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Red Kochen
02-09-09, 03:50 PM
Hi. Might as well give an intro oocly since I plan on sticking around for a while. :>

Lessee...I are a college freshman and I later might get my doctorate in conducting music. Some crap I do: putting food dye in everything conceivable and edible (because it's pretty), learning about historical stuff and far out scientific theories like the Copenhagen Interpretation, Many Worlds, etc, and fooling around outside. I've been RPing for five or six years, give or take, but I recently took a long break. Discovered I can't stay away for long. This is sorta like a really good stress reliever. I prefer playing rather ordinary characters who have to cope with extraordinary situations...and contrary to Lupo, I've never flown a plane though I'd love to learn (the same goes with manipulating glass :D ).

So that's me in a pistachio nutshell. I look forward to writing with you all on such a quality site! I'm already puzzling out my first quest, but I think I'd prefer to have a partner or two until I get back into the swing of RP again. And I've already had a gander at the mission boards. ;)


02-09-09, 04:10 PM
Hey, welcome to Atlhanas, few words of advice. watch out for the cookies, they will eat you alive. and another, Witchblade is an evil person so stay away from her ^_^ she will steal all your cookies and eat them herself

Red Kochen
02-09-09, 04:25 PM
No, not mah cookies! D: Anything but my cookies.

Thank you for the welcome. ^^

02-09-09, 04:35 PM
Anytime. So what brings you to Althanas? Quest? Battle? Fame? Power? Or just to pass time?

02-09-09, 04:41 PM
I do not steal and eat cookies, I am an offerer of cookies!!!

I shall prove this!

Welcome to Althanas! Please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times or they may be removed by random, zombified characters. Do not feed the following people: Taskmienster, Christoph, Serilliant, Letho, BlackandBlueEyes, Cyrus the virus, Tainted Bushido, and Inkfinger for they may decome dependant on you afterwards and may be hard to get rid of. Any screams you may now be experiencing are the sounds of dying characters. Do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following thread. Have a nice day. ^^

*offers a batch of freshly baked cookies*

02-09-09, 04:43 PM
Grittings and welcome to Althanas!

Red Kochen
02-09-09, 05:00 PM
*grabs cookies* Mmm yes, now we're talking. I do hope these have white chocolate in them. *drool*

Danke guys! @ Ariana: I'm here because I'm never truly happy unless I have something with which to distract me from doing important stuff. I'm not a great writer, not up to the calibre of a lot of blokes here, but what better place to improve my skillz while kickin it on the web.

Edit: A killer librarian? I knew one of those once. :-P

Wow and excuse my gratuitous use of smilies people, I seem to be underconfident in my ability to convey emotion through text. D:

Daddy Skelly
02-09-09, 05:05 PM
Hey, I'll give you my welcome from one new player to another. I recently joined myself this last week, Tuesday maybe.

I've read your character's profile already and liked it. I am similar with character concepts, at first. Of course, my skeleton character isn't exactly "normal" but hey.

If you need a partner like you said, shoot me a PM. Read my own character profile and maybe we can come up with something, I'm always up for it.


02-09-09, 05:05 PM
lol, don't worry about the smilely's, we don't mind them. I use them all the time myself... just not right now. >.>

If you're looking for ways to improve your writing, you've come to the right place. We have a judging rubric here that's focuses on pointing out the good and the bad and allows the judge to give pointers when needed.

When you're looking for partners to rp with, post a thread in the Recruitment Forum in the Role-Player's Corner. Should you ever have any questions, feel free to send a pm to someone with an Italicized name or a Bolded one, we're mods and admins and are here to help you... among other things we're not allowed to talk about. ^_^

Red Kochen
02-09-09, 05:13 PM
lol, don't worry about the smilely's, we don't mind them. I use them all the time myself... just not right now. >.>

If you're looking for ways to improve your writing, you've come to the right place. We have a judging rubric here that's focuses on pointing out the good and the bad and allows the judge to give pointers when needed.

When you're looking for partners to rp with, post a thread in the Recruitment Forum in the Role-Player's Corner. Should you ever have any questions, feel free to send a pm to someone with an Italicized name or a Bolded one, we're mods and admins and are here to help you... among other things we're not allowed to talk about. ^_^

This rubric and judging system you've got here is one of the things that attracted me to the site. I don't think I've come across another RP-oriented board with the same setup. It's very snazzy. I'll also be sure to keep an eye out for those with the fancy names. ^^

@Skelly: Thanks! An animate skeleton with intent to kill, ftw.

Daddy Skelly
02-09-09, 05:19 PM
Intent to kill? Oh hellllllll nah, son. *chuckles*

Edit: I just started watching this playlist on youtube of Lance Krall videos, here. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxCEPbqbei8&feature=PlayList&p=AC543E5125BD218F&playnext=1&index=45) The first video is a parody of the show Punk'd, but it's called Trik'd. I thought it was hilarious, which is where the hell nah reference came from.

Red Kochen
02-09-09, 05:26 PM
Well, I saw he carried a great dirty sword and your avatar looked menacing, so I made a hasty assumption. ;-) All in all though I really like the character.

Daddy Skelly
02-09-09, 05:31 PM
It was the only hooded skeleton photo I could find, heh. Thanks for reading and liking it.

02-09-09, 05:38 PM
You shouldn't have eaten the cookies! Witchblade laces them with poison!! X_X

But don't fret, they are a slow-acting poison, in which case....you have ten years to live. Don't try to fight it, the poison has no cure. I am sorry... T_T

I feel so bad!! *sobs* If only I had told you in time! Why, God, whyyyyyy?!

*bows to thunderous applause* Thank you, thank you.

Anyways. Welcome to the site, have fun, be courteous, yadda yadda, so on and so forth, etc., etc.

Red Kochen
02-09-09, 05:39 PM
lol, Ya I couldn't find any good pilot or appropriate aircraft-themed avvies so I settled for the next best thing.

Anyway, I popped you a pm.


@Lightfoot: Oh not to worry, I spent ten soggy years entrenched deep in the troublesome maw of the Amazonian Rain Forest, wherein I was able to gradually build a resistance to all manner of toxins by ingesting poison dart frogs and smearing their exotic and foul-smelling lather over my body.

Ok not really, but I appreciate the warning. Better late than never, right? ....Right?!

02-09-09, 11:17 PM
In Soviet Russia, cookies eat you. Welcome to Althanas.

Red Kochen
02-09-09, 11:41 PM
lol, Thanks.

02-10-09, 08:51 AM
Well, they're only a little poisonous now. They used to turn you into my slave, but alas, the other moderators got jealous and rallied against me, freeing my slaves from their captivity. It probably didn't help that most of the moderators were my slaves as well...


So sadly, no more slaves for me. Now I only poison my cookies so they slowly addict the person to Althanas, forcing them to become its slave for the next ten years.

The Mathemagician
02-10-09, 09:24 AM
Well, they're only a little poisonous now. They used to turn you into my slave, but alas, the other moderators got jealous and rallied against me, freeing my slaves from their captivity. It probably didn't help that most of the moderators were my slaves as well...


So sadly, no more slaves for me. Now I only poison my cookies so they slowly addict the person to Althanas, forcing them to become its slave for the next ten years.

Hey there. Strickland claims that the cookie plot was HIS idea on my welcoming thread! Then again, he also says a lot of other things...

Anyway, welcome to Red. Even though I've only been here a little while myself. :)

02-10-09, 09:52 AM
lol, well I'm not going to get into it. But I've been doing the cookie thing for longer than he's been a member of this board. ^_^

Besides, I'm better looking and I have powers, so you should listen to me and believe whatever I say. ;)

Hmm... delete user... I wonder what this button does.

The Mathemagician
02-10-09, 09:57 AM
*salute* Aye aye. I thought he was crazy all along. Talking about duckgods and hobbits and all manner of strange things >_>

02-10-09, 01:21 PM
Welcome friend. I too have taken a long break from roleplaying, but since you are correct about how addicting it can be, I find myself trying to get back in the swing of things again.

02-10-09, 09:08 PM
I love the avatar. So vogue. It's nice to see a random collection of spiraling clocks and gears, compared to the many wide-eyed smiles of Bishie heroes.