he grunted softly in discomfort. Rolling back he disengaged form the crazed swordsman even as the man called for his blood. He looked briefly over his shoulder at Liliana confused about what to do, even as he could feel the urge to fight back. The sailors all watched in awestruck horror as the crazed madman began yelling for Seth’s blood.

Liliana could only nod softly as she moved back, well out of range for Seth to have to worry about her.

Seth’s cloak whipped about in the brief wind that picked up on the docks before he unclasped his cloak once more. While only two weeks ago he had been forced to walk bare chested through the wilds of Salvar, he had managed to find a shirt and vest that suited him. He was wearing these linen garments even now as he looked up at the man calling for and speaking of tenacity.

“I’ll give you one thing, for an annoyance, you definitely got tenacity,” Seth said as he took up a defensive stance. “I don’t know what it is with you swordsmen, but you can leave me out of your petty squabbles!”

The swordsman quickly closed the gap swinging at him, only to watch as Seth executed a textbook parry and twirl. As the swordsman moved by him he swung both daggers for the man’s back before he lashed out with a kick sure to send the man stumbling. His eyes never left the man as he continued to watch and learn.

Unlike Karel Raven, the Saint of Swords, this man was a wild animal, untamed and frenzied. He would have to be careful about losing ground to the man, as the unpredictability of the man would certainly make catching up harder. His eyes took on a colder glare as he spoke, “And as for calling my Wife a bitch, I’d normally say I’d have your tongue for that, but you might take too much pleasure in that. I’ll just have to wipe that smirk off your face and teach you not to go around picking fights like an over eager kid.”

Liliana only stood back and watched, as Seth slowly changed, his body tensing even as he stood across from the swordsman. The casual stance held a deadly stillness, as if taunting the warrior before him, daring him to attack. She shook her head slowly as she muttered softly, “Dumas guide him, don’t let him tread the darkness within his heart alone again.”

02-04-09, 04:10 AM
Regal's mouth couldn't stop grinning as he parried blow after blow from the daggers of Seth, watching each hit get steadily softer. He looked deep into the man's eyes as he watched the conflict unravel before him. This will take forever at this rate. Regal sighed a bit in his attacks as he noticed it would take forever for the demon half to surface.

"Hey!" Regal shouted as the blades clashed in the night air. "You claim to be the demon, but so far you are nothing more than a petty rouge, show me already what you are made of!" Regal ducked low bringing his blade out to taste Seth's skin on the tip of his kneecap, but the man was ever on top of things placing both hands on the sword demon's back springing off it twisting in the air and sliding backwards in the soft dirt.

Regal turned his body a bit too slow as Seth got off a combo of hits and cuts that sent him reeling as he tried to gather a foothold, but the man was a bit more than Regal at first gave him credit for. God I hate daggers, too bloody fast to enjoy the fight. Regal rolled back and pushed his hands launching him further back getting enough of a gap to prepare himself as his energy whirled within him. No, not yet, he doesn't get this yet. The old fashioned way. Regal let the energy fizzle inside him as he began to rotate his entire body like a loose string in the wind.

Moving swiftly in this now very lucid free forming movement Regal swung out weakly. Seth grinned wildly as his right dagger sang out and slammed the blade inside, rotating inwards to stab Regal in the chest. Regal let out a chuckle of amusement as his body swung to the left and then dropped lowly raising upwards in front of the over exposed warrior who already had his eyes bulging with shock. Regal head butted the warrior weakly, and the so called demon swung back with a fierce back hand, following up with a vertical slash from his other dagger. Regal bent his body backwards and balanced all his weight onto his right leg as he swung like a dancer away from the attack, the hilt of his blade hitting Seth in the back of his cranium.

Seth took a few steps forward and rolled to the ground swinging his legs outwards to face the Demon of Swords. A look of morbid curiosity crossed his lips as Regal stopped his drunken like state. "Confused, Seth?" Regal taunted. "I have many ways to end you, a simple dance to the death can't be just one style or form. Shadow of the Wind was that art form, and as you probably guessed I may not have the attack power, but I do have the agility to block anything you throw at me." Seth shook his head in amusement, a soft chuckle breaking the silence. Regal didn't let up his own grin. It was just a taste, nothing more to get the demon out of Seth.

"So what do you say, so-called demon. Shall we dance to the melody of death?"

02-04-09, 04:24 AM
Laughter escaped his lips as he shook his head slowly. The man was keeping up admirably. That was for certain, the demeanor had changed to that of someone trying to keep up. If that was the way the game was played, he had to change the tempo. Right now they were in more of a fast beat, one that threatened to watch the thief tear apart at such quickly speeds.

Spite and Malice hung loosely in his hands as he closed his eyes. With an artistic twirl spite was holstered as he spoke clearly, “I don’t think you understand buddy. I don’t loose to gutter trash with a sharp blade. At least Karel put up more of a fight, and while you drew first blood, it’s never as important as last blood.”

The opened as he held his hand out to the side. The sailors were beginning to bet upon the winner as they realized both men were in their own little world. With the retreat of the woman who even now continued to pray for her husband, the man had committed to the fight. As the spoke up a faint glow of energy began to crackle about him, even as yet another fog of breath escaped his lips, “Life is passing you by, and you don’t even get it…”

Energy began to arc in the arc as the hair on Seth’s head began to move in a frenzy of motion. The colors however were off. There was no blue in this lightning, only a dismal grey, which seemed all too keen on sapping the color from the area about it. His eyes looked deeply into the psycho’s own as he drilled his intent to do harm into the man. Slowly the energy moved down to his outstretched hand where it formed a globe of grey energy.

A casual flick of the wrist saw the orb rush at the swordsman, faster than anything Seth was capable of throwing. He then sped forward before spite once again was pulled and the flurry of blows began anew. He would tear this upstart apart, and take revenge on him for calling his wife a bitch. Then, after he had gotten his kicks out of the man, he would finish him off if necessary.

Knowing his type, he’d be sleeping with the fishes by dawn.

A soft laughter began in his chest, despite the blood that flowed into his shirt, despite the cold. It was invigorating to fight in such a cold climate. The cool chill kept his body from growing too hot, and he wasn’t even breaking a sweat. While he never planned for another fight, he did relish the nuances of each fight. Against Karel, the rain had created a slippery playground for the two of them. No blood or dirt clung to either of them, and they were allowed a degree of error, if only because footing was so tight.

Against this madman, the chill allowed him to fight harder and not worry so much. He was already feeling his blood pumping as the chill went from oppressive, to hardly noticeable. Not that he minded the weather, but it certainly made kicking the tar out of the swordsman that much more enjoyable.

02-04-09, 05:01 AM
Regal saw the gears in the head of the man before him start to shift as he went from Seth the wuss to Seth the demon. As Seth talked confidently outwards his taunts Regal heard a name he knew was too much a coincidence to be untrue. Karel was the man he fought, and suddenly it dawned on Regal as he began to feel the power in him grow. It matched the lingering fragments he felt in the cemetery, and soon Regal's blood boiled. The gray orb flew at Regal, but the demon of swords was now in his own universe it seemed as time slowed down.

This Seth, this man, was a fighter who was holding back. He had fought Karel Raven and lived. Karel was a Saint of Swords, he had shown this man mercy, that had to be it. But never-the-less he had gotten first blood on Karel in their fight. While the words were true about the last blood, it was still first blood that set the tone for the fight. Regal watched as he charged recklessly chasing after the orb he threw at Regal.

As the freezing temperature cooled the outside of the sword demon his insides boiled until at last he laughed wildly as he took Tenacity and charged up a bit of energy of his own. "YOU FOUGHT KAREL?!?" Regal released the energy at the orb Seth threw, and the two forces collided creating an explosion that sent waves of debris everywhere, a small crater in the dirt. In the aftermath was Seth, his own grin on his face now as he lunged forward. Little did Seth know, he had just signed his own death warrant.

Regal charged forward as well, one leap covering massive amounts of ground. To see the demon of swords move so fast caused Seth to slow only a brief moment, expecting something else from the demon of the blades. Regal's eyes flashed with insanity as his blade sang out the cries of battle, bringing it up over head before slashing downwards at his foe. A wave of energy escaped from the width of the blade, trailing at Seth. He dodged the attack jumping to the right, but Regal took another huge lunge slamming his blade into Seth who barely had time to block the metal with both his daggers. Regal's grin spread showing all his teeth as he let out a cry of amusement, energy once again being released from his blade sending Seth up into the air before he slammed into the wall of a nearby tavern ripping a hole into it.

Patrons and sailors all screamed in terror at the sudden mess as Regal was already upon Seth again with a jump of excitement. His blade came down hard as Seth rolled to the side, and a crater was all that was left of the the spot that Seth previously held. Regal turned on a dime swinging his blade trying to get a hit on Seth, but as much as he tried Seth was just barely blocking each blade by the skin of his teeth.

"Come on you bastard," Regal shouted in hysterics. "I'm kicking your ass now! Fight me!" The blade over extended and Seth howled with excitement, stopping his back pedaling to move forward shoving both blades into Regal's exposed stomach. Regal's eyes went wide as his mouth coughed up blood, splattering the ground as Seth held him in the air.

Ah man, Regal thought dully. This is so not gonna be cool.

02-04-09, 05:15 AM
Seth held up the swordsman as he grunted softly from the effort. They had taken the fight indoors, and while the man hung limply on his daggers Seth kept him in place by sheer will alone. The blood trickled down his arms as he grunted softly, continuing the act before he twisted his wrists, bringing the blades within Regal to a outward facing direction, before he finally tore them out and let the man drop onto the ground.

“Probably too good for you, but I’m not taking chances…” Seth muttered as he carefully tossed spite to the other hand. Wielding both bloody daggers in his right hand his left began to glow a faint red before he brought a boot down onto the chest of Regal. Looking the man in the eyes he spoke firmly, “I don’t care who you are, and who I fought that pissed you off. I just want to get the hell home. If you survive this, take this as your warning to leave me the hells alone!”

The words spoke he pressed hard on the chest of Regal before he grabbed the man by the throat. His hand firmly clenched around the man’s neck he spoke firmly, “You’d be surprised what you can live through…”

Seven Deaths

Red energy coursed down Seth’s arm as he pumped the entire energy of the spell into the monster he had by the throat. When the last vestiges of energy had left him, the Lavinian demon let the man go, figuring he had far more to worry about than a hand on his throat. Moving wearily he wiped the blood on his daggers off on the man’s shirt before holstering them.

He shook his head while he moved warily out of the hole that had formed in the wall. Blood poured down his arm, where the slash had crossed his chest, cutting into the meat of his shoulder. He had lost a bit of blood, but it was nothing to worry about, certainly nothing to use his only healing magic on. He would heal it normally, and Liliana would see his commitment as her weapon. He didn’t kill until she told him to, and it was that simple.

Reaching down he plucked up the cloak, before he looked over where he had seen the priestess run. He gave a casual wave as he began to walk towards her. She nodded her head slowly, accepting what had occurred. Seth was alive, so was his opponent presumably. However, soon her eyes widened as she pointed behind Seth and shouted warning.

A warning, that came a few seconds too late…

02-04-09, 05:38 AM
Regal's lips curled when Seth mentioned his distaste for the Demon of Swords. He was enjoying the fight as it began to grow interesting, a worthwhile adventure that he planned to savor. But the other man didn't seem to have that illusion. Regal watched as red energy coursed through his arm as he slammed it all into Regal, and the Sword Demon fell upon one knee as he looked up at the world again. It was black, devoid of the cold or the warmth of the tavern. He looked around waiting for something, anything, to happen, but as soon as the world came it began to fade away like a hand wiping dirt off a grave marker. Piece by piece the world returned and Regal looked back to Seth with a grin of amusement.

Seven Deaths by all rights should have killed a lesser man, and Regal at one point in his life wouldn't have been able to stop such an attack. Yet now that he had died, been in hell for twenty years and didn't even know it, the concepts of Death held no meaning on him. Letho, the prince of Savion, had banished Regal, but that didn't even stop Regal from returning. No, Seven Deaths wasn't enough for the Demon of Swords.

Regal looked at Seth grabbing his cloak, his mind in a fog as he watched the man walk off. Regal's blood boiled and he suddenly dropped his grin in replacement of a scowl of pure un-tainted rage. Your dismissing me... he thought vilely as he slowly stalked over to Seth. He whipped his sword clean of blood, a small spat of energy cascading forth ripping apart a few tables. He brought it up as he began a trot at the exposed back of Seth. I will not be so easily dismissed. Regal suddenly began to sprint at Seth as his rage began to take over.

"I WILL NOT BE CAST ASIDE LIKE A PAWN YOU IDIOT! I AM THE DEMON OF SWORDS!" Regal shouted as Seth was about to turn, but Regal was already on him, his blade digging deep into Seth's upper shoulder and ripping the blade upwards causing blood and chunks of flesh to fly into the night sky. He placed a hand on the back of Seth's head tossing him forward before swiping with his blade into Seth's back, energy coursing outwards again sending him flying up and over the woman he loved.

Regal chased after him, his sword at the ready. The woman screamed at the sudden attack, her eyes teary and wide. She looked at Seth and Regal grew irritated as she didn't move out of the sword demons way. With a slash of his blade it bit deep into her frail arm, knocking her aside as Regal shot after Seth who had landed near the dock's edge. His feet stepped upon the wood with determination as Seth slowly got back, his blades already at the ready as he looked to Liliana in concern.

Regal's blade cut upwards hitting Seth in at the tip of his jaw, his blade's blocking up as he turned quickly on Regal with a look of pure malice on his face. Regal head butted the other man, driving his shoulder into Seth as he charged forward. He reared upwards like a charging rhino and Seth flew down upon the waters. To the demon's distaste Seth cracked the ice that had formed. Fault lines spread across the surface and Regal jumped down as his blade began to move outwards, a blur of motion as Regal swung with fierce determination to show this man that he was not to be dismissed so lightly.

02-04-09, 05:58 AM
The waters of Salvar near the coast had begun to freeze over, and while the layer of ice was thick, there was no mistaking one vital point; they were not thick enough to withstand the force of two men suddenly jumping upon it. The spider web of cracks spread through the area, while a resounding crack echoed into the night. Slowly, the ice flowed out to sea, and from there the warriors were stuck.

The people were crying in shock at the sudden maneuver, and Seth remained still on the ice, even as he heard the heavy breathing of the swordsman before him. Carefully he drew himself together, and felt the coldness of the water upon his hands, already tipping his side below the surface of the seas. Seth immediately shot forward, tipping the balance back to zero, while avoiding the swings of Tenacity.

Seth looked upon Regal, pure malice in his eyes as he deflected the blows, trying hard not to break the ice he was upon, and hoping they wouldn’t capsize their individual chunk. While he continued to fight with the man he felt pain slowly blossoming from his back, the effects of several blows to his back taking their toll. Seth was reaching the upper limits of Pain Syndicate, and in doing so, had to finally deal with the crippling pain.

“You aren’t a pawn?” Seth asked his voice terse as he finally locked the sword off to the side only to punch the psycho in the face. His voice took on a holier than though attitude as he raged, “No, I won’t believe someone as stupid and callous as you could be anything but a pawn. You may think you’re in charge, and you make the decisions, but you aren’t, you’re merely someone else’s problem solver. And there’s one thing I know about pawns…”

The Demon of Swords looked at him confused as Seth slashed once more into his gut. He leaned down as he whispered in the swordsman’s ear, “Pawn or Queen you’re still a piece on the board, and pieces, don’t get to be players.”

The water greedily lapped at his boots, slowly soaking his feet. Seth knew he had a few minutes left before he would begin losing too much heat from the cold, and slowly freeze to death. He had to beat this madman soon, or he would have no chance getting to shore. Still he had to make sure the madman couldn’t reach him either. If this sword master could chase after him by any means, it meant that he would.

He had already hurt Liliana; Seth couldn’t afford to give him a second shot.

Seth quickly brought his fist about as he began to punch at the swordsman, keeping in close and taking deep cuts from tenacity. Steam erupted from Seth’s warm blood as it was exposed to the air, rapidly cooling in temperature as the blood either clotted or froze, either way it wasn’t escaping him, and for now, that’s what he needed to continue on. He continued to attack, taking on serious injury while fighting. Seth finally sheathed Spite and Malice, understanding his only shot at stopping this madman, rested not on his daggers.

He had to do the one thing he was afraid of…

02-04-09, 06:25 AM
Regal's blade swung at a high velocity as each blow that was deflected quickly turned into another attack, but the problem with the dance of the Storm of Blades was at the speed he swung his sword he couldn't really maneuver well with it. However, the chunk of ice they were on had made it impossible for the two too do anything but trade blows with each other from their own respective sides. Yet as he watched the demon before him his heart began to race again, and he slowly let up his blade of storms.

"Heh, you talk like someone owns me?" Regal thumbed back in the direction of the the port of Salavar laughing wildly. "Tchh, give me a break already." Regal said bored twirling Tenacity loosely in one hand. "Who's the one taking orders from the bitch?" Regal brought both arms up to his chin and mocked a female voice.

"No, Seth! I can't bare to stand seeing you be a demon. Be a good little monster and do only as I say. That's it, take it up your ass when I crack the whip." Regal let out another cry of amusement. "Don't you get it, demon?" Regal called back with cockiness covering his face. "You and I are one and the same. Well," Regal looked at the reflection in his own sword. "Maybe not as pretty as me, but deep inside we are one and the same." Regal swung his blade outwards to force Seth backwards.

Regal watched as Seth's gauntlet covered arm began to grow, and three chains flew out towards Regal. The sword demon let out a howl of approval as he brought Tenacity to bear, blocking each chain as it swung for his face and feet, trying to knock the demon over. As Regal swung wildly he felt a sudden jolt of something freezing fill his boots, and he took a careful glance to realize his side of the ice was going under.

Shit that's cold! Regal thought as his mind began to race. I guess I have to watch my steps now more than ever, so that makes range the greater advantage. Regal suddenly loosened his whole body and before long he was doing a limbo dance with the chains as he re-entered the Shadow of the Wind. As they passed over head Regal would duck, then jump in the air a few inches torquing his body backwards to avoid another chain. When he hit the ice he landed in a slide, traveling at Seth faster than the chains could react.

Seth pounded the ground where he stood, using it as a take off point jumping in the air and corkscrewing in the air twice landing on the other side of the ice. Regal looked down upon the cracks and as his body crossed the line it crumbled a portion of the frozen earth off. Jumping to his feet Regal rotated so his hand caught one chain and he swung with all his might like he was on a vine. Seth rotated his body with the chain, not knowing until it was too late that Regal was using it for a ride and the Demon of Swords was back on the now shrinking block of ice.

Blood poured out of his hands as he realized the chains were covered in metal razors that lacerated his hand, but the demon paid it no mind. Seth recalled the chains as his gauntlet returned to normal, his eyes looking for a moment at Regal before he let off a small grin, taunting the demon forward with one finger.

"There it is again!" Regal said proudly like a father watching his sun at a sporting event. "The demon inside you is wanting out, and she is holding it back. Don't you want to just kill? Don't you want to unleash the chains that bind you and let loose Seth?" Regal offered him a hand in mock courtesy. "All you have to do Seth is fight me with everything you got, and you'll be free!" Regal grinned wildly. Energy coursed through Regal, and he looked to Seth.

"But then again, a weakling like you would rather not go down the path of darkness again would you?" Regal spat at Seth, who merely let the mucus hit him in the chest. Regal's eyes tightened. "I'm no idiot you fool. I know you have a plan to escape this floating death trap." Regal's eyes followed Seth's glare as he dropped his grin deeper into a scowl of disappointment. "I swear to god Seth, I'll make you choke on your own demise to make you precious angel scream and then watch her cry."

Regal was done with words. The fight was no longer fun. Seth had given up, he wasn't going to release his demon, not now, probably not ever. "This is why Karel Raven showed you mercy you worthless retard! This is why he didn't kill you!" Regal launched himself forward, blade at the ready as he intended to spring whatever plan Seth had in store.

This is such a useless gesture, you idiot. You held back and because of that you wasted my time. I'd kill you worthless worm, but in the end that wouldn't put me a step closer to achieving my goals of being the Saint of Swords. It's clear why Karel bested you, and because of that I'll let you go. Regal felt Tenacity argue with him, and he wanted to release the energy he had stored up in his attack, but he resisted the urge. What a killjoy.

02-04-09, 06:42 AM
“…you guessed it wrong, Karel didn’t let me go, Angel made me let him go.” Seth said as he caught the Katana in his hand easily. Suddenly the eyes on Regal went wide as he looked at the casual act. Seth’s hand gripped the blade tightly, to the point that blood traveled down the blade, and Seth was in total control of its actions. He looked into the monster’s eyes and he grinned once more.

“It took me awhile to figure out what exactly had happened, but I think I got it down pat now. You’re just a sore loser,” With a jerk, he pulled Regal closer to him before he growled, “And you lost again…but I think first I’m going to scar that pretty boy face of yours up…penance for your sins?”

Having been glued in one spot and forced to fight in close quarters had its advantages. It was compounded when Seth was willing to maul his hand to hold the weapon of his opponent at bay. A purple tinge glowed in the air as lighting arced from the sky striking both thief and the swordsman. The purple energy coursed through both fighters as Seth’s laughter rang out to even those on the shore.

A punch was quickly sent to Regal’s jaw as Tenacity clattered to the ice at their feet. The water had begun slowly taking back the ice, and their platform that had begun at ten feet was rapidly diminishing in size to a measly seven. They were being forced into closer quarters as Seth forced Regal to take the ultimate penance, and burnt every sin out of the madman.

Ebony was pulled as he began to stab quickly at the man in rapid succession, seeking new and unmarred flesh with each stab. Each pinprick of pain, exploded into a screaming wail as the nerves of the swordsman would be caught alight in the aftermath of their passing. Seth was a master of pain, and as such used pain to its fullest extent. He smiled at the man, all the while shaking his head slowly.

“You want to know why I don’t come out and use the Demon? You don’t deserve the Demon, you really aren’t a challenge for me, you cad. Demon of Swords? You sound like a crappy Saint of Swords knock off, and even on that count I gotta go with my gut. You swordsy types are all alike, rip the sword from your hands, and you’re a kid playing at warrior,” He said as he continued the vicious stabbings towards Regal.

He then sent an uppercut meant to knock Regal back into the water as he said, “Come back when you got some skill.”

02-04-09, 07:06 AM
Regal's eyes fluttered back and forth. Each cut upon his flesh for a sin, then a stab into his gut. No, this wasn't what Regal expected...it was better. Tenacity fell from his hands as he let the pain envelope him, as shortly as he had been caught Seth made up for lost ground. At last he was playing the game, the demon letting itself go. It was a taste of the power hidden within the man before Regal, and it was as delicious as a fine aged wine.

Regal felt his body grow numb, but he still stood despite the pain he felt. His face bled, his arms bled, his stomach bled. Blood splattered all over the ice, and Regal not once throughout the whole ordeal dropped his wry smile of twisted amusement. After Regal was given a moment to compose himself, he saw Seth throwing an uppercut that would have ended the world.

Not today... Regal thought with morbid enthusiasm as his hand shot up, blocking the uppercut as his other hand gripped around the neck of the Seth. "There it is..." Regal said psychotically with cool sincerity at the edges of his tone. "It was once, just once I saw it..." Regal brought his other hand up to block a counter attack, his leg's moving to stop Seth from any form of counter techniques.

Regal kept his grip tight, and at last he got the reaction he wanted from Seth. The man gripped the arm of Regal, trying his best to release the hold. With his free hand open he began to punch upwards into the gut of the Seth, his body acting as a rag doll. With twisted pleasure fueling him he began to laugh as his fist made its way up to Seth's face, slamming deep into the nose, the mouth, his right eye, his temple, his cheeks. At last he released Seth, kicking him hard in the stomach and following up with a harsh knee that Regal could swear broke something in his chest.

Seth flew upwards in the air before slamming into the ice, breaking it further. He ignored Tenacity on the ground as it cried to be in his hands as he stalked over to the warrior on the ground, his face still grinning as he showed more teeth. "Thank you, Seth...now that I know you actually had power to kill Karel I know I have to beat you first!" Seth drew up two of his daggers and nipped forward, placing both feet outwards hitting Regal in the chest. As Regal felt the impact he instinctively dropped his leg back and wrapped both arms around Seth's legs. He used his momentum and began to swing around in a circle, laughing wildly the entire time. A bright flash went off and Regal felt the ice berg shudder.

"I hope you know how to swim, Demon!" He released Seth into the air, and his opponent skidded across the water one bounce before landing under the freezing waters. A sudden whip like feeling slammed his legs as a chain tripped up the demon, a large chunk of the ice breaking as it crumbled into pieces. Regal felt the coldness of the water and suddenly was chilled to his bone. His wounds felt like they were reopened as the salt of the ocean bit at him like ants.

"NO!" Regal shouted as he floundered around trying to kick up to the surface. The shout was useless for nobody could here it, only filling his lungs with the frozen water. Now freezing within and out his heart raced to a point where he was sure it was about to explode. He gripped Tenacity in his hand, the blade floating under the surface near him.

He assessed his surroundings, and realized with one conclusion that to chase Seth and end this would not allow him to live. He had to get to shore and he had to do it now. He used all his hate at the idea of losing the fight now, when he had come so close to ending it, but he swiped his blade, releasing that pent up energy sending him through the water at high speeds. He did it again and again as he started to lose his vision. With one last powerful act of defiance he swatted the sea one last time, launching himself upwards and out of the water onto the ice. He slid on the surface until he hit a clearing that led to shore. Coughing up water from his lungs Regal felt his ire rise.

He lost. Simply put Regal had lost because he was too absorbed with seeing Seth's demon. That blindness instead caused him to nearly drown, and he was lucky, not skilled to be alive at this time. A nagging feeling ate at Regal as he coughed up more water on the ice before he collapsed in exhaustion. His eyes fluttered again as he watched a solitary man come towards him. He wore a black cloak, a tattered and worn out cape fluttered behind him in the wind. In his hands was a solitary blade, a short blade. It was a Wo Dao and it glowed with a red hue near Tenacity, and Tenacity in kind began to glow gray with excitement at the power exuding from this man.

Before his eyes collapsed he got one look at the man before him. In his cold golden eyes he saw a darkness that dwarfed even Seth and Regal's combined. The last vision Regal could see was that of the man's lips. A twisted, vile smile. A shiver went down Regal's spine not from freezing from the frigid cold...

It was of fear.

02-04-09, 07:27 AM
Seth hit the water flailing as he moved immediately to get back onto some piece of ice. His clothing was soaked in a heartbeat, and there was hardly a piece of dry cloth on the man, if at all. Moving for the shore he heard cries of man overboard as he moved, struggling with the freezing temperature of the water. It threatened to silence him once and for all, even despite the ropes with floating pieces of wood tossed out to him. He was too far to reach them by any normal human ability.

However his will kept him going, even as he felt the pain of his limbs freezing. He could feel the ice in his veins, and fought all the harder, shouting to keep his lungs from following suit as he made each move towards the wood. He was so close, and he could hear Liliana screaming for him to make it, even as he lost sight of the evil swordsman.

Everything was shutting down as he looked at the shore, gone was the peripheral vision, as his body began to shut down anything extraneous in an effort to survive. He continued to flail, shouting, verifying he was alive, even as the world had gone silent around him. The only thing he could hear was the demonic laughter of the Demon of Swords haunting him as he fought for life.

Finally he felt it, the piece of wood tossed out to him. He grabbed the piece desperately, and clutched to it, even as his body began to sink into the water. His head rocked slowly as he began to swim in a detached feeling. He closed his eyes before his final two words were mumbled, “I’m sorry…”


Something warm slowly dripped onto his chest, and slowly trailed down the muscles, before hitting the sheets under the bed.

He didn’t know where he was, and only vaguely remembered the waning moments of the fight, yet as he rested in the bed, he felt a figure rest its head upon him, and sobs finally entered his ears. He remained there for so long, lingering just under the surface. The tears were comforting; they reminded him of his worth. Slowly, in what seemed like ages he raised his hand, and gently placed it atop the head of the person crying over him.

“S-seth?!?” Liliana’s timid voice assaulted his ears.

“Angel, don’t be sad, Death already got me once, he can’t take me away again…” He managed as he gently stroked her hair.

She immediately pounced hugging his chest tightly as she whispered, “Don’t leave me again you bastard, the first time was bad enough!”

“I would hardly…be a good weapon…if I could not come back…to my wielder…” Seth managed.

03-10-09, 09:27 AM
Dissinger's score is blue and Unfulfilled is red.


Continuity: - 5, 4.5 There was definitely a lack of background information, especially in the beginning. By the end of the thread, I did have a general idea as to the fact that Seth had previous fought some Karel person and had let him go because of Liliana (whiney little *beep*). Other than that, I didn’t really know much of anything going on in the thread. What Liliana and Seth were doing, why they were going back to Otaria and even where they were? I know it’s a battle thread, probably for fun and cooked up during one night, but it takes like thirty seconds to add in this information.

Unfulfilled, you could have done with adding some background as well. I have no idea about the relationship with Karel and crazy, oops, I mean Regal. He’s constantly mentioned, but for what purpose? Is he just following him around because there’s something wrong upstairs, or does he want something from the man?

Setting: - 4, 4 There was setting and I can tell that from some constant nagging you are trying to include it more in your posts, Pat. I would have liked to see some more interesting interaction with it, but both of you failed miserably with that regard. You’re in a crowded port. Throw your opponent into the crowd. Trip over a box you didn’t notice or a crack in the dirt/stone. The part where you two were fighting on the ice flow could have allowed for some very interesting interaction, but once again you both abstained.

Pacing: - 4, 4 The whole fight had one pace and one intensity, and trust me; it was not a very good one. I expected more from the two of you, especially you Pat, considering how good at writing battles you usually are. It was slow for the most part and with the two of you saying things continuously like ‘the fight continued’ and ‘blow after blow after blow’ broke up the intensity. I don’t want you to tell me that the fight is happening; I want you two to show me what is going on in the fight!


Dialogue: - 6, 5 Unfulfilled, you really need to work on your dialogue. While it’s not horrible, it is clichéd and half of the time it feels like you’re putting it in there just to make your posts longer. Does your character really need to do a monologue in the middle of a fight? I get the fact that he’s a little crazy, but crazy doesn’t come across in his speech. You trying to make him crazy comes along in the speech.

Action: - 5.5, 5 Unfulfilled, you really need to be careful of the descriptions you use for battling. They can become a little unclear. Also, though I know the level difference was thrown out the window for this battle that does not mean you’re a God. Dissinger was taking hits and writing them like they hurt. You were getting stabbed repeatedly in the stomach and acting as if you were being tickled. It’s still going to hurt. I don’t care if you’re level 0 or level 20, getting stabbed still hurts.

Persona: - 5.5, 4.5 Well, Seth Dahlios is Seth Dahlios, though considering this was a battle, I didn’t get to see very much of who he is really come through; mostly just him throwing the occasional jab, then kicking ass and taking names. I know Liliana’s got some skill to her; couldn’t you have done something with her besides have her standing there and screaming all the time?

Unfulfilled, I barely got to know much of anything about your character, besides the fact that he seems crazy and wants to be the Saint of Swords, whatever that is. Most of his actions came across as childish in a ridiculous way, especially when he stuck his tongue out at Seth and Liliana. If you’re trying for childish psycho, you need to work on. If you’re not, well, you definitely need to work on it even more.

Writing Story

Mechanics: - 5, 5 Unfulfilled, you had far more spelling and grammatical mistakes than Dissinger; though neither of you were perfect. I cannot stress the need for you two to reread your posts. Do it before you write your next post, after you post the following one and even before you post it. I don’t care, just do it! It’ll erase such silly mistakes as forgetting to put quotations around speech, capitols and missing words.

Technique: - 3, 3 I didn’t really spot the use of any literary techniques throughout the thread, but considering the time stamps on your posts, I doubt that’s what the two of you were worrying about.

Clarity: - [color=blue]6[color], [color=red]4.5[color] Like I’ve already stated in action, Unfulfilled, you need some work on your writing to make it clearer to the reader.

Wild Card: - 4, 4 I can tell the fight was probably a lot of fun for the two of you, which means the scores I’m tallying up here are not going to matter too much. Probably a good thing since I’m sure the two of you can do much better than this.


Dissinger – 48

Unfulfilled – 43.5

The winner is Dissinger!


Dissinger receives 3,000 experience and 200 GP!
Unfulfilled receives 875 experience and 200 GP!

03-10-09, 10:01 AM
Exp and GP added.

Dissinger is now Level 13!