View Full Version : Marriage?

The Rollicking Crab
02-04-09, 10:44 AM
A few questions on the topic of marriage in Althanas...

It's probably not exactly like marriage here, what with it mostly being religious and Christianity not being the main religion and all. But what exactly are the marriage laws? Is it traditionally a 'white wedding'? Are there any unusual customs - or can you invent your own? Does a cake feature? Bridesmaids? What about divorce/separation/anullment - is that all legal?

My character's going to get married at some point in the roleplay, probably to an NPC I'll play as it's a person from her history, so I'd like to know anything that could help me write it more accurately.

02-04-09, 11:33 AM
It would very greatly depending on what country you're in. Is there a specific place you're focusing on?

The Rollicking Crab
02-04-09, 01:44 PM
Ah, not really. Hmm. Maybe I'll just take it to Other Regions and make it all up.

That said...are there any particularly interesting customs in any countries? They're usually fun to write about.

02-04-09, 02:02 PM
You know, I'm not entirely sure. I'm the Salvar writer, so I know that marriage customs there are largely religious in nature and, when nobility is concerned, marriages are often used to forge political alliances -- that's pretty basic and boring medieval stuff, though. Corone is likely similar. Fallien and Raiaera may have some interesting customs, but it's not something that I, or most people, have likely put much thought into. Perhaps it's time we did.

Corvus MacCallum
02-04-09, 04:22 PM
For the Highlanders theres not really a defined ceremony. Does have various shades, though some aren't really possible with non-animal folk. Among the simplest is an exchange of a treasured posession, with life being simple and tough Highlanders place great importance on earning instead of simply receiving and giving up an object with a solid emotional history behind it can be just the thing to show others the bond between two is a lot stronger than simple mates.

Other places it could be a sharing of vows over a split palm, or someone of authority merely asking if both are ready and willing to share their lives together. Not really familiar with any curious foreign wedding ceremonies, most are just traditional actions, that while at times interesting, are heavily steeped in the origin country and so don't really apply well to distant settings.

02-04-09, 07:36 PM
If I may add my two cents...

Marriage also usually varies according to religion, and not just by region. In just the us alone, with Christianity as the religion, there are several variations on the normal wedding theme, mostly brought on by Bridezilla who had to have things her way. But at the same time, still within the US, there are other different styles of wedding. Plain ones that involve five minutes before a judge, fancy intricate ones. Some that involve praying to one's own ancestors a whole plethora of styles.

So why could not the same be said for Althanas? While yes there might be a "universal" wedding style among all the gods that varies by religon, and yes it might be good enough for most folks? What about those who want to customize it in their own ways? Additionally, what about those who are truly devoted to one deity? I imagine a wedding performed under Hromagh the strong would be different compared to one under Jomil the Hermitess. Both would probably vary from N'jal.

As the user of a custom deity, The Omni expects his followers to maintain chastity before marriage, and if they do not, he marries them on the spot. His marriage is traditional Christian in style.

So, as with a lot of things on Althanas, use your imagination, and that's the only limitation.

02-04-09, 08:57 PM
Umm...Xos, I think she was asking if there was any traditions already in place, to see if she wanted to implement them. Its not so much as "Oh hey I'm too lazy to think of something." So much as, "Hmm...I wonder whats already in place and if I should come up with better."

The Rollicking Crab
02-05-09, 12:31 PM
Yes - I was just wondering if there were any customs that would make my RP more...authentic, and perhaps more interesting. Ah well. Thanks very much, everyone, I'll research some interesting real-world customs and perhaps use some of them - or just make something up.