View Full Version : ... Wanna be firends? o.o?

Aphira Ronameki
02-18-09, 07:30 PM
Sorry for the noob-ish-ness of this, but I really don't know anyone from here that well, and the only two people I do know, don't seem to ever get on... o.O

So, umm, wanna be fraaay-ennds? ^^ I swear I'm only a little bit crazy... xD

((Edit: Sorry for the [sup] things in the title as well, >.<' I thought it would work since I noticed some other similar coding... But it didn't, so, oops...))

Lord Anglekos
02-18-09, 07:35 PM
Crazy people are my specialty.
I have a room for you and everything.
Although I don't think you want to be friends with me. I tend to kill my friends and all that jazz.
But if you can get over the whole dying thing, then sure! Like, wow, whatever. Lets hook up. Giggle giggle.
Seriously, just visit my myspace (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=391991990) and send me a friend request if you have one.
Until then, later.

02-18-09, 07:38 PM

EDIT: jk.

I'm sure you'll find tons of people you can relate to in here, making friends is one of the bonuses. Usually I'm on AIM. Most of the socializing between members of Althanas is carried out through AIM nodaways. Drop me an IM

Aphira Ronameki
02-18-09, 07:40 PM
o.o Who, me?

02-18-09, 07:55 PM
Hmm... Why not? Drop me an IM too... Y!M or AIM... Doesn't matter to me one way or the other.

Aphira Ronameki
02-18-09, 08:12 PM
Lol, thanks Melancor. ^.^ I wasn't insulted, just confused... xD

MD, I wish I still had Yahoo! Messenger.... It's not on my laptop, and everytime I try to download it, it acts all funny and doesn't let me... T.T

((Edit: Okay, now it won't download AIM either, and I don't know why... o.o))

02-18-09, 08:15 PM
That's alright. I have AIM too

02-18-09, 08:30 PM
So, umm, wanna be fraaay-ennds?



Ok, but only if you promise to remain cute and only slightly crazy.

Tainted Bushido
02-18-09, 08:31 PM
Sure, I'll be friends with anyone, just ask me.

Modest too...

Alydia Ettermire
02-18-09, 08:39 PM
Lol, thanks Melancor. ^.^ I wasn't insulted, just confused... xD

MD, I wish I still had Yahoo! Messenger.... It's not on my laptop, and everytime I try to download it, it acts all funny and doesn't let me... T.T

((Edit: Okay, now it won't download AIM either, and I don't know why... o.o))

Try Web Messenger (http://messenger.yahoo.com/web/) or AIM Express (http://o.aolcdn.com/aim/gromit/aim_express/gm/081202.1/WidgetMain.html). No downloads necessary. Web Messenger will even save your conversations.

Yari Rafanas
02-18-09, 08:42 PM
Trillian is also a good bet, but it seems you have difficulties downloading stuff.

Tainted Bushido
02-18-09, 08:43 PM
^ This man speaks wisdom. I trillian it up and its always been good to me...

Fireball Fran
02-18-09, 08:47 PM
Sure I'll br friends. And I hate this computer T_T it wont let me sign into yahoo or aim..

02-18-09, 09:43 PM
Ello poppet!
I know how the whole come into it knowing no one concept haha.
Welcome, and if you need anything admin's are well nice.
Friendwise, I certainly don't mind. :]

Lord Anglekos
02-19-09, 08:43 AM
Ello poppet!
I <3's this person now.
And Trillian? What in the 9 hells of boredom is that?
Sounds interesting.
And free.
Please tell me its free.
Aphira's cute.

02-19-09, 09:18 AM
Sure I'll br friends. And I hate this computer T_T it wont let me sign into yahoo or aim..Hoo-wee! Two redheads that want to be "friends". ;) Now, all we need is some massage oils, strap-ons and a video camera.

Cyrus the virus
02-19-09, 01:19 PM

02-19-09, 05:03 PM
Hoo-wee! Two redheads that want to be "friends". ;) Now, all we need is some massage oils, strap-ons and a video camera.

Dear god you just get creepier and creepier.

Tainted Bushido
02-19-09, 05:05 PM
Hoo-wee! Two redheads that want to be "friends". ;) Now, all we need is some massage oils, strap-ons and a video camera.

CHrist DUro, you've really let go haven't you? I suppose its time to find you a new porn site...

Yari Rafanas
02-19-09, 05:07 PM
And Trillian? What in the 9 hells of boredom is that?
Sounds interesting.
And free.
Please tell me its free.


Fireball Fran
02-19-09, 05:10 PM
Hoo-wee! Two redheads that want to be "friends". ;) Now, all we need is some massage oils, strap-ons and a video camera.

ok that does it Letho stay back, I have a tazer. And am ot afaid to use it ^_^

02-20-09, 09:34 AM
Girl, after all the redhead hunting, do you really believe a simple tazer can stop me? ;)

The sad thing is I thought that the link in Yari's post was a link to a porn site. It's not.

02-20-09, 09:44 AM
Good grief, people... You're gonna' frighten the poor girl!

It's alright, honey, I'll protect you....

with candy

and a suspicious, windowless van in the alley over there

02-20-09, 03:54 PM
Don't make me let Asuka back onto the site, Duro. I know she's about th....

...On second thought, maybe for another time.

Welcome to Althanas, Aphira. You won't have to worry about making friends here, we're all friendly like that. Though somewhat not quite sane, but who in the world really is?

I didn't even know anyone when I first joined. That was over 3 years ago.

If you're in need of additional starting gears, head on over to the Bazaar! We have over 1000 items (underestimated figures) to choose from and various helpful (and some just wierd) NPCs to interact with! Also, if you have any problems, a PM to your friendly resident Moderator is only a click away.

And remember: Our Business is Life Itself-

*Gets whacked in the head for using copyrighted material

Aphira Ronameki
02-20-09, 07:48 PM
Well, I'm terribly sorry to ruin anyone's day, but I have a tendency to prefer men... xD
No offense to Fran, that is. ^.^

...But umm, if it's still offered, I'd love some candy... xD

Cyrus the virus
02-21-09, 01:13 AM
WOO FOR MEN we rule!

Lord Anglekos
02-21-09, 09:14 AM
WOO FOR MEN we rule!

Hear hear!
And someone get some Reese's for this girl.
Its business time, and I'm hungry.

Aphira Ronameki
02-22-09, 03:40 PM
Lmao. Yay for the Reeses?

Lady Blackwell
02-23-09, 01:25 PM
mmm Reeses.

Well i got all three messengers and have quite a few people on this forum on them,

i started with two of my friends on here, they left and left me all alone in this dark and creepy corner of the web-iverse.

but dont worry, Cyrus is only a little wierd, Letho, your best bet is to steer CLEAR of him.

ummm i thinks those cover the crazy dude's that i am aware of on here haha

anyways to all Althanians

MSN: Davis_269@msn.com
Yahoo: Jon_cannon1990
Aim: Rawrimcaboose

so there's what you may call a little person obssesed with IM's living inside of me ^.^

anyways, i am always happy to be friends add any of the above if you so desire.

and run away from that candy, Witchblade likes to poison it all on the forums.

WOO FOR MEN we rule!

Psst not all men Rule some can be quite scary and be rather dis-tasteful :p

Lord Anglekos
02-23-09, 02:21 PM
Psst not all men Rule some can be quite scary and be rather dis-tasteful :p

Hey! Hitler was a one time thing, 'aight? Jesus, you make one joke about the genocide of Jewish people....well, when you look at it like that...hmm....
I think I'll get back to writing.

02-23-09, 03:08 PM
In all truth, I thought that the Hitler joke was quite funny. Maybe because of my German ancestry. :cool:

Lady Blackwell
02-24-09, 07:16 PM
-pokes letho with a stick- bad Letho, now go scuttle home!