View Full Version : Hello with a Headache!

02-15-09, 11:34 AM
...It's true. Give me pity :P

Anyway, I've been in the Althanas Invitational for a while now, but the judgement is taking too long for me, and I want to satisfy my need to write. Therefore, I've made a character (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=141345#post141345) to partake with everybody else in quests and such.

So... what's to say. I guess I could show everybody my writing abilities (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18129), and let you know that I'm open for pretty much anything! Seriously, I am. I don't mind roleplaying with anybody as long as I get the feeling that they're not half-assing the quest and screwing the experience on a bench with a spike paddle.

About me! Name's Christian, and I'm a filthy German kraut :P I also love the arts, and my parents hate me for wanting to pursue an artistic career in modeling and animating. That brings me to the venerable age of 19. Awesome.

I also am in a lovehate relationship with videogames because every single painful second that I spend trying to increase my damage by one point in Bahamut Lagoon is an hour that I lose in refining my abilities as a growing artist. I do enjoy that stuff though, videogames are great.

What else is there to say? I always tell my girlfriend that I'm an unsocial reject that tries to stay away from even the most well-intentioned crowd in the world, but, then again, I once bought a homeless man some bratwurst and couldn't find enough money to feed myself after that. So it's probably all just hot air.

Random fact. I get caught drooling while sleeping on the train. It's not a pretty sight for them, not a pretty feeling of embarrassment for me :P That's about it.

I'm very shy of joining any thread that has more than one page worth of replies, and if anybody were to grab the initiative and invite me to a thread, then I would be more than happy to join. So happy, in fact, that I would screw you on the bench with a spiked paddle...

Cheers! ^^

Alydia Ettermire
02-15-09, 11:41 AM
Welcome to Althanas. Keep your artistic abilities under wraps (unless like me your only talent is in landscapes, nobody wants those) lest you be mobbed and forced to draw picture after picture of characters you've never heard of before.

Other than that, don't eat the cookies. Don't. EVER. I mean it.

And don't hit on the redheads, lest you provoke Letho into eating you. Whole.

Don't worry about all the screaming...you know those newbies that tend to vanish? Well...a site like this needs a regular sacrifice of souls to operate.

Welcome to Althanas.

02-15-09, 11:44 AM
Welcome to the site, I look forward to seeing some stuff from you. I like the character idea and you write well. I'm busy at the moment, but would love to jump into some threads with you in the future!

02-15-09, 11:46 AM
Thanks guys! :D I hope to jump into an RP soon enough, but navigation has proven difficult.

Question: Is there like a recruitment thread? Can I just claim a quest in the Scara Brae section? xD Any help? xD

Alydia Ettermire
02-15-09, 11:48 AM
You can probably claim a quest in the SB section. Other recruitments are located in this general area (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=13).

02-15-09, 12:37 PM
Bahamut Laggon! Tactical RPGS FTW. I've only played it once, but that sort of thing is right up my alley.

I posted in your recruitment thread. Might have a thread for you to join up sometime...soon. If you don't mind a battle. I like battles. *evil grin*