View Full Version : Round Two: The Ixidar Legacy vs. Sasurai

Flames of Hyperion
02-25-09, 01:38 AM
Hello and welcome!

First and foremost, I'd like to apologise for the delay, and assure everybody involved that I am indeed working on a post. It might just take me a short while longer until it's up; hopefully it will be done by tonight ^^.

Many apologies once again.

Isis / Masika; I remember Isis saying that Masika was involved in an accident maybe a month back. Many condolences and best wishes, and I hope that she might be able to participate in the battle somehow. If not, how do you wish to proceed?

Isis Ixidar
02-25-09, 06:10 PM
Masika will be able to participate in the second round, though being in the hospital has set her behind in her classes and being a lazy ***** has set her even farther back.

As for me, I'd be working on a post right now but the changing seasons always make me sick, so I figured you'd handle the first one. <.<

Here's to hoping we have a good match.

Schrodinger's Nirvana
02-26-09, 02:39 AM
Glad to see she's alright :3

Take care of yourself too! Is it cold allergies and stuff? Zinc is good for moving seasonal colds and the like and if you couple it with vitamin C and add some garlic to your food and it might lessen the symptoms too.

Good luck and take your time - Hyperion/Endyimion and I aren't the fastest of writers either. Or at least, I'm fast, but damn I need a lot of editing :)

Flames of Hyperion
02-26-09, 02:52 AM
Agreed! I'll have the post up by the end of the day, once again, apologies for the delay ><

How would you like to determine posting order? Both members of a team at once, or interleaving? I'd be leaning towards the latter, with full bunnying approved, but I'll leave the final decision to you ^^>

Also, do we have any "milestone events" that we want to work towards?

EDIT: Ninja'd!

Isis Ixidar
02-26-09, 06:38 PM
Boldly requesting a free OOC edit rule. Masika is busy with the college this week and I rely on her to edit my posts for grammar and such. This way it'd be much easier to go back and correct all the little mistakes I always make.

Schrodinger's Nirvana
02-27-09, 04:14 AM
I see no issue with this~ (sorry I'm taking so long)

Wings of Endymion
02-27-09, 04:57 PM
If Schro's alright with it, then so am I ^^. We swear not to abuse the privilege ^^.

Oh, I'll reiterate the question from earlier: is there anything particular that we'd like to aim for during the battle, any events or storylines?

Isis Ixidar
02-27-09, 06:47 PM
Thats up to you m'dear. On our side of things Isis and Masika were not at Althanas or the Garden of Secrets and are currently heading there. They will be on the spinny disk for their own reasons(presumably silly).

Anything else is up to you.

Flames of Hyperion
03-06-09, 01:33 PM
Isis / Masika: How are things holding up your end? Here's to hoping that all's well...

If you're stuck as to an encounter situation, I was thinking along the lines of a misunderstanding due to high-strung nerves and the general bad weather. You two leading off with a sudden assault on Yuka and Lask would make for an explosive opener, methinks ^^.

Isis Ixidar
03-09-09, 05:49 AM
Thaaat took a long time to post. I ended up waiting for Masika to come back anyways. A wise man once said its better to take your time and make a good post then to disgrace your opponent by giving them a half-assed post.

That said it wasn't that great anyways. All these hang ups are going to result in some nasty point deductions.

Masika is working on her post and should aim to be threatening.