View Full Version : Should We Fall... - Acyutani vs. Trago

Iriah Caitrak
02-10-09, 09:43 AM
Today marked her third opponent in this place of sand and wind and heat and sun. She had been here for time unmemorable it seemed, and yet it only spanned the lengths of a few measly months. It held appeal, it held nothing. She wanted opponents to litter the bright, gold and red sands of her homeland as she cut them down. She wanted to be left alone. She wanted... nothing. She didn’t know what she wanted. How sad a state to dwell within when one could no longer gauge the true desire of their heart and mind. Everything had gone so horribly downhill after he had left her, on that fateful early Fall morning, yet she refused to play the coward and blame everything on him. She did not put the burden on the shoulders of an absent man and shrug all responsibility. She merely knew. He played his part, she played hers. Life was a game and they had played their roles and their pieces of the board had moved aside like all pieces eventually did.

Wind swept across the vast stretches of her arena, scoring her with the heat it brought from the scorched sands and the drying sun. She felt cool beneath her layered robes, safe from the sun she loved so much, a sun that didn’t exist in his world. Only ice and darkness existed in his world.

Acyutani raised one scarred and battle beaten hand to her face, running her fingers across the deep red material that covered her features from the bridge of her nose and down. Nothing of her was ever seen in this place. Her head hooded, her face covered. Only her eyes could give her away, but they stayed as black as the obsidian rock on which she sat, its large body overturned and lying flat upon the sand. Its many brothers lay behind her, like gnarled fingers protruding from the ground in some grotesque attempt at freedom. They extended into sharp points towards the sky, taller than any man. Upon a central spire, in the midst of so many others, lay two names; Ebivoulya Shinak and Elijah Morendale, her two opponents that fought well against her. She’d learned from each of them. Not as much as he taught her, but enough, more than enough. When her next opponent arrived—Trago—so too would his name be carved upon the surface of that rock as if by an unseen hand.

She wanted that rock filled, more than anything though; she wanted one name in particular on that rock.

Lowering her hand from her face, Acyutani looked out over the vast sands of Ranajira, one of her two fighting arenas that the Pagoda had gifted her with. All around her lay an innumerable amount of sand, shifting with the wind and sliding down the walls of this Valley of the Dead. Most only looked upon the grains and saw beige, a boring and light colour brown. But she could see the gold and the red and the orange, creating a dance of colour and shadow. The shadows in this place did not give one any kind of refuge though, they may shield a person’s skin from the sun, but should one be so unlucky they may find their shadow inhabited by more than just their own person. Arta lurked in this landscape, not even she knew where they hid their disgusting and rotting forms. In this place, unlike so many others in Althanas, the sun did not give life but take it away. Still, it could be so beautiful and Acyutani would rather have this sun and this desert over the deep forests of Concordia any day. She felt at ease here, but in the deep and lush forests found on Corone, unease trickled into her mind.

Tipping her head back, Acyutani closed her eyes and waited as the heat of the sun melted into the deep red and purple robes covering her body. All she could do now was wait and hope this new opponent offered some kind of entertainment for her. Some break from the mundane and the every day.

02-10-09, 02:35 PM
Excuse me, are there any creatures that take home in this arena? If so, what are they?

The wind felt amazing for Trago, well it would if you were flying 23 feet off the ground at a steady 30 miles per hour with nothing holding you back. But today was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky and the sun was shining as bright as ever. And today, Trago is not very happy; matter of fact he is mad and is gonna take his anger out on the next person who wants a fight. But the only problem is being of Tragonian descent, The Tragonians are a peaceful race that do not start wars. But Trago is banished so their laws do not affect him.
As Trago is flying, he gets smacked right in the face with a scroll of the sort. He stops flying and grabs the scroll and slowly comes to a land with a loud BOOM. He lands on his two hind legs so he stands an amazing 16 foot tall.

The tallest humanoid type creature in the area as far as Trago knows. He stretches his wings out one last time and folds them against his back. His tail is swishing and swooshing behind him like a snake would. From the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail is an outstanding 35 feet.

So he looks at the scroll and sees a familiar insignia, The sinsignia for the Dajas Pagoda. The one place Trago loves; Only cause his first fight was an amazing one. Even if he lost, it was still a fun fight. "Regal burnswidth. You are an amazing adversary. I shall not forget your name." Trago says as he slowly opens the scroll. First thing he sees is "Acyutani would like ..." Trago just drops the scroll, spreads his mighty wings and pushes off with full force towards the pagoda. "This is perfect. A way to avenge my loss to Regal." The wind rushing against his body is just feeding the adrenaline rush coursing through his body.

Mere moments pass and he arrives at the pagoda. "Here we go again." he says as he walks towards the giant cedar doors and into the Pagoda. And standing mere feet inside the doorway is a small robed man standing no taller then Trago's knee. "Trago, Ahh we of the pagoda have been expecting you here today. Please follow me if you will" as the small man turns and starts walking down the hall to the left; Trago follows cautiously. They turn left and they turn right as they finally approach a set of oak doors, thankfully large enough for Trago to get through.

"Enter young Tragonian, but be warned, this arena is to your opponent's choosing." The monk says as he walks back the way they came and vanishes. Trago shrugs his shoulders and pushes the giant doors open and finds something he did not expect. A desert inside a building. He takes a few steps inside, not liking this arena one bit. Crunch. "What kind of person fights" Crunch. "In the desert?" As he says this he looks around and sees pillars, like a hand comming out of the ground, but the middle one, the tallest finger, the middle, seems akward but Trago just leaves it alone and continues walking. Taking caution not knowing who or what his opponent is today.

Iriah Caitrak
02-13-09, 08:37 AM
The answer to Trago’s question, the one Acyutani never heard, was a simple one. Desert Tribal woman preferred to fight in such a place as this. Someone who had trained for most of their lives in such a setting chose to fight here. Simple. It gave her the advantage and those not used to the sand a great disadvantage. Sand was heavy and sand—like water—shifted and crowded around anything that moved within it. It looked solid at first glance, but is anything but solid. Walking along sand is hard on the legs, making moves sluggish and giving almost no traction. Acyutani knew how to manipulate the sand and make it do what she wanted it to do.

Acyutani’s head fell forward. Her eyes left the bright, jewel blue colour of the sky and focused on the only other person in this place; Trago. She felt surprise twist her features, but quickly covered it. At first, she thought her eyes had landed upon the figure of an exceedingly large Draconian, a ridiculously large Draconian. Then she noticed the differences. The tail was her first dead giveaway. In the time she had spent in Dheathain—though short it may have been—she’d never seen a Draconian with a tail. The talons were the second one. Draconians tended to have claws that protruded from the tips of a five fingered hand covered in scales and though this was similar, it was still different. The last, and perhaps the most obvious, was his sheer size. The man was huge, impossibly so. She’d seen monsters and creatures as tall as that, but never a sentient, humanoid being. Even those fabled Orcs that she had never met were not even rumoured to be as tall as this man. It was inconceivable. And she was meant to fight him.

Drawing in a deep and fortifying breath, Acyutani pushed off from her perch. Her feet landed in the sand with a barely audible thwump and a shower of tiny grains of long ago broken rocks. With assured steps she moved away from the obsidian spires and their sharp edges and flat surfaces. She moved directly into Trago’s line of sight. There would be no backstabbing here, at least not by her. She did not operate from stealth. She was no assassin. Acyutani faced her opponents and looked them in the eyes as she cut them down, or as they ripped through her. For such was the Pagoda that one day she may find herself the victor and the next the broken.

She stopped less than a ten foot distance from her opponent. Looking him directly in the eye, Acyutani then bowed her head slightly to him, then stood straight.

“My name is Acyutani.” Her accented voice said, soft and assured. “I bid you welcome, Trago, to Ranajira. As the challenger in this battle, I give you the first move of this dance and game and pray that Suravani watch over both of us.”

Her eyes never left him as she said the words, her arms loosely lying at her sides. No weapons graced her fingers. In fact, not a single one appeared to be lining the shifting robes covering her body. She stood at ease. Not a single muscle tensed and over strung, yet each one lay in wait to move upon the pure instinct bred into her over weeks and weeks of training with him. He taught her well. And the more time she spent within the Pagoda, the more she felt an overwhelming sense of calm enter her as she battled.

02-13-09, 04:30 PM
Trago's ears picked up movement from someone else in the arena so he cocks his head towards the movement and is shocked to see a woman, no older then early 20's. She looked like a twig from Trago's point of view. She stood about 5'8 with purple hair. Garbed in some deep red material that covered her features from the bridge of her nose and down When Trago saw the hair it just made me want to laugh a bit. But no, he repsects his opponent's and their looks. No matter what race, no matter the gender.

The sun, up and as harsh as ever is beating down on Trago, but shows no signs of it whatsoever. Trago's breathing gets heavy as he watches slowly as she makes her way towards him and stands no more then 10 feet from him ans she spoke “My name is Acyutani.” Trago heard, she spoke with an accent as well.She continued her sentence as well, . “I bid you welcome, Trago, to Ranajira. As the challenger in this battle, I give you the first move of this dance and game and pray that Suravani watch over both of us.” Trago closed his eyes and bowed down, right arm going across his chest and his left arm stretched out to his left. "Ahh Acyutani. It is a pleasure of battling one such as yourself. And I pray that Suravani watches over us as well."

And with that said, Trago lowers his head and strains while groaning and growling as his wings take fruition and spread wide open. Trago's eyes shoot open as his wings start beating faster and faster, blowing sand up and slowly lifting Trago off the ground. Slowly but sure he reaches his max height of 25 feet off the ground. "Tis a beautiful day is it not?" Trago says as he looks around the arena and sees Acyutani standing where she was, the giant hand formation in the distance. Suddenly as he looks down he sees sand moving, like if something was literally swimming through the sand. "What the hell?" Trago is thinking to himself as he floats upward. "Note to self - try to stay off the ground at all cost." he says as he takes his eyes back to the woman who is his opponent.

Iriah Caitrak
02-18-09, 08:31 AM
Sand buffeted her face. The tiny, offensive grains of rock and crystal attempted to worm their way into her clothes and rub up against her skin, chaffing it, making it raw. They even lashed against the exposed part of her face, tearing at the sensitive skin, irritating it. Her eyes turned into small slits that narrowed her vision to the opponent flying not far from her.

If he expected this to surprise her, it didn’t. If he wanted to intimidate her, he failed. If he wished to gain some form of advantage, he had a long way to go. She’d grown up in the desert and the buffeting winds and harsh sands were nothing new to her. Nor were the occasional sand storms, most far worse than this one. Not to mention Acyutani had her own tricks as the saying went. A flying, scale covered, humanoid looking man was certainly not enough to have her shaking in her boots. He may be big, but that appeared to be the only ability he could use. At least, he had shown her nothing else. She had given him the choice of the first move, had stood there and waited and he had squandered it on a mere superficial advantage like flight.

He had much to learn about fighting.

Having barely even moved from her initial position, Acyutani tilted her head up and towards Trago. The light material of her robes lay flat against her body and fluttering behind her from the force of his wings. The strong breeze took away the edge of the sun, cooling her skin. Raising her hands into an upwards angle towards the man, Acyutani smirked and in a split second formed a long bow where nothing but air had been before. An arrow lay already notched in the string, her fingers already grasping it and feeling the familiar tickle of the feathers along her calloused palm. She pulled back as hard as she could. The string lay taunt and tight and vibrated with anticipation. She aimed, at his chest, knowing the winds might buffer it away, knowing her real target lay as one of his wings.

She released. The large arrow whistled through the string winds, heading towards her target. How straight she didn’t know. Would only know when it hit him. If it hit him. She doubted he’d have enough time to move though as close as he was to her and as fast as that arrow travelled.

02-19-09, 02:47 AM
Trago reaches his maximum height of 25 feet while keeping his eye on Acytani. The sand was blowing all over, flying all around, hitting her, bouncing off the rocks in the area, although you coudn't tell either. His eye widened when he seen a bow appear out of nowwhere. "Oh mother of pearl." is all he says as he keeps his eye on her as she cocks the bow and looses an arrow straight at his chest.

The arrow comes at him at almost ten miles per hour. "Damn, her arrows are fast!" Trago says ash he ducks down as the arrow skims his side, scratching him. The scratch don't bleed but it feels like someone taking a needle down your sides. Trago cocks his head back and winces. He closes his eyes and then almost instantly shoots a dirty look back to Acyutani, eye with an evil look and razor teeth baring.

"You are dead woman!" Trago roars as he leans in and jets at thirty mile per hour, claws up front. Eight strong as steel claws up front facing towards the wench. As he gets within range of her he lets out a black and white jet of fire that reaches up to 5 feet in front of him. Either hitting her or turning the sand at her feet to glass. Cause fire and sand make glass, so I've been told.

Iriah Caitrak
02-23-09, 08:21 AM
The arrow missed. It never pierced the flesh of his wing; it merely skimmed the surface of his side. No blood even welled from the wound, yet disappointment welled from within her. Trago had some amazing flying skills to be able to dodge an arrow so well from this distance. Clearly she had underestimated him. Or maybe his size had merely thrown her. Her opponent was massively tall and must weigh quite a bit more than the average human. As such she merely assumed he would be slower and less manoeuvrable, even in the air. Assumptions like that could kill a person. She can’t believe she had been stupid enough to do such a thing. If he were here he’d find a way to punish her for it. More training. But he wasn’t and she could only reprimand herself and learn from her own mistakes.

It seemed her attempt at wounding Trago had angered her opponent greatly. Acyutani found this amusing. Quite, amusing actually, especially the part where he roared about how she was a dead woman. This was a battle, a fight to survive, even if merely a fake one where the dead were revived. Did he expect to come into this and for her to merely roll over and die? She planned on fighting, it was her job and it was something she had begun to even enjoy. The longer she stayed at the Pagoda, the more the fighting appealed to her. She finally began to understand why he lived for the battle. At the same time, she knew she never would live in the battle the way he did, or still does.

He charged. The muscles in her legs tensed with anticipation. She shifted the bow in her hand until the weapon lay before her, like a shield and a sword instead of wood and string. Her obsidian eyes never left Trago. She anticipated a clawed attack. Knew better than to assume he was doing that, could only surmise it from the position of his body and his hands out front and wishing to rip the flesh from her bones.

At the last second his body shifted.

Her eyes widened ever so slightly. Trago pulled back, his wings slowing him down and bringing him to a stop feet above her and out of range of his deadly claws. He breathed in deeply, his chest expanding. Acyutani knew nothing good was coming of this. His muzzle of a mouth parted and flames spewed forth from the recesses. Heat bathed her face and body and pure instinct guided her next movements. Her feet dug into the sand. Her body tucked forward and with a leap Acyutani sent herself somersaulting underneath her opponent. The flame from his mouth impacted the sand, sending molten hot grains flying in all directions. They burned their way through the thin layers of her clothes and burrowed into her skin. No blood flowed. But Acyutani hissed none the less at the searing pain of the dozens of tiny holes now in her back and her legs.

Her somersault brought her mere feet away from the melting puddle of sand where she had been standing. She landed on her back, irritating the new burns along her skin, but ignoring them as best she could. Practically under the form of Trago, Acyutani summoned another arrow. She notched it quickly. Then pulled back the string and let the arrow fly, whistling towards Trago.

02-24-09, 09:30 PM
Trago flew towards Acyutani and roared back letting his flames of light and darkness soar towards the ground. The flames were meant for her, but she had managed to dodge. A quick somersault out of the way and underneath Trago. The sand lights up like sparks from a fire and goes in every direction. Even hitting his opponent on her back, tearing her clothing and burning her skin.

This pleased Trago. He knew that her skin would be burning and searing with pain right now.So he turns to face his opponent who is now on her back with an arrow cocked right at him. His eyes widen as she looses the arrow right at his chest. But with the wind and the speed it is traveling, her real real target are his wings. It's like two birds one stone. The arrow hisses through the wind as it flies and pierces the skin on his wing. At that exact moment the pain in his wing is unbearable.So he cocks his head back and lets out a tremendous roar that shakes the ground around him. His eyes getting teary, his muscles tensing all over. He ends his roar as he cocks his head back to his opponent, who just signed her death warrent. his breathing heavy, the wind blowing all around him picking the sand up. He extends his claws and cracks his knuckles in both his hands. His tail swishing in the sand like a snake in the sand. As for his wings, the pain to keep them open is undeniably painful so he brings thim to his back and folds them closed so they look like a cape now.

Trago, now enraged starts a slow steady walk towards her, hoping to rip her apart for this mistake. Claws glistening in the sun light, teeth bared like an angry dogs.

Iriah Caitrak
03-01-09, 09:22 AM
The arrow hit. It pierced the flesh of his wing and tore straight through it. The pain must have been great, unbearable even for the sound that came out of the scaled being before her. His body turns into a ball of tension as the anger begins to wash over him. Anger he can’t seem to control. She could certainly provide him with a few lessons on how to keep him mind clear in a battle. Emotions did have their role in battle, she could never completely destroy them like he does, but she can numb them. One of the most important would be anger. It clouds judgement and takes over rational thought. People make mistakes when they become angry in battle. They charge in without thinking.

Trago was just about to do that very thing.

He did not charge, but Acyutani’s opponent had already hit the ground and begun his slow, arduous walk towards her. His steps seemed assured, his claws and teeth ready to rip the very flesh from her bones. But beneath that seemingly calm facade and lying within his eyes was anger so deep he could barely control it.

What are you so angry about, Trago, the fact that I’ve wounded you or your own inadequate skills?

She could have loosed another arrow at him, she had enough time before he approached her but she never liked playing the same trick too many times. It was not an overconfidence she felt. She knew better than to fall into that trap. The fact was he was about to engage her in close range combat with merely his claws, but she had weapons that could keep him out of reach of even his long arms. She had the advantage and he didn’t even know it.

Her fingers flexed and tensed along the smooth wood of her bow. She held it before her as if it were a staff.

He came within range of her, his arm tense and ready. He moved fast, attempting to rip through the soft skin of her stomach and spill her intestines upon the parched ground. She stepped back just out of his range. Her hands moved out of instinct, guiding the bow to block his sharp claws. Only the bow was no longer a bow. Part way there it transformed itself into a Swallow, thick and sturdy and carrying two long and slightly bent Naginata blades on either end. Gripping it with both hands along the middle, she was able to keep at least two feet of distance between them while still attacking Trago. And she did. With a quick twist and push of her left arm, she redirected the block into an attack towards the soft, inner surface of his thigh.