View Full Version : Hello! I'm Elizabeth Gage

02-16-09, 04:57 PM
Hi there, I'm Elizabeth Gage.
I love love to write so PM me if you want to thread!
What is there to know, I was kind of excited to be writing again, just seems like everything went inactive. It was a major bummer to me. :|
I can get hyper, so I apologize for my scatter brain.
I'm just excited to be moving for college and everything.
So yeah, hello! Feel free to talk, I'm quite friendly. :]
Besides, I don't think I know anyone here haha.

Corvus MacCallum
02-16-09, 04:58 PM
Thats a pretty unique and informative introduction, damn lass. So yea all the nicities of Heyup, have a good time I'm sure others will show up with some stock greetings but hey have a personalized one.

At any rate, nice hair colouring and from what I read, curious character for possible questing, give me a buzz sometime if you fancy a jaunt with a Wolf-man.

02-16-09, 05:01 PM
Haha, why thank you sir.

02-16-09, 05:04 PM
Welcome! I'm sure you'll find your little niche quickly enough here. If you need help with anything feel free to ask away and we can jump in at any time to give advice and/or answer questions.

It's always good to see a new face on the boards. As soon as I get a little bit more free time I'd love to throw a thread up with you, that should be rather soon as far as I assume, lol.

P.S. Imma steal your hair.

Alydia Ettermire
02-16-09, 05:08 PM
Don't eat the cookies. Ever.

You're not a guy, so I'll skip the redheads warning...

Watch out for the guys. Seriously.

Other than that, if you have any questions, PM or IM the people whose names are bolded like that (admins) or italicized like that (mods). It's their job to help people. If you can't reach any of them (which is pretty rare) then PM/IM a veteran. Most of us have spent time on staff and are more than happy to help newcomers.

02-16-09, 05:09 PM
Hehe thanks! I was a wee bit intimidated. I'll be around for that thread! I'm anxious to write again.

Eep, not my hair haha. Not that it stays one way for long. ^^

Tainted Bushido
02-16-09, 05:09 PM
Damnit Task, stealing all the cute ones!;) Welcome to the site Elizabeth, hopefully you hit your stride and stick around. There's always things to be done, so check around, and feel free to contact the mods or admins if you have a question!

02-16-09, 05:10 PM
Will do, thank you for the advice. I appreciate it sincerely!
And I don't really remember the last time I had a cookie. ^^;

Haha oh jeez. I'm far from cute! I'm just fun-sized. (I'm only 5'0)

02-16-09, 05:26 PM
Anyone willing to thread with me? *puppy dog eyes*

02-16-09, 05:58 PM
Fun sized? That's a funny way of looking at it, though my ex used to say that exact same thing... haha. Don't think I've ever heard it used that way since. :p

And if you're looking for a thread you can check out THIS (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=170) forum. It's for recruiting people to a thread, or just asking for people to do one with you.

02-16-09, 06:04 PM
Well, being only 5'0 people get fairly creative with what they call me. Small fry, fun-sized, midge, Thumbelina, Tinkerbell... it's a long winded list let me assure you haha.

Jeez, you have good timing. Haha, thanks AGAIN.
Something tells me you'll be getting a lot of my appreciation for a while.

02-16-09, 06:10 PM
Welcome one and all to the world of Althanas. Where imagination runs like the local river. Never ending and full of life and thigs.

As Task stated

P.S. Imma steal your hair.

I love blue hair. It is.. how you say my weakness like supermans is kryptonite.
but if you ever want to thread. Hit me up anytime anyday and I will be there ^_^

02-16-09, 06:12 PM
That would be fun! I need to get back into a rhythm. So I'm open to anyone. :]

02-16-09, 06:53 PM
Well with this character, I like to battle actually so battling is forte. So if anyone has ideas I'm game.

Elizabeth, do you have any instant messengers? Maybe we can talk about ideas over them if it is ok.

02-16-09, 06:59 PM
I can't guarantee I'm of much use in that arena but I can try!
Sure I wouldn't mind,

Shes Hypermnesic

There you go. :]

02-16-09, 07:03 PM
Five-foot-fury. That's your new nickname. No joke.

02-16-09, 07:08 PM
Haha, thats definately a new one.
But fury? lol.

02-16-09, 07:11 PM
ok where did you get fury task?

02-16-09, 07:15 PM
Fury: angry and stuff. I figure if she's already starting a battle... it was that or furry. Though you don't seem to be a furry, so that's no good, though kinda good at the same time...

<.< >.>

So what if I make little sense? It made sense in my head.

02-16-09, 07:20 PM
Welcome! Make friends and check out the Scara Brae Mission Board (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18219)

[/shameless advertising]

In other news, your opening post reminds me of my old Myspace days. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. >.>

Caden Law
02-16-09, 07:24 PM


That is all. D:

Cyrus the virus
02-16-09, 07:33 PM
Hello Elizabeth.

Why are you taking pictures of yourself over your kitchen sink? You could encourage some of the other women here to work the stove once in a while, yeah?


02-16-09, 07:34 PM
*insert offensive sandwich-related comment here*

We love you, Cyrus. =p

Cyrus the virus
02-16-09, 07:35 PM
I made muffins before :)

02-16-09, 07:37 PM
who cares for muffins? I HATE THEM!!! THEY RUINED MY LIFE

Cyrus the virus
02-16-09, 07:39 PM
Fatty rage :(

02-16-09, 07:48 PM
Haha, I'm sorry?
I'm a center crazy girl, not sure why that is.
Suppose I'm a wee bit click happy sometimes.

02-16-09, 07:50 PM
I am not fat. They took my love from me (pies). My mom made me pick pies or muffins and i was stupid

Cyrus the virus
02-16-09, 07:50 PM
What's 'center crazy'?

I am not fat.

Oh ya rite.

02-16-09, 08:05 PM
My name? Haha, yay then?

As for centering, when I introduce myself. I center everything for some reason.

And as for kitchen's, I'm bored. I have moments like those a lot. As for kitchen working, I'm against it seeing as I can't cook haha.

I'm a wee bit fat? But I am sad to say I don't share either love for pies or muffins. I haven't had either in years.

02-16-09, 08:31 PM
Hello, Elizabeth.

Normally I would've said "Grittings and welcome!", but I guess stock greetings are frowned upon for this particular thread for some reason.

Bloody wanker, the person who decreed that.

You got purdy hair, by the way.

02-16-09, 08:53 PM
Haha why thank you. :]

Cyrus the virus
02-17-09, 12:58 AM
Haha, I wasn't calling you fat. Don't be silly.

02-17-09, 01:07 AM
Haha, I wasn't calling you fat. Don't be silly.

right. you were calling me fat.

Cyrus the virus
02-17-09, 02:22 AM
Why, yes!

Tenmatsu Tenimi
02-17-09, 04:35 AM
I am not fat. I am a healthy 165, 5'8, 18, 19 on saturday man. So that is not fat.

*You are evil Cyrus. I shall extract my revenge on you shortly*

Edit : This is shinigami_90

Alydia Ettermire
02-17-09, 04:40 AM
*You are evil Cyrus. I shall extract my revenge on you shortly*

You can't do voodoo on someone by force of ill-willed thoughts alone. You need something they've physically touched. I think you're probably out of luck there, little bit.

Tenmatsu Tenimi
02-17-09, 04:43 AM
Well I will find a way to get back at him. Be it cyber revenge or what, i will extract what I want from him. and that is his pain for him calling me fat.

Alydia Ettermire
02-17-09, 04:58 AM
Well I will find a way to get back at him. Be it cyber revenge or what, i will extract what I want from him. and that is his pain for him calling me fat.

... ... . . . riiiiiiiiiight. Sure.

Tenmatsu Tenimi
02-17-09, 05:00 AM
I do not take people calling me fat lightly, i dont take anything lightly ok? i take everything to heart. it is how i was raised. 3 brothers who were so stuck up and took everything so serious.. so yeah i got the trait as well.

Cyrus the virus
02-17-09, 05:13 AM
Make sure you don't drown in your own bitter, fat tears.

02-17-09, 05:18 AM
God damn it cyrus i am not fat!!! Stop calling me fat!!

02-17-09, 05:59 AM
The internets: Serious business.

Lighten up, man. You're killing this poor girl's introduction thread with negative self-esteem issue vibes.

02-17-09, 06:02 AM
Well I am sorry. Please forgive me everyone, i've had a bad day, it was a bad weekend for me and it just was too much and well i am truly madly sorry.

02-17-09, 08:31 AM
I'll be none too pleased if I have to step in further because an argument started, over the internet, about who was fat. Let's all just relax and remember Cyrus has an equal chance to be a tub of butter, and take solace in that.

On a lighter note, welcome.

02-17-09, 12:42 PM
And thats all I've got to say.
Except I will steal your panties.

Cyrus the virus
02-17-09, 04:08 PM
I want a bacon sandwich wrapped in lard. Mmm.

02-17-09, 04:31 PM
Except I will steal your panties.

Okay, now we've officially become Myspace.

02-17-09, 04:31 PM
AAAND I think this thread has given a good understanding of how utterly insane most of the people on Althanas are. So welcome to the nut house!

BTW are your eyes two different colors? It sort of looks like that in the picture. If so that's awesome.

02-17-09, 04:52 PM
Sorahn, everyone on this site is gotta be nut case. Or else why would we all be here so much?

02-17-09, 06:05 PM
Sorahn, everyone on this site is gotta be nut case. Or else why would we all be here so much?

Suicidal tendencies?

02-17-09, 06:14 PM
Doesn't Althanas membership come standard with a straitjacket? I thought someone was in charge of that....

Alydia Ettermire
02-17-09, 06:19 PM
Doesn't Althanas membership come standard with a straitjacket? I thought someone was in charge of that....

They got too expensive to give to everybody, so we only issue them to people who stick around to level 1 now.

Manacles come at Level 5, and a face mask at level 10.

02-17-09, 06:20 PM
I want a straight jacket!

02-17-09, 06:37 PM
You can have mine. I don't have much use for it anyways except when my victims get a bit too rambunctious, damn them. And hell, thats what handcuffs are for, right?
Either that, or stick around til Level 1. And see what surprises lay in store for you.
Like giant pink elephants.
Wait, that came with the morpheus root...nevermind...

Anyways, I think we've gotten off track of what this whole thread was about. Then again, she's been quiet it seems, so...

02-17-09, 07:51 PM
Hehe, I apologize. I was merely amused.
I go off on tangents myself so it was nice to sit back for once and enjoy.
hello everyone!

02-17-09, 07:53 PM
As for my eyes, not quite. They're an off mixture.
Sometimes brown, sometimes green, sometimes hazel. :]

02-17-09, 08:51 PM
They got too expensive to give to everybody, so we only issue them to people who stick around to level 1 now.

Manacles come at Level 5, and a face mask at level 10.

What about people who have been on the site for 6 and a half years? <.<

I should probably have my own ward by now.

Alydia Ettermire
02-17-09, 08:54 PM
What about people who have been on the site for 6 and a half years? <.<

I should probably have my own ward by now.

You're level 5. You should have your jacket and manacles. The fact you aren't a ridiculously high level means that you have something in your outside life that keeps you sane-ish.

02-17-09, 09:10 PM
But the fact that I'm still here has got to say something about my sanity. In a bad way.

Actually, the truth is they keep me locked up in the back and let me out every once in a while to scare the newbies. ;)

Alydia Ettermire
02-17-09, 09:13 PM
But he's still safe to let out. There's this one guy, went by Call me J...

We don't let him out anymore.

02-17-09, 09:30 PM
I wouldn't say safe...

There was that one time... poor Naruto clone character never saw it coming...

They've had to buy a thicker chain since then.

02-17-09, 09:55 PM
This thread has become and incredibly long, incredibly off tangent discussion about straight jackets and locking people away.

It's quite amusing.

And I've been here for 6 years too. Though my highest character is level 5, I think cumulative exp between the bagillion characters I have should put me at about level 15. I got the jacket, mask, and a nice comfy padded room in the back. Haha.

02-17-09, 10:06 PM
It's a test, really. If we tell her what really goes on here and she still sticks around then we know she's a winner.

Like I said, they let me out to scare newbies.

But yeah don't mind Task. He's got the cell next to mine in the back. Though they usually put him to work doing the heavy lifting Admin work. You'll see him all over the place... moderating and the like....

Alydia Ettermire
02-17-09, 10:10 PM
Yeah...Task is pretty much the only judge right now, so he's out a lot to do his heavy lifting work.

02-18-09, 12:14 AM
But helpful, so I owe him one. Admin or not haha.
I'd probably be utterly clueless.

Oh! And I really like the saying for your signature.
I meant to say that a wee bit ago.
Sort of lost track of the thought process in here haha.

Alydia Ettermire
02-18-09, 12:35 AM
Thank you. It's kind of a motto for the character...and a reminder. ;)

Cyrus the virus
02-18-09, 02:05 AM
How do you prepare for a tornado made of fire, sucker!?

Max Dirks
02-18-09, 02:13 AM
7 pages in a day? I think the lesson is not to post your picture in an introduction thread, Miss Gage. Aside from that, welcome to Althanas.

02-18-09, 06:47 PM
Haha, I didn't expect it to cause a commotion quite honestly.
But I got amusing tangents from it so it seemed to turn out fine.
Thank you though for the hello.

Lord Anglekos
02-18-09, 06:54 PM
Haha, I didn't expect it to cause a commotion quite honestly.
But I got amusing tangents from it so it seemed to turn out fine.
Thank you though for the hello.

Thats what happens when you come into a forum with a whole bunch of glassy-eyed nerds curled up in front of their computers with some LoTR or Terry Goodkind books at their side. You get lewd stares, flagrant (and not so flagant) flirting, metaphorical punches in the face, egotistical morons, Naruto fanatics (with Sasuke-Naruto yaoi fanatics...Note: NOT THE SAME THING), and then some.
I'd tell you to geddout before its too late, but its too late. So ha. Deal with it.
Aaaaaaand welcome.

02-19-09, 12:41 AM
Thats what happens when you come into a forum with a whole bunch of glassy-eyed nerds curled up in front of their computers with some LoTR or Terry Goodkind books at their side. You get lewd stares, flagrant (and not so flagant) flirting, metaphorical punches in the face, egotistical morons, Naruto fanatics (with Sasuke-Naruto yaoi fanatics...Note: NOT THE SAME THING), and then some.
I'd tell you to geddout before its too late, but its too late. So ha. Deal with it.
Aaaaaaand welcome.

I didn't know we were Gaia...

Cyrus the virus
02-19-09, 02:24 AM
kekeke lol ^_^_^!!!

Lord Anglekos
02-19-09, 08:50 AM
I didn't know we were Gaia...
Yeah, the Gaians invaded.
Beware the ninja stars. And lots of screaming attacks.