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View Full Version : The Althanas Suggestion Thread Returns Once More!

Max Dirks
02-19-09, 01:56 AM
It's that time of year to run a suggestion thread.

Do you have any comments, suggestions, thoughts on your experiences here at Althanas? Is there anything you'd like to see changed, anything you'd like to see added, anything you feel could be improved?

Keep in mind that we take all suggestions and comments very, very seriously, and some of the features that make Althanas what it is today were first recommended by members.

Don't forget that you can create a thread anytime throughout the year if you have a concern about the site too if this thread gets buried a few months from now.

Cyrus the virus
02-19-09, 02:22 AM
Don't take away custom titles from people who totally deserve them >=(

02-19-09, 02:23 AM
what does that mean cyrus? hmm i think we need to get more redheads on the site...

Max Dirks
02-19-09, 03:27 AM
This thread is for serious comments only.

02-19-09, 03:29 AM
Sorry. I was laughing about something with a friend and well we were talking about redheads. I'm sorry.

02-19-09, 05:14 AM
Finding a way to implement this Athanas style:


I honestly see something good coming from it.

02-19-09, 06:24 AM
I actually agree with the guy above me, Vegna, smart idea, I would love to see it brought to fruition.

Cyrus the virus
02-19-09, 07:01 AM
I tried to organize a boss battle somewhat similar to that through a series of quests with one of my other characters, Izvilvin. The antagonist was someone many warriors of Althanas would have had to band together to fight against, but I didn't finish the quest string. I still plan on it happening eventually.

So I don't think it's really an Althanas suggestion. People can absolutely accomplish that on their own and recruit people to fight in it like any other quest. Except for the rewards, of course. Still, at the end of the FQ it's safe to say there will be some climactic battle. So we sort of have boss battles as it is.

I think the new way of judging threads (possibility of short judgings) is a step in the right direction. I don't need a long judgment for most of my quests, since I'm rather experienced here and the feedback is generally the same.

As for ideas... Hmm. I'd like to see the Theater of War finally return, but with minimal rules. All the text and subtle things in the last season's rules really turned me off, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

My biggest gripe with the site is one that can't really be helped without dedicated staff. Althanas needs a timeline that actually moves forward, a moving storyline at all times, someone at the head of storylines to actively drive forward the things that happen. The FQ has been there for far, far too long and needs to be dealt with. Each region needs an active leader who is rewarded for their efforts to make writing for the region as rewarding as writing for their character. I don't think we really need a set calendar, but things need to move. Alerar's been in that civil war for 103204928 years, it feels like. Buuut lack of dedicated staff has always been the major issue for these types of things.

I think the staff needs to be given some measure of compensation for their efforts. I'm not going to start the whole EXP rewards debate again, but it doesn't need to be 100% volunteer work. There's a reason why judges get burned out, and I think that's mostly because being on staff is give give give.

There isn't a big sense of community, IC. Characters make allies and enemies all the time, but most people limit themselves to writing with 2 or 3 people and have a static group. I think that region writers should be encouraged to create events and issues in their regions that need to be dealt with (no, not like adventurer's boards). Say once a month a region writer makes a thread about how the main city is under attack/has no food/is on fire, a news post goes up about it, and the first three people to respond to the thread can participate and they get double the normal EXP and an awesome reward.

I guess my main idea is for the regions to become more alive and moving and realistic, and be more than just a place for people to write their own stories. I feel like each region should have its own set of villains and issues, not a laundry list of baddies or anything.

02-19-09, 07:51 AM
I have to agree with Cyrus about the fleshing out of the regions. Anyway, to add my own two cents, I'd like to see the return of the old /iw theme that we used back when I started. Someone had tried to implement it before, but the entire idea disappeared at some point.

Something's going to have to happen with the FQ eventually. I don't know what's even going on inside the FQ itself anymore. Of course, that's got a lot to do with my disappearance last year.

I'm sure I'll be able to think of something else before too long...

Lord Anglekos
02-19-09, 09:04 AM
I concur with Cyrus on what he says. Hey, I'm lazy.
Also, though, I think we should have a larger expansion of materials. Yeah, yeah, we have the basics and all, and the item/material submission thread, but if someone gets bored I think some sub-materials or more complicated items are in order.
*holds up hand* And, I know, people can make up their own. Just a suggestion.

02-19-09, 10:58 AM
I tried to organize a boss battle somewhat similar to that through a series of quests with one of my other characters...

Actually me and MetalDrago are going to set it up as a NPC kinda style against one massively powereful humanoid. 4 or 6 people against this guy, or something like that.

We plan on having the thread up sometime after Round One judgements are done.

Cyrus the virus
02-19-09, 01:17 PM
We have quite a few materials as it is. I think portions of Althanas suffer from 'too-much-text-itis', but the material list is not overly heavy. It'd be forced if we came up with more, I think, since we pretty much have all we need listed. No?

Lord Anglekos
02-19-09, 01:32 PM
Eh, true 'nuff. I was thinking inherently enchanted materials, but that'd be going into the realm of whatever-pops-in-your-head-or-sounds-anime-ish.
Scary place, that.

Alydia Ettermire
02-19-09, 02:21 PM
Bring back the Vignette contests.

02-19-09, 03:01 PM
^ This.

Cyrus the virus
02-19-09, 03:01 PM
We already have a material that's highly enchant-friendly! Don't you start.

I support vignette returning, though I never participated in that.

I suggest Dirks finish the Althanas RPG and share it.

02-19-09, 03:02 PM
I suggest Dirks finish the Althanas RPG and share it.

This too. I want to post more junk as that one guy who's name escapes me at the moment.

Lord Anglekos
02-19-09, 03:07 PM
We already have a material that's highly enchant-friendly! Don't you start.

[/starting], curse you.
Well, I can't think of anything else that Althanas doesn't already have one way or another...
...so I'm gonna say I agree with what Cyrus says and leave it at that.
That boss battle thing sounds interesting, though. But I'm afraid that it'll turn out to be one of those things that sounds good in theory and turns out to be complete and utter crap in execution.

Yari Rafanas
02-19-09, 06:09 PM
I'd like to suggest allowing custom titles.

02-19-09, 07:10 PM
I've asked Task about this via PM for an Idea rolling around the back of my mind before and haven't heard a peep out of him yet, so I guess I stumped the man.

I'd like to see the Aibrone monks fleshed out and become more than just bland NPC's that run a citadel where just anyone can go and slaughter, maim, and/or abuse anyone else.

Alydia Ettermire
02-20-09, 02:13 AM
I'm also kind of sick of seeing all these multiple profiles people make and never use. I'd either like a character cap or a policy that every approved character over a year old that does not have at least 20 RP posts (or one complete thread) are unapproved and removed.

I think the character cap is more realistic, personally, but something to stop those people that just make and make characters but never DO anything with them.

02-20-09, 02:15 AM
I've asked Task about this via PM for an Idea rolling around the back of my mind before and haven't heard a peep out of him yet, so I guess I stumped the man.

I'd like to see the Aibrone monks fleshed out and become more than just bland NPC's that run a citadel where just anyone can go and slaughter, maim, and/or abuse anyone else.

Didn't stump me, just haven't had time to respond... lol.

Cyrus the virus
02-20-09, 02:32 AM
I'm pretty sure somebody has used quests to expand the story of the Aibrone monks a little bit. I guess they could use some backstory explanation as to why they run the citadel like they do, to answer those questions.

If anything, we could make that the focus of our next FQ. Something goes wrong with the Citadel (people suddenly can't be revived, etc) and Althanas warriors must uncover the place's secrets and all.

To me that seems to go against what I'm interested in: new stories, moving Althanas's timeline and history forward. But I can see the interest in it. What kind of thing did you have in mind, Aiko?

fey leor
02-20-09, 02:47 AM
Actually Cyrus, That seems a good idea. But the thing, How could someone not be revived by the monks? Could a power source of theirs be like destroyed? Like for example a crystal in the heart of the Citadel? And when two super strong warriors clash it causes shock waves outside the arena which in turn shatters the crystal? It is only an idea.

02-20-09, 03:15 AM
What kind of thing did you have in mind, Aiko?
An entire explaination behind the Aibrone order.
*Takes deep breath and prepares long winded post*

So, I was thinking on the Aibrone monks, and the citadel itself.
I was trying to puzzle together that very question you asked. Why? Why do the run the citadel like they do, why do they do it for free?

So I shoved it aside and I read. One of the things I read was on the RL religion of Summum. Essentially, it's an entire religion around evolution, but of the spirit and mind, not of the body. (it's pretty much just a vessal/battery that gets left behind.)

Now I had part of a possible answer, the monks themselves followed a variant of Summum, and merely sought to help everyone achieve a high degree of evolution along their chosen path.

Now, that's fine as a general concept, but then I work overnight as a walmart door greeter, and have utterly nothing to do for 9 hours a night except stand around and think. I'm not exaggerating in the slightest. I get paid to stand around and do nothing. Yay me.

So anyways, I continued to think. Why just the citadel? Is running the citadel the ONLY thing the order does? If so, why are they so feared and/or respected then? No, they must have other activities that go on.

So I had the idea for a storyline, and it could possibly make an awesome FQ or be tied into this current one, of a few corrupt Grandmasters, monks way high up in the order, who tire of waiting for the world to evolve, and decide to manipulate world events behind the scenes. At least that's the storyline in a nutshell.

I needed a villain to tie it into, and who better than our current FQ villain, Xem'zund? Yes I know he answers to no one, and yes I know he's an immortal demi-god, for all intents and purposes, but the corrupt Grandmasters arent' giving orders. Their "helping", by offering advice and other helpful pertinent information on his war. (Their in disguise, so no one knows it's them.)

See, it's more intrigue than outright violence on their part, and the general overarching concept I thought up involves both stopping a powerful villain, (like Xem'zund) and working to thwart the power of the Grandmasters with the good Grandmasters of the order setting everything to rights, (and the help of The Elder who knows full well what's going on but is powerless to stop it.)

And now I've run out of steam. I was going to tell the story from the eyes of a young Initiate.

02-20-09, 03:29 AM
Actually Cyrus, That seems a good idea. But the thing, How could someone not be revived by the monks? Could a power source of theirs be like destroyed? Like for example a crystal in the heart of the Citadel? And when two super strong warriors clash it causes shock waves outside the arena which in turn shatters the crystal? It is only an idea.

That is also a good idea, and could infact be the event that leads everyone to find out the truth behind what's going on.

fey leor
02-20-09, 03:45 AM
Well the only problem is, who would be the 'super warriors'? Honestly, I say the two strongest most-active people. Who can make it a good battle is the only thing really that needs to take time and think about.

Cyrus the virus
02-20-09, 04:46 AM
Personally, I think any new ideas should be independent of Xem'Zund and the current FQ. We should wrap that up and move on, as it's been going on for far too long as it is.

I never envisioned the monks as people who got their power from a tangible source, but more as if their religion or hereditary traits gave them their abilities. If religion, their God could be under attack/controlled by an antagonist, or he could merely turn on his followers for some reason. Easy basic FQ outline right there, and the monks could be explained within the main storyline.

The crystal idea is an interesting one in the sense that it creates a conflict, but I think it sounds a bit common to attribute their abilities to a crystal.

I do like the idea of a corrupt monk or two taking matters into their own hands. The world is evolving slowly and they feel humanity can be given an evolutionary push if they unleash some calamity that people must overcome. It's the kind of storyline that can be campy if not paid close attention to, but I think it could definitely work.

But basically, this comes down to the initial suggestion that we move on with the current FQ and begin some new things.

Any moderators want to throw in their input regarding my earlier region suggestion?

02-20-09, 06:39 AM
I was using Xemmy primarily as an example of a super villain that needs a good thwarting, but remaining open to possibilities.

If we take the evolutionary tact, then it's their own evolutions giving them their powers. However, it might not be that their getting their power from the crystal, but focusing their power through the crystal. Crystals are common enough focus items that it wouldn't be all that unusual. A great mother crystal through which the order focuses it's healing might, and the monks whose job it is that day to do the healing get child crystals taken from the mother crystal. Say the mother crystal breaks because Luc and Godhand were sparring and the fight spilled out of the arena and a powerful spell from luc set off a harmonic vibration that shattered the crystal. (Luc and Godhand used as examples of two of our greatest warriors) Alternatively, the warriors could be two throw away NPC's who die in the shattering of the crystal.

This then leads the monks to panic who call for aid in acquiring a new mother crystal, of a very rare, and extremly high quality. In the process, the nearest Grandmasters are called upon to do the healing, but they get caught in an embarassing situation. To cover up, they invite a foreign power the local nations aren't prepared for, just recovering from their last great war.

I have an NPC nation I've tried in the past to reveal, but always failed in one fashion or another. Perhaps with this I could finally reveal the temporal instability that is Destrudo's homeland. His father would make the perfect villain, because of his father's two primary abilities. The ability to know your own mind better than you do, and use it against you, and the ability to alter Reality itself. (Alter Reality does have it's limits, but as a level 30 NPC, it's difficult for Shadowlord to encounter them, as he uses Alter Reality in a responsible, if villainous, manner.)

Lord Anglekos
02-20-09, 09:07 AM
I think the character cap is more realistic, personally, but something to stop those people that just make and make characters but never DO anything with them.

A character cap sounds good. Not only will it stop people from making spam characters, or "throwaway" ones, but it will influence them to create more worthwhile, fleshed-out characters. Instead of saying, "Oh, I can just make another character with __________________ storyline.", some real thought into characters would make Althanas a more interesting place.

And Xem'Zund must die. Be sealed. Something. Put Althanas out of its misery. Nah, its not that bad. But a new FQ sounds interesting. I always played the Citadel monks as some messengers of POWAH'S ABOVE, but do we want to bring the gods into this?

02-20-09, 09:44 AM
A character cap sounds good. Not only will it stop people from making spam characters, or "throwaway" ones, but it will influence them to create more worthwhile, fleshed-out characters. Instead of saying, "Oh, I can just make another character with __________________ storyline.", some real thought into characters would make Althanas a more interesting place.

And Xem'Zund must die. Be sealed. Something. Put Althanas out of its misery. Nah, its not that bad. But a new FQ sounds interesting. I always played the Citadel monks as some messengers of POWAH'S ABOVE, but do we want to bring the gods into this?

It's always an option, but I used the evolutionary path to hold back on such power.

I mean, if the gods are dragged into it, how are we going to defeat them? That's setting things up for a War of the Gods, and things with THAT MUCH power fighting each other is bound to terminally rearrange the face of Althanas, if not destroy it outright, and that's if their fighting through servants, Avatars, and mortals. If they confront each other directly, I shudder to think.

Max Dirks
02-20-09, 01:55 PM
I suggest Dirks finish the Althanas RPG and share it. You know, I did finish the Scara Brae section and began working on Corone. In fact, I even stole your layout, Cyrus, then made jokes about my own laziness. Maybe after I've gotten to the boss battle with Letho, I'll post the next chapter. I'll include some of you newbies as well!

Caden Law
02-20-09, 02:54 PM
For what it's worth, if you want Xem'zund axed, getcher ass into the FQ and help make it happen. :p

02-20-09, 03:16 PM
Yeah, yeah. Don't make me start muttering at you.
Although I'd love to see my level 0's and 1's throw themselves at him and be annihilated instantly. That would just make my day, y'know. What is he, like, level 30? I'm brave, not suicidal.
On the other hand I get your point. I don't know all that much about the necromancer or the FQ in general, except that he's a badass necromancer wielding uber-powers and a legion of undead. How many attempts on his "life" have there been, anyways?

Cyrus the virus
02-20-09, 03:43 PM
Screw it, I'll kill him. Where is he!? WHERE IS HE

Any storyline involving some crystal which is a beacon of power immediately turns me off, sorry. A crystal always seems to be the power source/catalyst/goal. I find attributing the monks' powers to a crystal a bad idea.

I also vehemently disagree with a character cap. Limit people's creativity so there are less unused characters? Bah. A bunch of unused characters is a silly thing to be annoyed with, I think.

Who's the new storyline admin? Bushido? I'd like his input here regarding some of things we've talked about, before we get too ahead of ourselves.

02-20-09, 03:49 PM
I'm the storyline Admin.

Though I thought this thread was for suggestions, but just realized more and more that you were talking about suggestions in the thread itself... lol. I thought the suggestions would be split into new threads to discuss. I'll have to read over some of this after I finish the thread I'm judging and get my input in.

Shouldn't take too long, though you never know..

02-20-09, 03:58 PM
Screw it, I'll kill him. Where is he!? WHERE IS HE


Any storyline involving some crystal which is a beacon of power immediately turns me off, sorry. A crystal always seems to be the power source/catalyst/goal. I find attributing the monks' powers to a crystal a bad idea.

I agree. Everytime someone does that, I feel like they're reading off a Final Fantasy manuscript.

I also vehemently disagree with a character cap. Limit people's creativity so there are less unused characters? Bah. A bunch of unused characters is a silly thing to be annoyed with, I think.

Its a silly thing, but so is thinking that limiting characters=limiting people's creativity. In fact, it would force people to boost their creativity, like a kick in the butt to get someone started. "You've got so-and-so many chances, make them count." So instead of random characters generated on Gaia or something, you get fleshed out characters their creators actually care about.

Alydia Ettermire
02-20-09, 04:12 PM
I also vehemently disagree with a character cap. Limit people's creativity so there are less unused characters? Bah. A bunch of unused characters is a silly thing to be annoyed with, I think.

I'm not talking about "you can only have THREE characters on Althanas," I'm talking "seriously, guys, you can't maintain ten, so why do you have twenty bajillion that you NEVER INTEND TO USE." I'm thinking a character cap of 10-15, which is still more than plenty, and if you want a new character beyond those, you have to give up an old one.

Yari Rafanas
02-20-09, 05:26 PM
My question is how would you enforce a character cap? You can always have the admins look at the IPs of posters, I suppose, but isn't that kind of tedious for a volunteer job? I also do not see a problem with having a ton of characters as it really doesn't impact anybody else other than the writer. If you're worried that the person writing that character isn't going to focus on that character and you're somehow involved in a story with them, work it out between you two. Write out the character or don't play with them. I know it's kind of an asshole thing to do, but not everybody gets along with everyone or enjoys their style of writing. There have been plenty of moments where I have just stopped writing with somebody because our styles didn't mesh.

If people want to create, let them. I always saw this site as a place where that can happen.

02-20-09, 05:49 PM
Any storyline involving some crystal which is a beacon of power immediately turns me off, sorry. A crystal always seems to be the power source/catalyst/goal. I find attributing the monks' powers to a crystal a bad idea.

I was more or less trying to be open with the idea someone had posted and explain one example of how it might fit in.

But, we do need a catalyst of some sort to get this ball rolling.

Caden Law
02-20-09, 06:38 PM
Yeah, yeah. Don't make me start muttering at you.
Although I'd love to see my level 0's and 1's throw themselves at him and be annihilated instantly. That would just make my day, y'know. What is he, like, level 30? I'm brave, not suicidal.
On the other hand I get your point. I don't know all that much about the necromancer or the FQ in general, except that he's a badass necromancer wielding uber-powers and a legion of undead. How many attempts on his "life" have there been, anyways?Xem's around a 30, yeah. But it ain't suicidal and people will get the chance to fight him on even terms if enough Defender quests are carried out in the Raiaera FQ. My own character will even be running around looking for the right person to wield one of the equalizers...which'd really be worthy of playing the whole damn FQ in and of itself, honestly. Not often you get a chance to win an Adamantine dream weapon nowadays.

Cyrus the virus
02-21-09, 01:15 AM
I'm not talking about "you can only have THREE characters on Althanas," I'm talking "seriously, guys, you can't maintain ten, so why do you have twenty bajillion that you NEVER INTEND TO USE." I'm thinking a character cap of 10-15, which is still more than plenty, and if you want a new character beyond those, you have to give up an old one.

What's the point? There have been maybe 5 people in the history of time who have had more than ten characters, and some of them were our most contributing and important members (Manda, INDK).

Alydia Ettermire
02-21-09, 01:41 AM
What's the point? There have been maybe 5 people in the history of time who have had more than ten characters, and some of them were our most contributing and important members (Manda, INDK).

I approved at LEAST half a dozen Manda characters that never got another post in. There's a point where enough is more than way too much.

Lord Anglekos
02-21-09, 09:37 AM
Xem's around a 30, yeah. But it ain't suicidal and people will get the chance to fight him on even terms if enough Defender quests are carried out in the Raiaera FQ. My own character will even be running around looking for the right person to wield one of the equalizers...which'd really be worthy of playing the whole damn FQ in and of itself, honestly. Not often you get a chance to win an Adamantine dream weapon nowadays.

"Padre, you've never been closer to converting me."
Man, I'm a greedy bastard. Well, I'll see, Caden. I'm working on a big story in Dheathain at the moment as well, but temptation glitters easily in my eyes. (Why am I playing a hero? Tch.) But I'll read through the FQ at least, I promise you that.

About the character limit thing, I've already stated my point and reasons. Karuka had a good idea where if someone wanted to make another character past the limit, they should sacrifice another, but on the other hand Yari makes a good point in who wants to do that job? We all have lives outside of here (we do, right? I don't want to lie here), and most of us barely have time to make our own posts.

So I have to say by default of pessimism, Yari and group wins. The rest of us who disagree can just deal with it. But again, thats up to the admins to decide. Curse you, Admins. I shake my fist at you angrily.

Edit: Having skimmed through the FQ, I must say, Caden, Christoph, and everyone else who organized it, I'm impressed. I'm joining. Beware.

Cyrus the virus
02-21-09, 04:15 PM
I approved at LEAST half a dozen Manda characters that never got another post in. There's a point where enough is more than way too much.

And I've approved half a dozen that got to at least level 1. As for the ones she never used, why does it matter? I just don't see the negative impact whatsoever. It's not even aesthetically disturbing, since it only makes the registered character archive look more robust.

02-21-09, 04:52 PM
What's the point? There have been maybe 5 people in the history of time who have had more than ten characters, and some of them were our most contributing and important members (Manda, INDK).

I have/had more than 10 characters... about 9 currently, and about 7 that aren't on this incarnation of the site. Heh.

I don't mind that people have multiple characters, just when they use that to possibly force an advantage. Though rules can be created to get that out of the way easily enough.

Yari Rafanas
02-23-09, 10:25 AM
Another suggestion: less restrictions on filesize for avatars. Seriously, why can't they be uploaded as like 50 kb? Right now the limit is 14 and that's pretty low. I can understand restrictions on dimensions, but that filesize is tiny.

And if they can't be uploaded why can't I link to an offsite file that is larger? It's not hurting Althanas' bandwidth.

02-23-09, 10:37 AM
^ On that note, would animated avatars be possible, if they're under a certain size? Say, 75 or 100 kb?

Kerrigan Muldoon
03-24-09, 03:52 AM
I'm pretty new here, but I wanted to make a suggestion anyway.
My experience with each and any roleplay site I've been on, is that 50% of the character histories resolve around 'oh noez, my parents died... ah heck, lets become an hero!', for example. What if you were to give people EXP (and/or maybe money) for their character profile?

Why? For a couple of reasons: to promote originality, saying what you need to say in the least amount of words (ie: no bulking), balance skills and items, and to promote originality, and originality, and originality.
While short, a character profile does show the skill of the writer. So why not judge and reward that? People will probably put more effort in their profile and you stimulate them by getting EXP within day or 3 max instead only after a few weeks when they finished their first thread.

I would judge them differently then topics, logically. Maybe something like the following: originality (you don't have to be a talking brick or whatever, just make your own character and not use to much clichés), no bulking, realism (realistic history/character), theme (as in things fit together, a farmer would be good animals but not with aristocrats), etc.

03-24-09, 03:56 AM
Exceptionally well done profiles (they have to be OMG WOW!, though) do get a little EXP as a "you have an AWESOME concept" bonus. It doesn't happen very often, though.

Kerrigan Muldoon
03-24-09, 04:31 AM
Really? I've got to check those out. Are they listed somewhere or should I just search the archive?

03-24-09, 04:34 AM
They're few and far between, pretty hard to find. This (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4789) is the highest reward I've ever seen anyone get for their L0 profile.

Kerrigan Muldoon
03-24-09, 04:57 AM
Actually, when you search for 'bonus' in the registered archive most hits will be a profile which were rewarded with an EXP bonus. Most of them get 50 or 100, rarely 150 and besides that one I've never seen one with a reward of 200 EXP; nice.

I was unaware that rewards were already passed out once in a while, so I guess that makes my suggestion n/a. Besides, having to judge every single profile would burden those poor judges even more, so just rewarding the really good ones would be better anyway.
(Hm, unless you have a basic reward system like: below average: 10 EXP, average 20 EXP, above average 30 EXP; and then the good (50), excellent (100), frikking good (150) and godly (200). Ah well, use if if you like it)

03-24-09, 05:02 AM
Speaking from experience, being an EXP mod isn't hard and it doesn't take a long time per individual, having to update a lot of profiles, often, for just a pittance of EXP wouldn't be worth the time, and anything less than a hundred EXP is laughable, even for a level zero.

03-24-09, 05:52 AM
Could players have the choice between public or private judgments at the end of threads where it is possible?

Private judgments would be sent via messages and would be just the numbers with a small summary. The public judgments would be just as they are now.

Cyrus the virus
03-25-09, 08:30 AM
I personally read every judgment made on the site for my own learning purposes, but also appreciate the transparency. I wouldn't be comfortable with people getting private judgments.

03-25-09, 08:46 AM
Yes, but there are people who are perhaps uncomfortable with their writing being publicly criticized for whatever reason, be it insecurity, simple nervousness or something else. And since the judgment is meant mostly to help the writer who is being judged, I don't think there would be any harm in private judgments, since we'll still be helping people improve their writing.

Cyrus the virus
03-25-09, 09:24 AM
So they can ask that the judge go easy on them and just point out the positive aspects, or ask for the comments to be PMed to them and the public judgment just be numbers. I think that once we start giving out EXP behind closed doors or not out in the open as we do, we enter into potentially dangerous territory.

And anyway, writing on a site like Althanas and not wanting criticism on your writing is kind of going against the nature of the place. That's what we do here! It's the site's defining characteristic. I don't think there's ever been a case of someone being openly mocked for their low scores, at least not anytime in recent years.

Visla Eraclaire
03-25-09, 09:53 AM
Matt is absolutely correct. They can privately request that the judge make limited comments on the forum and tell them in detail via pm/im, but behind-the-curtain judging is contrary to the nature of a public forum.

You posted your work publicly for people to read. You submitted it to be judged. If you wanted private literary criticism, go to a friend, not Althanas.

I certainly don't have the time anymore, but I used to read judgments for various reasons when I was more active. When I was a judge, I used it to keep things consistent. I saw what sorts of criticisms I could avoid in my own work, what a 5 vs a 6 meant to most judges, and even whose work I wanted to snap up to judge. In the last case, I wasn't even looking for work that would be high scoring. I was looking for work that was judged as having potential. Even then I didn't have time to read tons of threads I wasn't judging. The public scores and description were a useful shorthand for getting quick information about a writer's work.

03-25-09, 10:56 AM
I would not be opposed to sending commentary via PM instead of posting it on the site. It wouldn't be that hard for judges. Just request that you get commentary as normal, but only numbers on the site and the commentary made sent via PM.

We will NOT be putting a complete judgment sent only through PM.
No EXP/GP will ever be rewarded through private PM's.

03-25-09, 01:24 PM
And anyway, writing on a site like Althanas and not wanting criticism on your writing is kind of going against the nature of the place. That's what we do here! It's the site's defining characteristic. I don't think there's ever been a case of someone being openly mocked for their low scores, at least not anytime in recent years.This isn't a question of someone being mocked or anything, but rather of people being sensitive about their writing. True, you can argue that they shouldn't have posted it on a public forum, but not everything is so black and white. There are people who like to write with others, who want to be a part of a community, but are sensitive about their writing, people whose confidence is shaken when they read a bad review. Whether we approve, disapprove or dislike such an approach to writing really makes no difference. There are such writers and Althanas should be a place where they too can write. Unless we desire a community where like only people with giant egos and absolute confidence would write and dissect each other's writing.

I never even considered the possibility of EXP/GP being awarded behind closed doors. The score of the thread and the EXP/GP amounts would still be displayed at the end of the thread. Only the comments would be omitted and sent via PMs. As Task said, it probably wouldn't be fair for it to be a complete, thorough judgment (since it's for one person and one person only), but I don't see why would it be a problem for the judge to offer limited commentary on a specific quest via a PM. It's their quest and ultimately it should be their choice whether they wanted the final verdict to be public or not.

03-25-09, 01:28 PM
I don't see a problem with writing the scores and EXP/GP award in the thread, and then having each player's individual pros and cons outlined in a PM. The idea of Althanas is to make them a better writer. I don't see how it matters one way or another how they are helped to get better, as long as they are helped.

Kerrigan Muldoon
03-25-09, 01:35 PM
I think that it might be useful to check if there is actually a need for this. I'm bluntly assuming that a more private comment on a thread is rarely asked for, since it has only been brought up now. If that's the case then I think it would be a dissaster if once in a long while someone gets his full review privately and a short version publicly.

Alydia Ettermire
03-25-09, 01:37 PM
I remember back about a year ago, we had options with judging: detailed, normal, little, and just numbers. I picked just numbers twice, and once I did get just numbers and nothing more, and the other time the judge PM'd me a little commentary, which I appreciated. I don't see how the request for private commentary is any different than that. Stick the numbers in the thread, PM the notes to the participants.

Max Dirks
03-25-09, 01:39 PM
I remember back about a year ago, we had options with judging: detailed, normal, little, and just numbers. That is back! At least it's back whenever Serilliant finishes the coding.

Visla Eraclaire
03-25-09, 02:12 PM
So, the things that people are objecting to happening aren't happening, the change that people are requesting has pretty much always been available, God's in his heaven, all's right with the world.

Kerrigan Muldoon
03-25-09, 02:30 PM

03-25-09, 05:42 PM
I think that it might be useful to check if there is actually a need for this. I'm bluntly assuming that a more private comment on a thread is rarely asked for, since it has only been brought up now. If that's the case then I think it would be a dissaster if once in a long while someone gets his full review privately and a short version publicly.

((Emphasis mine))

The assumption that further commentary isn't asked for isn't necessarily true. I've been asked for further commentary by a lot of people through PM, after I offered it in a thread. Unfortunately two of those people, due to me being bogged down and not having time to review the ToC threads (VERY SORRY GUYS), weren't helped. But other than that I review the thread again and make more detailed commentary for just that person.

It's not really too much of a problem, a little extra work but if that's what the person wants then waiting a day or two and getting the judge to help out is always available. I noticed that Lord Angelkos does about the same thing as I do, saying that if you would like further commentary, suggestions, have a disappointment, or generally talk about a thread you can always PM or IM me and I will help as much as possible.

Cyrus the virus
03-25-09, 06:46 PM
I think that for the most part, say 9/10 times, judges nowadays have drifted away from styles which berate and beat down writers. I've seen some people get some harsh judgments, but it's always been because they powergamed or showed an utter lack of effort.

I think if somebody is so sensitive that constructive criticism is hurting their feelings, we shouldn't change for them. That considered, Task's earlier compromise on the subject is acceptable. I'd still prefer everything be public, though, since it just doesn't seem like there's a need to change.

03-25-09, 08:29 PM
I would not be opposed to sending commentary via PM instead of posting it on the site. It wouldn't be that hard for judges. Just request that you get commentary as normal, but only numbers on the site and the commentary made sent via PM.

Your suggestion is an excellent improvement on mine. I see now, that completely private judgments would not work here. Numbers only, comments via messages—this would be great.