View Full Version : The Sketchbook

02-11-09, 07:36 PM
"Boy's are weird... why do they like mud?"

Hey Guys!

I'll try to update this thing every now and then. Most-likely you'll find me updating this page right here. (http://a-leeh.blogspot.com)

You'll find my friends on there, and my animations if I think they're good enough to be posted.

Other than that have a good one!


02-13-09, 12:22 PM
Pretty good art. I particularly like the arm study.

11-19-10, 01:16 AM

Multiplane BG. Painted in Photoshop. Animated in After Effects. Animation can be found here in this blog post. (http://a-leeh.blogspot.com/2010/11/digital-tools-1.html)

11-19-10, 01:20 AM
Your old link is dead. And who are you?

11-19-10, 01:29 AM
What do you mean who am I?

Sorry about that, typed in a slash instead of a dot. Link fixed.

11-19-10, 01:34 AM
Oren is a cool cat who does art from time to time. She usually doesn't have time to write anymore. But does this mean you found some?

11-19-10, 01:44 AM
Yep! I'm usually online now since the workload finally is lightening up. Two months of staring at an animation disk wondering if I went wrong somewhere, then going in to roll, and flip the pages is driving me nuts. I miss writing (NaNoWriMo doesn't count), and role playing on here. Don't know what I'm going to do with these characters since they from what they are on here.

11-19-10, 01:52 AM
Good to know. Enjoy yourself girly, and it looks like you got better since you left.

Though that goes without saying, I mean if you've been doing an art program, it better challenge you or you should kick them in the nuts and demand your money back.

11-19-10, 02:06 AM
Ha ha, glad to hear I'm improving. I still have a long ways to go, and a lot of things I need to work on art wise. I might redraw all of those portraits in the Surprise CG Freebies thread just to see. Or ... Redraw those wonderful scouts from way back when. /shot

01-15-11, 10:57 PM

This is posted in my blog. First piece for 2011 for a personal project I'm working on.

Silence Sei
01-15-11, 11:20 PM
Very nice, if a bit freaky that a real girl is tied to the front of the ship, with chains no less. :D

01-22-11, 10:31 PM
Thanks Silence Sei. That is tame in comparison to the things I've drawn for that girl.

Less dark and more humor, this weekend is more of a Harry Potter inspired weekend. A friend and I had a good laugh, and it ended with me making several deviantArt ID's for some friends and I.

The group image:
http://aesculus.deviantart.com/#/d37r2gp we're a happy quidditch playing bunch.