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02-17-09, 06:58 PM
Name: Sel Kale
Nickname: Kale or Teddy among good friends

Race: Human

Gender: Male
Age: 42 Althanian years
Hair Color: Light brown with a spotting of gray
Eye Color: Pale blue
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 192 lbs

Appearance: Muscled like a professional soldier, Kale has never been one to be taken with a light heart or a soft hand, even if he is well into his middle years. His cold pale blue eyes have been known to seemingly pierce the very souls of men, causing an unbridled fear to boil in their breasts, while in stark contrast, have been known to swoon even the most unapproachable of women. Hard lines and rugged features give his face the appearance of one who has been beaten once to many times over the face with a brick, but this, earned through hard years experience, has only helped to improve his rugged handsomeness. His light brown hair is cut short, almost to his scalp, to alleviate any attempts at restraining him with it and is flecked with spots of gray, the only real sign of his age. Even then it is difficult, as most people never get close enough to see these tell-tale signs. Heavily calloused hands, earned from long hard years behind the blade of a sword, hardened further behind the sickle blade of a plowshare, further the rugged appearance of a man who has never taken no for an answer and has stared death in the eyes on more than one occasion. A beast of a man they call him, and as well they should, lest they find the softer part of this man, the part that they would kill for.

Personality: A wild child in his youth, but with a strong head on his shoulders, have led Kale into manhood as a stubborn, head strong individual who very rarely excepts the answer no and will go to almost any length to get done what needs doing if he sees it needs to be done. This, of course, has gotten him into a lot of trouble in the past, but it has also saved his, and many other lives, in the process. Few however, would ever believe that this short, heavily muscled man would have a gentle heart and more than eager helping hand to those in need. Quick to joke and quick to smile amongst friends, the big man Kale has been known to be referred to as a giant Teddy, after the aptly named stuffed bear that children cuddle at night. When stirred to anger however, the soft teddy becomes an enraged fire sprite, fearing nothing and stopping only when justice has been served.

Armament: On person: Steel hunting knife.

Claiming ownership but not equipped: One steel rapier. One carved oak crossbow with steel bindings and working mechanisms, along with 30 steel armor piercing bolts. One non-working display replica of officers armor. One double headed steel battle axe. One aged warhorse, with all appropriate harnesses and gear.

The mentioned items above are all on display in his house and are hardly ever removed or used.

Proficiencies: Rapier: Kale had always been good with a sword and through a constant display of skill throughout his military career, cemented the belief that he was indeed, above average.

Axe: The head strong individual that he is, one would normally think that he would lean more toward a weapon designed to cave in as much flesh as possible. Surprisingly however, as he proves on countless occasions, Kale disdained the heavy weapons, saying they were too cumbersome and didn't quite carry the finesse of his favored blades. As such, he is of a below average skill level. It's an axe, you just swing it around screaming like a mad man and most people leave you alone, right? Yes, that was his thought process too.

Crossbow: The ever head strong Kale, in and amongst most of his other surprising qualities, has always tried to fight smarter, not harder. As such, earlier on in his career as an officer, he took up the crossbow and used it with devastating effect. Never one for become a professional shooter and living the life in the lime light, he cautiously kept his skill level at just about an average level.

Additional Skills: Horsemanship: The job of an officer, of significant rank, is to do three things. 1) Sit on his horse, with his armor shinned to near sun like brightness and look pretty while the grunts handle all the dirty work. 2) Yell at his subordinates to push his men harder, to fight stronger and not let up. 3) When things got real hairy, sound the retreat and run to save his lace shrouded hide. At least, that was what he was always told. Kale, believed differently and as such, lead his men from the front and was always where the fighting was thickest. Well, some of the time anyway. Other times he did his best to let the fighting men do the fighting men, and the thinking men, such as himself despite what other officers said on the matter, do the thinking. As such, he developed a slightly above par skill at handling his steed while under great duress. (Unknown to him however, or perhaps he did know, and just didn't wish to let it be known, is that the horse did a lot of the thinking, walking, galloping and jumping for him, allowing him to focus on other more important things, like keeping his skin attached to him as the gods gave it to him.)

Farming: Lets face it, the man's a life long soldier. He's terrible but for the sake of his wife and his children, he tries his best. What else can a man do for the heart and souls of his life?

Skinning, hunting and other essential, non-military skills: He's only slightly better at these than he is at farming. At least he gets food on the table! That has to count for something.

History: This history of one Sel Kale has mostly been a mystery to those who know him, what little his known however, is this. Raised in a family of mid level aristocrats, Kale, as he called himself later in life, was just rich enough to taste true wealth and crave it, but just poor enough to feel the sting of poverty and fear it. At the age of sixteen, and for reasons that were unknown to any save himself, Kale ran away from home and joined the army. There he served with distinction for twenty years, earning himself the rank of Colonel and command of a battalion of two thousand men. Then, just when his career was reaching a possible crescendo, the highly respected Kale retired and left the army to marry his late wife and have two children. He purchased a modest amount of land, built a comfortable house with his own hands and has lived there ever since. No one, to this day, knows why he did what he did, not even his good friends from the army, whom his still converses with on occasion. One thing is certain however, and that is in all their years knowing the man, they have never seen him smile so much.

02-17-09, 08:15 PM
Hey, and welcome! I'm going to have to ask that you change the name, as it's a direct copy of a name from a movie.

Second thing, I'm going to have to ask that you get rid of all the extra gear except a couple at most. And you may want to add what skills you have with the weapons that you pick. One can be average, one below average, one above average.

02-17-09, 08:55 PM
I hope this is up to snuff, now. =)

02-17-09, 09:01 PM
Approved, use the extra stuff in moderation. Lol