View Full Version : King Tristam's Gypsy Carnival (closed)

02-10-09, 08:48 PM
The Dusk Walker, a ferry out of Corone, heading to Scara Brae. The boat took only a week to get to its destination, but it seemed to be taking an eternity to Nightstalker. Day in, and day out, he stood at the railing, on one side or another. Nightstalker it seemed was seasick.
“Seasickness is no illness for a mighty ninja to get.” He remarked to himself between bouts of sickness.
“What?” asked a passing crewman.
“I said…BLARG!” Nightstalker got sick again over the side of the ship.
“I said I hate being seasick.” Nightstalker said after he finished getting sick.

So it was that when the ferry docked finally, Nightstalker almost threw himself off the ship to get to land. The faint strains of music could be heard in the distance, like someone playing drums, possibly a horn, and some sort of cymbal and maybe a stringed instrument of some kind. A festive atmosphere seemed to be in the air, and as Nightstalker picked himself up from hugging the ground, color seemed to have returned to his face.

He looked at the weather, finally able to look up, and was excited to learn that it was a clear day. The carnival wouldn’t officially open until night fell. A parade marched through the city leading the way, and when it arrived, the carnival opened.

Nightstalker looked around, and saw an Advertisement.
“Come one, come all, for a limited time only, Tristam, King of the Gypsies brings his fantastic carnival of wonders and delights to Scara Brae. Gasp at the size of the elephants from Dheathain, marvel with awe at the power and majesty of the Coronian Lion. See freaks to boggle your mind from the demon riddled depths of Haide and Haidia. Watch the amazing Forrester Brothers as they fly through the air on the trapeze without the aid of magic! Listen to Grandmother’s wise words of wisdom as she reveals to you the mysteries of the sands of time, and watch Princess Gypsy as she performs for your enjoyment, a collection of rare dances from around the world.” The flier had read, below a painting of elephants, tigers in a large crystal ball being watched by an old witch.

It had been afternoon when they finally neared Scara Brae, and now the last rays of the sun were glinting at an angle as the light began to dim, an expectant hush fell over the city. A temporary tower holding a large crystal globe, a decoration for the carnival turned from clear, to glowing bright red, to Yellow, to Green. At green, a great horn sounded first from where the Carnival was set up, which seemed to echo across the city, until it was answered by another from a mighty ship of the line docked at one end of the docks by the warehouses.

First came baton twirlers, leading the way, tossing their batons all about, and twirling them in their fingers. They were all dressed in silk breeches that were highly reflective, and shirts of the same type. Both pants and shirts were Orange, Purple, and Green in color, in a pattern that under any other circumstance, on any other person would seem utterly foolish, but on the gypsies, made perfect sense. They all wore black shoes with bells on them. There were only three of them though, and they marched in a steady rhythm, that perfectly matched the beating of a great drum. Behind them came dancers, twelve of them, dancing and cavorting about, making merry as they moved behind the dancers. They had to be careful not to back up though, as behind them came two men in sparkling white outfits with brown belts carrying a whip in one hand, and a chain in the other. The chains were attached to very large very angry (or so they acted) tigers. One was orange, one was white, both with black strips. They tugged at the chains and strained against them, growling, snarling, and snapping at the crowd which reacted with fear, but not really afraid, because deep down, everyone knew the tigers were actually quite well trained. The handlers cracked the whips ever so often eliciting an angry roar from the tigers which may or may not have been genuine. Behind them came two remarkably strong fellows carrying a large red cage inside of which prowled a genuinely angry lion that really did want to leap out and kill people. It let prowled back and forth, practically leering at the crowd. It licked its chops at the occasional child, who in turn cried for mommy or pressed harder against daddy’s legs.

But that wasn’t all, behind them came a throng of fire eaters, jugglers, and sword swallowers. The fire eaters occasionally stepped out of line to blow fire at the crowd, always above their heads, and always away from anything flammable. One man even blew blue flame much to everyone’s surprise and delight. The Jugglers juggled everything from balls to pins, to assorted weaponry. As for the Sword Swallowers, they lived up to their name, swallowing real swords, and pulling them back out again.

A giant of a man with great silver bracelets on his wrists walked along proclaiming himself the world’s strongest man, able to left more than thirty men without breaking a sweat. This was infact true, but only because the man was half-giant. He challenged anyone who dared to whatever contest of strength they proposed, but none succeeded in their little impromptu contests, and the entire time the man laughed a giant laugh.

Then came the acrobats lead by the Forrester Brothers, flipping and dodging, leaping onto every available surface and swinging from every available wire, bending in ways most people couldn’t bend without breaking something, and seeming to fly through the air without magic. They had mastered their bodies from every conceivable angle and in the process had become super flexible, able to contort their bodies into unusual shapes.

At the end came the Elephants, and atop one rode a rare beauty who took the breath and hearts of every warm-blooded man in the crowd. She had black hair, and darkly tanned skin. Her eyes were multi-colored, left being green, right being blue. She wore a dark green top over her chest, her shoulders and midriff being fully visible behind a black see-through silk top. Her pants were of the same concept and fashion, leaving long lovely legs exposed. Gold rings kept her hair in a pony tail. She dismounted the elephant, leaping off of it and onto a streetlight, slide down it to the street. She moved ahead of the slowly plodding elephant and drew a pair of blades at her back, with these she performed a rare and exotic dance known as the waltz of blades. It was very deadly if actually used on someone, but very fascinating to watch, all in time to the music seemingly floating through the air from the giant crystal that started it all. She was well known as Gypsy Princess, for Gypsy was her name, and she was daughter of Tristam, self-styled king of the gypsies.

As for King Tristam himself, he road the other elephant, in kingly garb a crown adorned his head, a scepter was held in his left hand. He waved to the crowd as he laughed merrily making his short black beard seem even shorter. Oddly, his hair and his beard were two different colors, and had always been, even from birth for his hair was brown, but his eyes were a deep green. To the nobility and royalty he first bowed, and then waved, after all, he didn’t want to wear out his welcome, no matter how much tourism he brought along with him wherever he chose to hold his Carnival.

Tristam didn’t advertise much, only posting notices in the major cities and countries around the world approximately long enough before hand to let people know where he was going to be. Large numbers of people flocked to King Tristam’s Gypsy Carnival, for though it wasn’t the most advertised or the best known, it was one of the more skilled Carnivals, for skill was more important to King Tristam than fame and notoriety. But of that he had plenty, simply because his workers were skilled at what they did.

The crowd fell in behind Tristam, and whether any nobility or royalty followed behind was uncertain, as no one who cared remained behind to find out. Nightstalker grabbed Uroki’s hand and hoped they didn’t get separated as he followed along behind to the carnival.

Princess Uroki
02-11-09, 12:58 AM
Toshiyokan Uroki stood beside her companion, watching the great parade. She marveled as each new act passed her. A great many of these things she had never seen before. Tigers she had seen in oil paintings, but the large grey creatures with the round feet and hoselike noses she had never even imagined.

"Toshi-sama, This one is curious to know the name of that creature." she indicated the large grey mammals as they passed.

She was truly enjoying herself. The ride on the ferry had been fun, for her at least. Unfortunately her companion had not done so well. He had been sick the whole way.

She put a hand on Nightstalker's arm and leaned forward to better see the Gypsy King, Tristam, riding by on his majestic steed. He seemed bigger than the others, although that may have been her imagination.

When Nightstalker grabbed her hand she stumbled for a moment, falling against him. Mud spattered over the bottom half of her yukata.

"Ohhh, kuso." She cursed, using a word taught to her by her brothers. She leaned down and tried to wipe off as much grime as she could with her free hand. She was glad she'd brought a spare kimono. Her hanao and tabi were also splattered and dirty. If she kept stumbling around, her hanao would break.

Still, she was having a good time.

Translations: Kuso - shit. Hanao - the thong that holds her zori to her feet. Tabi - a two toed sock that allows her to wear the zori.

02-11-09, 09:22 PM
Nightstalker hadn’t really heard Uroki’s question, but with the way she was pointing at the elephants, he guessed what she wanted to know.

So as they walked along behind one he answered her.
“These are called Elephants. Those long hose like things on the front are called Trunks. It serves many purposes. They eat with it, drink with it, breath with it, shucks they can even pick things up with it. Wild Elephants are dangerous. My guess is, these elephants have been trained from birth, so their safe.” Nightstalker said.

The parade wound it’s way through the city, out the other side, and onto the Carnival grounds. The place seemed set up, yet deserted.

King Tristam stood on the elephant, balancing with expert skill.
“Welcome my friends to the Carnival.” He shouted to the crowd, which responded with wild and loud cheers.
“COME MY GYPSIES; LET’S ENTERTAIN THESE PEOPLE WITH ALL OUR SKILL! KING TRISTAM’S GYPSY CARNIVAL IS NOW OPEN!” He yelled out over the cheering crowd. Explosions occurred around the carnival, and amidst the rise of purple smoke, hundreds of people seemed to have spontaneously come out of nowhere to work the carnival. The crowd cheered even louder, applauding the spectacle. Then they all went different ways.

Some went to the midway, to try their hand against games of skill, chance, and even daring. Others went towards the side shows, like the tent of freaks. The man who claimed to be the strongest in the world climbed into a sparring ring and challenged all comers.
“Come, who wants to take on Hugo? Hugo strongest man in the world, challenges anyone who says otherwise.” The mountain of a man proclaimed.

Still, others went to see the exotic animals from far away places, or ride the strange magical contraptions the gypsies brought with them. A strange purple tent with a gold pentagram on the front of the closed doors and the skull of a goat over the doorway stood off towards the back of everything.

“Grandma’s tent of many fortunes. Now open, never mind the closed doors.” Read the sign out front.

Nightstalker wondered if he could maybe shake hands with king Tristam, or Gypsy Princess, but both seemed to have disappeared.

“So many things, what do you want to do first? I’m kind of interested to see how good Grandma is myself, most fortune tellers tell me things that are obviously false, or things that are almost true. I’m interested in hearing what stories Grandma will make up. Well, there was this one who told me I’d go to the land of the dead while still living, but just because that really did happen doesn’t mean anything.”

Princess Uroki
02-12-09, 11:30 AM
Uroki openly stared at the gypsy display. She had never seen the like. There was smoke and lights and people everywhere. Far more people than she'd ever seen. Her eyes were as wide as saucers in her round face and she was happily distracted by one thing after another.

She managed to focus as he explained about the large gray mammals, elephants, he'd said they were called, with their hoses, he'd called them trunks. She laughed as she watched an elephant pick up a child with it's trunk and swing it gently, like a mother with her baby. She wondered if it was possible to ride one of he massive creatures, but was too nervous to ask, and definitely too scared to ride one alone.

Reluctantly she tore her gaze from the elephants when Nightstalker began to speak again, directing her focus to the tent of one called 'Grandmother.' She eyed the tent warily. The purple of the tent was striking, in a way that her yukata, although a similar shade, would never be. It seemed surrounded with spiritual power that Uroki could almost feel where she stood.

"This one wonders why the Gypsy Obaa-sama bears the symbol of the shikigami on her tent." She murmured, although she wasn't at all nervous. The shikigami was a spiritual power that was used mainly for good and neutral purposes. Divination, or fortune-telling, was one of it's main purposes. She smiled and, projecting her voice to be heard above the crowd, told Nightstalker, "This one would very much like to see the fortune teller."

Divination intrigued her on the whole, although she'd never been any good at it. She'd done the Fire Ceremony once, and fallen asleep halfway through the meditation.

She took Nightstalker's hand and started toward the large purple tent excitedly. Everything about this circus thrilled her and she couldn't get rid of the stupid grin on her face.

Translations- Shikigami -Spiritual Power used for many purposes in eastern countries. Obaa-sama - respectful wway to say grandmother. In Japan, most eldery woman are called Grandmother by younger adults and children.

02-12-09, 08:14 PM
Nightstalker and Uroki were the very first to reach and enter Grandma’s tent.

The inside was dim, lit only by a few candles, one red, and one blue. The blue one burned with a blue fire, and seemed to give off cold instead of heat, and the red one gave of the scent of incense while burning red. There were some wooden stands on which stood a myriad of boxes, some large, some small, many in between, all trimmed with velvet and lined with gold on the outside, all in different colors. A great trunk sat in the back of the tent.

The tent itself, while being small on the outside, was as large as a cottage on the inside, having multiple rooms and such. The pair couldn’t explore though, as each door was surrounded by a hazy shield. Nightstalker marveled at the power of the candles to illuminate such a magical tent, but realized that the candles themselves had to be magically enchanted to do such.

In the center of the floor sat a table with a black velvet cloth. On it sat two small white candles, on either side of a great crystal ball that simply floated in midair.

“Welcome Nightstalker, and Toshiyokan Uroki, traveling warriors of Akashima. Grandma knew you would be the first to arrive today. Have a seat, I’ll be with you shortly,” Came a disembodied voice from the orb.

“How did she know our names?” Nightstalker asked, taking a seat.

After both were seated, Grandma appeared in a flash. She was mostly hidden behind a black robe. Wrinkled bony hands reached out and took the orb. Grandma had white hair, and a long warty nose. It was too dark to make out much of anything else, but Nightstalker quickly realized the Grandma had no eyes in her sockets.
“Grandma once had eyes you know, but they kept getting in the way of Grandma’s other visions, and so to improve her sight, Grandma took to sparring in the citadel. Grandma grew powerful, but her eyes kept getting in the way of her sight. One day an opponent plucked Grandma’s eyes out of their socket and beat grandma senseless. Grandma could see much better afterwards. Grandma awoke in time to stop the monks from putting my eyes back in, and instead bade them to keep them out. They crystallized them and put them in a box, and told me a secret after they did so.” Grandma said, explaining her lack of eyes and cutting off Nightstalkers unformed question.

“So why are you here?” Grandma asked a moment later.
“I..” Nightstalker said, but suddenly found he couldn’t speak anymore after Grandma pointed at him.
“That was a rhetorical question. I already know why you’re here. You want to see how good Grandma is, and if she’s as phony as the fakes you’ve seen before. Uroki wonders why my tent bears the markings of the Shikigami, knowing full well one of its main purposes is Fortunetelling, and that Grandma, one of the most powerful witches in the world, is a fortuneteller. I think the answer to her question then is pretty well obvious.

Let’s start with your future Nightstalker.” Grandma said.
Nightstalker had no further doubts about Grandma’s authenticity and skill in seeing what others couldn’t.
She peered deeply into her crystal ball.
“You’ve been to the land of the dead to rescue your father, and tangled with many powerful foes, but made an even greater enemy in a Samurai turned Ronin. Soon he shall cross your path again; aided by the foul demons you call Oni. Your victory hurt him terribly, and vengeance is all he can think of. Not even his code of ethics and honor, Bushido, can stop or allay his quest for vengeance.

However in time you will become a legend, when you assassinate the head of The Witches Coven for her greatest political enemy in public.” Grandma said.

She turned to Uroki.
“Now for you.”

Princess Uroki
02-12-09, 11:36 PM
Upon entering the tent, Uroki looked around. She admired the candles and the boxes, and walked toward the floating orb. Such tricks were common with fortunetellers. They were real, yes. These spells were no illusion, but they only served to impress those who come seeking their fortune. Uroki was not impressed. She had seen many such tricks as this, from her Obaa-sama and her fellow Miko. She took her seat beside Nightstalker.

When Grandmother's voice appeared as if from nowhere, disembodied, Nightstalker startled. She placed a calming hand on his arm, but said nothing. She didn't flinch when the spectral voice called them by name. Uroki gave no answer to Nightstalker's question, either. Obaa-chan had always said be silent, be calm, be clear, when being given a reading.

Learning of Nightstalker's past, her mind raced, but she simply stored the information on his enemy to ask him about later. She was curious about what his reasons would be for killing the head of the witches coven as well. Surely one did not casually murder such a leader.

When the old woman finished reading Nightstalker, she turned her sightless eyes on Uroki. For a momant she felt the slightest bit of trepidation at knowing what the future held for her, but she pushed it down. Likely it would only be something about her becoming a famous warrior, renowned in many lands. She turned towards Grandmother and bowed her head in acknowledgement.

"This one will gladly listen to the words granted to you by the Shikigami."

02-13-09, 01:38 AM
Grandma's voice took on a slight echo, and ghostly orbs burned where once her eyes had been.

"A princess calls out for aid, else in her burial gown shall she be laid.
A valley shrouded in mists, a man you must kiss. Beware the blade of Demons, for they shall hunt you. Beware, beware....."

Grandma shook her head, as though clearing away a fog.
"I apologize child, but you are fortunate indeed. How your mother ever managed to see your future is quite a mystery, but then, being your mother, and the potency of the fire rites, it only makes sense she could see something of your future. Let me explain. For you Uroki, I can see only what has been, and when I try to see what will be, I see only fog and uncertainty. Your mother had such success, because the fire rites are very accurate, even for the fateless, and being your mother, her connection to you is so close that it is inconceivable she could not tell something of what's to come. I'm sorry, I'm still not very clear. Uroki, you have no future. You have no fate or destiny; you have no binding threads on the great tapestry spun by Fortune's hands. That is not to say that you're going to die soon, what little I was able to tell took place at least a few months in the future. No, you decide your own fate. Everyone on Althanas has a predetermined future, but you, one of the few out of the many, have no predetermined future, it's like an open book, and you've been given the pen to write it. This gives you a power unequaled in the entire world, for when you decide your fate, it shall come to pass.” Grandma said.

“So, does this mean if she decides to become Queen of Akashima she will?”
“She might, but life is a fickle thing, I too am fateless, and decided I would become a mighty fortuneteller someday, able to see with unrivaled power. You can see what I lost in the process. I give you only this one warning Uroki, beware what you decide your fate to be, for all things must be in balance, and that which you gain, must be balanced by an equal loss.” Grandmother said.

“So, now what?” Nightstalker asked.

“I enjoy idle conversation, but others wish to visit with grandma too. So exit via the southwest door, and enjoy the games and shows. Remember, if you run into trouble, go see Gypsy first. My granddaughter is a kind hearted woman, and able to offer you more help than you might think.” Grandma said.

“How much do we owe you?” Nightstalker asked.
“As the first visitors of the day, nothing.” Grandma said.

Nightstalker stood, and bowed to the elderly woman. Then he exited out the southwest door, and found himself standing in the middle of a bunch of games booths.
He wondered what fate Uroki would decide she would have.

Princess Uroki
02-13-09, 02:30 PM
At the completion of her telling, Uroki bowed her head. Her mothers blood tie would definitely have aided her Fire Reading. Certainly, no one else had ever read her, that she knew of. So perhaps her future was undetermined, or perhaps it was just beyond the power of a simple gypsy carnival worker. She stood with Nightstalker and exited the tent.

"This one would not like to be queen of Arashima. she believes it would be . . uncomfortable." she told him. The rest of her fortune she thought she understood. Fate is fickle, and balance must be maintained. That was also a principal she had known since childhood.

"A man I must kiss . . . " Unable to fight it, she glanced at Nightstalker and a smattering of pink tinged her cheeks. She didn't know how to kiss! What if she did it badly? The only man she'd had contact with for any actual period of time besides her brother was Nightstalker, and she felt kissing him would certainly change their relationship. She didn't feel that way about Nightstalker anyway. He was simply her friend.

She didn't want to deal with any of that, in any event. Romance. Her brothers had told her about romance. Especially if you weren't careful. It could hurt you. It could ruin your life. You could end up with child. That would bring her rurouni career to an abrupt halt because never would she leave a child, as her mother had left her and her brothers.

When she did eventually settle down into motherhood, in a very long time, she would settle down. She would find a home with a yard and a koi pond, and a huge sakura tree. There would be an ishidoro for her father, and for her husband's lost ones. Lotus' would bloom in the pond, their smell pervading the air of the little sanctuary.

Lost in this silent trepidation she followed wherever Nightstalker went, hand still firmly grasped in his to avoid losing each other in the crowd.

02-13-09, 08:01 PM
Nightstalker wondered idly who Uroki would be kissing. More importantly, he wondered why demons would be after her. His thoughts were interrupted by a very large voice.
“So little Akashimans, either of you wish to challenge Hugo?”
Nightstalker took a furtive glance around him, and realized he had inadvertently wandered into Hugo’s challenge arena. He couldn’t lose face here, not now. He sighed inwardly, not really wanting to challenge the man mountain.
“Yes.” He said boldly, and let go of Uroki’s hand. He paid the requisite Ten gold and climbed in the arena, leaving his pack on the side. He’d have to rely on his unarmed combat to make any progress here.

“AHAHAHA! You are brave little man, a shame Hugo has to kill you now.” Hugo laughed, and then began taking a step forward.

Nightstalker cracked his neck and adopted a fighting stance.
“Hugo recognize that stance, Hugo always wanted to crush Akashiman Ninja. Seen them fight many times in off season. Hugo make bet with Ninja. If Ninja can beat Hugo, Hugo will give Ninja thirty-thousand gold.” Hugo said stopping only long enough to make his wager.
Nightstalker smirked in response.
“I accept, now let’s get it on!” he shouted prompting the crowd to cheer.

Hugo rushed forward like a bull; arms forward grab and squeeze Nightstalker until his bones cracked. Nightstalker dodged to the side and punched Hugo in the side. Nightstalker shook his hand in sudden pain as tears welled up in his eyes; it was like punching a blacksmith’s anvil! Hugo turned chuckling, and grabbed Nightstalker by the neck, tossing him up into the air and catching him between his massive arms.

“Now we see what kind of man your date is.” Hugo said, with a jolly grin on his face to Uroki who was kept on the outside in the crowd.

He began to squeeze, and alarm ran through Nightstalker. He began to wiggle, and pushed up, succeeding in freeing himself. He kicked Hugo in the face seconds before leaping off the big man.
Hugo suddenly stopped laughing and actually growled, prompting more cheers from the enthusiastic crowd. He charged forward once more. Nighstalker needed a weapon, and at the far edge spotted a broken walking stick Hugo broke to show his strength. It must’ve been like snapping a twig to the giant. Nightstalker dived for it and rolled out of the way of Hugo’s approach and got to his feet.

Hugo sent one massive fist crashing for Nightstalker, and Nightstaker swung with one half of the stick in his left hand, using its partner in his right to smack Hugo in the chest. Unfortunately, Nightstalker forgot about Hugo’s legs, and didn’t see the mammoth knee coming for him until it crashed into his face, making him fall backwards.

Hugo raised one foot to pin Nightstalker to the mat, and suddenly roared in pain, throwing himself to the side. He looked down to see blood coming from his knee, making the cheering crowd gasp and grow silent and wide eyed. Nightstalker had jabbed the broken ends of the staff into Hugo’s legs. Nightstalker got to his feet, still a little woozy, and not as fast as he should’ve been, for Hugo got to his feet, angrier than anyone had ever seen him. The crowd had grown; Nightstalker had lasted longer than anyone else.

Hugo grabbed Nightstalker again, and this time wasn’t playing around anymore, he threw Nightstalker to the mat with such force that it would’ve been a miracle if he wasn’t dead.

“Call Grandma.” Was all Hugo said before sitting down next to Nightstalker, who had not so much as moved a single muscle.

Suddenly Grandma was there, no explanation of how or why she got there, she had simply appeared out of nowhere. She pointed at Hugo and cast a healing spell on him.
Then she looked over Nightstalker.
“Goodness Hugo, it’s a miracle he’s still alive.” She said, beginning to look through her bag of medicines.
“Akashiman best opponent so far, Hugo glad he not any better, or Hugo would’ve been out thirty thousand gold. You can heal Akashiman, right? Not want to see good man die.” Hugo said.
“I don’t have the skill of the Aibrone monks, but I’m no slouch at healing either.” Grandma said, finally pouring a glowin liquid down Nightstalker’s throat. Long seconds passed, and the crowd cheered as Nightstalker slowly began to move, and then he sat up.

He did not speak, but he did hold his head. He held one cautious hand out to Hugo, and the crowd cheered as the pair shook hands. Then Nightstalker walked out of the arena, very woozy, and in a lot of pain.

“You take it slow the rest of the day Nightstalker, no more challenging Hugo for the rest of the week either.” She yelled out behind him. Then she suddenly disappeared, no smoke, no flashes of light, she was suddenly and simply gone.

Everyone patted Nightstalker on the back, and many offered to buy him a drink later. He threw his arms around Uroki and leaned on her heavily, trying to make his way to a bench.

Princess Uroki
02-13-09, 10:58 PM
Uroki watched from the crowd, hands on her hips, as the fight began. Several times she was afraid for Nightstalker's life. Finally, Nightstalker stopped rising when he fell and Uroki's heart jumped into her throat. She could only watch in fear as Obaa-san healed him. She caught him when he stumbled over to her and helped him onto a bench.

"This one thinks you are foolish to contest with one such as he for pride and coin." She informed him, pressing a cold handkerchief to his forehead. Gently she cleaned the sweat and blood from his face. "This one would have been upset had you died for so dishonorable a prize."

She dug into her pack and pulled out a pouch. From a side pocket she withdrew a small green leaf. "Eat this. It will bring your strength back."

She continued to wipe his forehead and cheeks, muttering things in her native tongue that basically denoted her opinion of foolish contests of strength and where they could shove them.

Her voice was waspish but her touch and her eyes were soft. She had truly feared for his life, watching him on that mat. When she finished her ministrations, she tilted his face towards hers.

"Do not ever frighten this one so badly again, Nightstalker." She ordered, for the first time dropping the false name and the honorific. Her eyes were fierce as she looked at him, making sure he understood. "You have responsibilities to this one now, as this one has responsibilities to you. These games will do far more harm than good." She wrapped the handkerchief around a bloody scrape on his forearm. It's violet starkness shone against his skin.

"That should stop the bleeding there. It looks like Obaa-san's Shikigami does excellent work." She returned the pouch to her pack.

02-14-09, 08:16 AM
Nightstalker only groaned.

“I hadn’t really wanted to challenge him, but I wandered in blindly. I couldn’t dishonor him, myself, or Akashima by running away like a coward. I may not have the strict code of the samurai, but I’ve got something. Trust me; I plan on being more careful about where I go next time.” Nightstalker said.

“Hey, he lasted three minutes with Hugo, he’s amazing.” One passerby said to the other as they left the crowd.
“I’d hate to fight either one, that’s for certain,” said the other.
Nightstalker’s wounds suddenly hurt less. He was going to be sore, that was for certain, but the appreciation of the crowd helped sooth everything.

“So, let’s find something unusual to do.” He said standing slowly. He looked around, and discovered a petting zoo.
“Hey, remember those elephants from earlier? Would you like to pet one? Maybe ride it? Looks like they have a petting zoo over there, and a line to ride the elephants,” Nightstalker said with as much enthusiasm as he could muster.

He really did want to ride an elephant, it was relatively safe, and considering Uroki’s earlier curiosity about them, he doubted it would be a hard sell.

“I’m never going to take on someone so far outside my league ever again, if I can help it. This obviously must mean I’m eventually going to get pretty powerful if I’m going to assassinate the head of the witch’s coven. I wonder why I’m going to do that though. I have no reason to do so now.” Nightstalker said, confused. A moment later his face brightened as though he hit upon the answer.
“I know, she kidnaps you and turns you into a frog princess!” Nightstalker said with a teasing grin.

Then he grew more serious and thoughtful.
“Seriously though, I’d have to be as good as The Six Legendary Demons of Akashima to do something like that.” He said.
The Six Legendary Demons of Akashima were just that, legends, or so it was thought.
People spoke of six Ninjas who possessed unequaled skill known as The Demons of Akashiman, and it was said that The Demons of Akashima were the only six Ninjas who were allowed to personally guard the lives of the royal family, or take on the most important of tasks that could not be trusted to anyone else. They were never seen, but it was said that to be near the presence of Lord or Lady Akashima, or the Princess, was to unknowingly be in the presence of at least one of the demons and thus take your life into your own hands. But such a thing had to be a rumor, didn’t it?

Princess Uroki
02-14-09, 06:15 PM
Uroki rolled her eyes and reshouldered her pack.

"There is no shame in gracefully submitting to one who is greater. There will be other chances if you walk away; There will be none if you die."

She listened to him muse about his fate and said nothing. Fate could not be interfered with; it would happen with or without your help or concern. Only the weavers could determine where you fit into the pattern of the great tapestry of life. Not knowing them personally, and thus, unable to complain, Uroki let them do as they willed.

When Nightstalker mentioned the elephants, she replied excitedly, "This one would very much like to see the elephants. " Then she bit her lip nervously. "This one would also like to ride an elephant, but it is so high. It must surely be frightening."

She slipped her hand back into his. He was taller and walked much faster than she did, and were they not joined somehow, surely she would lose him in the vast crowd.

Thinking about his theory, she said, "Were this one kidnapped and turned into a frog princess, she would fight her way out on her own. You forget that this one is rurouni, and not some delicate Lady, in need of pampering and rescuing." She was not offended or irritated by his words, she knew it was just his way. "Although, this one does appreciate the sentiment."

She only briefly considered the Six Demon Lords of Akashima. They had not spent as much time in her mind and play as her brothers'. They, being six in number, had often played at being the demon lords. To her fell the role of being the enemy, as she fought hard and usually managed to hold her own against them. In the end they always one, as heroes should, and rescued the pretty village girl who spent the entire game telling Uroki how weird and boyish she was. As a joke, they had referred to her as Toshiyokan-kun, the proper honorific for a boy. She had laughed and used it as well, enjoying the novelty.

Feeling slightly homesick for her brothers and their garden, Uroki walked closer to Nightstalker. Having a friend helped a great deal to ease her lonliness.

02-14-09, 07:58 PM
Nightstalker hobbled on over to the elephants, and waited in line to ride them. There were three, two for riding, one in the petting zoo.

As Uroki and Nightstalker waited in line, it walked over to Uroki and Nightstalker, and reached out for some hay, patting Uroki on the back with it's trunk, as though it were doing a trick for hay. A Carnival worker stood nearby with some hay, one gold piece for a handful.

This elephant had big beautiful tusks.

Also in the petting zoo lining up for affection were some goats, the tigers, a bear, and some monkeys.

Princess Uroki
02-14-09, 10:33 PM
When the elephant patted Uroki's back, she turned and let out a small 'Oh' of surprise. Then she saw the man with the hay. She reached into her Obi and withdrew a silk coinpurse she took out one gold piece and gave it to the man, who passed her a handful of straw. She tentatively held it out to the elephant.

"Here, Pochi." She said, in greeting.

Translation: Pochi- Spot. All animals thought to be adorable tend to be called Pochi, even as just an endearment from a stranger.

02-15-09, 08:01 AM
The Elephant ate the hay, and waited for it's trunk to be scratched.

Nightstalker pet the tigers, surprised at how tame they were.
"How come such wild things are so tame?" he asked.
"We are Druids. We convinced them that if they cooperated and let people see how nice they were, perhaps they wouldn't be so anxious to hunt them. The Lion was simply uncooperative, but it did want people to be impressed by it, so we worked out an agreement that it would stay in the cage and be terribly frightening." The man with the hay said.

Minutes passed, and animals were petted as they moved through the line, then it was there turn to ride.
"Choose yer elephant, ride to the games booths, or ride to the show in the main tent? Ten coin per person." the man asked.
Nightstalker and the man both looked at Uroki, expecting her to make the decision.

Princess Uroki
02-15-09, 07:18 PM
Uroki scratched the elephant's trunk, smiling and murmuring how cute he was. When the man said you could ride them, she looked back at Nightstalker, but he was watching her for an answer. She looked up at the elephants back. It seemed so very, very high.

What are you thinking? She admonished herself. You are a warrior, not a Lady. You have tumbled from worse heights and survived.

She withdrew another ten gold pieces from her coinpurse, and resecured it in her Obi. Handing it to the man she said, "This one will ride, if Toshi-san can ride with her,to keep her from falling."

02-15-09, 08:01 PM
Nightstalker withdrew money from his pocket, and rode with her.
"To the games! I'm feeling lucky." he said.
"Right away sir." said the elephant handler. They were loaded onto an elephant, a process involving a short moving stairway, and the saddle was a small four person box. The driver got in, and patted the elephant on it's back. The elephant trumpeted and started moving forward, lumbering along it's track. Though they were perfectly safe, Nightstalker put an arm around Uroki, and if questioned, would use her own fear of falling as an excuse.

"Well, this is pleasant." he said as the elephant lumbered along.

Except for a clown on great big stilts walking along juggling daggers, they were above everyone, looking out over the tops of the tents and small wooden booths that were the games they were approaching.

Princess Uroki
02-16-09, 03:45 PM
Uroki leaned into the circle of his arm as she watched their surroundings. She looked up at her companion, smiling.

" The festival looks very different from up here. Look, this one can see Obaa-sama's tent from here."

Indeed she could see the top of the large purple tent, with its shining gold pentagram. She waved, having no doubt that Obaa-sama would know what she was doing. While in no way a wielder of the Shikigami, she knew it's theory from her own Obaa-sama.

She settled back against Nightstalker. He was warm, and he made her feel safe. She knew he would not let her fall from the box. As the light from the games drew nearer, she felt a pang of regret. She was enjoying the ride. She could have been the Empress of Akashima herself right now.

She laughed at herself for a moment, remembering Nightstalker's comment in the Divination tent. She had no wish to be Empress. It would mean giving up adventuring and fighting! No, she would keep to her own dreams. Her garden at the base of a Sakura tree, and an ishidoro for her lost beloveds.

The bright lights caught her attention again, and she could hear men calling out to passersby to try the games. Games of chance and games of skill. There was even a game where the two were combined, but she was familiar with Igo already. Perhaps she would play and win them a bit of coin.

02-17-09, 08:33 AM
Nightstalker was just enjoying the moment, he felt like he was on top of the world. He was out with a pretty girl, and they were both having a good time. He had to admit this was almost a date. then he reconsidered, and decided it really was a date.

The Elephant stopped, and Nightstalker got down first to help Uroki down. After unloading, he stepped out and looked to see what games they had to offer. He spied a dart throwing game. He wasn't the worlds best dart tosser, but surly it would be no small feat to win a simple dart toss.

"I'll be right back." he said to Uroki, and stepped up to the dart toss game.
"Make your wager, the large board is for below average skill, and they get harder from there, with the smallest target being for Legendary skill." the carnival worker said, a small halfling woman with brown skin.
"Oh, normally I'd go for Legendary, but Hugo really did a number on me, so I better go for Expert." Nightstalker said.
"Ahh, you stepped in the ring with my husband ehh? I'm glad to see you survived. How much?" the woman asked.
"Fifty gold." Nightstalker said.
He took out fifty, and she gave him a dart.
"This board is double or nothing." she said, and put up a board that was one and a half feet across before stepping aside.
Nightstalker took aim, thinking about his shot.
Yeah, I can do this. So she's Hugo's wife huh? she's so small. Wait a minute...
"HUSBAND!" Nightstalker exclaimed, missing his shot, the dart sailing over the fence and hitting a random passerby in the rear on the other side.
"Many are surprised to learn this. Yes, I know, he's half giant, and I'm halfling, but still, we are in love." she said, sweeping away the fifty gold.
Nightstalker felt like complaining, but then it was his fault after all, he didn't focus on the shot.
He turned to Uroki thoroughly embarrassed that his attempt to show off his skills failed.

Princess Uroki
02-17-09, 09:51 PM
Uroki let him help her dismount form the elephant and smiled when he decided to play the dart game. She listened to his banter with the halfling and realized, with an amused smile, that he was trying to impress her. So she watched. Although he was surprised when the halfling mentioned Hugo was her husband, Uroki was not. Had her own brother not married a dwarf woman? She was half his height and twice his weight, and they'd bonded over a love of fine craftsmanship.

When Nightstalker missed his shot, she bit her lip, not to keep from laughing, but because she knew it must have hurt his pride. When he turned back to her she just shook her head to say it didn't matter. "Many would be startled by such a thing. My own brother wed a dwarf by the name of Flintgem." she told him, taking his arm and leading him to another game. To cheer him up, she bought them each some shaved ice.

02-20-09, 06:49 AM
Nightstalker enjoyed the shaved ice, he was surprised at how quickly he wasn't sore anymore. The way Grandma spoke, he thought for sure he'd be in pain all day. Then again, an unhappy customer is a customer that won't stick around, so it was probably pure business tactics.

He he stretched, the muscles in his arm cracking. He felt like he'd be ready to go take in a show. He spotted a tent full of games where coin could be won our lost depending on one's skill. He pondered it for a few moments, and decided to see if Uroki was prone to the occasional gamble too. Well, of course she was, here she was with a man she only spoke with for a whole ten minutes before deciding to go off on adventure with him. But how good was she a gambling money?

"So, why don't you step up and play a game or two?" he asked, broaching the subject innocently.

Princess Uroki
02-20-09, 06:59 PM
Enjoying her shaved ice, Uroki let her eyes wander over the carnival again. She was still marveling inwardly at the bright lights and colors. Her earthy brown eyes fell on the games tent at the same time as his, and she wondered how her fellow Akashiman would feel about a woman who played gambling games. She turned her attention to him when he spoke.

"So, why don't you step up and play a game or two?" He asked, with an unconcerned air.

She smiled. She was rather good at games of chance, and the smile was, perhaps, not as sweet as her usual ones.

"This one has played games of chance with her brothers, and nearly always won, although this one suspects some of it might have been to their kindness." Her eyes thoughtfully took in the games tent again. "Yes, this one will play a game."

She took his hand and walked toward the tent.

02-20-09, 08:13 PM
Nightstalker followed her inside.

There were games of all sorts, poker, Blackjack, Igo, a wooden slot machine, racing, sparring, it was another enchanted tent.

Nightstalker scowled and growled at a few young men who tried to put their hands on Uroki in inappropriate places, making them back off. Still others were persistant in getting her attention.

"Play along." he whispered in Uroki's ear as he stepped up beside her and put an arm around her waist holding her close.
"Would you kindly get your hands off my Girlfriend before I remove them and put them on a shiny gold wire for her amusement and pleasure?" he asked in a disturbingly pleasant tone.
Suddenly Uroki was left very much alone. Word of Nightstalkers amazing five minutes with Hugo had spread appearently.

"Come dear, I think I see an empty spot at the Igo table."

Princess Uroki
02-24-09, 04:37 AM
Play along? Play along! Uroki turned to him, brown eyes filled with anger. She put a hand on his chest to stop him from moving. She glared up at him.

"This one thinks you have forgotten that she is a warrior, not a flower." She informed him, voice low. " This one can fully protect and defend herself when necessary. This one would also prefer that you do not impune her honor by implying a relationship that currently does not exist!"

She watched him, eyes still aflame. She had known he was protective of her, and realized that he liked her, but to say something like that? It was very disrespectful.

"And this one will not 'play along'. She will not dishonor her brothers and father, who taught her above all else to be honest. You dishonor yourself by speaking untruths, and you dishonor this one by your disregard for her abilities and skills."

She turned and sat down at the empty seat, across from her sneering opponent, still fuming.

"The pot is ten gold, hime." The young akashiman stated. She opened her coinpurse to find that she had only twelve. She shrugged. It was a time to take chances, was it not? She paid up.

"Call nigiri." He said, shaking his hands to indicate that he held stones in it.

"Odd plays first." She stated, placing a single black stone on the board. He removed his hand, revealing seven white stones. She had guessed correctly and would play black.

Since she was playing first, her opponent was given 5 1/2 komi, and they bowed to each other respectfully. Uroki placed a black stone on the lower right star point. Her opponent placed a white stone on the upper left star point.They continued to mark their territory, sometimes capturing each others stones. After about fortyfive minutes they bowed their heads again and began counting points.

Uroki rose and walked back to Nightstalker. "Black lost by seven points." She informed him. She knew better than to play Igo while infuriated. She lost her concentration. She plunked herself down on a bench and crossed her arms, not yet ready to play nice with Nightstalker. He owed her an apology.

02-24-09, 09:10 AM
Nightstalker was apologetic, and by all appearances, quite sincere, but one could never tell with him.

“I just don’t get you. You know full well what I am, and I figured you knew I’d regularly lie. I’m still going to. Just as you were raised to always be truthful, I was raised and trained to say what I had to. I was raised and trained to get the job done, regardless of the cost. I can’t change anymore than you can, and while I am honestly sorry that it upset you, you need to understand that this will happen in the future. It’s unavoidable. I’m a sneak, I’m a thief, I’m an assassin, I’m whatever I have to be, I have been all of those things before, and I will be again. I’m not going to apologize for who I am, and what I am. The things I do are instinctual, I see a situation, and I do what I must to resolve it. The only things I will apologize for is hurting your feelings, stepping on your honor and disregarding your skills. Don’t worry about my honor, I killed it long ago.” He said in a straight forward manner.

He turned his back, scanning the carnival, he would never apologize for being who and what he was, and if that upset her, then oh well. It would be a cold day in Haidia before he ever apologized on that front. For hurting her feelings and her honor though, he made sure to apologize right after explaining his side of the situation.

“Now, how about we go get some lunch?” Nightstalker asked, his belly audibly rumbling as Afternoon set in.

Princess Uroki
02-24-09, 10:04 PM
Uroki was quiet for several long moments. When she spoke, her voice contained only a trace of her earlier fury.

"To ask this one, who will not lie, to do so, for you, is uncharitable and rude. Remember that. As to who and what you are, this one knows. This one knew before you revealed your identity to her, and this one took you as a companion. Do not throw your past in her face. This one cares naught about it."

She walked over to a booth and came back a pair of pork buns, handing one to him. "This one is now without coin, just so you know." She told him, tucking her empty coin purse away again in her Obi. "And glad she has traveling supplies."

She bit into her pork bun and smiled. "It is good to see food from home made properly again."

Having said her piece, she let her anger go, like water rushing through a stream.

02-25-09, 08:54 AM
Nightstalker enjoyed the ham bun quietly. He wanted to say more, but knew it was far better for his health to remain quiet.

After finishing the last bit he stretched.

"So, out of money huh? Well, it takes twenty gold for both of us to get back to Akashima and I started off with three hundred and forty gold. Rooms are being advertised at five gold apiece, and with meals, that means I'll need to save fifty gold. Now, how much more do I have currently?" he asked, more to himself than anyone else. He reached for his coin pouch, and found it missing. He felt his body in every place he could've put his money. His face performed the remarkable feat of going ghostly pale, whilst blushing furiously in embarrassment. He looked highly amusing in such a state.

“I can’t believe this, my money’s been stolen! Master Roshi would give me a stern lecture at observing my surroundings better, I’m sure of that. Then later he’d have a merry laugh about it.” Nightstalker said quietly. He felt lower than a snake. Here he was supposed to be responsible for her, and now they were both broke and effectively trapped in Scara Brae!

He knew she wouldn’t approve of him going out later and simply stealing some, so he had to come up with a better solution. Grandma’s words floated back to him as clear as if she had just spoken them.

If you run into trouble, go see Gypsy first.

“That old crone; she KNEW this would happen!” Nightstalker suddenly exclaimed angrily as understanding dawned on him, color returning to his face.
“But why wouldn’t she warn me to be more careful with my money?” he asked a few seconds in a much calmer voice.

He put his face in his hands as he shook his head quietly.
“Alright, I have utterly no doubts about Grandma’s skill. Now I know why she advised us to go see Gypsy if we run into trouble. It seems we shall need to go earn it honestly working for the Gypsies. On the one hand, I’m rather excited, because they have many skills I’d like to learn, such as their astounding acrobatic skills. On the other, I’m filled with tredeptation that they may have us both perform utterly tastless tasks and be utterly unkind. But then, if Grandma advised us to go see Gypsy, they couldn’t be all that bad. Maybe stern at times, but what employer isn’t?” Nightstalker asked, looking around lost.

“I am very sorry about this, and I’ll make it up to you somehow, someway, someday, soon.” He said to Uroki directly.

“But, where do we find Gypsy?” he asked, a bit too loud.
“Gypsy? She’s in her private tent behind the big top.” a passing performer said, juggling two balls, three daggers, a skull that once belonged to a demon, and a short cylindrical tube simultaneously.
“Good gracious you’re skilled to juggle seven things at once.” Nightstalker said.
“Thank you, but I’m not the best. Zerus The one-eyed can juggle twelve things at once.” The performer said as he walked away towards a crowd.
“Twelve things? Zerus must have legendary skill.” Nightstalker commented quietly, moving off towards the main tent to go to the back.

Princess Uroki
02-25-09, 10:21 PM
Uroki watched his face go through several very interesting changes and gave an amused smirk, quickly snapping out her shukusen and covering it. But her eyes danced above the silk.

"This one sees you are not so infallible as you like to pretend, Nightstalker-sama." She murmured, her amusement apparent in her voice. "This one thinks she may like you better now."

Visiting the gypsy princess didn't bother her very much. She just hoped she could and would help. Ashamed a bit at spending all her own money, she let her teasing end there.

02-25-09, 11:04 PM
Gypsy’s tent was red, and trimmed with yellow. There were no decorations on her tent, but Nightstalker knew it had to be hers because the woman walked into it, still wearing the same clothes she was earlier. She popped back out and looked Nightstalker and Uroki over.

Being this close, he could tell her eyes were genuinely differently colored, and not the result of trickery.

“Now, I know every man, woman, and child under contract in the carnival on a first name basis, and neither of you are under contract. This is an Employees only area and is off limits, so I’m going to have to ask you to return from whence you came.” She said warmly.

“But we came to see you!” Nightstalker protested.
“I’m touched, really I am, but I must prepare for the opening night show, I’d hate to disappoint you now.” Gypsy said.
“Not about that though I was looking forward to it. No, we’re broke and my money got stolen and I was hoping,” Nightstalker said, leaving his sentence unfinished.
“Oh, well, why didn’t you say so in the first place?” she asked. She stepped into her small tent and motioned for them to follow.

Inside was a large room with a bed, a dresser, and a writing desk. Like Grandma’s tent, Gypsy’s tent was larger inside than it was outside. She bade them sit on a pair of chairs on the corner with a gesture.

“I must ask, are all your tents enchanted to be bigger inside than outside?” Nightstalker asked.
“Mine, my Grandmother’s, and my Father’s. Everyone else uses regular tents. We have enchanted tents because we run the carnival and have to take care of administrative work in addition to performing. Grandma, who really is my Grandma, has an enchanted tent because she’s also our healer. But you already know about that, don’t you Nightstalker?” Gypsy asked with a twinkle in her eye.
“She told you?” Nightstalker asked.
“No, I have magic too. I’m not as good as Grandma, but I can cast my share of spells too. Grandma told me about you on the way here. She has a big fascination with Akashiman Ninjas, or something like that. She always looks ahead to see if her healing services are needed. Congrats on being the first Carnival fatality in history.” She said as she rifled through her desk for certain papers.
“Um, thank you. So if you don’t mind my asking, what tent is your father’s?” Nightstalker asked.
“The main one where all the shows are being held. It’s enchanted to be an entire castle inside.” She said finally finding the appropriate papers she was looking for.

“Now then, let’s start with you Milady, tell me what your skills are in their entirety, and where your interests are. Don’t leave anything out. Also, list your fears and pet peeves.” She said, addressing Uroki, her quill at the ready.

Princess Uroki
02-25-09, 11:55 PM
Uroki followed Nightwalker into the tent and let him handle the discussion with the princess. She looked up when she was addressed.

“Now then, let’s start with you Milady, tell me what your skills are in their entirety, and where your interests are. Don’t leave anything out. Also, list your fears and pet peeves.”

Her skills? She thought for a moment. "This one is talented with her weapons, shukusen and naginata, has skill with herbs and their uses and does the silk dance very well." The silk dance, a vibrant dance done with the beautiful silk shukusen, was the only feminine art she had learned as a child, and only because it helped her balance for her martial arts. "This one's interests lie in learning new martial arts and battling against stronger and better opponents to improve herself. Her biggest fear is hormonal pregnant women and she absolutely hates it when men, " She said the word as deprecatingly as she could, " disregard her skills and strength and treat her like some sort of lily in need of guardianship."

02-26-09, 12:58 AM
“And you Nightstalker.” She said, switching to the blank piece of paper.
“I am a Ninja.” He said simply, as if that explained everything.
“Egotistical, uncooperative, anything else?” she asked pleasantly.
“HEY!” Nightstalker protested.
“Eats hay.” She said, only pretending to write it down. Her paper was utterly blank.
“Fine, I can sneak around unnoticed, and don brilliant disguises so that no one knows who I am. I am skilled with herbs and poisons, and am skilled in Kenjutsu. Anything and everything can become a deadly weapon in my hands. I wish to learn from the master Acrobats, improve all my abilities, and maybe improve my accuracy to be very deadly. I fear that one dream in particular might be true, and I hate naive women.” Nightstalker said.

“Right.” Gypsy said, turning back to her desk. She rifled through papers, looking at information.
“Regrettable we have no openings at this time, but we will keep your information on hand and if we have openings before we go we will…” Gypsy was saying but was interrupted by the noisy enterance of her father.
“Gypsy, bad news. It seems Srykam and Makyrs were washed out to sea in that storm, and lost. We need a pair of Extras if anyone becomes interested, let me know, standard contract.” He said.
“Father, may I present two interested parties.” Gypsy said.
“Ahh, Husband and Wife team, good, good. Akashiman by the looks, beautiful place, haven’t been there in years.” Tristam said, turning towards Nightstalker and Uroki.
“But we’re not…” Nightstalker protested, but was cut off by Tristam.
“Of course you’re not knowledgeable on the job position. How could you be? It was luck to catch you here in the first place, before you got press ganged by the pirates working the docks. Now, Extras are a Contracted position, meaning you must sign a magically empowered contract and adhere to it for its term. An Extra does a number of odd jobs around the carnival, and helps out in shows. As such, you’ll be taught a number of skills to help you perform. Extras also put on shows, each extra taking a part and assuming a role. As a husband and wife team I’m sure you’ll have no problem with an onstage kiss every now and then, or pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend once more.” Tristam said, finally pausing to take a breath.
“But we’re not…” Nightstalker tried again, and was cut off once more.
“Sure about the details of a contract? Well Extra contracts are non-negotiable, and last for one year. They are not to the Carnival, but to the masters that are our Performers. Srykam and Makyrs were contracted to my family personally, so you’ll be traveling with us all over Althanas in the off season, and in return we’ll teach you all we know, which is quite a lot, In fact I can almost Guarantee that regardless of your skill set and area of interest, we will be able to help you improve. Pay is done in direct proportion to the quality of your work, as in the better you do, the more you get paid, tips are yours to keep, should you get any. The Contracts are magically binding, and inescapable save by untimely death. Don’t worry about food and Shelter, we’ll see to that.” Tristam said, once again finally pausing to take a breath.
“But we’re not married!” Nightstalker was finally able to protest.
“Really? Why ever not? You two look great together.” Tristam said.
Nightstalker looked to Uroki, if she wouldn’t sign one for herself, he would volunteer two years of service in exchange for safe passage for her back to Corone, as well as some traveling money. Excitement was barely contained in his meager frame. He could improve greatly working for them, and was eager to sign at least one year of service with them.

Princess Uroki
02-26-09, 01:39 AM
Uroki burst out laughing as Gypsy described Nightstalker as egotistical and uncooperative. Then she covered her mouth with a hand, still smiling at him. She also snorted when he mentioned hating naive women. She wondered if that included ones he took to his bed.

She rose to bow as she was sort of introduced to Tristam, then her head snapped up in anger at his assumption. Her small hands closed into fists and she opened her mouth to correct him bitingly, but he just blew on with his explanations. Finally Nightstalker was able to correct him and she settled for muttering, "Kono yarou," under her breath. Ladylike language was not a concept she had ever become familiar with. When Gypsy offered her the contract, she considered it for a moment, then signed, Toshiyokan, Uroki in her neatest hand.

02-26-09, 02:27 AM
Nightstalker glanced at Uroki, shocked she could utter such unlady like language.

Then he too signed a Contract as Toshi Orochi, but the contract blurred, and shimmered, and Toshi Orochi transformed into Nightstalker.
“You can’t bluff your way out of this one.” Tristam said to Nightstalker.

He stood, and as Gypsy put away the contracts, Tristam got out a pair of short wooden poles with nails attached to them, and a pair of burlap bags.

“Now, everything’s set for today, so you get to do odd jobs; until the sun sets, go pick up the trash. One of you takes the north end, one take the south end, and meet in the middle. After Sunset, meet back here for the evening meal.” Tristam said.
Nightstalker tried to resist and protest, but the compulsion to work was overpowering, and he ended up taking his equipment with a sour frown and heading north side.

“Stupid Uroki, laughing at me like that.” He complained to himself once he was alone.
He didn’t realize how messy a carnival could be, as litter was everywhere. Bones, paper from wrapping, assorted torn and cast of parts of clothing, and the occasional coin.
“Well, that’s one tip for me.” He said, picking up a gold coin and hiding it on his person.

His hours were spent grumbling under his breath, first at the humiliating task of cleaning up after everyone, then at the messiness of the attendees, and finally reduced to just a pained quiet, hoping to get it over with.

He never did find more than five gold coins, and those he spent on refreshments every other hour.

Finally, he met up with Uroki in the middle, by the Igo tent. Whatever she might’ve been doing, or saying was lost on Nightstalker as he was distracted by the sight of what he thought was a green skinned man running past him, under a heavy cloak.

Princess Uroki
02-26-09, 03:04 AM
When Uroki finally met up with Nightstalker again, she was tired. Before starting she had changed into her spare kimono, a purple silk top that only extended to her midthighs over a pair of black leggings and tied at the waist with a black Obi. This was what she wore for training and official matches. She had tied one of her silk handkerchiefs around her head to keep the sweat out of her eyes.

Tucked into her Obi was the lotus Nightstalker had given her, and his coinpurse, which she had found on the ground. At her waist she wore her shukusen, but her naginata had been left in the quarters Gypsy had shown her, along with her pack.

She tried to tell Nightstalker about her find, but just dropped onto a bench nearby when she realized he wasn't paying attention. She leaned back and closed her eyes, pulling off the handkerchief and using it to wipe the sweat off her cheeks and neck.

she had picked up garbage for nearly two hours, then helped shovel elephant dung for an hour, and then treated one for ringworm. Her talents, it seemed, had come in handy. After that she had moped up two dressingrooms and sparred with a martial artist who wanted some practice. Now she was glad the day was over and had enjoyed her workout, not to mention she'd been tipped by the people she'd helped and made a few coins that way. They were tucked away in her Obi, to be put in her coinpurse later. right now all she wanted was a drink of water.

02-26-09, 03:49 AM
Nightstalker turned back to Uroki, realizing she had been trying to talk to him.
“Sorry, I thought I saw something suspicious, but it must’ve been my imagination. You look thirsty, water?” he offered holding out a skin of water he got refilled for his last gold coin.

“So what’d they have you do? I cleaned the entire north end, took me awhile too, but that’s not my fault see, they had me trail a couple of suspicious characters they thought might be trying something. Turns out they were pirates looking for volunteers to go sailing with them. They weren’t taking no for an answer. Me and a couple of the boys asked them to leave, we didn’t take no for an answer either, and turned them in to the local authority for Piracy.”

The sun began to set, and the subtle compulsion to return to the tent set in.

“Well, it’s about time we went in for the night.” Nightstalker said.

He wondered if they’d have the night free, or if they’d have to do still more things.

Princess Uroki
02-26-09, 04:12 AM
She accepted his waterskin and took a long draught, then handed it back. Too much water in her mostly empty stomach would make her ill. After a moment, she crossed her legs and sat up, smoothing the bottom of her kimono over her thigh.

"This one picked up some garbage, assisted with animal care and served as a sparring partner to Kryvnek, the Arms Magician. He gave her some bruises she did not have before. This one also learned how to throw someone bigger than her. As most everyone is bigger than her, this is good to know." She yawned and smiled. "Oh, and this one came across something of yours on her travels."

She slipped a hand into her Obi and drew out his coinpurse, accidentally knocking the white lotus to the ground. She tossed the purse at him gently and slid softly to the ground, carefully retrieving the fallen blossom. She straightened a bent petal and tucked it away again before rising to reclaim her seat on the bench,

02-26-09, 08:12 PM
Nightstalker inspected his coin purse carefully.
"The straps have been cut." he said, fingering the strings that tied it to his waist. He hid it inside his clothes.

"Well, sunset is coming on, we're supposed to meet back at Gypsy's tent." Nightstalker said. He offered his arm, and turned towards the tent.

Back at the tent, dinner consisted of roast turkey legs, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and corn.

It was afterward that they were informed they would be assisting the show that night. Nightstalker changed into his black sneaking suit, and pulled his hood on. Uroki was given a black sneaking suit to wear as well. The point being, that they weren't acting in the show, they were manipulating the props in the background. With the background being a silk screen, it would be easy to blend in.

That night's show was the story of the monk and the Dragon Lord. Kryvnek played the monk, and Tristam played the Dragon Lord. Nightstalker and Uroki were called upon repeatedly to play bit parts, such as minor enemies, and Uroki got "executed" by the dragon lord for being a bad servant. Really she went through a trapdoor. They also had to manipulate the scenery at various intervals, raising this backround, lowering that one, moving fake birds through the scenes, occasionally throwing things at the actors on queue, and playing other small parts in their normal clothing.

Princess Uroki
02-26-09, 08:27 PM
Uroki enjoyed the work, although her 'sneak suit' was almost uncomfortably tight, and she was quite certain Tristam enjoyed 'enslaving' and 'executing' her a little too much. His gypsy leer made her wary.

Despite that, she worked hard on the show, and it was a brilliant success. It confirmed her theory that Tristam was far too convinced of his own importance. at the end, everyone went out and bowed, and Uroki had a rose thrown to her. She smiled and, afterward, stood against a wall to wait for Nightstalker, sniffing it and enjoying the scent. Roses were not common in her home.

02-28-09, 10:11 PM
Nightstalker exited, and stood by Uroki.
“Well, I’ve got evening Meditation to go accomplish, so, see you in the morning?” he asked, and then left for his tent he had been given.
For meditation, he sure spoke a lot, and in different voices, for soon anyone near his tent could hear his voice, and the voice of an elderly gentlemen talking to him. Eventually the talking stopped, and Nightstalker’s snores could be heard, much to the chagrin of those nearby. Mysteriously, it stopped an hour after it started, and no sound of any kind came from Nightstalker’s tent, though the air about it shimmered as though in a silence spell.

The next few days, Nightstalker and Uroki were kept apart, though whether this was on purpose, or by chance was unclear. Nightstalker was stuck with the two most boring and humiliating jobs possible, cleaning the carnival, and cleaning up after the animals. After he did a few rounds of that each day, he was switched over to Carnival security, and occasionally made to go play a game to attract people’s interest. When that happened it was a set up with the game or ride operator to let Nightstalker win a seemingly difficult game. It was all an act; the gypsies began teaching him secrets at effective lying, though they called it acting.

This also began to teach him other skills, such as acrobatics and started to give him a deadly accuracy. All in all, it was rather enjoyable, if not for repeated sightings of goblins undercover. He knew they were up to something, that they were planning something, but no one believed him, for they all believed that between the carnival’s own guards, the the knights of Scara Brae, nothing could possibly happen.

In the evenings he was always helping out with the show, and by sheer chance, was given a bit part one evening in which he got to play Gypsy’s fiancé, whilst she played a real princess. The role ended with a passionate onstage kiss, though it was difficult to tell if they were acting or genuinely enjoying it. Tristam cleared his throat since the show was over, and the audience laughed uproariously as the two appeared to pull apart guiltily.

They were heard laughing about it later, so it might’ve all been a prank on Tristam.

Each night ended the same, Nightstalker would go off to do his meditation after spending some time with Uroki, and each time he could be heard conversing with a strange man; though he would always avoid talking about it, not quite ready to discuss it.

Princess Uroki
03-01-09, 12:26 AM
Uroki got into the rhythm of circus life rather quickly. When her ringworm patient got better, she was called upon to care for more sick and injured animals, and she got to know the animals and their caretakers and trainers very well. Another healer for the animals, Kyo, began to go for walks with Uroki in the evenings, so sometimes she missed the evening show, much to Tristam's irritation.

She also ended up missing spending time with Nightstalker as their walks went longer and longer, and they talked about everything from Akashima, for that was where he was from also, to animals, to their families. He showed her the magical Koi pond Obaa-sama had made for him, and gave her a bottle of SakuraZuka, an expensive Akashiman perfume. She took to wearing it during the day, and it's sweet scent seemed to draw customers to take notice of the small animal-healer with the bright eyes who rarely said a word unless provoked.

She was, of course, oblivious to their notice, paying attention mostly to her task . A few times she noticed green skinned men around the elephants, but as they did no harm to them, she let them be. Each night she returned to her tent, exhausted,and looking forward to what the new day might bring, with the animals, with Kyo, and with life itself.

03-01-09, 01:02 AM
The days seemed to go on, but it was only a two week performance engagement. Nightstalker seemed to be getting closer to Gypsy and her family, and seemed less of a contracted employee, and more of a family friend, though Tristam kept giving Nightstalker thoroughly unfriendly looks when he noticed his daughter had somehow been left alone with him for a few minutes. He was certain there was something going on.

In fact, there was a rumor going around the Gypsy and Nightstalker were together as a couple. These were denied, rumors started by their onscreen kiss, and the chance of them occasionally ending up alone together. They had a normal employer employee relationship, and that's what they kept telling each other and everyone else.

Grandma usually smiled and went about her business, knowing everything that was to come, and being okay with its turnout. She never did seem to have anymore time for Nightstalker or Uroki anymore, except for when she sent them to the oddest and most obscure locations known for some of the strangest ingredients anyone could have ever possibly conceived of. One might think she was preparing for something big, and they’d be right, for the last show of the carnival was traditionally Grandma’s magic show, and was the largest draw to the carnival. Infact, many had to pay extra just to get in and see it, and even then security was normally fully engaged with keeping the peace. But, she used her orb for that, and with all the ingredients she was gathering, it seemed as though she were preparing for a battle or something. That she didn’t even so much as acknowledge that she had been spoken to concerning why she was gathering everything was unnerving.

Then one night, she entered Nightstalker and Uroki’s dreams.
“Keep your weapons close about you tomorrow.” Was all she said before she vanished. Yet when Nightstalker asked her about it, she told him he must have only been dreaming, for she would never enter another’s dreams unless they asked her to.

Nightstalker was upset and nervous, but he wasn’t the only one. Rumors had spread that something was going to happen, rumors fueled by Grandma’s strange list, and the growing restlessness of all the animals. Everyone tried to put on a brave and happy face and pretend to be having fun, but not even the promise of Grandma’s magic show tomorrow evening seemed to distract everyone from the uncanny foreknowledge that something was about to happen.

Finally, much to Nightstalker’s relief, something did happen. The Goblins of Goblin cove attacked the carnival. They came from the direction of the cove, at the far side of the carnival, the carnival being between the city and the cove. Not one to miss out on the action, he realized why Grandma told him to keep his weapons close by, and as Hugo ran by with brass knuckles on his fists, he realized she must’ve told every carnival worker capable of fighting.

“Hurry and save her.” Grandma said as she neared Nightstalker, Gypsy and Uroki close by.
“Who?” Nightstalker asked.
“Princess Sarah, she snuck out without Guard and was the target of the goblin raid. A mysterious force has made them unusually intelligent, for goblins. Their still just as stupid as a peat bog, mind you, but these aren’t normal the normal goblins of Scara Brae we all know and despise.” Grandma said.

Nightstalker looked around for Gypsy and Uroki and realized that somewhere over the course of her words, she had teleported them all to separate sections of the action.
Nightstalker laid into a nearby goblin with his sword. Grandma pointed at a group of 20 and Lightning struck all twenty of them. Nightstalker felt useless by comparison.

Meanwhile, Gypsy ended up near Uroki, and she took out her swords and began her sabre dance, only it was slightly modified, using it's second form as an actual offensive technique, and not the stylized showy version. She was faring pretty well for herself too, before she got "accidentally" knocked out and taken away along with a few other prisoners.

Princess Uroki
03-01-09, 01:36 AM
Uroki reacted with the ease of someone used to being commanded, and when the teleport spell released her, she drew her shukusen and snapped it open.
A goblin stepped up to face her.

"Gonna hit me with the pretty fan, lady?" It mocked her through rotted teeth. Uroki had never been one for the exchange of taunts during battle, and so ignored him. She stepped forward, lunged, and sliced his throat. As his hot blood splattered her face, she whirled as others closed in. She spun, slashing stomachs and throats hwerever she could reach, a whirl of violet silk.

Suddenly an arm slid across her throat, and another around her waist. She saw the princess dragged away and, snapping her fan and sheathing it quickly, she went limp, as though exhausted. She too was dragged away, dropped next to Sarah. She pretended to have fainted, risking only a hand movement to check the gypsy's pulse.

Kyo ran up to Nightstalker, a cut on his temple leaking blood down his face. Her pushed sweaty red hair out of his face and asked, "Where is Uroki, have you seen her?" He held a kunai in each hand.

03-01-09, 02:11 AM
Nightstalker looked at Kyo as though he had just suggested the moons were made of green cheese.

“I teleported her to the otherside of the battlefield to strengthen the weakened defences down there; Gypsy is with her.” Grandma said.

As Gypsy felt her pulse being checked, she cracked an Eye open and saw Uroki. She squeezed the woman’s hand reassuringly. She hadn’t meant for Uroki to get captured too. She prayed Uroki was skilled in the art of lip reading.

“They captured the princess, and took her away. I pretended to get caught to free her. What about you, same thing?” she mouthed silently.

Back at the carnival, the goblins began to retreat. Grandma cast a spell that made her voice be heard by everyone.

“Go after them, each and every one of you. Grandma is a fragile old woman, and will send help of a different sort later. Hugo, get Grandma’s black cauldron and set it upon the bonfire, there’s a good lad. The goblins have prisoners, mostly townsfolk, but among them is Princess Sarah, and if we do not save her before the knights can form up and save her, there will be trouble. Also, Gypsy Princess and Toshiyokan Uroki, two of our very own were captured by them and we cannot let that go.” She said

She toddled off towards her cauldron, and suddenly Nightstalker understood why she wanted those strange ingredients.

King Tristam got on a bull Elephant, and Kryvnek took the other bull elephant, leaving the female behind, and on the elephants they charged towards Goblin Cove.

But it would be some time before they arrived, for the goblins had magic to make them fleet of foot, and arrived in minutes instead of hours.
Uroki and Gypsy were tossed in the same cell as Princess Sarah, a brunette beauty disguised in peasant rags. Gypsy embraced the princess, who in turn embraced her, and both embraced Uroki, as though out of fear, with the princess behind the two. Really, Gypsy was relying on Uroki to help her protect Sarah from the big ugly goblin standing inside the closed cell with less than honorable intentions for his prisoners. Luckily, they had made the mistake of not tying up Gypsy’s hands. She didn’t need a sword to be deadly, and when the goblin stepped forward to use her first, she let him have a face full of fire, blasted out from her hands. The escape was on, and Gypsy was thankful she paid attention to her Grandmother’s lessons.

Princess Uroki
03-01-09, 02:33 AM
Kyo smiled. "Then our princess is safe indeed." He whistled and a pair offully grown unicorns ran up beside him. He leapt onto one and gestured for Nightstalker to do the same with the other.

"Come, Angeldust." He said to his mount. " Our Lady awaits us." Angeldust reared and waited for for Nightstalker to mount his brother, Windchaser.


Uroki drew her shukusen and passed it behind her to Princess Sarah. "Use it if you need to protect yourself." she whispered, hoping she knew or could figure out how to use it. She was glad she was wearing her fighting kimono.

She shifted into a fighting stance after Gypsy threw flame into the goblins face. When the goblin was distracted by her fire, Uroki lunged to rab the ring of keys from his waist, dropping them into her Obi and shifting back to stance.

03-01-09, 02:54 AM
Sarah nervously held the fan. She had heard of them before, even seen one in action when she visited Akashima. She held it at the ready, wondering how Uroki would defend herself, when she caught sight of Gypsy leaping onto the goblin’s back and breaking his neck with her legs, dropping him like a stone.

“Next one’s yours.” She said to Uroki.
Nightstalker mounted the horse as fast as he could. The army of gypsies moving as fast as it could without wearing itself out. It was approaching, goblin cove, and some stray goblins were being caught by the army, slaughtered without even stopping.

Meanwhile, Grandma began to mix a few odds and ends into the cauldron. She threw crystals on the fire, turning it black.

After escaping the cell, other prisoners clamored for release.
“Let them go!” Princess Sarah commanded.
“Fine, but they’ll have to defend themselves. You’re more important.” Gypsy said.
“We’re not helpless! Some of us are weapons and arms dealers, we know a thing or two about fighting.” Shouted a dwarf
“Her highness knows I’m her best healer and magic tutor, she can verify I can take care of myself.” Shouted an elderly woman.
“Where’s Grandma?” asked a younger carnival worker.
“Knowing her she’s probably working up one hell of a spell right this very minute.” Gypsy said, not knowing how right she was.

Princess Uroki
03-01-09, 03:12 AM
Uroki wordlessly worked her way down the line of cells, unlocking doors with the keys she had stolen. Releasing the other prisoners, she unlocked the door leading into the small prison and peered out, looking for more guards. She turned back to the others.

"Gather what weapons you can and wait for this one's signal. This one will scout ahead." She slipped out the door.


As soon as Nightstalker was mounted, the two unicorns whipped away after the army. Kyo drew a bow, shooting from horseback, guiding the beautiful creature with his knees. He kept an eye on Tristam at the front of the train.

03-01-09, 03:48 AM
Uroki found herself inside an underground labyrinth of tunnels. There really wasn’t much choice for her to make, at least not at first. But soon, she’d have to make a decision, left, or right.

To the right was a large series cavern with over ninety percent of the goblin civilization of Scara Brae tucked inside the cities built within. Thus to the right was certain doom.

To the left was an inclining path leading toward the surface, with multiple branch caves leading off the main path. The nearest one held two grunts on guard duty, both staring straight at Uroki. Their brows furrowed in anger.

“HEY! Youz better get back in da cellz!” the first goblin said angrily, pointing at her. He fully expected Uroki to just turn around and go back to the cells like an obedient prisoner.
The second inhaled and raised a trumpet to his lips, to bellow an alarm.

Princess Uroki
03-01-09, 04:30 AM
Uroki reacted, pulling off a zori and throwing it at the second grunt, knocking the horn out of his hands. He stared at her idioticly. She moved forward and the first grabbed at her, she ducked and moved around behind him, yanking out a silk handkerchief and wrapping it around his neck. Placing her knee in the middle of his back, she pulled on the handkerchief, cutting off his air supply, until she felt him go limp. She let him drop to the floor, dead by asphyxiation.

The second, finally startled out of his contemplation of her zori by his partners death, snarled and ran at her. She dropped to her hands and knees and her ran into, and over her. She moved to pin the goblin to the ground, yanking his knife from his belt and holding it to his throat.

"What lies down this passage?" she demanded. The frightened goblin babbled gibberish. She pressed harder against his throat and he coughed up two words. 'Warboss' and 'Chinzkie'.

"Arigato gozaimous." She told him politely, before slitting his throat. Flinching back from the spray of hot blood, she got to her feet and, keeping the dagger, made her way through the door to the left.

She followed a long hallway, snuck up on and subdued another guard and was grabbed from behind by another. He held her wrists behind her as a third stepped in front. He trailed a grimy fingernail down her cheek and neck, then ripped open her kimono. As his nail again traced over her flesh, there was a huge roar and he was tackled by a blur of white and black fur.

There was a scream as the immense white tiger snapped his neck with his powerful jaws. He then turned and growled at the goblin holding Uroki. She was released and he turned to run, but she whipped around and sliced his throat open. He fell to the floor.

"Rama." She knelt and embraced the tiger she had helped just that morning, stitching a training wound in his leg. She let him nuzzle her, then stood and, with a hand in his ruff, made her way through the stronghold.

03-01-09, 04:57 AM
“Den onze we getz da message to da hoo-man queen, Da Black Goblin will reward uz for Hoo-man surrender.” A particularly large and nasty looking goblin could be heard and seen saying in a small cavern off the main tunnel.

“Why Queen surrender? Queen no surrender before.” A small timid goblin asked.
“We gotz Queenz kin-folk. Queen no let harm come to fleshy hoo-man.” The big responded.
“What if dey sey no?” asked another goblin, this one with a reddish tent to his green skin.
“Den we tie hoo-manz to War-basher and take down Hoo-man army with War-basher. War-basher greatest War machine ever built by Goblin handz!” the big one said.
“ACHOO!” sneezed the next biggest one.
“Brother only sneeze around ugly hoo-man women. Prizonerz must’ve escaped, call guardz! Firzt new hoo-manz follow from gathering place and now prizonerz ezcaping?” the big one asked, taking out a particularly large club and turning towards the hall.

A horn sounded three times, and it’s call was repeated throughout the tunnels. Due entirely to allergies, Uroki’s presence was known.

Princess Uroki
03-01-09, 05:25 AM
Her presence known, Uroki gave up all pretence at hiding and stepped into the room.

"The Queen will never surrender." She declared, shifting into a fighting stance, knife held low. Rama crouched beside her, ready to swing. She was sure the goblins hadn't expected him.

She and Rama fought almost as one, battling the goblins. His crashed against a wall and was knocked unconscious. Uroki's target managed to slash her across the chest before she was able to dig the dagger into his belly and tear it open. Rising to her feet, she leaned against the white tiger to rest, leaving him to stewin his own stomach acid.

"Damn. Looks like this one is finally hit, Rama." She observed to the animal. "Now what do you suppose this war machine thing is?" She pondered as she worked to pull herself together enough to find Nightstalker. She had no doubt at all that he would come have come after her. She just needed to find him.

03-01-09, 06:10 AM
The army of gypsies began to get into the outer reaches of Goblin cove, and was stopped by the scrambling Goblin army. Nightstalker fought alongside everyone else, trying to get into the caves.

Meanwhile down below, the prisoners caught up to Uroki.
“You’re hurt!” Gypsy said stating the obvious.
Princess Sarah put her hands on Uroki’s wounds, and healed them with her magic.
“You’re lucky they weren’t worse, or you would’ve been beyond my help.” The princess said.

The Dwarf and the few other prisoners capable of fighting picked what weapons they could off the dead goblins.
“A club is alright I guess, but it’s no match for my war hammer.”
“Did you learn anything interesting?” Princess Sarah asked.

But her question wouldn’t have time to be answered, as the prisoners were surrounded on both sides by the other half of the goblin army not fighting the gypsies out front.

Grandmother smiled, and nodded. It was time. One of the most powerful witches in the world, it was time for her to work her magic, and as promised, send help of a different sort.

“Cauldron blazing on the fire, black flames grow ever higher. Tongue of Sea Serpant, and wing of Mountain Roc, mixed within this bubbling vat.” She intoned. She withdrew the aforementioned items and stirred them into the boiling pot.
“Demon’s Claw, and Dragon’s scale, Jinn’s blood, and Behemoth’s hair; A plague of Nightmares I invoke, to rise up from the ash and smoke.” She continued chanting. A black fog began to rise from the cauldron, burning on the bonfire of black flames.
“Spider’s Silk and Eye of Newt, Viper’s venom and Nightshade root, harken ye to my commands, come forth to darken these war torn lands. Unleashed from the depths of blackest night, slither, crawl, and go in flight, and in the darkest midnight hours, all gather round the goblin’s towers.” She finished chanting, intoning a powerful summons. Lightning crashed into the pot, and thunder rumbled across the island, as the black fog began to move towards Goblin Cove at unbelievable speeds.

It moved across the outer fringes of the city, literally screaming with a voice that caused even brave warriors to step away and leave well enough alone. The fog moved on, spreading outwards. To all, it looked as a great army on black horses made of fog. It moved across lake and bay, through trees and obstacles, flowing around them, movinging over them, never ceasing, never stopping. It moved at a speed greater than or equal to sound itself.

It met both armies head on, not even so much as slowing down as it moved onward, flowing down the tunnels and through the city. As it passed, no sign of it’s passage remained, save for the dead goblins everywhere.
A goblin Shaman began chanting a counter to the spell, but the damage was already done, the goblin army had been suppressed long enough for the prisoners to escape and reunite.
“GYPSY! UROKI!” Nightstalker called out happily, rushing to meet them both.
He held their weapons out for them.
“We found these and thought we’d all saunter on over and give them back.” He said.

“Get da gate, I’m taken War Smasher out.” A hulking goblin that may or may not have actually been an orc ordered, as he moved toward a bay.

As the gypsies prepared to leave, and Grandma’s spell ended, a horrible noise filled the air, like that of metal grinding upon metal, and the ground rumbled as something massive moved upon it.

From out of Goblin cove, came a sight never before seen on Althanas, and a distortion against its natural order. Warboss Chinzkie popped his ugly head out of the contraption.
“I demand da Princess. I Warboss Chinzkie, servant of Da Black Goblin. Black Goblin know things, teach Chinzkie, Chinzkie build War Smasher. Black Goblin call it tank. Has three solid feet of Steel, heavier than two elephants, and shoot big gun. Chinzkie demand Princess, or Chinzkie take lives of all before him.”

“Hugo Stronger than any silly Goblin made Contraption. Hugo prove he stronger than goblins no matter their color and tank no matter its weight, Hugo Strongest Man in the world.” Hugo declared, and with that, the weary army turned to face down the greatest threat the goblins had ever posed.

Princess Uroki
03-02-09, 02:12 PM
"This one is grateful." Uroki said to princess Sarah when her wounds were healed. able to breathe easier, she pulled herself to her feet with the help of Rama. She smiled and patted the tiger, who purred. Then hse started to pull herself together. She loved the versatility of the kimono. She pulled it back into place and tied it off with a dirty strip of cloth Rama brought to her. She was unable to do anything about the blood that stained it. Thanking him, she turned to the other prisoners.

"This one must warn the others."

"Did you learn anything interesting?" Princess Sarah demanded.

Uroki heard a sound and looked around. They were surrounded. She grabbed Sarah and pulled her in between herself and Gypsy, who stood back to back. The others formed ranks around them, protecting their princesses and one they had come to accept as a leader in this time of crisis.

"Gypsy. Take Sarah and go. The army waits outside. Get to Nightstalker . . ." Suddenly the army rushed in and Nightstalker was there. He held out her naginata. She was so happy to see him, she nearly wept. Chiding herself, she accepted her pole arm from him, saying only, "You are late, Nightstalker-sama."

The time for teary reunions would come later, in private, as was decent. Although she would wait until she was alone to cry. Although she was skilled and had traveled much, she had never before killed, and goblins or not, she had left six or more bodies back there. Proper rituals for the dead would have to wait as well.

She was almost knocked out of her thoughts by Hugo's enormous voice challenging the goblin war machine. To Nightstalker she asked, "Who is this Black Goblin?"

03-02-09, 07:02 PM
“I don’t know, what do you say we carve the goblin out of that oversized suit of armor and beat the answer out of him?” he asked Uroki advancing on the tank.

The tank lumbered forward and Hugo ran forward to meet it. It took all of the half-giant’s impressive strength, but he held the machine back. He could be seen visibly straining against the thing’s might. Nightstalker was secretly impressed.

The two bull elephants came over and stepped on the strange chains at the side that made it go forward, crushing them, tearing them off. Goblin made items were not all that good in quality.

Chinzkie poked his head out and blew his trumpet, calling up reinforcements that hadn’t yet been slaughtered by Grandma’s spell, then quickly ducked back inside to move the “big gun” around.

“Chinzkie, who’s the black Goblin?” Nightstalker called out as he climbed up on the tank.

“Black Goblin smart! Come from over sea. Have pointy ear like night elf. Put other goblins to sleep so that Chinzkie and his army could rule goblin cove. Wanted Hoo-man government to fall in return. We watch new hoo-man gathering for past two weeks, finally saw princess alone and unwatched. Invaded carnival to get her and make her hoo-man government fall for Black Goblin.” Chinzkie roared from inside the tank.

That told Nightstalker everything he needed to know. Obviously the black goblin was a malformed Drow that decided to get his kicks by helping a rogue group of goblins. Based on the goblin’s words, he guessed the normal inhabitants were put into a deep sleep or something.

He was shaken out of his thoughts by the sound of steel on steel. The rest of the goblins belonging to Chinzkie had met the gypsy army, and the knights of Scara Brae! Nightstalker wondered how they got out there, but decided to ask them later.

It seemed as though Nightstalker was left with nothing to do. Even Uroki and Gypsy were fully occupied attacking goblins and keeping them off his back.

“Aww shucks no one to play with. Guess I’ll just drop in on old Chinzky.” He said idly kicking at the lid. To his surprise it actually moved. Grinning, he pried open the lid and jumped inside the tank, right as the “big gun” fired into the army. Something large abd black flew out, and exploded somewhere in the throng before the tank.

Princess Uroki
03-02-09, 07:57 PM
Uroki gaped as Nightstalker dropped through the cap on the tank.

"He jumped into a tank. THAT IDIOT JUMPED INTO A TANK!" She yelled to Gypsy, who laughed.

"He's a fool, girl. Date the animal trainer instead."

Uroki shook her head in disbelief. "He'll get himself killed. And if he doesn't, THIS ONE will kill him." She swung her glaive in and out slashing throats and bellies as she talked. Gypsy smirked. So she had a little ferocity in her after all. One goblin leapt off the tank onto Gypsy's back and the giurl struggled. Uroki had her hands full.

"Rama!" She summoned. the tiger came as if out of nowhere and ripped the goblin off her back, breaking it's neck. Uroki saw goblins climbing on top of the tank, to help their leader. She ran for it, Rama following. Climbing onto the tank, she fought of the goblins and stood over the cap, the fierce white tiger at her side, killing anyone who dared to come close.

03-02-09, 08:35 PM
“HEY, GET OUT OF DA TANK! DIS NOT FAIR!” Chinzkie bellowed from inside the tank. Nightstalker’s melodious laugh could be heard floating out through the metal.

The sounds of crashing followed, though whether it was Nightstalker crashing into things or Chinzkie was uncertain. Nightstalker couldn’t have had much room in there.

“Hugo help friend Nightstalker, open tank to give him room.” Hugo bellowed over the noise of the engine.

He proceeded to punch the tank with all his might. The goblin army was thinning thanks to the efforts of the defenders. Inside the tank Chinzkie and Nightstalker continued their struggle.

Truth be told, Nightstalker was dodging, and doing nothing but, running like a scared little chicken with it’s head cut off. Chinzkie kept bashing into things with his club.
“QUIT DODGING YOU LITTLE WORM AND LET ME HIT YOU!” Chinzkie could be heard yelling inside the tank.

Finally, as Hugo punched the tank, Nightstalker stood infront of a large glowing crystal, and dodged, letting Chinzkie hit it. The crystal began to shake sending a column of energy skyward. The tank began to rattle on its own, falling to pieces. A shield of energy pushed everyone way from the tank. Most could only watch as Nightstalker continued fighting Chinzkie inside.

Nightstalker drew his blade, and it was black and glassy, steel no more. Though how it got that way, no one would know, though there was indeed a perfectly reasonable explanation for it if one asked Nightstalker for it later.

Chinzkie slammed his club on the ground, and Nightstalker swung at the club, cutting into it deeply, deeper than a normal sword should’ve gone, proving his sword wasn’t normal. He pulled it free as Chinzkie hefted his club for another swing. Chinzkie raised his club high for another swing and Nightstalker cut him across the middle of his chest, and dodged away as the club came. Chinzkie let go with his right using it to punch Nightstalker in the chest, sending the ninja crashing through the vortex of magic in the middle caused by the collapsing crystal matrix. It in turn was causing the shield the Nightstalker stopped rolling against.

Chinzkie ran over with his club and began swinging it, it would be the death of Nightstalker if it connected. Nightstalker groaned, and winced in pain as he kicked Chinzkie in the chest with all his might, making the goblin stumble back a few paces. The club connected with his leg, and a horrible snap was heard as Nightstalker’s leg was broke. This was confirmed by the agonizing scream that escaped Nightstalker’s lips. He rolled onto his good leg, trying desperately to move about on one leg. He hopped towards Chinzkie, brave fool that he was, stopping inside the vortex of magic.

As his eyes glowed with magic from the vortex, he stood in the center of the arena on one leg and swung for Chinzkie’s neck with all his might, but his sword got knocked away be the club. Nightstalker fervently wished the barrier would fall at that moment, and miraculously, it did. Chinzkie knocked Nightstalker back on his back, and though Nightstalker did fall, his eyes continued to glow with magic, as though he had absorbed the magical vortex...

Princess Uroki
03-04-09, 01:12 AM
Uroki was thrown off the tank when it exploded, saved from crashing into a wall only because Rama the white tiger fell ahead of her. He nuzzled her until she rose and looked up towards what had a minute ago been a not so solid goblin tank. Her eyes widened. Nightstalker was locked in a duel with Chinzkie, the goblin warboss.

She pushed herself to her knees, and then to her feet. Grabbing her naginata, she raced for the barrier and slashed at it. He blade bounced back, but she thought she saw a discrepancy in it, a slightdifference in the place where she had hit it. She swung at it again. Yes, there was definitely a change, almost like a magical ripple. She set her feet and brought the weapon up, then down, slashing at the spot with the move called 'Chopping wood'. The ripple grew larger.

she heard a loud crack and a scream and looked up. Nightstalkers leg was at an odd angle. She let out a fierce Akashima curse and stuck the barrier with everything she had. It fell as though it had evaporated. Nightstalker fell onto his back and Uroki stepped over him to stand between him and the goblin warboss.

Her eyes glowed with fierce and firey anger. She raised her glaive and took a step toward the goblin. Her hair had fallen out of it's bun at some point and now it whipped around her. One of her braids had come loose from it's ties and it flew across her face. The wind pulled at her clothes, making them flap against her body and the rain poured down, pooling water and battle blood around her feet.

She was implacable as she approached the goblin. Her brothers had taught her a great many things, but one of their greatest lessons was now foremost in her mind. Someone precious to her was injured and could no longer stand. Honor dictated that as a warrior she take his place and fight so that when the books were tallied in the realms of Enma on the day he died, he would not be found lacking.

The goblin quailed and begged for his life, but she came on with the contained rage of a thunderstorm about to break. She backed the vile creature up against the wall and pressed the steel of her naginata to his throat. Again he begged her to spare him. She looked around at the battle surrounding them. Blood and fire everywhere, there had been countless deaths on both sides.

She watched the goblins crawl away from their attackers, pitiful and broken. She watched her people do the same. She saw no differences in their eyes. Both fought for what they belived in. Her people for their princess, the goblins for their warboss.

"The wars between Goblins and Humans have gone on too long." She spoke quietly, but everyone stopped to listen. " Our peoples have fought for so long that perhaps they do not know how to stop. But in this one's home there is a saying. It all begins with one. So this one will make a beginning."

She pulled her naginata away from the goblin, who fled into his base and she walked back to Nightstalker, kneeling at his side and helping him to sit.

03-05-09, 09:42 AM
Nightstalker watched her let the goblin go, impressed with her kindness. Then he whined and moaned in pain as he struggled to sit. Princess Sarah came over to fix his wounds, but she wondered why his eyes were still glowing from the vortex, as were many people.

Gypsy brought Nightstalker's sword over, but hesitated to give it to him when he screamed in near inhuman pain.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know how I could've messed that healing spell up." The princess said, apologizing quickly and backing away. Nightstalker wasn't the only one wounded, but he was the center of attention, screaming like that. He took the sword from gypsy, prepared to cut off his own leg to make the pain stop.

Suddenly, the black shiny sword let loose a black mist, which coalesced into an Akashiman of very advanced age. He was wearing a simple black robe with white seams, his head was bald and uncovered. He had a long white flowing beard. He looked at Nightstalker and shook his head in disbelief, and that was all he did.

"I'm sorry father, but what else was I supposed to do, I couldn't let that creature keep it's stolen Alerarian technology. That cannon would've caused alot of devastation. I had to help, I had to!" he said, defending himself.
The old man just shook his head in disbelief again, and once more, he did not say anything.
"Alright, so maybe I could've asked for help, but everyone was busy with the goblin army. I'm sorry, I won't be so foolhardy next time."

The old man Nightstalker claimed as his father looked at Gypsy and Uroki, and at last he spoke.

"The man takes on The Lady of death Once, ONCE, and suddenly he thinks he's the world's greatest because he survived." He said, his voice telling of the collected wisdom of his years. Appearently, he was just as exasperated with Nightstalker's antics as everyone else was.

"Gypsy, Uroki, may I present the spirit of my deceased father, Master Roshi." Nightstalker said quietly.
"It is an honor sir." Gypsy said, bowing to the spirit.
"So, tell me more about this confrontation of death, I'm curious what happened there." Gypsy inquired a moment later.

"Oh I will, but that is not why I have come. Nor is it to discuss his choice of tactics when it comes to stolen Alerarian techonology and related secrets. I would say much, but I know he would hear the same words later from those still among the living, and I would not steal their moment, as it were. No, it's concerning his health. You may have remembered the Vortex of energy left behind after the tank explosion, and how it's not here anymore. In Akashima, we call it Chi, elsewhere they call it Magic, it all amounts to the same thing really, but I shall call it Chi. The Chi Vortex attached itself to Nightstalker's own natural meager supply of Chi, unbalancing him for that chi was wild Chi, and as such was not attuned to any one person. Nightstalker was never going to be powerful in Chi, he wasn't born with enough to do much more than run his own body, let alone anything special. He was never one for training with it either, preferring more aggressive physical attacks that used his expansive supply of physical energy, and so he never increased his Chi. Well, now he has come into an undefinably large amount of it, an unbalanced amount, and it is attacking his own body, preventing it from healing. I know you both value his life, for I watch over him from beyond, and have seen the way you both act towards him. I also know you have a powerful Chi Mistress back at your carnival, I believe everyone calls her Grandmother. She is the only one that can help him, for she must balance his chi for him. It is true, the excess Chi could be removed, but that would kill him as he is now. It is far easier to balance it, and get him to train with it. I am certain I can rely on you two to help him remember. It might take the point of a sword, but I'm certain you'll get him to train." Master Roshi said.
"I AM right here you know." Nightstalker said in Protest.
"Why, so you are. But you are also overfull of Pride, and cannot see the dangers before you. Unable to do more than pass on advice and wisdom, such as the advice about your newfound Chi, I must rely on others to assist me with things sometimes." Master Roshi said.

"Sir, is that why my spell failed?" Princess sarah asked.
"Yes. You cast your magic wonderfully, but you have more to learn yet in the healing arts. If you truly wish to become a great healer, I advise you leave your island home behind, and study around the world. There are many secrets to be found in other places, if you but seek them out. I would advise your first stop to be the Monastery of The Aibrone Monks, within their mighty Citadel. Their healing arts are legendary, and they can direct your steps far better than I can. No, only the Chi Mistress can help Nightstalker." Master Roshi said.

"Then let's get going." the captain of the Scara brae Knights said, bringing over a stretcher for Nightstalker.

As they returned, Master Roshi related the story of how Nightstalker followed Death herself to the afterlife when he died, and undertook her challenges that he might be saved from death. He told them of the strange roach like monster from the abyss, and how it made Nightstalker weap with fright, to which many snickers could be heard. He told them of his battle with the Skeletons of the Samurai warriors from ages past, and the abomination that made itself from their bones. He told of how Nightstalker used a rare Adamantine Katana and beat a powerful Samurai General, then used the same sword to win his courage back from the monster from the Abyss. At last he told of how he was competing with another, a young Samurai named Magesha, for both wanted their fathers back, but only one could win. He told the story of Magesha's defeat, and how it broke his spirit, and turned his heart towards Darkness. As they reached the Carnival, Master Roshi was finished.

"And in the end," he said, wrapping everything up," it turns out that Death was fooling Nightstalker all along, for she never gave me my life back, but permitted me to come and go from the afterlife to this world, via his sword. Which is why it looks as it does." Master Roshi said.

Gypsy eyed Nightstalker.
"You are the most foolhardy man I have ever met. Do you even try to think before you act?" she asked.

Grandma came out of her tent, sensing the approach of new magic, and a spirit.
"Roshi! it's about time you came to visit Grandma." she said with a note of Joy.
"I was delayed, raising a youth you yourself directed me towards, and then later by Death. Dying is a very distracting thing to do." Master Roshi said a bit defensively.
"Don't you hand me that excuse old man, you knew I was in Akashima and wanted to talk with you again. The lad could've played with Gypsy at the time." Grandma said, pulling a long handled wooden cooking spoon out of her sleeves and brandishing it like a weapon.
"Grandma, you know him?" Gypsy asked.
"Know him! He was almost your father." Grandma said.
Gypsy's eyes went wide with surprise.
It seemed everyone had forgotten about Nightstalker for the moment, despite his groaning.

Princess Uroki
03-06-09, 02:53 AM
Uroki only half listened to old man's spirit as she walked beside Nightstalker's stretcherm silent as the tomb. Her earth brown eyes were filled with both concern and contempt for the injured man. She would have a great many things to say to Nightstalker once they were alone, and none of them would be Gods Blessings.

The revelation of Obaa-san and Roshi-sama's relationship went unnoticed in her heart as her internal struggle eclipsed the world around her. She had not been raised to fight in wars. Her brothers had taught her to forgive, right from the beginning. For this man, this brainless, conceited, death-courting fool, she had nearly killed an unarmed creature.

She reached into her OBi and found the slightly tattered white lotus he'd given her when they'd met, and studied it, needing something to focus on. She carefully smoothed it out. she'd have to press it in a book or have it encased in glass before it was really destroyed.

03-06-09, 09:20 AM
“If, if it’s not too much trouble, can I bother someone for a good round of healing?” Nightstalker asked, restraining his whimpering long enough to remind them all of his need.

“Yes, yes, if your going to cry about it. Thayne, you still have a good seventy-two hours before you explode from magical build-up.” Grandma said, turning to Nightstalker.

Roshi bowed deeply, and began to dissipate back into the sword.
“You better come back and visit me sometime old man, or I swear when I finally join you, I’m going to give you such a good beating with my spoon, Nightstalker’s great-grandchildren will feel it.” Grandma threatened as she turned to Nightstalker.

She studied him carefully, as he trembled at the thought of exploding. She shooed everyone away, including Uroki, and refused to take no for an answer.

She took Nightstalker inside her tent, levitating him with her magic. Meanwhile Tristam turned to Princess Sarah.

“So, what now?” he asked.
“Now, I return to the castle with the knights and make a full report. I heard the goblin leader’s words. I know not who this strange rogue Alerarian known as The Black Goblin is, but rest assured we’ll keep a look out for his return here. I doubt the goblins will ever build or obtain any more stolen Alerarian technology, but we’ll be careful of that too. I’ll be back tonight, I’m looking forward to the final performance, Grandma’s magic shows are the best.” Princess Sarah said, and so she turned to leave.

“I’d still like to know how the knights knew to be there.” Gypsy said as they went to leave.
“It was the strangest thing, I had a dream last night that Grandma came to my outpost and warned me of an imminent goblin raid on the carnival that we had missed the build-up for, and that we should head to goblin cove to rescue the princess in the afternoon after I woke up. I’m not one to follow dreams too often, but something told me not to ignore it.” The captain of the knights said as he left.

With that, Tristam started handing out orders. The carnival had to be cleaned up, and preparations had to be made. Everything was shut down in anticipation of the final show. Gypsy helped Uroki take care of the animals, and afterwards, they had to start breaking down booths. Hugo made regular trips to the docked ship pulling heavily filled carts, helped only by the two uninjured Bull Elephants, who also pulled carts.

Gypsy was silent most of the day, except for one remark made in passing.
“I can’t believe I care for such an arrogant fool.”
This was made as she glanced over towards Grandma’s tent hoping to see some sign of Nightstalker’s recovery.

At last, Grandma came out, heaved a weary sigh of relief, and sat down on a nearby stump.

Gypsy had Uroki go over with her to check on Nightstalker’s recovery.
“How is he?” she asked, nervously.
“Oh he’s fine now, but Thayne, what a nightmare. His heart was where his liver was supposed to be, his brain was scattered in four different locations, his arteries were fused into his veins, his, well, you get the picture. It was like trying to unscramble eggs. What did he do, eat a god?” she asked rhetorically, knowing full well what had happened, she watched in her crystal ball.
“So, is he, magic like us now?” Gypsy asked.
“I’m sorry to say yes. Who knows what magic’s going to do to him. I know what course he’ll take, but not what sort of personality changes will come over him. He’s going to learn to control his powers. I had to beat him with my wooden spoon a few times, but he decided he wanted to learn to control his powers. Grandma’s spoon is far stronger than that stubborn ox.” She snorted.
“That’s my Grandma, never takes no for an answer.” Gypsy said, rolling her eyes.
“Actually, I’ve been told no several times, and taken it. I asked Roshi to be mine, and he said no. I understand why though, at least now I do. At the time, his enemies were far too numerous and powerful for us to be happy. So heartbroken I traveled to Fallien, and met a strange and wonderful man. He was your grandfather, and Tristam’s father. Back to the point, I only refuse certain answers when I know any other would be disastrously bad. After we’re done here, we’re going to have to go to Akashima. Nightstalker welds a different brand of magic than I do.” Grandma said.

And that was the end of that. Grandma refused to speak anymore, and returned to her tent to check on her patient.
That night, crowds had gathered around the entrance to the tent. Uroki had been placed on Guard duty, to insure that no one without a ticket entered. Several would try, and her skills would be sorely tried.

Eventually, the tent would be shut, and she would witness for the first time, Grandma’s magic show.

Grandma’s table and Crystal Ball sat in the middle Arena. Uroki was given the supreme honor of escorting the old woman to her chair. Once seated, Grandma raised her arms, appeared to grasp something, and pulled her hands down, killing all light. Then, in the darkness, she raised a finger, and light began to radiate from her Crystal Ball. At this, the audience collectively gasped at the simple trick. Grandma’s hands could be seen rubbing the ball, and it was clear that Grandma was saying something, but no one would know quite what. Suddenly, her ball fractured, and exploded, sending light throughout the arena.

Gone was the tent, and all the others, each saw a unique vision, no two visions the exact same. Uroki would find herself sitting on a cloud. There was no ground, only endless infinite sky. She now sported a pair of gossamer wings, made of pure energy, and they reflected many beautiful colors. They fluttered of their own will, and suddenly she was off, flying through the sky, free as a bird. At this, she could control where she went, and what she did. She could dive as far as she wanted; climb as high as she dared, twist and loop, and play like a dragon. Eventually, she would be joined by a dragon, the rarest and most beautiful kind of dragon, a Crystal Dragon. Crystal Dragons were born once every three thousand years under mysterious and unknown circumstances. It mattered not what species the parents were, or so it seemed. Their scales were made of a clear crystal that reflected rainbows, and they controlled Holy Energy. Every Crystal Dragon had always been gentle and kind towards all other creatures.

The Crystal Dragon twisted and turned its long sinewy body about her, playing with her, and urging her upward to new heights. It took her to a massive cloud bank, and upon this grew fields of beautiful flowers their scent beautiful and intoxicating. Their blooms were large and full, the colors brighter than any grown elsewhere in Althanas The Dragon plucked a flower, and put it in her hair, tucking it behind her ear.

Suddenly the light began to dim, and the dragon began to fade in the distance. Then the lights came back on, and though it seemed short, the span of one half of an hour had passed, and Grandma had disappeared with her table. Many would be forced to forever wonder if what had transpired was real, or an illusion and Uroki would be one of them, for the flower the Dragon had given her was still in her hair, changing its color to match her mood, its scent never fading, never dying, and the flower was as real as the lotus Nightstalker had given her. Perhaps the vision was real, but how could it be, for Uroki had clearly never left her spot.

The audience gave Grandma a standing ovation as she reappeared, and now perhaps, it would be understood why she would only perform that spell once, for regardless of whether it was real or an illusion, the feelings each felt in their personal visions, those were real. It was a shame Nightstalker had to miss the show. But now was the perfect time for Uroki to go give Nightstalker a piece of her mind.

Princess Uroki
03-06-09, 03:18 PM
The show was a glorious event, but Uroki fervently wished never to be under that spell again. The flower she ignored as she snuck out of her tent, knowing Nightstalker was finally alone. She snuck into his tent where he lay sleeping. Obaa-san had said she was healed, so Uroki didn't bother taking to much care. She shook him awake and when he sat up, looking dazed, she put her hands on her hips.

"Baka-janai!" She began, then continued without giving him time to answer. "You prideful, conceited, arrogant, idiotic, foolish, vain, stupid . . " She continued on in this vein until she started to repeat herself, pacing back and forth in front of him. Then she turned to face him again.

"You leaped willingly into a tank with a goblin warboss! A tank we hadn't charted! There could have been anyone in there! Anything! Are yousuch a pathetic baby that because your life is hard, you want to end it and join your oto-san in the grave? You whining, useless, contemptible genin!"

She turned away from him. "One day you are going to get killed and you had better hope someone like this one is there to save your worthless ass!"

she had been scared, terrified for her companion, her friend, and he had disregarded that, disregarded her feelings. Again.

"PErhaps you are better suited to traveling alone, Nightstalker, until you better understand the responsibility one has to their companions and friends. Or perhaps you ought to stay here. gypsy seems to care for youa great deal." She added cuttingly.

She stood still, facing away from him, refusing to let him see the tears of relief that slid down her face, now that she could finally see that he was alright.The flower in her hair was a pale blue, unbeknownst to her, indicating that her mood was not one of pure anger, as she pretended, but more one of deep sadness and frustration.

03-07-09, 01:21 AM
Nightstalker's eyes had ceased glowing, everything now in balance.

He didn't know what to say, yet what could he say? This was a new situation for him. Certainly his father hadn't wanted him to go off into danger heedlessly, but he thought that was just fatherly worries. Gypsy had a few choice words for him earlier as well. Tristam wasn't very pleasant with his foolishness, and Grandma wouldn't stop muttering about idiots jumping before looking. Before now, he only had himself to be truly concerned about, and no one else. Who would miss him if he got in over his head? No one. Yet, now? He felt the stirrings of a feeling long forgotten, one he thought he had finally left behind years ago. He felt shame at what he had done earlier. Here were people who had come to like him, and he could've robbed them of his continued company. Based off Gypsy and Uroki's reactions, there were two incredibly beautiful young women who cared for him, and could possibly begin to think of him as more than a friend in the future.

Uroki might've been expecting any number of reactions, but what she got was a single pair of sentences from Nightstalker, the shame at what he had done evident in his words.
"What have I done? Truly, I must be the grandest fool in the world to be blind to what is before me."

It was at that point that Grandma hobbled on in.
"That does not look like meditation. I know a wide variety of styles, and they all have a common element to them. That does not look like the basic meditation I instructed you to begin doing." Grandma said.
"I was just talking to Uroki." Nightstalker protested.
At this Grandma pulled out her long handled wooden cooking spoon again.
"Yes ma'am." Nightstalker said, quickly getting into form and starting meditation.
"Yeah that's what I thought." she said turning to leave.
"Uroki, shouldn't you be getting off to bed? You're going to wake up early in the morning you know to help break down the last three tents. The main one, Gypsy's and my own." Grandma said.

She pointed toward's a room in her tent where Uroki had been temporarily stationed.
"Out." she commanded.

The next day, the gypsies finished packing up and set sail, amidst a cheering crowd. Grandma caused a display of fireworks to go off as they left.

Nightstalker was kept busy on the ship, scrubbing decks, mucking stalls, mending sails, and a wide variety of other jobs that were relatively safe. Uroki was ordered to lounge around and supervise him, making sure he did his job right.

Eventually, the ship reached Corone, where the circus split it's different ways. The animals were being returned to all their different homes, the ensemble went back to their various homes around the world. Nightstalker asked what his and Uroki's fate was to be, and was reminded that the contract was to Tristam and his family personally, and so they would be traveling with them. Grandma stepped in and informed them they would be traveling to Akashima, for Nightstalker's benefit, least he accidentally kill them all in their sleep without meaning to.

And what of the rogue Alerarian calling himself The Black Goblin? He was still out there, somewhere, and it wouldn't be the last time the group ran into him, but Scara Brae's troubles with him were over.


Contracted to Tristam, self proclaimed King of the Gypsies.
Nightstalker must work for Tristam for one year (twelve threads). His pay is based on his performance.

Magic Ninja: Nightsalker absorbed a large quantity of magic. It has been balanced within him. This doesn't grant him any new abilities, because he doesn't know what to do with his magic yet. But it will serve as the basis for abilities and skills to come in the future.

(So essentially, I'm just asking that certain conditions be recognized as existing.)

Princess Uroki
03-07-09, 04:03 PM
Uroki ignored Nightstalker's words. Words meant nothing. Her brothers had raised her to believe in actions not words. she wondered what her brothers would think of Nightstalker, and her association with him.

Suddenly Obaa-sama entered and ordered her out. She gladly complied, stalking out, still furious. She maintained her fury all the way to Corone, soothed only by spending time with Kyo the animal trainer and Rama, who hadn't been injured too badly in the fight.

When they arrived in Corone, Kyo and Rama, who was his own dear friend, departed for their own home. As Uroki embraced him at their farewell, he stole a kiss. She laughed and waved to him and the glorious white tiger as they left.

She turned when she heard Nightstalker ask about their fates. Their contract to Tristam was still valid, she knew. Obaa-san mentioned that they needed a miko, to fix Nightstalkers Ki.

"This one's Obaa-sama is Miko." She ventured. "She will fix 'Stalker. And this one's eldest brother will gladly put us up for however long it takes."

She desperately hoped they would agree. She longed for the garden, and the Sakura, and the pond, and the company of her brothers again.


Contract- Service to Tristam's Family for one year (12 threads) signed by Toshiyokan Uroki

Mood Flower given by the crystal dragon in her vision at Obaa-sama's show.

03-26-09, 01:08 PM
King Tristam’s Gypsy Carnival

As you requested, so shall you receive. So sayeth the judge! I’m going to be taking this one for you, and you asked for the condensed rubric (which is what I assume ‘the shorter form’ means. That being asked, I’m going to be using that form. I will be making moderate commentary, but if you would like more feel free to PM me.

Story (out of 10) 3.5

The pacing was extremely fast a times, and at others extremely slow. Try and keep a steady pace throughout, you can pick up the pace of the writing during intense fight scenes, or even regular ones, but if they are too quick they make it all seem rather rushed. Slow down a little during the fight, give it a more realistic edge, but keep a steady pace otherwise and you’ll both do much better. Not sure what happened from post 13 on, but it seems you went from well thought out posts to something more of really short sudden responses. You can always take the opportunity to work on the setting, or your characters when you have nothing deep to add to the thread.

“a wooden slot machine” [23] ~ Now how in the world does this happen?

Character (out of 10) 3

Hugo’s character in the beginning was the cliché strong guy, big and dumb and talked that way. Try and give the characters something more than just the common flat appearance that everyone comes to expect. The same goes with the characters themselves, you can portray a whole lot through their dialogue and actions as to WHO the characters are, not just WHAT they are. How you both portrayed your characters seemed to change a bit as the thread went on as well. I know that Uroki can handle herself, but saying thank you and then slitting the goblins throat was a little odd for what I had come to assume her personality was. If you had both taken time to develop the characters more I wouldn’t have to assume either. The names and characters, and their interactions with each other, was also rather cliché. A giant and a halfling being in love, always see something that shouldn’t be happening because of ‘love’. A dwarf named Flintgem, not all dwarves are named something about rocks.

Mechanics (out of 10) 3

The way you write, Nightstalker, makes it incredibly difficult to follow at times. When you start a new paragraph remember to put a space between the first and the second, otherwise it just gets all cluttered together. The issue made most, if not all, of your posts incredibly difficult to read.

There were A LOT of little mistakes in the thread, from comma’s misplaced, to run-on’s, to word confusions, number’s instead of them being spelt out… things like these can be avoided easily by reading over the post and correcting and editing.

Total: 9.5/30

Nightstalker: 450 exp | 175 gp
Note of ‘magic ninja’ made, no abilities requested. Contract signed.

Princess: 450 exp | 175 gp
Mood Flower granted, any abilities in regards to personal use or use against another person are to be approved upon level 1 update. Contract signed.

03-26-09, 01:10 PM
Exp and Gp added!