View Full Version : Shes so small! Is that a woman or a drawf? (open)

02-16-09, 04:41 PM
Dakota felt like a child again as she walked along a bank. Having admired the clear sky for a moment she cringed. Forgetting that her wound was still a bit tender when she left her brothers. Michael, the oldest of them managed to get her in the leg. Now she was a blacksmith's assistant, she had no clue as to how a wound should be treated. With that known, she had wrapped it quickly with a cloth and kept walking. Little had she thought about the wound causing this much hindrance to her movement. She had passed a small group of men all easily over six feet tall and her small frame offered her no assistance. They simply ignored her with a laugh and small pushes as they past her. "She's so small, is that a woman or a dwarf?" They all chuckled as they passed. She was to be twenty soon! Dakota simply refused to be treated with such disrespect. They probably thought of her as a youngster with a staff. She was now seated on the floor, having been pushed onto her wounded leg. Dakota may have been an acrobat, but she was never really wounded so deeply. She touched her smooth lip only to feel the small scar and frowned.

"This is ludicrous. I have no clue as to my whereabouts. I’m sure Michael would be laughing out right at me.” Sighing softly she took off her smock and used it to sit on, feeling oddly tired. Her little frock lifted above her knees as she lay out. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to go about making friends but she clearly expressed her feelings towards enemies. Dakota needed no enemies, she was trying to start fresh. Continuously she had to remind herself to not think negatively; however, this quest of self fulfillment of hers was turning out to be an all too spiraling disaster. She looked at her terrible wrapping job and wondered who she could go to. Not that she knew anyone but the blood was still oozing through her 'bandages.' She unbandaged it to survey the damage and found the old heated iron still had spunk. A partial 'X' could be seen but did not get pressed too deeply into her pallid flesh. However, the rest of the letter was lost in a deep flesh wound from where the bar had burnt through. She just prayed she didn't get infection. "You would think it would hurt more... maybe I have more pain tolerance than I give myself credit for." She had muttered it to herself to calm down her nerves but she was failing miserably.

Corvus MacCallum
02-16-09, 05:59 PM
Was invited/got permission from the Thread owner, or am a guest, whichever one of those explanations allows a higher leveled bloke to show up here.

Blood, heavy, coppery smell... such a wondrous odour in the right situations and it could stick to the olfactory faculties for hours on end. The vital fluid was a constantly familiar scent to the Highlander, hell it was the main stench of his lifes work and to be perfectly honest... he loved every little moment of it. Each deep breath from the Wandering Wolfen Warrior brought that fresh scent of blood to his mind, to his body as it stepped solidly along a small riverbank in a stretch of land he honestly had little familiarity with, it was just a stop-over for him to stretch his muscles and perhaps shake up the food chain. Was faint though, strained, this wasn't the vibrant scent that would colour his vision while cleaving through muscle and gristle of a beast, it wasn't even a strong enough scent for the after-math as the thick red fluid would trickle and seep into the ground or crust itself upon a body as its death rattle sounded. He wasn't a hugely tall figure, not among his own species, in what he knew to be Scara Brae there was at least a decent proportion of folks his own height and on watching their bickering and abusive ignoring of some diminuative lass he allowed a little mental vent to release just that touch, lip pulling back to expose a bright fang of his maw.

"Hahah, she was certainly a runt of her family"

The Wolfen warrior could almost understand why they jeered, but gave up before grasping full comprehension he simply had no interest in mastering that line of thinking and at any rate, didn't justify what they said or how they made themselves an obstruction to someone just walking along. They certainly parted on spotting him though, the chuckles silenced too, typically he never kept himself as an imposing sight, bright orange with red highlights colouring his entire torso thanks to the Blazen hide Poncho, those vibrant white tips to his various hair-spikes... not to mention that oft-wagging and overfluffed tail. Still on his back he did carry a slab of iron that liked to imagine itself as a sword, vast chains and hooks constricting around its roughly hewn guard to keep it in place, but even that wasn't what gave them the chills... it was the eyes, the eyes of a Predator sizing up a kill for simple pleasure. It vanished from his visage when they sped up their gait and started to fade from his sense thanks to distance.

A light chuckle shook through his upper body, that drawn up lip shifting just that bit more to smooth off into a simple smirk. He had intended to give the short lass a simple flex of the fingers in greeting but on his claw scraping steps glanced a bit much and saw the care and attention being put onto a wound upon her leg. Instinctively his right hand clenched itself within his pocket, just that little flash of anger lacking logic, almost tempted to blame the travelling chucklers for this situation but it took but a second to pass within his mind and let reason sink through to his thoughts. Bringing himself that bit closer he almost felt tempted to bend his knees with each step and get down to her level but that would probably come off more patronizing that anything else, instead he kept his full height but gave a shake of his head to freshen up his messy black and white mane and... on catching her words of pain resistence felt compelled to simply interact.

"Looks like a pretty bad gash there lass, you fancy a hand with it?"

Simple little opener, too early for an introduction and this left her with the delightful option of simply saying no and thereby both could seperate on this little path of life perhaps to never meet again. To think that a single greeting could have such major consequences.

02-16-09, 06:44 PM
Cadence was a bit off from fuming. She was used to all the jeering she got, especially from the inadequate race she called the male species. However, she didn't exactly voice such boisterous opinions such as these. She was highly unlikely to gain much respect from anyone. Even back home she made more male friends than women; they always seemed to have an agenda she had found out. The brief wind gave her some cooling for she felt warmer than usual. She simply brushed it off and glared at the males and quirked a brow as they grew silent in the distance. Being too caught up in her own thoughts she had not seen the rather impending monument she called this visitor. To her at least, he may has well been a monument. She lightly giggled to herself at the silly thought, she amused herself sometimes. It was an intrinsic value of her life she had grown fond of.

“Well, I’m not one to beat around the bush sir, so I suppose I must oblige to the offer. I may be able to craft swords and paint a canvas but I am rather clueless when it comes to the art of self care. Only if its not too much trouble that is. I don’t gain many battle wounds with a brush.” She lamely joked with a small smile, revealing pearl white teeth that glimmered in the light.

She eyed this new man with a curious gaze, her amber ringed orbs skittered across him. She wasn’t a very shy girl she had to admit but she knew not to say anything to brash since she was the new one. She knew not the customs of these in between places. For an artist she admired his hair for some reason, she found it more interesting than hers. Dakota couldn’t remember a day where she found her white blonde hair all that fascinating. Actually, the man was very interesting. She had not seen a being like that in her lifetime. She would think she would be a bit nervous. However, curiosity lingered on her body like a dead weight.

“I’m Dakota by the way. Dakota Ross. You have nice eyes.” She blurted out and her pallid flesh flushed with her large mouth.

She simply hoped she hadn’t offended him. She remembered her step-brothers never letting her look them in the eyes. They said it was rude and showed disrespect to the person you were talking to. Considering Dakota’s height however, there really was no problem with the whole eye contact thing. She was lucky if she reached a person’s waist or so. She took no pleasure in cramping her neck to look up to most of the people she had the joy to dialogue with. The mousy girl flinched as the light breeze caused her wound to burn, not exactly sure if that was normal but it occurred. Her gaze then landed on the sky and she smiled, it was a beautiful day and the water left a fresh sent. Dakota’s nose tingled with the fresh air, it was definitely better than being cooped up in a blacksmith’s shop.

"You can use my smock if you need it. I really didn't expect my brothers to land one so well on me. I didn't really bring bandages." She let out a small laugh at the scene that played in her mind of when she left.

She figured he thought she was incompetant. Not even bringing bandages to take care of herself. Knowing her luck he was just joking and would laugh at her like those other men and just leave. She had hoped not however, she felt a permanent flush invading her pallid skin and hoped she hadn't caught something. Dakota figured it would be her luck to go out on her own and die of her own idiotic nature of never taking care of herself properly.

Corvus MacCallum
02-16-09, 07:13 PM
Laughter certainly came from the Highlander but it was on a remark she was worried would offend, deciding to answer in the middle of his tall frame lowering itself down.

"Cheers lass, never really get to see them myself, glad to know others get some enjoyment from me sight heheh... looks a nasty one but simple enough. Might've guessed from the slab over my shoulder, but in my line of, non-artistic work I do get to deal with all kinds of scrapes and bruises, thankfully I don't scar much and from the looks of that wound, shouldn't leave a noticable one... may I?"

In that little out-burst of rather restrained speech Corvus had been bringing himself downwards, stretching out a foot and then bending a knee, the other following and then taking the lead as it bent and allowed weight to ease it further until finally he was upon his knees, a quick shuffle then brought the Wolfen warrior onto his backside, legs messily folded. He enjoyed the feeling of soft dirt and sand upon his feet and due to that had not bothered to bind up his lower legs in wrappings, exposing all the thick black fur with its white tips throughout, the large solid black claws jutting forth from his toes. Behind his rather still large form came the sound of wind being kicked up, his tail sweeping back and forth with just the end-half being visible when it reached either extreme of side.

"Shouldn't need anything, I keep a lot of spare bandages and such on hand, helps keep myself looking tidy."

Another quiet chuckle and for emphasis raised up his left hand, the hand was covered in a fingerless glove, but the fingers themselves along with his fore-arm showed a delightfully shaggy covering of fur, suprisingly soft to the touch though few ever took the opportunity. At the tips of his fingers were identical bone shapings to match his toe-claws but he'd had these all his life, he had gotten used to being careful and dextrous with them. The gloved hand then continued up until it reached his chin, claws scritching along the underside in thought for a moment as he appraised the wound... admittedly he appraised the leg it was attached to as well, but kept that subtle and minor. Last thing the girl needed was some creep pretending to give help.

"Oh, forgot didn't I heh?... I'm Corvus MacCallum, just call me Cor if you fancy and hey you've got a very pleasant arrangement of features. Looks like a bit of a bleeder but nothing... serious, hmm, do you mind?"

He had to lean a bit closer, hoping it didn't fret the girl and gave a deep breath, then it hit him thick and powerful, blood... innocent, unjust spilling and... clean. For the time being at least, he wasn't entirely knowledgeable of how infections were at the start but certainly had become aware of how they reeked when the middle-stage had been reached in its strange-hold of an injury. Straightening up steadily his eyes drifted onto hers and decided to elaborate, tapping a claw against his so far, unbroken nose.

"Got a good sense of smell, just wanted to make sure nothing had gotten in... should just need a wash and a good proper bit of bandaging."

Not to mention staying off it for a fair while but shes already drained enough of blood, might finish her off if I offered to cart her to the nearest bit of civilisation.

A sneaky though innocent-seeming smirk appeared on his lips as the Highlander fidgeted along his waist underneath the Poncho, before bringing forth a battered water flask and extending it, along with his hand to the short lass.

Would be well worth a laugh.

"Might be better if you handle washing it. Just pour the water around, no need to be stingy I just refilled it a little while ago at a well, touch cleaner than scooping up a handful here."

With his free hand the Wolf-man reached over his shoulder, slapping hard against metal, leather with metal trim and then finally leather and cloth mixed together into a carrying garment. Sharp tugs and pulls releasing the cover of his back-pack and then bringing out a rather well shredded, but pristinely coloured roll of bandages, rather easy to get ahold of. Dumping that on his lap his hand once more started to rummage within, a few winces as heavier objects shifted and smacked against his searching digits... then came a fine result, it looked like some worn leather book-cover but on flicking it over was revealed to be... an old leather book-cover that had some leaves stuffed within. With a solitary claw he lightly shifted through each one, most grew wild and prosperously so in the local area... could hardly preserve them for much time. Finally he found a rather wide veined green number, four fronds but a good solid circular shape, the very thing.

"Chatted to an Apothecary quite a ways back, this leafs meant to be pretty good at dulling pain, won't stop bleeding or infection, but really with a good pressured bandage over the top, neither of those will be a factor"

02-16-09, 07:44 PM
She blushed a wee bit more at hearing his laughter at her silly banter but it soon ebbed from sight as quickly as it had made an appearance.

Dakota wasn’t sure what to make of him. He was friendly enough albeit she didn’t really notice his eyes wandering on her form much. She was always used to odd stares. People normally did stare since in her small home they were all equally brunettes, brown orbs and deeply tanned. She however was quite the opposite and her brightly green orbs ringed in amber didn’t exactly help her fit in with her ‘family.’

“Well I think they’re quite lovely. People always stare and I presumed I look like quite the odd duckling amongst them! Probably not pretty enough for most.” She laughed lightly and gave a soft grin.

She always guessed the odd looks were because she was odd looking or ugly. She wasn’t one to fret in a mirror and wasn’t very womanly she was told. She was mousy and small and many of her male friends found the amusement in watching her flail in their arms in fear of being dropped. She pouted at the memories but knew it was all in good jest.

“I don’t mind! Do as you please. You know better than I. However, it’s a pleasure to meet you Cor. Most call me Cadence but on an occasion they call me Kota.”

She smiled a bright smile before brushing her white locks from her face. Upon seeing the flask she looked at it oddly. She didn’t remember seeing many of those. Then again her being allowed out was a bit of a rarity. She wasn’t sure if her step-father felt protective or just didn’t want to give her away to some man in town. She took it gingerly but her hands visibly shacked, not due to extensive weight but for some other unknown reason. She frowned slightly and took the cap off while cleaning her wound. Her small porcelain hands removed the blood she could before shivering. Dakota ignored her unpleasant shaking and handed it to him with a faltering smile. Her nose scrunched with the small burn of the fluid.

“Thank you for the assistance again. I was not too prepared, I just knew I was sick of beatings. I guess I need to work on the getting hurt part I suppose.” She shrugged lightly and grinned.

Dakota lightly pulled down the sleeve of her frock unknowingly and revealed a small thin white line crawling over her exposed shoulder. She was so pale that the scar even stood out as if glowing. She played with the dirt and sand with her hand as she still held the man’s possession in the other. Her trembling grew a bit less obvious but remained.

“Do you strike it as a blessing or a curse?” She inquired lightly while tapping her own nose in a coy manner for effect, incase he wasn’t sure what she was asking.

She couldn’t help but be curious, I mean she hadn’t met someone like him ever. She might as well ask right? Dakota wasn’t one who was short on things to say on an average.

Corvus MacCallum
02-16-09, 08:23 PM
"Blessing, my people are still very much natural hunters so having a strong sense of smell lets us keep food on the table and for those Highlanders like me that go off into the world for adventure, stops us from winding up on anything elses dinner table heheh. Can be a bit of a bugger though, high class gits, the snobs for example... some slap on that much perfume and powders it can make my stomach clench up. Also makes it pretty easy to recognize people from behind, I might not see the face, or the hair but I take care to memorize the scents"

He did seem to have a natural inclination towards quiet chuckles that just about made their way past his meat shredding teeth. Sometimes he did wish he could just take a single step to the left and see life from outside his own eyes, it had to have been such a great little clash of designs, himself wild, unfettered and large as life... the girl, frail, with any luck deceptively so... reserved and safe. Perhaps if he got the right kind of clout he'd have that out of body experiance, but right now attention was required, both hands working to unfurl a decent length of bandage, shredding off a chunk at the start, for a moment his hands stopped their work as he scooted upon his backside closer to her and then began his work once more. First the sliced off bit of bandage to dry the wound, despite the claws and fur of a beast slaying wolf he had a soft pressure to his dabbings upon her form and even if he caused much pain, the chilled leaf being placed lightly upon the gash would've hopefully soothed it. Then so very lightly he took the underside of her leg in his grip, smooth claws doing their best to try and not poke or prod against her pale skin. Gentle flick resulted in the start of her bandage wrap, once secured around and around the Highlander worked his hands at her injury, covered tightly and securely.

"Should be a proper job that... hmm, what was it you said, being an odd duckling?... Heard of a story somewhat close to that, not a very flattering title though. To me though you just seem like a unique one, I've tramped around a great few places and you do stand out when I run through features of folk I've met, closest I could match you would be an Elven girl I met near some Marsh-land."

Handiwork was done and brilliantly done at that, oh yes he was very secure in his knowledge that he had bound up her leg very well...

I'm forgetting something...

Then, thankfully the realisation hit him before perhaps the girl ever could, his hands parting from her almost frightingly delicate limb, with his black fur her skin tone almost seemed to be radiant in the light. He didn't jerk his hands away, much too blatant of what slight thoughts crept through his mind, no he merely set it down before both hands returned to his lap and began to push up upon his thighs. Upon his knees now the Highlander gave a brief glance further up the bank, not seeing... much of anything really, a few relaxing vagabonds and maybe a Peddler but it was a rather serenely peaceful day. Was also probably a good bloody jaunt from anywhere.

Should I?... shes still pretty flushed, although I'm not sure if the girl can get much colour in her face anyway, so very pristine. Aw hell might as well.

"You won't be able to put weight on that leg very well, at the least it wouldn't be a good idea to, if you fancy I can hoist you up and carry you on to the nearest bit of civilisation, I'm completely agendaless on this day and probably many more so I'm not losing any important time."

Her eyes certainly betrayed a bit of suprise, but there was no mimicry of a rabbit who had just caught sight of him, no she seemed perfectly at ease but unexpecting of the direct help once more. Poor lass must've never gotten treated right most of her life however long it was, Corvus wasn't great at ages, he'd forgotten his own more than once, he knew the lass was somewhere close to him... in that regard, but any precise figure was well out of his guessing. Allowing her a moment to get mentally prepared and take hold of her smock once more, the Highlander brought forth a leg to shift himself forward, left arm sliding below her thighs, thick fur brushing along porcelain skin, his right gripping at her back and then... he had to admit, really quite shockingly effortlessly he brought her into the air. A gentle rejigging of his hand placements brought her quite securely against his Blazen-hide poncho without any worries on her slipping through his fingers, the Highlander taking that moment to look down upon her form and gave a quiet laugh as he finally got a proper look at her face.

"I change my earlier opinion, you've got great eyes too. You were heading East right?... was taking that way myself, shall we?"

02-16-09, 08:49 PM
She scrunched her nose almost as if she knew what he was talking about. She remembered quite clearly the women coming into the shop, they smelt horribly strong of perfume and candies. Candies she considered were similar to a snuff box filled with more perfumed leaves or something of the sort. She knew it was unbearable and gave her headaches after a moment of just catching a whiff. However, it made her give out sympathy for the man. Given his nose it would be ten times as worse easily.

“That I can almost relate too. Women always came into the shop dolled up. Now given I am not the womanly type I've been told. I never understood why they came in smelling like ten fields of over ripened daisies.” She giggled and shook her head lightly.

She blushed faintly and giggled at the slight tickle of his touch. She tried not laugh but she could be ticklish. Dakota attempted not to squirm or shake from the laughter in her chest and succeeded for the most part. She took notice while he seemed rough he was actually quite gentle. She was a little surprised, albeit feeling bad for being surprised. Considering she didn’t know his nature and couldn’t actually say he was rude or courteous. None the less she was indeed happily surprised he hadn’t hurt her if at any bit.

“Everyone in the town when my parents left me there, they presumed I was some ‘creature’ they said. Everyone there was clearly deeply tanned, majority of them rather dark from sun in all aspects of features. There I come waltzing in looking like the black sheep.” She shook her head and a look of pain flashed in her orbs for but a moment.

Dakota wasn’t one to want acceptance but being treated like a leper did nothing to help the young child adapt. She was only small and really had no control over her looks let alone the genetics that went into making them. Nor could she exactly go to her mother or father and blame them for they dropped her soon after she could walk.

“It is good to have something nice for once said so thank you Cor. It was sweet.” She mentioned lightly.

Dakota was curious why his fur was so soft, she resisted the urge to out and just touch it. However when he asked she smiled in an appreciative manner and let him hoist her up with little pain to her leg, which was her greatest relief. The cool moist air eased her excess of warmth while she looked at the sand sparkle like chipped glass. They made many prisms of small color that you'd have to greatly pay attention to in order to recognize.

“I apologize if I’m heavy, Michael always said I ate too much.” Her voice seemed demur and soft.

She didn’t think she was fat by any means but she could only go off of what was told to her. She didn’t see a reason to doubt people, perhaps she was still a bit naïve. Dakota had no reason to really, aside from abuse she was quite friendly and easily let things slide. She blushed however at his comment about her eyes, a light cherry color with a small smile.

“Thank you… that was definitely a first. It is quite convenient that it worked out as such. Thank you for the lift.” She laughed lightly and gave a charming smile once again.

Corvus MacCallum
02-16-09, 09:16 PM
The Highlander had quite a generous helping of smile planted across his face, for the past few days he'd had rain strewn mud-heaps to contend with, a pissed off bear that wanted his fish... although that ended when Corvus roared and made the thing question its self-preservation. In general though, not been a relaxing or productive week, this was an exceptional wave of calm rushing over him and with any luck it wouldn't stop, there was potential for this to be entertaining if not enlightening, at least for one of them. Particulary when along came her comment on how she was treated as a creature, she could probably see the Highlanders point of view homing into sight from the horizon.

"That's something I can completely relate to, the bandage I used on your leg right?... Well most of the time I coil and bound my arms and legs with that stuff to try and stop people seeing that I'm part Wolf. Typically the more seperate races get a bit of respect, even in the boon-docks and bigot-fests of smaller isolated villages, but Demi-humans like myself don't get a whole heap of liking, we get seen as monsters in disguise or bad omens, though the more standard reaction is simple dislike and mistrust. Takes a hell of a time trying to hide my tail, once tried to bound it round my waist as some fluffy belt... hurt like hell, learning experiance but one solidly of 'don't do that again'. "

Throughout that little trip down memory lane Corvus had to wonder something else, just how malnourished was this girl, he had expected her to be light but for his unique strength the girl was barely a wisp upon his constitution. Stepping along he hadn't even noticed his thumb rubbing itself along her thigh, he did have a bad habit of fidgeting most of the time and right now he had a load in his arms that couldn't be shifted... didn't want to shift it either if he was honest, so his hands tried to keep themselves awake, with any luck she wouldn't take offence.

"If I remember right, there was one part of Salvar... thats my home region actually, that some noble women douse themselves in white powder because having a tanned hide means working for a living, charming isn't it?... I'm glad crap like that didn't catch on back home, mainly because its too costly and awkward to make the stuff. No reason for it among right-headed women at all, or blokes for that matter."

At this point he decided to glance down, chuckling inwardly at that delightful blush on her cheeks, despite being such a light shade of pink and red it really stood out on that fair skin. Not to mention her general colour scheme of bright, pale colours, it all contributed to make that rush of blood so very noticable. He'd barely paid any attention at all on his path and strangely fate seemed to want to punish him for it, large stones marring the delicate sands he was scrunching through with each bare plant of his feet. With a simple flick of his ankles the Highlander bounded from one stone, to the next and then landing so lightly upon the sand the hair-spikes that enjoyed blocking his view barely even swayed.

"Just glad I could help out with your travel arrangements, you certainly seem to have had a rough enough time, would be criminal and downright contradictory of my personal values to leave you be. Sides, wheres the harm in helping a cute lass in a bind?... One who is, really light, if anyone dare calls you heavy they must be a weakling, though if you've spotted the Slammer there..."

He gave a smooth shift of his head, motioning at the roughly bound handle jutting over his shoulder connected to the Six foot long sword.

"... you might guess I'm a little above average in psyhical prowess heheh."

02-16-09, 09:44 PM
Dakota now frowned, disagreement written all over her face at the way he said he was treated. It almost made her blood boil at that. He seemed so kind and quite helpful. He had helped a complete and utter stranger. How could they treat him like such an outsider? She did not come across many different outlanders, only coming to stop for weaponry since her step-father was known for them. She didn’t much see anyone keeping cooped up inside as well. She simply shook her head and pouted in a childish manner, her nose scrunches in a coy fashion as well. Even her green orbs seemed to brighten in her annoyance at that.

“You’d think with people being so narrow minded that their heads would implode on themselves.” She rolled her eyes.

Hearing his tail story though put her in a fit of giggles and she covered her mouth to muffle her musical laughter. That was one of the most amusing things she has heard all day.

“Well then, I quite fancy the tail. It’s cute.”

She giggled at the way she called his tail cute, not sure if it would offend him. However she highly doubted it, he seemed fairly rock solid on his masculinity. Only the insecure seemed so easily wounded by words let alone her words. Then she felt a light and constant brushing against her thigh. First curious she glanced at him but then found her eyes wandering. The second she felt it the second time it began to tickle and she tried her hardest not to squirm. Her full bottom lip was being lightly nibbled on to keep her laughter in. She was happy he offered, she didn’t want to annoy him with her constant amusement.

“I am quite glad as well. I’m not sure I’d like to be powdered like handled dough. Sounds rather uncomfortable to me. I’d be sneezing all over the place if anything.” She grinned sheepishly.

“Besides, I may be pale as death but I work. Just inside most of the time. Wonder what a scary thought that would be for them, making the discovery of work in the home.”

Dakota watched the man and grinned. He seemed off in his own thoughts, made herself feel a bit easy about her own zoning off from things. He was indeed kind she had rendered, having carried her. Was she really that light? Then again her small frame to her was average size so perhaps her large amount of weight to her was weightless to him. She listened to him as he spoke to her and raised an eyebrow in inquiry before noticing the rather large sword. Her eyes widened in an amusing manner before smiling another charming smile.

“That is a rather large one isn’t it? I wonder how nice it was to craft it.” She inquired out loud with a look in her eye that said she was certainly viewing past memories.

Her face however flushed another rich cherry color at him calling her cute. She was never really called such names. She wasn’t sure a male had ever said anything. Her own step-father was far to busy to give her nonsense compliments. Dakota took no offense to his not having time for her, she was just thankful he had taken in her child-like self. He did not have to was the way she saw it but he took it upon himself to do so.

“Am I really that light?” She questioned softly, looking up at him with an innocent yet curious gaze.

Dakota took truths about herself from other people more so than her opinion. She figured she would favor herself and be bias. She was greatly afraid of being pompous like those women she encountered at the shop. As Dakota pondered she unknowingly put her head against his chest and stared off for a moment.

Corvus MacCallum
02-16-09, 10:16 PM
"Or at the least their noggins would cave in after picking their noses for a half hour."

Nothing really seemed to present itself along this simple stretch of water-touched wilderness, though wilderness was definately giving it too much credit, rustic... rural... quaint, yea one of those would do for the Highlander. A momentary shuffle worked through his shoulders, not from discomfort or stiffness... it was more like a simple check that such things were working, he liked to keep in good condition. Then a slight wince crossed his face, nothing but a narrowed eye for but a brief second and certainly wasn't to remove the wide smile off his face, the results?... Well initially it started tickling up along her feet, then back of the shins until with a little sweep and rustle against his poncho... at a very awkward angle was that overfluffed tail of the Highlander.

"Cute huh? You should see it on Highlander pups, so stubby and since so many things are new to them it just wags incessantly"

Secure in his masculinity, that was true but never once had it actually sprang up in his thoughts. He was bright, some didn't tihnk so but only because he was a plain thinker, he didn't like to waste his synapses pondering on things that would likely never apply to him. From an early age he had an interest in girls, the bumps and curves mainly but in general just the company was a hell of a lot different from mucking around with the blokes, to any observer in the Highlander village this would've been a strange comment, apart from their features Highlander genders had all the same options available to them and being Wolves, tomboys were a very common occurance. When around men there was boistrous camaraderie and such but never anything romantic, those simple experiances as a teenager established, he wasn't a Dandy or at the least, didn't have those life-style choices.

Shes looking... looking at... oh heh.

"I honestly don't have a clue how it was forged, all I know is that I'm doing my damned best to keep its legacy going strong. I got this sword from the Captain of a Monster Hunting party I travelled with for a year or so, Wolf Brothers. Funnily enough, they had that name before I joined... one hunt things went wrong though and I wound up the only surviving member, last moment of that fight I had my old swords metal embedded in most of my upper body and my broken arms ramming up this Slammer into the heart of a Blazen dragon."

He gave a light nod hoping she'd follow the motion and actually behold the orange and red scaled Poncho he had draped over his form.

"I've made them something of a specific target, but I like to go after anything notable. I would love to find someone in the know and tell me a bit more about this sword, the Captain used to say it had been in his family for generations so it must have some legacy to still be surviving after so long."

02-16-09, 10:42 PM
Dakota giggled and tried to imagine it. She thought it fairly adorable, not so much in an animal sense. Simply the thought of a happy go lucky person made her warm up to the image.

“Aw, I’m sure they’re just as adorable. Surely they don’t have near as much charm though.” She teased with a coy smile.

As the breeze then blew a wee bit more than it was earlier she cuddled closer, shivering slightly. She obviously didn’t have much on her in the ways of warmth and had she not she didn’t have much flesh and bone to keep her warm either. She simply wasn’t used to the moist chill to the air. While refreshing it did make her a bit cold. The sky dimmed a bit but the luminous colors and the sound of bits of water did sooth her. The sounds of nature even in this between land gave her hope for a better future.

“I’m so plain. There really isn’t much experience I can hold as truly thoughtful. Sometimes I thought of being someone else, however the idea simply seemed so far fetched. I decided accepting me for the most part was the best I could hope for. Father never really liked me conversing with men.” She giggled.

“I’m sure he’d get a kick out of this. Being hauled up like a child.”

She thought to herself with a small smile. Dakota didn’t have much with the ways of men or women for the most part. Her father kept her ‘safe’ was how he established her solitary quarters. When she did wander men took a liking to her and a friend was a friend. Dakota wasn’t a very solo person in the making. She enjoyed company and easily became lonely and sad being by herself all the time.

“It’s a nice piece of work. Quite lovely. Although I am not sure who you would speak to. You would most likely have to track down the generations of smith’s who did the work. I’m sure they have a certain way of things if it is a generational sword.” She said with a smile.

She pulled her arms into her chest to keep warm seeing as for some reason her hands were ice cold. Dakota didn’t want to give him a fright or bother him with saying she was a bit chilled. She was sure she could bare it, nothing short of a trooper. Plus, no complaining from her was a policy, especially with someone so kind doing her a favor.

“Tell me about yourself. I’m curious.” She grinned and watched his eyes, they were indeed a pretty shade of green.

Corvus MacCallum
02-16-09, 11:01 PM
"You aren't plain, the problem is that you just haven't had the opportunity to get out in life and experiance things. Being yourself though, damn... It can take a lot of people years and years of mindless existence before they finally realise that as the best course of action, for myself it was very instinctive on what I'd become... I thrilled in the hunt. I loved to explore and find new areas of my homeland, think I was even the youngest Highlander at that point to venture into the Snow Wastes and return without losing a toe heheh"

Further and further along the two were brought along their own little idyllic paradise of rustic river-bank. Whatever chilled wind tried to mark against his suprisingly fresh face just could not gain a foot-hold, he was more than used to temperatures far below... and even above this, a Highlander was a survivor and quick to adapt. He was more than aware of just what kind of girl he was carrying and more importantly, alert enough to feel those soft little shiverings as her muscles tried to keep heat within them. Further shuffle of his shoulders brought the Back-pack flopping off and onto the crook of his elbow, bit awkward but for the next step it was rather essential.

"Don't just sit and shiver lass, its a bit stiff on the outside, but inside of this is pretty comfy. Do me a favour and put it on alright?... Worse comes to worst don't want you sneezing over me furred hide."

A bright smile, a shaking of laughter and then very lightly easing her off his chest just so she could get that poncho off. He had to admit, the sight of her in this particular garment would look rather amusing, possibly drowned in the firey colours.

"I'd be happy to tell you about myself, but only on two conditions... first, you also tell me about you and second, very important this, you can narrow it down a bit. My mind wanders quite badly at times and I'd like to keep as on-topic as I can to answer you."

02-16-09, 11:43 PM
She pouted softly like a child and nodded. Quickly helping him so he wouldn’t have to hold her so awkwardly. The warmth immediately insolated her by the material alone and she cooed softly like a content toddler. Snuggling within it she smiled charmingly at the man.

“Thank you very much for taking care of me. I probably seem like such a fool to most people.” She laughed lightly and grinned.

Dakota leaned back into his chest and yawned lightly, not being tired but the urge was still there. The chilled air didn’t bite at her as she was warm not but she was still amazed by the skies color. Being in his arms hindered her peripheral vision and she couldn’t exactly look around the ground. However, the sky was ablaze of color, like a canvas splattered with random artist’s paints. She sighed in contentment before looking up at Cor again.

“I suppose. I merely take what people tell me as the truth. I feel like if I were to give an opinion it might be biased.”

Dakota’s small frame was lost in the fabric but she didn’t mind, it was nice not to have to stare at her blaringly white flesh. She felt so pale, like snow white compared to Cor. It made her blush and feel just a wee bit self-conscious. She easily mentally berated herself for that thought though. Dakota was pale, she had to get over it and not be so girly all the time. This action of blushing she saw as girly seeing as she rarely did it. She remembered women always giggling loudly, blushing and then pretending to faint to grab a man’s attention.

“I suppose that all happened a bit didn’t it? Although I didn’t fake a wound…” She was talking to herself and forgot that Cor could probably hear her statement and not her thoughts. Thus probably confusing the poor soul with her childish blabbering about useless things.

“About yourself. Perhaps… your mother and father? Or siblings. Home life, something good. A positive memory that strikes you. You may wish whatever you ask of me. I will gladly tell it. Oh! I know of an idea. We shall play twenty questions. I know it’s a wee bit childish but I can’t help myself.” Her enthusiasm must have at least caused anyone to want to laugh at her but she didn’t mind.

“So with that said, tell me about your home. Mum and pop included.” She said it with such childish glee and a dreamy look in her eye.

She watched him closely, still mainly watching his eyes. Hoping he didn’t call her on it but then again she was sure she would. Especially if someone were simply staring at her face for long periods of time.

Corvus MacCallum
02-17-09, 12:31 AM
The Highlander gave a rather steady laugh, rarely though did he seem to laugh fully, often the noises just had to slip past his smirk and those dangerous teeth.

"You don't come off that way lass, ill-prepared maybe but if you have to flee from somewhere sharpish it can be hard to make sure you pack all the essentials like a warm coat, bedding supplies, flint, kindling when starting out. I'll fix you up a list when... or, if, we hit town... this is a bloody long path."

They couldn't have been travelling that long, but with the conversation and moments of interest along the way he'd certainly not been keeping track of time as clearly as a good Vagabond traveller should. With the Poncho removed it showed off just how Corvus carted around his two large swords, in fitting tradition it was pretty damn hap-hazard but functional, lashings of leather straps, belts, metal plates. All of it to make something for his Slammer to be chained to and for his Katana to be sheathed on, he had toyed with adding the Broadsword but it just wasn't long enough, plus far handier to have it at hand. Thinking about weapons and equipment while carrying a pleasant very cheerful woman in his mitts, such bad priorities, bad wolf!

"Homeland... hmm, that could be a bit of meaty subject. You don't have to worry about dredging up bad memories or anything, I try to take a positive spin on everything that happens in my life, even the loss of my pack-mates is positive in some way, its made me the solo adventurer I am today. But back on topic yea. Well Highlanders are a pretty small population so we just have the one main settlement, placed called Danube and I was the only kid my mum and dad managed... maybe that changed after I left, no idea to be honest. My Dad was a real Alpha male in so many respects, but only through hard-graft, my people believe if anything is worthwhile, it has to be earned... trust, respect, loyalty, posessions."

His eyes fell upon Dakota for a brief moment, wondering how she was going to interpret his people, he wasn't exactly an unusual case study of Highlanders but in many ways exceptional and he'd known it for a long time.

Sounds so horribly Egotistical, but they kept telling me I had potential... potentials good, I feel good about being, potentially good... I'm lost now, fuck it.

"Sometimes we have scrapes in the village with Slaver clans, Highlanders have massive endurance so as labour we make tempting targets, course we also fight like all fuck and so far theres never been a big problem. My Dad was the leader of the villages defence, one of perhaps the only guys who could rally the Ferals in the out-lying lands with a single howl. We got on pretty decently, I was a bit of a hot-head at times though and so at times there'd be some disagreements... never arguements though, my dad made sure to point out that what I whinged about wasn't important. He was entirely right, didn't think so then, but what kid honestly wants to believe that the parents really do know best?"

He just realised he hadn't taken his eyes off Dakota and with a quick shake of his noggin tried to rectify what could be a pretty bad faux pas and attempt to work out a better place to focus his sight, in his brief little break from talking his fingers were fidgeting slightly again, but the resulting restrained giggles got him back to reality and decided... hell with it, might as well look at her.

"My Mother though... now dad was the tallest dog around, he was big man of the village, never acted it, straight-laced and stoic. My Mother... had him right under her thumb at the faintest bark..."

At this he couldn't help it and started to cackle sharply, eyes closing, head leaning in, if it wasn't for Dakota he probably would've doubled over. Just that stark image of his powerful dad, warrior to end all within the village... whimpering and whining when his mother berated him, beautiful.

"I probably take after her the most, or my Grand-dad, only know stories about him though. But she was a pretty free-spirited thing in her youth according to a few of the Grey hairs. Definately have a right love of life even when she was raising me, not much for fighting to be fair, but she knew how to sort a problem when it arose. Plus... there are wonders in this world, but goddamn is it something special to see your own mother ripping apart a field with her bare claws for farming after shooing away the cattle on being too weak. Amazing woman, utterly."

Slow drawn in breath and then a long released sigh of rememberance, both his parents were still alive to the best of his knowledge and living their lives just like they had done. Was a reassuring thought, ah the lands of home, was almost a shame Highlanders were such a rare sight around the rest of the world, so rarely did he have decent competition at the pubs. On the bright side meant he didn't have to rush around trying to snap up the big monster kills, his people did so love their big conquests.

"Nooooowwww, what shall I ask of thee, hmm."

Simple logical deduction meant he wasn't going to question her in the same way, she'd run off from her house-hold, gotten a few souviniers for her trouble too, bad mojo in that rememberance, no maybe a different course.

"Ah theres a topic, can see all those colours through the sky reflecting in your eyes, you've got the same look I've seen on a few artists, so do tell, how'd you get into it?"

02-17-09, 01:18 AM
Dakota was listening intently to his stories. She was fascinated, was probably the only word fit enough to describe it. Coming from a broken home she loved to imagine life with a family. Albeit they had mishaps or something to that vibe but the thought. A mother, father, a family. A nice warm home, it made her deeply wounded and all together elated at the same time. The mixture swirled in her eyes without fail but she found it nice to hear regardless.

The thought of his people actually sounded nice. It seemed to hold a positive simplicity that she found most people lacked. Humans from what she had come to experience were too complicated and always had an agenda for every occasion. Normally it was always put in a negative connotation and it wound up injuring more than it aided. She sighed softly, thinking of her mother. She couldn’t remember her face but being left on the street is one thing a child doesn’t easily forget. She saw that as an agenda, having a child to keep a man while secretly dumping it else where after the wedding. An agenda, it ruined most lives she believed. She giggled softly at the thought of his mother, the image in her head was quite amusing.

“She sounds wonderful.” She mentioned lightly.

Now Dakota had to ponder how she got into art, not sure exactly how to explain it. She figured that being a blacksmith’s daughter just wasn’t right for her. One could tell just looking at her small delicate digits and mousy frame. While she was part of the family in some respects, she just wasn’t the burly male figures like her step-brothers. So she tried her chances at something she actually had a passion to do. While smith’s work was fun and albeit soothing since she pictured half those rods putting into the flames as her brothers. It simply didn’t sway her.

“I suppose I got into it because I just wasn’t born into it like my step-brothers. I mean look.” She wiggled her delicate fingers in front of her to prove her point.

They were fairly small and looked like they couldn’t even hold a sword albeit capable. She just giggled lightly and smiled.

“I took to something that really made me want to live. It just got me much better than smithing did. I suppose it fit me better too, since my brother’s never wanted me in the picture. I picked something I wouldn’t have to compete with them over. It wasn’t a contest I had found but a way of life that definitely soothed me. My step-mum had originally bought me paints secretly. Pop didn’t too much like me too much trying new things. I had his partnership and he expected me to be pacified with that.”

She smiled lightly and gave a small shrug. She wasn’t sure how else she could word it. Dakota would probably wind up just talking mindlessly and getting him confused.

“He was nice, he just couldn’t see past a family business. I understand wanting to pass your skills down but it made his sons hate me in the process. A female blacksmith to them was like a joke.”

Dakota definitely showed disagreement in her eyes regardless if she didn’t want to do it. She didn’t see why they thought so lowly of women, as if they were incompetent. At least she knew she wasn’t, perhaps that is why she was so defensive.

“Hm. Another question to ask you. What about… Any ladies. Anyone catch your fancy back home?” She quirked a brow.

She figured every warrior or adventurer had someone they wanted to get back to. At least in her mind that is what she figured. She had not met many but by chance the few she did meet had a maiden in waiting.

Corvus MacCallum
02-17-09, 01:47 AM

He had to check her face just to see what reaction would spread through it at that little revelation. Had not been the first time the Highlander found himself questioned, or suspected of having some lass back home keeping the home-fires burning.

"It just never seemed to click with me and any of the girls back home. Were friendships, maybe on their side they wanted more, but I kinda doubt it... Everyone pretty much knew that I'd be leaving the village and really it was best if I didn't make any firm connections to cloud my mind or break some poor lasses heart. So I stayed a Bachelor and have done to this point, had one or two close encounters of the romantic but nothing solid."

In all honesty he would've been happy just to say nope, but perhaps the lass would've enjoyed a bit more elaboration and perhaps even some motivation as to why. For him it was a pretty cut and dry thing and not something that really held much grip on his life, not yet anyway. Actually made some victory celebrations with the Wolf Brothers a bit unpleasant, with their gold and fame they would fill a tavern with whores and wenches for their pleasures... and he'd just be looking forward to the moment he was able to slip out and head for the wilds. He typically got that feeling when in any building though, he was just not an in-door Wolf.

Now came the burden of picking the right avenue for his question, in truth his mind was still working over her being an artist. He could definately picture it and with those dainty little digits could probably get involved in sculpting too, or pottery. Certainly had the general frame of someone who preferred the arts, he could surmise that simply because even a simple dagger looked ill-suited from her frame. Perhaps important to stress it wasn't due to her height, it was the demeanour, she looked like the peaceful type, excitable and ticklish sure but not something who had an awakened killer instinct. Perhaps that might change someday, he certainly didn't hope it would.

"Still at a bit of a loss on a question... hmm, okay how about... yea how about Food? What you like and maybe a few weird fancies or such, for myself I'm stuck with meat and quite often I prefer it raw. Do my best to crunch down vegetables when I can, but its just not right for a Highlander stomach despite the health benefits"

02-17-09, 08:13 PM
Dakota laughed lightly and shook her head. She was surprised she got more of an answer. Honestly, she had expected a one word. Men didn’t seem too fond on elaborating on much of anything. She took it all in stride though and had planned on simply letting him ask another regardless if he explained anything to her. At this moment she didn’t quite earn a reason to get answers out of him.

“Uhm food… that’s a bit of a conundrum. I would like to say mashed potatoes; I was always fond of those as a child. Perhaps Mangos… I do indeed love a good mango.” She trailed off with a childish grin.

She remembered when she was about eight or so. Mangos in her town were fairly rare. They weren’t harvested and the soil wasn’t very good for crops. However one man would come traveling through with all sorts of odd and strange fruits. Dakota’s small mind couldn’t fathom all the tropical colors as she perused through the little wagon. She settled on a bright red and orange fruit the man called a mango. She had fallen for them ever since and Dakota didn’t fall often for much of anything but art. She smiled at the memory, it was a good one that she kept of her childish endeavors.

“There was a man who came traveling through town. He always brought fruits from his travels. For me, his wagon was like a blur of tropical colors. Fruits with all sorts of shapes and they were wondrous for us as children. Mangos caught me eye due to the intense color and I thought if it looked pretty it might taste just as good. He told me about it a bit and gave one to me before being off again. Since then they have been a bit of a weakness for me. I don’t usually attain them but when I do I’m quite the little piglet.” She laughed lightly and gave a grin for good measure.

Now Dakota had to come up with an inquiry of her own. She wanted to make them count so she thought a moment. She had asked of family, a maiden. He had asked about food and her profession. What else could she possibly ask? Perhaps a battle? No, that was far to easy. He could easily go off on tangents. She was sure he had many a battle and would have plenty of stories. Pretty places? That was what she was curious about. She was not let out much, a story of new lands would be very interesting indeed.

“What about a pretty land you’ve seen. Anything that still seems to be recalled vividly as a nice place to wander through? Barren or not it all sits in the eye of the beholder I suppose. However, I am extremely curious.”

Just as she concluded voicing her thought her body convulsed mildly as she sneezed. She could not help it and continuosly sneezed until she was out of breath. Blushing profusely while nearly panting for air, she probably looked ridiculous. The red flush crawled across her freckled skin, framing her cheek bones and bringing out the color of her pink lips. She was tempted to say sorry but she figured there wasn't much to be sorry for. She could not count on when or not she would sneeze.

Yawning lightly she shook herself out of it and finally started to breath normally before grinning sheepishly.

"I hadn't sneezed on you!" She said with a smile.

Corvus MacCallum
02-17-09, 09:03 PM
"I'm very grateful for that too lass heheh. Hope you aren't catching something, last thing a healing body needs is a distraction. If it gets a bit darker how about you and me camp out tonight?... haven't the foggiest notion of when we'll hit a village, or even a farm-stead anyway. Not even spotted a fishing boat along these waters, pretty odd but not in a bad way."

The Highlander had almost felt like night crept upon them but after a few more steps wind pushed the clouds aside and gave them a great wash of colour through the sky. The sun was still setting but while it remained within sight there was no need to pitch up a camp and halt his journey. A journey he was starting to enjoy far too much to want an end of.

"Locations, well thats a tricky one... its just how varied things can get, well I'll run off a few and hopefully I'll have picked the right high-lights. First off, most dangerous... theres this almost cursed land way down in the South, very very small Kingdom, few outlying villages, nothing exceptional... place is called Findren and almost every single inch of the land is a foetid mire, sucking mud heaps, trapped gases violating the air and deadly creatures uglier than the land. Was a despicible filthy hole of a place, but it was an incredible location, houses built on vast stilts that gradually sank into the mire, great pontoon rafts to hold whatever good soil they could muster in order to grow crops. The castle of Findren is an awe-inspiring sight, theres no actual road to it, the land is just far too unstable to ever accept something so permanent. Long ago it used to be called a Monster land, where great beasts would come at some point in their lives, thats the only reason it got settled in fact."

Taking a moment he rejuggled all the details of the hideous place in his mind, about the Cultists, their strong-hold... the vast beast he had to kill, allowing himself to be captured in one of the Villages just so he could find the place... chains, horrible chains.

"But because of that, there are no good people in Findren, maybe honest ones... but everyone in that place is twisted or hateful and while Heroic deeds can be done, none are celebrated in that land, its all for the self and to have an easier life than any other. I'm hoping you'll never have to visit a place like that lass, though if you do, send word and I'll escort you, always helps to travel with something Scarier than the local fauna."

Chuckling quietly the Highlander continued his steps and leaps of thought, pouncing across his mental scape in an attempt to find somewhere notable for this lass to hear of. Findren sounded like some grisly childrens story to stop them leaving the house at night.

"Man its tricky working out a good location thats easy to find on a map, or even a region. In my travels I tend to avoid roads and just saunter wherever the wind takes me, through wild patches of forestry, along upheaved rocks or hell even across a mountain... fjorded several rivers too. In all honesty so much of my travels have been surrounded by genuinely beautiful locations, the sights, sounds... everything just worked so perfectly, harmony of nature, all that guff. You don't need to travel hundreds of miles to see an amazing location, sometimes it can be as simple as merely jogging half an hour out of town and taking a direction you've never seen the Traders head in. Sounds a bit philosophical but true enough, hope that answers your question luv."

Almost bit his tongue on that final word, he gotten some weird looks from calling females lass, it was just a typical word in his peoples community, the same with luv. Wether outsiders would term something like that so casually, he had gotten mixed results... some rather dangerous as he found himself high-tailing it from angry maidens who would call the guards on him. Then again those types of noble gits were always ready to try and put an adventurer in a place they believed them to fit in.

"Bugger, my turn again hmm..."

Crunch after crunch of strong soled foot against softly supportive sand kept the mismatched duo moving along. Corvus was doing his best to think of relevant and maybe even thought provoking questions for the girl, but she'd not had a chance to really get started in life and certainly it wasn't a fully pleasant experiance.

"Okay I've got a question, what do you think of me hahah?"

Finally, a laugh that got out from between those sets of so very lethal teeth.

"I'm joking, just pretty buggered thinking up a good topic. Oh how about guys in general, cute thing like yourself must have a hell of a time keeping them away, damn you already sorta answered that one didn't you?... least I think you did, memories a bit fuzzy... in truth, not the only thing."

He was tempted to make some sort of gesture but really, she was a bright lass, more than enough brain-power to detect the simple thread of thought within his almost still-born joke.

"What about immediate plans?... have you anything in your head about the future?"

02-19-09, 06:00 PM
She grinned softly, having not explored much she simply wanted opinions. Gradually she kept her mind on topic as he spoke but it was rather hard. She had one hell of an imagination and could only guess what other lands lay ahead of her. She stifled the urge to sneeze and took in fresh moist air instead. She couldn’t get enough of this new experience. Dakota felt so greedy, inhaling the air as if she was the sole proprietor. She curled up slightly and continued to watch Cor with interest.

“They sound lovely.” She mentioned lightly.

Dakota had wished she had half the experience he did. Even one third was suitable. Adventurers seemed to have the best experiences, good and bad. Albeit she had thought, if one doesn’t have bad then they forget to savor the good. So in all generalizations, she liked to have a bit of both. It kept her well rounded and down to earth. She had seen what too much easy living did to people, made them pompous, greedy and ignorant to those around them.

“The town wasn’t much for anything. Mostly children learning smith trading. There wasn’t much of a farming sort and the views were rather bland from what I had gotten a peek of. My room didn’t have windows facing the horizon so I didn’t see much sunsets either. Pity really.”

With a slightly shrug Dakota easily forgot most of what she had said. Mainly bantering on about home sort of bored her. There wasn’t much of anything to be done there and adventures were far and few between.

“The future… hm.” She muttered in a slight thinking pose.

Dakota really had only thought of the immediate future. She was being treated wretchedly and thus ran. However, she hadn’t planned where to, who she would see or anything of the sort. She did not know anyone out of the town, simply knew leaving was probably the best choice. Dakota really didn’t care too much where she wandered so much as she found a niche on her travels.

“Not quite sure. Never had a clean cut destination. Simply knew I wanted to leave. Bit of a childish act on my part but it’ll work out for the best I think.”

Looking around as he carried her she noticed there were no boats or anything upon the water, albeit curious she didn’t really want to ask why. Plus, she was sure had she seen a boat she would still be clueless seeing as she had probably only seen one boat in her life thus far and it wasn’t even in the water.

“Hm, question. How about… what’s your favorite color?

She knew it was a simple question but none the less, an inquiry was an inquiry no matter what it asked.

Corvus MacCallum
02-19-09, 06:29 PM
Several more strides and the Highlanders steady gait changed, though only momentarily. Another little cluster of stones marred the boundry between grass and sand but instead of being an obstacle or annoyance like last time, now they would serve a purpose. With a smooth little flex of his knees and thigh the Highlander sprang himself from the sand onto the stones. Keeping the cute lass steady within his arms and against his chest Corvus made busy with the lower half of his body, soles of his feet rotating and turning with weight shift to try and scrape off some of the sand clinging at the joints in his toes and the main pad of his feet. Taking one of those turns a touch too far brought the mis-matched duet a rather full twirl before finally halting back upon the sands once more, both able to now see the fading light of a sunset.

"Feels a bit narrow-minded to simply pick one, so how about that right in front of us?"

He couldn't exactly point, his hands were too comfortable supporting the lass' low weight and certainly wasn't interested in making her get down but clearly she got the idea immediately. The Wolf-man smiling from the sunset down to her face, watching as those myriad of bright ruddy oranges, yellows and reds reflected a tiny portion of their light in her sight. The light seemed to love playing across her form, from the fair skin and shimmering platinum blonde of her hair, so much of it just caught the last few rays of the day and put them to exquisite use. Whereas upon his own form, apart from simply showing things brighter, the light had no real display quality thanks to his darker hues and earthy colourings.

"You know if you still haven't worked out anything, I'd be more than happy to have you along on my own travels, no real fixed destination or direction but I assure you there shall be plenty of wilderness and the odd daring doo heheh. Although I will admit the rainy days will be hard for you, not able to avoid it I'm afraid, when soaked thorough I do stink like the mongrel I am."

Unavoidable fact of life with a Highlander, they could be as clean living as they liked, but when drenched through rain or neglecting to dry themselves correctly the water loved to make their fur waft quite pungently in all directions. Great pick up line of course, telling a girl that when things get a damp you'll stink to high heaven, oh yea, completely charms them that.

"Lets see, how about your favourite adventure story, I'm sure you must have heard or read one. Maybe some shining prince on a white stallion rescuing a Princess?... met a few knobs... uh, nobles heh, who like to keep that little image in their minds no matter what side of the gender divide they belonged to."