View Full Version : For the record...

02-24-09, 04:10 PM
I'm back, for the three of you that know who I am. =O

I want to apologize to the people that I was questing with, especially Inkfinger, since I pretty much just completely vanished... Life decided to suck, and it was just a bit too much for me to handle. Thankfully, I've gotten my inspiration back, and I've been practicing, so hopefully things will be better this time around. =3

I feel bad that I'm only talking to a maximum of five people, but since I accidentally skipped the OOC board for my introduction the first time, I'd like to start on the right foot this go-around. X3

So, re-hello everyone! **bows** lol

To Sammy: I'm glad you decided to join, and thank you for bringing me back here! =O I can't wait to start that plot with you, Ethan, and Justin! X3

Aphira Ronameki
02-24-09, 04:22 PM
Hi yous! Remember DO NOT eat the cookies. I've heard bad things.

Lord Anglekos
02-24-09, 04:26 PM
Welcome back...whoever you are.

02-24-09, 04:26 PM
You! ^^ **hugs Aphira**
I read your thread, but I didn't want to interrupt the flow. lol

EDIT: Thank you for noticing, Lord Anglekos. XD

Aphira Ronameki
02-24-09, 05:13 PM
Hey you! *Points at Lord Anglekos*
I know you! ^_^

Lol, don't even worry about that, wiz. xD
I think the flow is pretty much dead... xD

Yari Rafanas
02-24-09, 05:15 PM
Not to beat a dead horse, but wtf is with all the red-head girls?

02-24-09, 05:16 PM
Oh, hey! You're ok! Good! I was worried about your computer. No worries about disappearing, it happens to the best of us. Glad to have you back. :)

Lord Anglekos
02-24-09, 05:18 PM
Not to beat a dead horse, but wtf is with all the red-head girls?
Why're you complaining?
*points at Aphira*
She knows me.
So yeah, welcome back. Now start writing.

Zederech Ronthas
02-24-09, 05:35 PM
*lemur glomp* I know yous!

02-24-09, 05:45 PM
Not to beat a dead horse, but wtf is with all the red-head girls?

It's cyclical. There was a long time that I was the only one. But when I joined, there were a million. And now there are a million again. But eventually there will only be 1 to 3.

Oh, yeah. Welcome back.

Lady Blackwell
02-24-09, 07:08 PM
-pokes anglekos with a pointy stick- i think you forgetting something -point to left shoe untied-

anyways welcome back i dont recognize the name but welcome back anyways ^.^

-pats aphira on the head- good you listened. i dont want anyone else to fall to the taint of Witchy's posioning

-grabs piece of cake and takes a bite- wait! nothing is safe -spits out cake-

02-24-09, 07:33 PM
Aww, the poison isn't that bad. It actually enhances the flavor. I know, I was poisoned by witchy when I first arrived. But it seems she's stopped now.

Welcome back Wiz, I remember seeing you around.

*Offers you two glasses of punch, one in the left hand, one in the right hand, one red, one blue. One is poisoned, one is not. One will leave you feeling refreshed, one will make you do funny and amusing things for our pleasure. Choose wisely, you can only have one glass.*

Lady Blackwell
02-24-09, 07:40 PM
here i will take the red one you take the blue on wiz -chugs back the red glass and gets a kink in my neck- ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow -runs into wall and fall's over-

02-24-09, 08:24 PM
*Waits quietly for Wiz to drink the blue.*

Lady Blackwell
02-24-09, 09:26 PM
-cuts blue punch in half-

02-25-09, 05:40 AM
Why is red hair bad, again? XD

I was honestly afraid you'd be angry, Inkfinger. DX How did your quest go?

*ish glomped by Lemur* You finally got your character approved? XO *gets up, dusts off her shoulders, and walks to Destrudo*

*wonders how Bandit Brother managed to cut a liquid in half, but drinks it anyway, throughly impressed* I have a feeling that was a bad idea. XD You didn't poison BOTH of them, did you?!

Lady Blackwell
02-25-09, 08:18 AM
i froze then i cut it. it was great ^.^ anyways if your up for RPing or battling i am only 2 clicks some typing and another click away

and letho likes the redhead's so run far far away, check out one of his character approvals from two years ago, he hit on a character saying he had a bitchy lesbian character O.o

thats why you should run far far away, but not too far, cause we would all miss you,

then we would have to buy more bullet's =( that would put a dent in the Althanas budget

02-25-09, 09:00 AM
No, I just never specified what was poisoned and what wasn't. The blue wasn't poisoned, but it was laced with a near-lethal dose of joy and happiness.
(Destrudo, super-secret ultra-hidden invisible Nightstalker account. No one knows when I'm on, not even Seri! Yes, I'm just that good.)

02-25-09, 04:55 PM
That's nice of you to offer, Bandit! ^-^

It's funny that you should mention lethal doses of joy and happiness, since I had an amazingly awesome day today! I declare Destrudo the punch master! =O

Yari Rafanas
02-25-09, 05:55 PM
Why is red hair bad, again? XD

Never said it was bad. Just thought it seemed incredibly popular all of the sudden. Carry on with the punch drinking or whatever.

Lady Blackwell
02-25-09, 10:39 PM
oh great, way to go to increase the size of his head.

now i guess i gotta shrink it again.

-picks up sledge hammer and does practise swings on a piece of rock the size of a elephant-

02-25-09, 11:12 PM
*Gets the Wand of Many Spells, and Animates the Elephant rock*

Lady Blackwell
02-25-09, 11:29 PM
-runs away while hitting Destrudo in the head-

02-25-09, 11:51 PM
*Animates the Hammer, making it sing Opera every time it's swung.*

02-26-09, 05:40 AM
*back away slowly, humming along with the hammer*
This thread has gone to the...what has it gone to? XD

02-26-09, 05:43 AM
I'm not sure, but whatever it's gone to has a slobber problem and is very fond of you. I'd say it was a puppy, but it has four eyes, nine legs, two mouths, and is covered in large spikes. Well, maybe it's a baby, whatever it is. It's right behind you. I name it Fluffy.


Mage Hunter
02-26-09, 05:44 AM
AOL role playing is what it LOOKS like...

Can't tell since I haven't done that in over...seven years though.

Lady Blackwell
02-26-09, 07:08 AM
ehh that hammer got annoying, but as in the beggining of this thread WELCOME, and remember destrudo is a disturbed individual cause well he may my hammer sing opera, and im just here to have some fun ^.^

02-26-09, 07:36 AM
Geheh, you have no idea how disturbed I am.

All fun aside though, once again, welcome.

02-26-09, 04:07 PM
Thank you, thank you. -bows-
It's very good to be back. lol