View Full Version : And He Descended From The Clouds...

Baron von Kilgate
03-03-09, 08:53 AM
So, uh, yeah, I've returned.

High school is over, and I'm well into my first year of college, but I've felt the absence of creative writing over the past year, and I missed Althanas. So, I figured its time to make my comeback, hopefully for much longer than my previous stint. Some people I remember from when I was here anywhere from 3 years to 1 year ago, includes: (dont feel bad if I dont list u I probably just dont remember u =P)

Max Dirks
Ithermoss (hey mossy u still here?)
Yari Rafanas
Damon Kaosi (u still here?)
Valentin(e, a?) Snow
Gild (I think thats spelled right)
Slayer of the Rot
Artifex Felicis
Cyrus the Virus
Ter-Thok (man that guy cracked me up)
Silence Sei
Hikari no Ashigaru
Zieg Tulfried

and of course all their alternate characters.

I'm looking forward to meeting all the new people that have joined however.

Greetings. :):p

03-03-09, 08:57 AM
The ones you asked if they're still here are not, in fact, still here.

I remember you very very vaguely as Rath, and only because you pestered me about distracting a certain kitty.

Baron von Kilgate
03-03-09, 09:11 AM
I was in fact Rath. The reason I haven't come back as any of my old characters (and I had quite a few) was because I switched laptops before college, and I didn't transfer any of my saved profiles. Plus, I figured starting on a clean slate would be a good idea.

I remember you too, Karuka.

Thats unfortunate about Ithy and DK. I talked to those two on AIM quite a bit.

03-03-09, 09:15 AM
There are a few others on your list that are either gone or long gone. And by long gone, I mean if I've heard of them, it's by reputation only.

Lord Anglekos
03-03-09, 09:20 AM
Welcome back oh figure from the past. I have nothing else to say, as it all has been said already if you know Witchblade.

03-03-09, 09:22 AM
Welcome back!

Have a Cookie

*Holds out plate of delicous and tempting cookies. A red death spirit flies out of the pile and warns "Dooooooooooooooom!!!!!!" in a ghostly moan as it passes.*

Yeah, feel free to ignore the spirit. I mean, I can promise that nothing probably won't happen if you have one.

Lady Blackwell
03-03-09, 09:24 AM
ahh welcome bacl, dont remember you so or a rath, but meh i was a really CRAPPY writer back then, i havent improved much but hey atleast im trying ^.^

anyways welcome back

Baron von Kilgate
03-03-09, 09:27 AM
Thanks for the welcomes.

Additionally, if anyone else remembers any older characters of mine besides Rath, I'd be obliged. Nostalgia's kicking in right now, and I'd like to remember/read some of my old work. =P

Max Dirks
03-03-09, 10:01 AM
I never go anywhere, man. Welcome back though.

If you're feeling really nostalgic, check here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=11410). You might find something interesting or maybe even an old profile.

03-03-09, 12:17 PM
Welcome back, person who I have never encountered before!

Here's hoping you stick around and feel the creative drive again.

03-03-09, 05:15 PM
lol, is it sad that I've been here long enough to have known every single person on that list and talked with them often when they were around?

Anyway, it's good to see you back, Rath! ^_^

Yari Rafanas
03-03-09, 05:25 PM
I don't remember you from the name. Did we play together? Welcome back, regardless.

Baron von Kilgate
03-03-09, 05:30 PM
I think some of my older characters were Xarzo and Poe, although I may never have actually RPed with you, Yari. You sure are a great writer though, so you stuck out in my mind from my previous escapades with this site.

and Witchblade! Woo. I still feel bad about leaving our thread. It kicked ass.

03-03-09, 05:36 PM
Poe?! The Banishment!

Haha. Welcome back. This is Ranger/Modrue if you remember those names...

Yari Rafanas
03-03-09, 05:39 PM
I think some of my older characters were Xarzo and Poe, although I may never have actually RPed with you, Yari. You sure are a great writer though, so you stuck out in my mind from my previous escapades with this site.

and Witchblade! Woo. I still feel bad about leaving our thread. It kicked ass.

I seem to remember the name Poe but can't put a face or character to it. My bad. Appreciate the compliment though. Also, I dig the avatar.

03-03-09, 05:40 PM
No worries, you and I can start another one some time. ^_^ You know I'm always up for a good quest.

Tainted Bushido
03-03-09, 05:55 PM
Dissinger - Thats me.

Witchblade - Still Around

Max Dirks - Still Around

Ithermoss (hey mossy u still here?) - MIA

Yari Rafanas - Just came back

Damon Kaosi (u still here?) - MIA

Valentin(e, a?) Snow - Thursday is what she goes by, she drops in an out occasionally.

Gild (I think thats spelled right) - Pao left for legal school, haven't heard from him since.

Godhand - Still Around

Slayer of the Rot - Dan's in an out, currently out.

Serilliant - Still Around mainly OOC modding and maintaining the site.

Letho - He's back he's just making a slow return

Artifex Felicis - Colin is in and out as well, currently out.

Cyrus the Virus - Matt just came back actually and has been writing on his Izvilvin account.

Chelsi - Paul is around, he's on Spirit Hunters

Ter-Thok (man that guy cracked me up) - Spencer is MIA

Silence Sei - The other Ed is currently MIA he's on the account Playback.

Hikari no Ashigaru - Arawn hasn't been seen in awhile, he had come back for a little bit and was writing, but disappeared again.

Zieg Tulfried - Matt is currently MIA

Now, if you think its scary I know this much about these people...

Imagine what I know about YOU! ;)

Baron von Kilgate
03-03-09, 07:10 PM
Oh god. Thanks for the info, Dissinger.

Sweet, Witchy. I'd be up for that. Is our old thread still around? I can't locate it.

And yes. Jay and Silent Bob rock.

Mage Hunter
03-03-09, 07:13 PM
You forgot a couple...

Unseen, who left.

Zephyriah, who's back, but I'm going to not say who he is, you can figure it out if you know where to look.

03-03-09, 08:31 PM
Or if you can IP search people's accounts. ;)

Do you remember the title of the thread, I can't. >.>

Baron von Kilgate
03-03-09, 08:54 PM
Heh, I wish I could... -_-

And yeah, Unseen was the man. I remember him vividly. I think Poe was his lackey.

Zephy... ooh.. I'll have to look out for him.