View Full Version : Opening Night Jitters

02-06-09, 09:09 AM
Well. I guess this is where I say 'Hello', nice to be here in Althanas. Just heard about this place through the grape vine,and some really credible RPers said this place was excellent.

So, here I am. I've been RPing via instant messaging for a long time. Since I got internet, actually, and have only been posting in Forums for about two years. I'm also a big fan of tabletop RPs, and am constantly brewing up plans for a monsterous, ornate campaign. However, I know that I'm a step or two away, as my ambitions are huge, by my skills are only so-so. In time. In time. So, be gentle, people.

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to babble about my preferred character types, as I'm sure everyone has them. More often then not, I play middle aged men of questionable morals. In short: expect grumpy old men from me.

02-06-09, 09:18 AM
Althanas needs more old fogeys. All these porches littering our fair fictional cities, and there's nobody to tell the kids to get off of them.

Grittings and welcome!

02-06-09, 09:19 AM
What're ya doin' 'ere? Get off me lawn!

02-06-09, 09:21 AM
Exactly. Make sure you got a good cane as well, or nobody'll take you seriously. The mods won't let you have a shotgun full of rock salt until at least Level 5, anyways.

02-06-09, 09:22 AM
Pfft. Rock salt is fer pansies! >8D

02-06-09, 09:23 AM
Pfft. Rock salt is fer pansies! >8D

And malevolent spirits. :)

Alydia Ettermire
02-06-09, 09:23 AM
Crotchety old man with a bonkers insane smile.

Kinda creepy.

02-06-09, 09:23 AM
And malevolent spirits. :)

...of which I am one. That's why I suggested it.

02-06-09, 09:28 AM
...of which I am one. That's why I suggested it.

*chucks a bag of road salt at*

02-06-09, 09:30 AM
*chucks a bag of road salt at*

This'll be useful for when I go to work tonight. Much obliged, friend.

I am especially malevolent when I'm on the clock.

02-06-09, 09:30 AM
Crotchety old man with a bonkers insane smile.

Kinda creepy.

I have to have -some- claim to fame, don't I?

Cyrus the virus
02-06-09, 09:37 AM
Come play chess with me!

02-06-09, 09:43 AM
*bops with a large chess piece*

02-06-09, 10:14 AM
I challenge you to a "grumpy-old-man-of-questionable-morals" duel! Gotta protect my niche you know...

Then afterwards we can start a "grumpy-old-men-of-questionable-morals" club. We can patrol the streets, kicking angsty teenagers who's parents were killed by demons. Lord knows there's enough of them need kicking!

Welcome to Althanas.

02-06-09, 10:17 AM
I challenge you to a "grumpy-old-man-of-questionable-morals" duel! Gotta protect my niche you know...

Then afterwards we can start a "grumpy-old-men-of-questionable-morals" club. We can patrol the streets, kicking angsty teenagers who's parents were killed by demons.

Welcome to Althanas.

Oh goodness. I've come home.
Can we skip to the teenager kicking right now? I just shined mah boots, and I think an angsty vampire would look right nice on the end of them. >8D

02-06-09, 10:21 AM
You ever seen what the blood of a 12,000 year old, half-angel/half-demon who looks like a 13 year old Tokio Hotel fanboy does to a nice pair of boots? It ain't pretty.

Better to hit them with a bat full of rusty nails!

02-06-09, 10:24 AM
You ever seen what the blood of a 12,000 year old, half-angel/half-demon who looks like a 13 year old Tokio Hotel fanboy does to a nice pair of boots? It ain't pretty.

Better to hit them with a bat full of rusty nails!

Those damn half-angels...gettin' feathers everywhere...bloody nuisance.

*mutters darkly to self about characters being 'kawai'*

02-06-09, 11:36 AM
Welcome! Make friends and check out the Scara Brae Mission Board (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18219)

[/shameless advertising]

Seriously, though. Crazy old people. >.>

02-06-09, 11:37 AM
Speaking of characters whose parents were killed that need a swift kick in the arse...


02-06-09, 11:41 AM
Hey man! It's not his fault that demons ransacked his town when he was still a teenager. That's just what drives him to be a hero. He also has wings, a cat tail, a strange eye color, and is amazing at everything all the time, with no personal flaws because flaws are for losers. He also has spiky blond hair. He's also actually 10,000,001 years old, but only LOOKS 20 because he's a demon-elf-vampire-dragon hybrid.

[/things that totally aren't true, but would be funny in satire]

02-06-09, 12:27 PM
I can't believe you left out your katana that houses the soul of your demon father and allows you to cast unbelievably powerful shadow and fire magic with no effort whatsoever.

For shame!

I apologize to Oleander for totally hijacking his welcome thread.

EDIT: Erhem - The Recruitment (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=170) sub-forum is a good place to get your feet wet.

02-06-09, 12:50 PM
Actually, I have TWO Katanas that both house the soul of my demon father. Somehow.

Tainted Bushido
02-06-09, 05:53 PM

I take offense to that!

And it wasn't my father, bastards...

02-06-09, 07:07 PM
*totally takes amusement in your thread jacking*

02-06-09, 07:39 PM
Welcome! I'm neither angsty, nor a teenager, and my four parents weren't killed by anything! (yes, that is correct, FOUR parents. Two mothers, two fathers)

02-06-09, 10:24 PM
Chris, does your character scream "DESU!" every moment he gets?

02-06-09, 10:32 PM
Christoph, I love your character. *pinches his cheeks*

02-07-09, 03:43 PM
At least its not Bankai.
God I'm so pissed I missed this thread.