View Full Version : Thanks, Taskmienster!

02-19-09, 08:51 PM
Well, that was fast! I posted my character and in ... just a few minutes? ... I have been approved! Must have been fate or something...

Anyway, just wanted to say hello, and thank Taskmienster.

Oh, and... What now? lol

02-19-09, 08:56 PM
Your welcome. And good to have you on the site. Now.. you feel free to jump into an open rp, gather some people to start one, or just make a new open one yourself.

Best place to start is usually Peaceful Promenade or Scara Brae (which has a mission board you can claim missions that are posted by the government and do as well).

Fireball Fran
02-19-09, 09:05 PM
hey Whitlen. Welcome to Althanas. Word of advice as you being a red head - WATCH OUT FOR LETHO! he lusts for redheads.

02-19-09, 09:05 PM
Thanks again!

Ah, the pitfalls of online rp. I have to admit I'm really bad at creating solid plots, unfortunately. And, as usual, I've created a character with no chance at those missions, since she has no combat knowledge whatsoever, lol. I'll figure something out, though. :)

*hints to others reading this thread that she's open for quests*

hey Whitlen. Welcome to Althanas. Word of advice as you being a red head - WATCH OUT FOR LETHO! he lusts for redheads.
LOL! Thanks for the welcome *and* the warning, Fran!

Fireball Fran
02-19-09, 09:07 PM
Well would you like to quest with me? I'm open for quests, but not till Monday at the earliest.

02-19-09, 09:09 PM
That would be an interesting thread, lol. If you can think of a viable storyline, sure :)

Alydia Ettermire
02-19-09, 09:10 PM
Don't eat the cookies, beware of Letho, and also beware of things that want to eat you in the dark.

Fireball Fran
02-19-09, 09:10 PM
Give me the weekend and I shall get back to you. Do you have any messengers? Y!M or AIM?

02-19-09, 09:17 PM
Don't eat the cookies, beware of Letho, and also beware of things that want to eat you in the dark.
XD Thanks for all the warnings, I'll do my best!

Give me the weekend and I shall get back to you. Do you have any messengers? Y!M or AIM?
Weekends I have, messengers I don't. Ever since the great comp crash of '08 I can't load them up without having my comp completely freeze up. :(

Fireball Fran
02-19-09, 09:18 PM
There is www.meebo.com dear. you can use messengers there without downloading them.

02-19-09, 09:19 PM
Welcome to Althanas, Whit. If your character profile is any indication of your writing in general, then you should fit right in here.

02-19-09, 09:27 PM
I feel at home already! Thank you for the high praise, Bloodrose!

There is www.meebo.com dear. you can use messengers there without downloading them.
I don't think it's just the programs, so I'll have to pass. Consider me terminally without messengers.

I think for now I'll just leave it as "PM me if you are interested in a thread with Whit", since this is more of an intro thread, and I'd like to get to know some Althanians. Or, you know, if you want to stroke my ego, or whatever. >.>;; Man, I need to rp...

02-19-09, 10:19 PM
Welcome! Make friends and check out the Scara Brae Mission Board (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18219)

[/shameless advertising]

Another redhead, eh? Letho must be thrilled.

02-19-09, 10:27 PM
Welcome! Make friends and check out the Scara Brae Mission Board (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18219)

[/shameless advertising]
I'll take a look at Scara Brae, but again, I suck at opening posts... Is there a thread # limit here?

Another redhead, eh? Letho must be thrilled.

I keep hearing that... I guess we'll find out when Letho arrives??

02-19-09, 10:33 PM
No thread limit, we use liquid time so you can be anywhere at the same time as another thread that is going on.

Cyrus the virus
02-20-09, 02:35 AM
Heya there. Welcome to Althanas :)

How's it gooooooin?

02-20-09, 08:33 AM
Hmm, there seems to be an influx of redheads lately... I might have to bust out Elijah and Nadia again just so I can fit in.

Grittings and welcome to Althanas, Whitlen!

*offers a slice of pizza instead of cookies*

fey leor
02-20-09, 08:39 AM
-Takes a piece of pizza and a cookie- Thanks BaBE. These cookies and pizza are quite delectable. They are scrumptious. I love the taste.

02-20-09, 08:48 AM
Dammitall, fey leor, I had that pizza specially poisoned for the new blood, and you had to go and--


Whoops >.>

Heads up, those are glass shards, not diced onions...

02-20-09, 08:48 AM
Welcome! I'm sure you'll do well and go far.

So much food, and not enough drinks.

*Busts out the refreshments. Hard drinks for everyone of legal drinking age in their country of residence, Soft drinks for everyone else.*

02-20-09, 08:56 AM
Don't eat the cookies, beware of Letho, and also beware of things that want to eat you in the dark.

She be talkin' 'bout me.
Welcome, hope you stay, yadayadayada.
Can we skip to the part where I eat your face off yet? I'm hungry.

02-20-09, 09:28 AM
Bleeding Christ! You mention some redheads and strap-ons and suddenly you're the boogeyman. Psh...

Khm... I mean, welcome to Althanas, Whitlen, where people slander and cock block. ;)

02-20-09, 04:52 PM
*carefully avoids food offerings, but takes a cold AMP Lightning* Ah, lemony! (I work for Pepsi, and am ridiculously loyal, so fair warning, lol)

I see some pretty famous people in my thread! Cyrus and Letho! Okay, so maybe "infamous" is more accurate..

Thanks for the welcome and attempted murders, everyone! XD Hopefully I'll be roleplaying with all (or at least most) of you in the (near) future!

02-20-09, 05:16 PM
Yeah, they're ones to watch out for. Unless you like the backroom, but the only people I saw leaving it was Letho...

Welcome! If you're in need of extra starting gear (or just more stuff in general) head on over to the Bazaar! We've got over a million selection of items for you to choose from and unlimited choices of stores! If it's not there, we guarantee your money back.

(Actual numbers of merchandise and vendors may vary. Some items may be restricted by technological and intellectual rights limitations.)

Ah, yes. Would you please stand up and spread your arms? We would like to take your measurements for your custom-tailored straight jacket. We should have it delivered to your mailing address within two weeks. Service fees: Free of charge. :D

02-20-09, 05:20 PM
No need, I have a broad variety of straight jackets in my closet. Padded rooms too! =D Though if you have one (jacket) in burgundy, that would round out my collection nicely! :D

And don't worry, I've been reading this site for a while now, at least this area of it, so I know how dangerous Letho is... Cyrus just seems fun to poke fun at. ;)

02-20-09, 07:24 PM
! I managed to get MSN Messenger to not crash my computer. I'll put it my profile info.

02-20-09, 07:27 PM
! I managed to get MSN Messenger to not crash my computer. I'll put it my profile info.

*Sets off a firecracker*

*The Firecracker gets knocked off course by a stray gust of wind and explodes in the mysterious and admin only backroom, setting the database on fire.*


Well, I admit I had dreams of watching Althanas burn, but that was more of an IC thing, not setting the server itself on fire. :(

02-20-09, 08:26 PM
NOOOO!!! Now I'll never be a teen model! Oh, wait... >.>;;


Welcome! Make friends and check out the Scara Brae Mission Board (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18219)

[/shameless advertising]
Okay, I looked, as promised, and I guess I just don't get it. Do we make up our own story and resolution, based on the plot provided? :confused:

02-20-09, 08:44 PM
I have a question Whitlen, based on several tired jokes seen on the internet, and commercials.

Since you work for pepsi, is it true that if they discover you drinking Coca-cola, they'll fire you? That's always bugged me for inane reasons I choose not to share.

02-20-09, 08:49 PM
It's not 100% true, actually, unless you do it while wearing a Pepsi uniform. You are also not supposed to bring Coke products into the building, but that's not really a fire-able offense either, just a dirty-look one. Best way to get around that, though, if you go to a place that only sells Coke products is to buy Dr. Pepper, since that is technically not Coke or Pepsi, but distributed by both.

Cyrus the virus
02-21-09, 01:11 AM
Cyrus just seems fun to poke fun at. ;)

What, you think you know me? You don't know me. Nice try. Whatever.

02-21-09, 06:50 AM
Ouch... Sorry to offend, it was not my intention. v.v

Tainted Bushido
02-21-09, 06:57 AM
Ouch... Sorry to offend, it was not my intention. v.v

Don't worry, he's joking.

02-21-09, 07:04 AM
Don't worry, he's joking.
Oh... So PMing him a rambling apology was not necessary?

>.>;; Crap...

Tainted Bushido
02-21-09, 03:56 PM
Oh... So PMing him a rambling apology was not necessary?

>.>;; Crap...

It's okay, I'm sure he found it amusing.

02-21-09, 04:04 PM
I find it entertaining to pick on Cyrus, too.

Although it's much easier to do with a microphone. :p

02-21-09, 04:05 PM
Oh, well, in that case... :p

On a side note, on what continent could I find elves and lots of trees? And information for both?

Tainted Bushido
02-21-09, 04:09 PM
Raiarae is your best bet on elves and trees.

02-21-09, 04:09 PM
Oh, well, in that case... :p

On a side note, on what continent could I find elves and lots of trees? And information for both?

Ordinarily I'd say Raiaera...but it's kind of...all a-shambles right now.

There is also an isolated population of Elves in Concordia forest in Corone. They're a little rougher around the edges than the Raiaeran Elves...kinda the difference between Wood Elves and High Elves.

Cyrus the virus
02-21-09, 04:10 PM
Haha, silly goose.

Also, Raieara. You should read the continent descriptions to get a sense of the place.

02-21-09, 04:34 PM
I don't mind reading, just wanted a short-cut to the info I wanted ^_^; Also, since it's more a wood elf I'm going for, Raieara might not be the right answer (thanks, Sera)!

And yeah, I am silly, and apparently gullible...

Cyrus the virus
02-21-09, 04:44 PM
Ugh, I hate gullible people... tch.

Tainted Bushido
02-21-09, 04:48 PM
I don't mind reading, just wanted a short-cut to the info I wanted ^_^; Also, since it's more a wood elf I'm going for, Raieara might not be the right answer (thanks, Sera)!

And yeah, I am silly, and apparently gullible...

Just be careful in Concordia, some of those wood elves worship a dark god, and became spider magi. Check out the cult of the Thayne for more information on that.

02-21-09, 05:00 PM
Ugh, I hate gullible people... tch.
Hey, I didn't realize how gullible... Wait a minute! ;)

Just be careful in Concordia, some of those wood elves worship a dark god, and became spider magi. Check out the cult of the Thayne for more information on that.
Actually, I just read about 90% of the Hitchhiker's Guide there, and those elves are WAY too buddy-buddy with other races for what I have in mind... I'll be reading elsewhere to see if I can find something closer. Thanks for the warning, though!

Lady Blackwell
02-24-09, 07:38 PM
well i dont know much about the continent's but Cyrus could be a great guy, (i should know i RPed with him a few times)

anyways defianntly watchout for any consumble you may be offered, as Witchy has posioned everything, and some add killer ingrediants -points to glass shards on pizza-

anyway's enjoy your stay here and well ... here enjoy a slice of delicious cake and beer