View Full Version : Please allow me to introduce myself...

The Mathemagician
02-09-09, 09:58 AM
Hello to all,

I'm Patrick. I'm a college freshman majoring in economics, political science, or possibly history (or some combination of all three.) I've been roleplaying for about six years now. Starting, yes, on Neopets, I am ashamed to say. Hopefully my writing has come quite a ways since then! Since those days, I have been a member of various different forums. I've started my own board, and I was GM at another for a period of a few months. I write prolifically in the genres of science fiction and fantasy (and sometimes both at once.)

My favorite movie is Fight Club, my favorite TV Show is The Colbert Report, my favorite book is Good Omens by Terry Pratchett (who happens to be my favorite author) and my favorite type of sentence is a run on!

In any case, this is an extraordinary site from what I have seen so far. The rubric system is very compelling to me, the setting is interesting but still open enough to allow for creativity...and quality of rping matters more than post counts! Yippee! It seems like a great place. Already I have posted my character here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18476). I plan on hanging out here for a while, so I thought I would introduce myself OOC. If anyone wants an rp some time...hit me up! ;)

It's nice to meet you all!

02-09-09, 10:12 AM
Grittings and welcome, Patrick!

Alydia Ettermire
02-09-09, 10:13 AM
Hi and welcome to Althanas. Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times or they're likely to vanish, if you get my meaning. If you have questions, hit up those people with Bold or Italic names, because those are the people that run the place and part of their job is answering questions for new people, confused people, or people just too lazy to read the information threads.

Barring that, ask a person who seems like they've been around a while, most vets won't bite off your head immediately.

And whatever you do... don't eat the cookies.

The Mathemagician
02-09-09, 10:18 AM
Thank you both for the welcome! I'll keep that in mind about the italic and bold-named people if I have any questions. I'll keep that in mind about the cookies. *eyes the cookies suspiciously*

02-09-09, 10:30 AM
I am eating cookies right now, though! They are good cookies! D:

*offers anyways!*

Good Omens is also one of my favorite books! Though (while I thoroughly enjoy Sir Prachett) I will admit I found it due to a Neil Gaiman obsession, so we came from different sides on that one, I think!

Welcome, welcome!

02-09-09, 10:30 AM
*put cookies away surreptitiously*
And I could've snagged 'im too...

Welcome to Althanas.
While you're here, there are some things you should know:
- Feeding the hobbitsssess is UNACCEPTABLE. Do so and be banned. Or at least hurt very badly.
- Serilliant is GOD here. Yes, he may be a duck. But he's a DUCKGOD.
- We're all quite comfortable in our masculinity here. Yes, I mean all of us, not matter who says otherwise.
- Godhand's a prick. Its not an insult anymore as much as it is a fact of life, like gravity holds people down and light illuminates things. Just smile, nod, and offer 'im a cookie.
- Hardened nipples are NOT weapons of mass destruction, contrary to popular belief.
- If you manage to piss off Letho, offer him a redhead.

And thats it for the moment!
If you''ve got any questions...
...then keep 'im to yourself, we dont want to hear your noobness!

02-09-09, 10:55 AM

[insert witty, satirical facts and random lines of nonsense here]

Have fun, be courteous, yadda, yadda, so forth and so on, etc., etc.

The Mathemagician
02-09-09, 11:01 AM
Thank you all very much. Ummm, thank you Strickland for the advice, I suppose. *scribbles notes surreptitiously*...do not listen...to...crazy person... :D

Hmmm, Gaiman is good as well. I think he won some sort of prize for children's literature recently, didn't he? Oh yeah! He won the Newberry Medal. I looked it up. This is what he said about what happened after he won it...

"You are on a speakerphone with at least 14 teachers and librarians and suchlike great, wise and good people, I thought. Do not start swearing like you did when you got the Hugo. This was a wise thing to think because otherwise huge, mighty and fourletter swears were gathering. I mean, that's what they're for. I think I said, You mean it's Monday?"

He's hilarious. :p

Alydia Ettermire
02-09-09, 11:03 AM
Strickland's hashmarks 2, 4, and 6 are truths. Other than that it's all craziness.

The Mathemagician
02-09-09, 11:06 AM
Good to know, WitW. Good to know. O_O

Who're the folks that look at characters? Taskmienster and Max Dirks, I think I saw in that Character/PG Registration forum? Oh, well, neither of them are on, are they. :(

02-09-09, 11:06 AM
Thank you all very much. Ummm, thank you Strickland for the advice, I suppose. *scribbles notes surreptitiously*...do not listen...to...crazy person... :D

Hmmm, Gaiman is good as well. I think he won some sort of prize for children's literature recently, didn't he? Oh yeah! He won the Newberry Medal. I looked it up. This is what he said about what happened after he won it...

"You are on a speakerphone with at least 14 teachers and librarians and suchlike great, wise and good people, I thought. Do not start swearing like you did when you got the Hugo. This was a wise thing to think because otherwise huge, mighty and fourletter swears were gathering. I mean, that's what they're for. I think I said, You mean it's Monday?I do prefer Pratchett though."

He's hilarious. :p

He did not control himself on his twitter though. There was some pretty amusingly non-child-friendly words there! :D

The Mathemagician
02-09-09, 11:08 AM
He did not control himself on his twitter though. There was some pretty amusingly non-child-friendly words there! :D

I'm not surprised. Probably quite a different reaction from most Newberry winners though, ha!

02-09-09, 11:10 AM
Who're the folks that look at characters? Taskmienster and Max Dirks, I think I saw in that Character/PG Registration forum? Oh, well, neither of them are on, are they. :(

Don't worry. Patience is a virtue my friend. They work very diligently when they're online, so expect a post the moment they log in. It won't take more than a day or two to approve him if you're fairly active.

In the meantime, I suggest you start thinking up awesome quests and storylines while you wait. If you want to do a solo, go ahead and start writing it out in anticipation. You know, be prepared for the inevitable.

The Mathemagician
02-09-09, 11:13 AM
In the meantime, I suggest you start thinking up awesome quests and storylines while you wait. If you want to do a solo, go ahead and start writing it out in anticipation. You know, be prepared for the inevitable.

Probably not a bad idea. Maybe not a solo quest, in case I have to change something, but I could start thinking of a quest/plot and write out an opening post for a thread. Something in Scara Brae. Maybe a battle too.

Oh, here's another question I have: How many threads can you be in at once? One battle/one quest? Something like that? And since not much plot happens in the Peaceful Promenade, does that count?

For now though, I have a midterm to cram for. D:

Alydia Ettermire
02-09-09, 11:18 AM
Oh, here's another question I have: How many threads can you be in at once? One battle/one quest? Something like that? And since not much plot happens in the Peaceful Promenade, does that count?

You can be in as many threads as you can handle at once. And even though you aren't approved yet, you can put up a recruitment thread for a quest or sign up in someone else's recruitment thread for their quest.

02-09-09, 11:27 AM
Welcome! Make friends and check out the Scara Brae Mission Board (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18219)

[/shameless advertising]


02-09-09, 11:28 AM
Good Omens is the shit.
Best line ever:
"An angel who didn't fall as much as saunter vaguely downwards."
Or something like that. :D
Welcome to Althanas, again.

Daddy Skelly
02-09-09, 11:30 AM
I generally stick to one thread at a time, as it helps me continuity wise and I don't have my stories mixed up. Sometimes people might be in like five though, it's up to the player.

I welcome you here too, I also just joined recently (almost a week ago). As you can see in my signature I already started a solo thread, so I won't be in anything else till that's done.

02-09-09, 11:31 AM
Oh, here's another question I have: How many threads can you be in at once? One battle/one quest? Something like that? And since not much plot happens in the Peaceful Promenade, does that count?

We have something called 'Liquid Time'. You can be in six different threads at once (as long as you can handle it) and if you keep each one in order with your character's storyline, it's fine. You just have the torturous task of being in six threads at once. >.>

And technically, you can have a battle at the Peaceful Promenade if you want. Don't tie yourself down with where you can and can't write. If you want to do a quest at the PP, then by all means, do it.

The Mathemagician
02-09-09, 11:48 AM
We have something called 'Liquid Time'. You can be in six different threads at once (as long as you can handle it) and if you keep each one in order with your character's storyline, it's fine. You just have the torturous task of being in six threads at once. >.>

Oh, holy Frodo, I fear for my life! Six threads is way too much. Two or three would be just fine, ahaha. I was just wondering if more than one was acceptable, which it appears to be. Sounds good to me.

"An angel who didn't fall as much as saunter vaguely downwards."
Or something like that.

Oh, Crowley. ;) Such a good character!

Welcome! Make friends and check out the Scara Brae Mission Board

I'll check that out!

*wipes sweat from brow* Thanks again for all the welcomes everyone! :D

P.S. My character is now approved too. Woo!

Daddy Skelly
02-09-09, 02:21 PM
Congratulations on the approval, I enjoyed reading the profile myself. An interesting character concept, I always personally joke about the mathematician/mathemagician thing which is why I was intrigued to read about your character.

Kudos on getting approved on the very first try, too, like you'd been here before. Usually even people with sufficient role playing experience tend to go a little too far with their characters at first.

The Mathemagician
02-09-09, 03:45 PM
Kudos on getting approved on the very first try, too, like you'd been here before. Usually even people with sufficient role playing experience tend to go a little too far with their characters at first.

Thanks Skel! I'm used to a site that looks very harshly on powerplayers so I have a tendency to underpower my characters rather than overpower. (If that's what you meant?) In any case, I checked out a bunch of the players who seemed to have been here a long time's characters to make sure mine was following along those same lines :)

Daddy Skelly
02-09-09, 05:00 PM
Same here, man, same here. That is sort of what I meant. I really meant that your profile looked like - in form and content - someone who had been on this site for some time.

I know what you mean about underpowering as well. But that's the thing; I prefer beginning (lvl 0) characters to be underpowered, as it gives them much more room to grow. I used to make profiles of character that had elaborate plans from start to finish, with little room to wedge some change. More often than not, I found that character quickly dying (not literally in the story, but in my thoughts) and becoming boring.

In any case, excuse my useless rant and just take this as a long welcome from one new player to another.

The Mathemagician
02-09-09, 07:44 PM
Not at all Skelly, I don't mind the rant at all. Well thought out posts are fine by me ;D

Most of my guys spells are underpowered, I think. I tried to leave plenty of room for him to grow. Several of them are just foundations of later, more advanced spells that have no real application on their own. Being able to predict societal trends with no greater accuracy than your average college professor or historian isn't a terribly great ability of Divination, haha. But someday it could become more useful and interesting, if you know what I mean. I'm not used to this whole level system just yet, but I do prefer new characters to be fairly weak. Enough abilities to be fun to play, but still with room to grow. Gotta strike a happy balance. In any case, I'm pleased with your praise. My goal was to make a character in the style of the experts of the place, and if I acheieved that I'm seriously happy! ;D

Anyway, thanks for the welcome ^>^

Red Kochen
02-09-09, 08:32 PM
The Colbert Report is truly fantastic.

I just thought I'd tell you that.

Oh and welcome, from someone who has been here for even a smaller amount of time than yourself. I think having a Mathemagician is terribly clever and full of win. ^^

The Mathemagician
02-09-09, 08:34 PM
Thanks Red! And hey, your character's pretty darn clever himself.

02-10-09, 09:10 PM
And here I was, hoping you were a man of wealth and taste.

The Mathemagician
02-10-09, 09:15 PM
I was seriously tempted to put that, but I decided that it would be overly tasteless and cliched. Thus the mismatched title and post.

THANK FRODO though. Someone got the reference. Pop quiz: Is the GnR or the Stones version of Sympathy for the Devil better?

02-10-09, 09:17 PM
I like both versions, though I prefer the Guns n' Roses version to the Rolling Stones. However, I was also born in 1989, so I often find my musical tastes questionable.

The Mathemagician
02-10-09, 09:22 PM

Always wanted to do that. :D I personally believe that they both have their own merits. Rose's vocals are sub-par, but the drums and guitar of the GnR version are incredible. Mind blowing. And indeed, quite a bit more modern as well.

02-10-09, 10:14 PM
I couldn't get that song out my head after seeing the headline. I kept singing it under my breath.

The Mathemagician
02-10-09, 10:17 PM
Haha, welcome to my life, all the time LF. I constantly have that song stuck in my head. I don't resent it though. Except that the constant echoing of Jager's voice...slightly creepy. But still, it's so amazing. Often it is the inspiration for my characters as well. Not the Mathemagican though. He was just a random bit of flotsam an jetsam I came up with one day.

I was wondering when people would start to catch on to that aspect of the title of the thread ^^

Tainted Bushido
02-10-09, 11:56 PM
I just find it funny I'm no longer the only Patrick on this board....How many years have I been here?

6? Christ, six without another Patrick...

The Mathemagician
02-11-09, 07:11 AM
Ha, that is indeed pretty funny. Hello Patrick.

And wow, 6 years!

02-11-09, 08:02 AM
I was seriously tempted to put that, but I decided that it would be overly tasteless and cliched. Thus the mismatched title and post.

THANK FRODO though. Someone got the reference. Pop quiz: Is the GnR or the Stones version of Sympathy for the Devil better?

Trick question, the true answer is Laibach's eight or nine versions are the best.


ok, not really, but they are creepier. D:

The Mathemagician
02-11-09, 11:15 AM
Trick question, the true answer is Laibach's eight or nine versions are the best.


ok, not really, but they are creepier. D

Best, creepier, same thing :P Good answer though.